[Pkg-octave-devel] Collaborative effort for the migration to Octave 3.6

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Fri Feb 24 20:48:45 UTC 2012

Juan Pablo Carbajal <carbajal at ifi.uzh.ch> writes:

> Anyway I noticed that qtoctave is still packaged. Is there any update
> on that project that seems rather abandoned?
> We have many bug due to the way qtoctave was implemented. And since
> now the GUI is under dev, I think is time to drop qtoctave? I wouldn't
> know if that is even polite, so if it is not, please forgive me. But I
> thought it was good to let you know that as far as Octave goes,
> qtOctave is not helping alot.

Yes, we are aware that qtoctave is dead and therefore we will inevitably
drop it at some point.

I would personally prefer to keep it in Debian as long as there is no
other alternative, i.e. as long as the Octave GUI has not been

Sébastien Villemot
Researcher in Economics & Debian Maintainer
Phone: +33-1-40-77-84-04 - GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594
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