[Pkg-octave-devel] Regarding octave-interval packaging

Rafael Laboissière rafael at laboissiere.net
Mon Apr 25 06:46:13 UTC 2016

* Oliver Heimlich <oheim at posteo.de> [2016-04-25 07:18]:

> Okay, in release 1.3.0 some lengthy m-file functions and examples with 
> images have been added to the manual. The current git revision would 
> end up with (uncompressed) 3.1MB in /usr/share. After the upcoming 
> 1.4.2 upstream you can aproximately add another 500kb.

Building from Git HEAD, I am getting this:

    $ du -b $(find debian/octave-interval/usr/share/ -type f) | perl -ne '$s+=(split(/\t/))[0];END{print "$s\n"}'

The above code seems to be exactly the way Lintian computes the amount 
of data in /usr/share.  This is below the 2Mb limit and, hence, the 
arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share warning is not triggered.


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