[Pkg-octave-devel] Getting rid of the menu file

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at laboissiere.net
Sun Dec 27 10:14:42 UTC 2015

In order to comply with the Technical Committee decision regarding 
Bug#741573 [1], I removed the file debian/octave.menu from the octave 
package [commit 0170cd8].

In the process of doing it, I noticed that we are still shipping a .menu 
file within the octave-htmldoc package.  This file is not concerned by 
the tech-ctte decision above, but I am wondering about its usefulness, 
because there are no applications shipped in the octave-htmldoc package.

Besides that, I simply do not understand its command= lines:

    $ grep command= debian/octave-htmldoc.menu

According section 3.6 of the Debian Menu System documentation [2], the 
content of the command field should be an executable file, which is 
clearly not the case above.  Since there are already 
octave-htmldoc.doc-base.* files, I think that we can remove 

What do you think? 

 [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/09/msg00000.html
 [2] https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ch3.html#s3.6

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