[Pkg-octave-devel] octave-stk: current status / help needed

Julien Bect julien.bect at centralesupelec.fr
Sun Nov 1 14:44:37 UTC 2015

Hello all,

The octave-stk package is now in pretty good shape I think. All patches 
have been refreshed using dquilt and have headers following the DEP3 

Now, here is a summary of all the questions that I coulnd't answer on my 

Q1) Concerning library-not-linked-against-libc lintian warnings: I still 
don't know why my debian/source/lintia-overrides is ignored when I use 
git-buildpackage (any idea ?).

Q2) Concerning unit test verbosity: I have fixed all unit tests where a 
semi-column was missing. The main remaining cause of verbosity is the 
presence of smoke tests for all example scripts. I don't know how to 
reduce this simply since Octave doesn't evalc yet. Can we tolerate this 
much verbosity? Is it preferable to disable these tests?

Q3) Concerning the warning by "dpkg-shlibdeps" [1]: do I have do 
something about that? Is it normal?

Q4) d/copyright: I have compressed to a single paragraph since 
everything is under GPL-3+. Should I add a special paragraph for debian/* ?

Q5) How can I debug error such as: "recipe for target *** failed" [2, 3] ?

Apart from these questions, is there anything else that needs to be done 
before octave-stk can be considered as ready for upload ?


[1] dpkg-shlibdeps: avertissement: la dépendance pourrait être évitée si 
» n'y étaient pas lié avec ld-linux.so.2 sans nécessité (ils n'utilisent 
aucun des symboles de la bibliothèque).

[2] /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/octave-pkg.mk:89: recipe for target 
'install-pkg' failed

[3] /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/octave-pkg.mk:116: recipe for target 
'check-pkg' failed

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