[Pkg-octave-devel] liboctave-dev et al

Stefan Theussl stefan.theussl at wu.ac.at
Tue Jan 24 11:53:49 UTC 2012

Dear package maintainers,

we see liboctave-dev 3.4.3 in Debian experimental but neither unstable 
nor testing. Is there a reason for this?
As the major release Octave 3.4.0 is available since February and the 
corresponding Debian package (name) structure for Octave has changed we 
were wondering when updates will be released to non-experimental 
channels. Currently, we have octave3.2-headers installed and are 
interested in using the new liboctave-dev package (and corresponding 
3.4.3 library) once it is released to unstable. Do you have any plans in 
that direction?


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