[Pkg-octave-devel] [RFC] patch octave to help users install auxiliary packages

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at laboissiere.net
Wed Aug 7 09:56:49 UTC 2013

* Mike Miller <mtmiller at ieee.org> [2013-08-06 09:54]:
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:33:11 +0200, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
>> What about a distribution-agnostic approach?  This is exemplified in the 
>> simple-minded patch attached below.  The distro-specific barking file would 
>> be put somewhere in the path by the package maintainers, without the need of 
>> patching upstream files.  A possible barking file for Debian is also 
>> attached below.
> This looks really good to me. Simple, optional integration for each 
> distribution as needed, no knowledge forced upstream. The function can 
> be installed in one of the site m-file paths. I like.
>> P.S.:  I hope you do not take seriously the name that I chose for the 
>> distro-specific function, even though my proposal *_is_* serious.
> Perhaps a hook function similar to missing_function_hook? This way 
> distros can install or not install whatever named function they want 
> to handle the error and the name doesn't even have to be hardcoded 
> upstream.

Ok, you might try to write a more decent patch based on my idea and move 
this discussion upstream.



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