[Pkg-octave-devel] Multi-archifying Octave

Sébastien Villemot sebastien.villemot at ens.fr
Wed Feb 29 11:14:37 UTC 2012

"John W. Eaton" <jwe at octave.org> writes:

> On 28-Feb-2012, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
> | the point being that you can have
> | several oct files in a network drive or something and have several
> | terminals mount that network drive and using oct files without all
> | needing to be the same architecture.
> Yes, back in the olden times when disk space was expensive this sort
> of arrangement was common with heterogeneous networks of Unix
> workstations.  So the idea was to allow a single installation of
> Octave to work on multiple architectures while sharing all the
> architecture independent files.
> What is the motivation for doing this now in Debian?
> Can you achieve what you need without having a special option?  Is it
> sufficient to explicitly set the values for the following variables?
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(archlibdir,
>     '$(libexecdir)/octave/$(version)/exec/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(localarchlibdir,
>     '$(libexecdir)/octave/site/exec/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(localapiarchlibdir,
>     '$(libexecdir)/octave/$(api_version)/site/exec/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(localverarchlibdir,
>     '$(libexecdir)/octave/$(version)/site/exec/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(octfiledir,
>     '$(libdir)/octave/$(version)/oct/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(localoctfiledir,
>     '$(libdir)/octave/site/oct/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(localapioctfiledir,
>     '$(libdir)/octave/site/oct/$(api_version)/$(canonical_host_type)')
>   OCTAVE_SET_DEFAULT(localveroctfiledir,
>     '$(libdir)/octave/$(version)/site/oct/$(canonical_host_type)')
> It seems to me that something like
>   configure \
>     archlibdir='$(libexecdir)/octave/$(version)/exec' \
>     localarchlibdir='$(libexecdir)/octave/site/exec' \
>     ...
> should work.

This should indeed be enough for Octave core.

But, as already noted by Thomas Weber, this does not address the issue
for add-on packages, because pkg.m hardcodes the arch-specific paths
(see the getarch() function there).

Sébastien Villemot
Researcher in Economics & Debian Maintainer
Phone: +33-1-40-77-84-04 - GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594
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