[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#812775: Bug#812775: octave-ltfat: ltfatstart does not ensure proper paths searching

Andrei Demekhov andrei at appl.sci-nnov.ru
Thu Jan 28 14:19:27 UTC 2016

Thank you for the prompt response. I have checked your commands, and 
they work as you

My problem arises when I start octave in the usual (command-prompt) 
regime. It occurs both in shell and in the Emacs environment. The 
.octaverc file contains the lines recommended in the upstream documentation:


However, if instead I place

pkg load signal
pkg load ltfat

in the .octaverc or execute these commands manually, the path is updated 

It probably should be noticed in the documentation (README.Debian ?) 
that the load procedure recommended upstream does not work. Besides, a 
dependency on the signal package should probably be added.

Best regards
Andrei Demekhov

On 28.01.2016 16:21, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> Control: tags -1 unreproducible moreinfo
> Thank you for your report, but I cannot reproduce the bug:
>    $ octave-cli --no-init-file --quiet --version | head -n1
>    GNU Octave, version 4.0.0
>    $ echo 'pkg load ltfat; path' | octave-cli --no-init-file --quiet | 
> grep ltfat | grep api
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/octave/packages/ltfat-2.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v50+
>    $ echo 'pkg load ltfat; which comp_dct' | octave-cli --no-init-file 
> --quiet
>    'comp_dct' is a function from the file 
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/octave/packages/ltfat-2.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-api-v50+/comp_dct.oct
> I am afraid we cannot act on your problem, unless you provide more 
> information on the specific setup of your system.
> Best,
> Rafael Laboissière

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