[Pkg-octave-devel] Dynare

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Tue Mar 24 11:36:43 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I think that my Dynare package is almost ready for release. Note that  
the changes that I made on the SVN repository didn't appear on the  
pkg-octave-commit list, probably because of filtering rules.

You can retrieve the source tarball through the get-orig-source rule  
of debian/rules.

I didn't set the Uploaders and DM-Upload-Allowed fields of  
debian/control, I let you modify this according to your preferences.

Please let me know if you spot something that should be modified in  
the package before upload.

One last thing that isn't clear to me: should I set the  
"mergeWithUpstream" property on the dynare/trunk/debian directory? If  
not, how do you compile packages with svn-buildpackage?

All the best,


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