[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#740449: octave: Changing the figure visibility breaks the print to a file
Mike Miller
mtmiller at debian.org
Sat Mar 1 19:37:07 UTC 2014
On Sat, Mar 01, 2014 at 17:32:45 +0100, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> In octave to get a file output without showing the plot on the screen you
> would normaly do:
> figure(1, "visible", "off");
> plot(sin(1:100));
> print -deps "/tmp/sin.eps"
> Sadly, the new version produces no output file after touching the "visible"
> attribute, either for a particualar figure, as shown, or setting the
> default behaviour with:
> set(0, 'defaultfigurevisible', 'off');
Yes, this is a known issue upstream due to use of gl2ps which requires
an OpenGL display to render plots to postscript. The default plotting
backend in Octave 3.8 is now the OpenGL backend, which brings many
improvements but also this one missing feature.
See upstream bug report: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?33180
> This issue breaks, a very useful scripting feature and the octave frontends
> that depends on this behaviour, such as cantor.
A workaround is for scripts and frontends that require this to set the
plotting backend to gnuplot. This should preserve whatever plotting
capability they had with previous versions of Octave:
graphics_toolkit gnuplot
figure (1, "visible", "off");
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