[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#871926: ITP: octave-octproj -- cartographic projections transformations for Octave

Rafael Laboissière rafael at debian.org
Sat Aug 12 16:19:03 UTC 2017

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>

 * Package name    : octave-octproj
   Version         : 1.1.5
   Upstream Author : José Luis García Pallero <jgpallero at gmail.com>
 * URL             : https://octave.sourceforge.io/octproj/index.html
 * License         : GPLv3+
   Programming Lang: C++, Octave
   Description     : cartographic projections transformations for Octave

This package contains the binding to the PROJ.4 library for doing 
cartographic projections transformations in Octave, a scientific 
computation software.

This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project and 
provide a valuable set of routines for the Octave users. The package 
will be maintained in the realm of the Debian Octave Group.

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