[Pkg-octave-devel] typos in the description of optiminterp

Alexander Barth A.Barth at ulg.ac.be
Thu Jun 19 14:50:43 UTC 2008

Hi Thomas,

Thomas Weber wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 19.06.2008, 13:48 +0200 schrieb Thomas Weber:
>> Hi Alexander, 
>> thanks for caring.
> One thing I forgot: you should include this description in the
> DESCRIPTION file on octave-forge. So we don't need to scratch our head
> about the description texts :) and there's some consistency across
> distributions.
thanks for the hint! I updated the description tag.
> I've taken the 0.3 description and checked it into SVN. It will be
> updated with the next upload. Is there a tarball available for the 0.3
> versions?

I think it will take some time before the octave forge page will be 
updated for a new tarball.
I put the new version on my wiki:
It is fine for me if you prefer to wait when the package is available 
from octave.sourceforge.net.

Thanks and regards

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