[Pkg-octave-devel] RFP bugs and Git workflow

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Mon Aug 22 18:17:18 UTC 2011

Thomas Weber <tweber at debian.org> writes:

> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 02:56:25PM +0200, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
>> I would be interested in finishing the packaging of these, probably
>> starting from the easiest one, namely quaternion.
> Alois Hodel, quaternion's author died in January 2009 due to cancer.
> I'm not sure how complete the package is, but you shouldn't expect help
> from upstream.

>> Before doing so, I wanted to know if you have any opinion on the
>> relevance of this work and of issues that may arise. I don't really know
>> these packages, so please excuse my ignorance. The last release of
>> "quaternion" and "tcl-octave" was in 2009, so I don't know they are
>> still maintained. "java" seems well maintained, and browsing the web
>> there seem to be potentially several users of Debian and
>> Debian-derivatives who could benefit from it being packaged. "jhandles"
>> is not on Octave-forge: has it been deprecated?
> I don't know anything about the java package, but I guess it will need
> some special care.

Ok then following your advice and Jordi’s, I’ll start working on
octave-java soon. I happen to be familiar with Java.

Should we close the other three RFP, since they not seem worth

> Feel free to try any workflow you find appropriate (as long as it's
> simple ;) )

I can’t promise it will be simple, but I promise I will do it the
“Debian way” :) (i.e. using git-buildpackage)


Sébastien Villemot
CEPREMAP - Paris School of Economics
Homepage: http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
Landline phone: +33 1 40 77 49 90
SIP phone: sebastien.villemot at ekiga.net
PGP Key: 2069 1DFC C2C9 8C47 9529  84EE 0001 8C22 381A 7594
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