[Pkg-octave-devel] Processed: Some more WNPP bugs maintenance

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Fri Nov 14 04:24:50 UTC 2008

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> package wnpp
Ignoring bugs not assigned to: wnpp

> # WNPP bugs tagged as pending last modified more than ~6 months ago:
> tags 471697 - pending
Bug#471697: ITP: webgui -- Content management platform to maintain complex web sites
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 485288 - pending
Bug#485288: ITP: libcurses-forms-perl -- Curses Forms Framework
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 480760 - pending
Bug#480760: ITP: octave-ann -- octave binding to the approximate nearest neighbors library
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 459320 - pending
Bug#459320: ITP: buildutils -- Distutils extensions for developing Python libraries and applications
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 247337 - pending
Bug#247337: ITP: lives -- LiVES is the Linux Video Editing System
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 472317 - pending
Bug#472317: ITP: placelab-linux -- Estimate location based on WLAN, Bluetooth, or GSM
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 460614 - pending
Bug#460614: ITP: ttf-togoshi-gothic -- Japanese TrueType font, Togoshi Gothic
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482617 - pending
Bug#482617: ITP: octave-secs1d -- A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 1d semiconductor devices
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 388173 - pending
Bug#388173: ITP: transkode -- audio encoder frontend for KDE
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468456 - pending
Bug#468456: ITP: quoins -- A TurboGears blog system 
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468534 - pending
Bug#468534: ITP: octave-bim -- solves Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equations
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 470856 - pending
Bug#470856: ITP: eva -- QQ IM protocol compatible client in KDE
Tags were: pending
Bug#349997: ITP: eva -- An IM client under kde using Tencent QQ's protocal.
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482618 - pending
Bug#482618: ITP: octave-pdb -- Reads and display PDB-files from the Brookhaven protein databank
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482622 - pending
Bug#482622: ITP: octave-msh -- Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482613 - pending
Bug#482613: ITP: octave-triangular -- Simple example of a user type implementing a simple matrix type for triangular matrices
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 447686 - pending
Bug#447686: ITP: libdata-javascript-anon-perl -- Dump big dumb Perl structs to anonymous JavaScript structs
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468542 - pending
Bug#468542: ITP: octave-mapping -- Simple Mapping functions.
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 474254 - pending
Bug#474254: ITP: tagua -- Board-game frontend for playing chess variants and other games
Tags were: fixed-in-experimental pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 457397 - pending
Bug#457397: ITP: animorph -- a C++ written library for MakeHuman
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 472182 - pending
Bug#472182: ITP: mother -- Mother is an Object Relational Mapper with strong introspection
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 434826 - pending
Bug#434826: ITP: eresi -- ERESI Reverse Engineering Software Interface
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 480773 - pending
Bug#480773: ITP: octave-video -- Implements addframe, avifile, aviinfo, and aviread, using ffmpeg.
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482614 - pending
Bug#482614: ITP: octave-symband -- Linear Algebra for Symmetric Banded Matrices
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468535 - pending
Bug#468535: ITP: octave-civil-engineering -- Functions to solution some ODE's in Civil Engineering
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 465372 - pending
Bug#465372: ITP: cuteflow -- web-based open source document workflow
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 471561 - pending
Bug#471561: ITP: uuwaf -- University of Ulster Web Application Framework
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482596 - pending
Bug#482596: ITP: octave-xraylib -- Bindings to the Xraylib functions
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468541 - pending
Bug#468541: ITP: octave-jhandles -- JHandles is a java- and openGL-based alternative graphics
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 480767 - pending
Bug#480767: ITP: octave-database -- octave bindings to common databases
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468539 - pending
Bug#468539: ITP: octave-integration -- Toolbox for 1-D, 2-D, and n-D Numerical Integration
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 432838 - pending
Bug#432838: ITP: mpdalarm -- An alarm clock for MPD
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 484540 - pending
Bug#484540: O: kfolding -- KDE applet for Folding at home
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 480981 - pending
Bug#480981: ITP: wbox -- HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482619 - pending
Bug#482619: ITP: octave-ocs -- Package for solving DC and transient MNA equation stemming from electrical circuit
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 475116 - pending
Bug#475116: ITP: asterisk-espeak -- eSpeak text-to-speech module for Asterisk
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 481969 - pending
Bug#481969: ITP: vacuum -- a fast-paced action game.
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 415241 - pending
Bug#415241: ITP: opus -- An on-line application for managing work and practice based learning (placement)
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468540 - pending
Bug#468540: ITP: octave-java -- Provides Java interface with OO-like Java objects manipulation
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 464901 - pending
Bug#464901: ITP: pcre-light -- a lightweight GHC library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 428750 - pending
Bug#428750: ITP: drawxtl -- display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 349997 - pending
Bug#349997: ITP: eva -- An IM client under kde using Tencent QQ's protocal.
There were no tags set.
Bug#470856: ITP: eva -- QQ IM protocol compatible client in KDE
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482615 - pending
Bug#482615: ITP: octave-tcl-octave --  socket implementation of a tcl-octave connection
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468536 - pending
Bug#468536: ITP: octave-engine -- An external interface library for Octave
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 476296 - pending
Bug#476296: ITP: ocaml-faad -- OCaml bindings for the freeware Advanced Audio Decoder library
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482620 - pending
Bug#482620: ITP: octave-multicore -- An Octave-forge package providing functions for
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 482616 - pending
Bug#482616: ITP: octave-secs2d -- A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 2d semiconductor devices
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 445998 - pending
Bug#445998: ITP: make-eaccelerator-package -- PHP accelerator, optimizer, and dynamic content cache
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 440911 - pending
Bug#440911: ITP: policyd-spf-fs -- Postfix policy server for SPF checking
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 485128 - pending
Bug#485128: ITP: pegsolitaire -- An education game similar to Hi-Q
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 460341 - pending
Bug#460341: ITP: eaccelerator-src -- sources for PHP's eAccelerator module
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> tags 468537 - pending
Bug#468537: ITP: octave-fpl -- Collection of routines to plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes
Tags were: pending
Tags removed: pending

