[Pkg-octave-devel] mkoctfile not installed in Wheezy

Juan Pablo Carbajal ajuanpi+dev at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 13:58:48 UTC 2012

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Carnë Draug <carandraug+dev at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2 December 2012 01:55, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <jordigh at octave.org> wrote:
>> On 1 December 2012 08:52, Juan Pablo Carbajal <ajuanpi+dev at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> For example, how do you install a package that is not in Octave-Forge
>>> nor packaged by the debian group?
>> Such a package does not exist unless that package is too unstable to
>> be in Debian, in which case it is a development package, so it is "a
>> dev thing".
> Geometry is not in stable (I know, when Squeeze was release that
> package didn't exist). But mechanics package is not in any of the
> Debian distributions.
> Debian can't package all of them. It's great they can package the most
> important ones, but if Agora works out as planned, there's just no way
> they can deal with all packages.
> Carnë

There are also third party packages that for their specificity, lack
of man power, or whatever are not even in Octave-Forge
This packages when they need to compile (not in that version of the
example I gave before, but soon) will fail to install as well.

@Rafael: Unless somebody has a better idea then mkoctfile.m should
also be in -dev. We should check if that breaks anything else. This
however implies a certain burden in documenting Octave for Debian
only... which I would try to avoid, but well, there is already a
README.Debian we could use that.

@Sébastien: The explanation in the file looks good. Thanks.

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