[Pkg-octave-devel] [RFU] octave-geometry 1.6.0-1

Juan Pablo Carbajal carbajal at ifi.uzh.ch
Thu Nov 1 10:47:03 UTC 2012

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:28 AM, Rafael Laboissiere
<rafael at laboissiere.net>wrote:

> * Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org> [2012-10-31 23:24]:
>> The problem is that the "testing" behavior will manifest as soon as there
>> is an "inst" subdir in the directory from which octave is launched.
> I am not sure about this.  If you try this:
>    $ mkdir /tmp/inst/foo
>    $ cd /tmp
>    $ octave
>    octave:1> path
> you will not see /tmp/inst/foo/ in the path.  This is because the code in :
>    /usr/lib/<arch>/octave/**packages/geometry-<ver>/<arch>**/PKG_ADD
> will only add the inst/* sub-directories if there is a inst/ directory in
> the same directory where that PKG_ADD file is (which will never be the
> case).
> Now, the issue that you raised actually happens because the PKG_ADD file
> present in the current directory is always executed by Octave at startup.
> Try this:
>    $ echo 'disp("Hello, here is PKG_ADD talking!")' > /tmp/PKG_ADD
>    $ cd /tmp
>    $ octave -q
>    Hello, here is PKG_ADD talking!
>    octave:1>
> This means that, in your case, the PKG_ADD that is sending the "warning:
> Adding path for testing" is not the one installed in the octave-geometry
> package, but actually the one in the current directory.
> I would say that the raised issue is moot.
> Rafael
I will see if the condition can be improved to make it more specific.
However it doesn't seem pressing. Is that ok?

M. Sc. Juan Pablo Carbajal
PhD Student
University of Zürich
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