> owner 489270 jmehdi <jmehdi at ubuntume.com>
Bug 489270 [wnpp] ITP: webstrict -- UI frontend to Dansguardian
Owner recorded as jmehdi <jmehdi at ubuntume.com>.
> # bugs affecting the same package:
> retitle 504162 ITP: usb-modeswitch -- mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices
Bug#504162: RFP: usb-modeswitch -- mode switching tool for multimode USB gear
Changed Bug title to `ITP: usb-modeswitch -- mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices' from `RFP: usb-modeswitch -- mode switching tool for multimode USB gear'.

> forcemerge 453732 504162
Bug#453732: ITP: usb-modeswitch -- mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices
Bug#504162: ITP: usb-modeswitch -- mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices
Forcibly Merged 453732 504162.

> retitle 503399 ITP: emelfm2 -- A two-panels file manager in gtk2
Bug#503399: RFP: emelfm2 -- emelFM2 is the GTK+2 port of emelFM. emelFM2 is a file manager that implements the popular two-pane design. It features a simple GTK+2 interface, a flexible file typing scheme, and a built-in command line for executing commands without opening an xterm.
Changed Bug title to `ITP: emelfm2 -- A two-panels file manager in gtk2' from `RFP: emelfm2 -- emelFM2 is the GTK+2 port of emelFM. emelFM2 is a file manager that implements the popular two-pane design. It features a simple GTK+2 interface, a flexible file typing scheme, and a built-in command line for executing commands without opening an xterm.'.

> forcemerge 433530 503399
Bug#433530: ITP: emelfm2 -- A two-panels file manager in gtk2
Bug#503399: ITP: emelfm2 -- A two-panels file manager in gtk2
Forcibly Merged 433530 503399.

> forcemerge 503613 503308
Bug#503613: ITP: curl-loader -- application load simulator
Bug#503308: ITP: curl-loader -- application load simulator
Forcibly Merged 503308 503613.

> retitle 499400 ITP: libmemcached -- a C and C++ client library to the memcached server
Bug#499400: RFP: libmemcached -- C and C++ client library to the memcached server
Changed Bug title to `ITP: libmemcached -- a C and C++ client library to the memcached server' from `RFP: libmemcached -- C and C++ client library to the memcached server'.

> forcemerge 468258 499400
Bug#468258: ITP: libmemcached -- a C and C++ client library to the memcached server
Bug#499400: ITP: libmemcached -- a C and C++ client library to the memcached server
Forcibly Merged 468258 499400.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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