[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#833772: Bug#833772: dynare: please drop those old alternatives on the boost dep

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Tue Aug 9 08:51:04 UTC 2016

Le lundi 08 août 2016 à 15:17 +0000, Mattia Rizzolo a écrit :
> source: dynare
> version: 4.4.3-3
> severity: minor
> Dear maintainer,
> currently dynare has this in d/control:
> Package: dynare-matlab
> Architecture: all
> Section: contrib/math
> Depends: ${misc:Depends}, dynare (>= ${source:Version}),
>  libboost-graph-dev (>= 1.36) | libboost-graph1.55-dev | libboost-graph1.54-dev | libboost-graph1.49-dev,
>  gfortran, matlab-support, make, libslicot-pic, libmatio-dev
> Description: MATLAB support for Dynare
> that alternative dep on liboost-graph-dev is totally useless (as 1.49 is
> oldstable, 1.54 is long gone, 1.55 is current stable), considering that
> the first one is always available.  The gain is really minimal (only
> advantags is that if somebody by chance has a versioned liboost-graph
> installed won't install the metapackage), and instead confuses tools as
> they believe this package explicitly depends on e.g.
> liboost-graph1.55-dev.
> Example of confuses tools includes dak and ben (the release team's
> transition tracker).

I added such alternative dependencies to satisfy users who wanted to use
non-default Boost versions for compilation. See

It's indeed a mess, and keeping the alternative up-to-date is painful.
So I'm willing to drop it, even though it may be a disservice to some

 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'     http://sebastien.villemot.name
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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