[Pkg-octave-devel] First try on autopkgtest for OF packages
Rafael Laboissière
rafael at debian.org
Wed Aug 30 14:21:59 UTC 2017
* Oliver Heimlich <oheim at posteo.de> [2017-08-30 09:09]:
> On 29.08.2017 10:45, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
>> * Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org> [2017-08-29 10:28]:
>>> I am also wondering if we should not make test failures fatal at build
>>> time. This would probably cause a few FTBFS in the short term, but in
>>> the longer run this would improve the quality of the packages.
>> Yes, absolutely. If a unit test fails, then either the functionality or
>> the test are wrong and must be fixed.
> I totally agree on that one. The interval package (where it is of
> particular importance that it produces correct results) has an
> extensive test suite and the build fails if one of the tests fails.
Ok, with my last commits on the octave-pkg-dev repository, check-pkg has
now the ability to collect the results of the tests and to exit with an
error code when any of the tests fails (after running all of them, of
With this version of octave-pkg-dev installed in the system, the
following command run from the autopktest branch in the octave-image
autopkgtest -B . -- null
produces the log attached below.
Notice that at the end of the log file, there is the following text,
showing that the autopkgtest fails:
Summary: 1169 tests, 1134 passed, 21 known failures, 0 skipped
/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/octave-pkg.mk:108: recipe for target
'check-pkg' failed
make: *** [check-pkg] Error 1
autopkgtest [11:06:09]: test unit-tests: -----------------------]
autopkgtest [11:06:09]: test unit-tests: - - - - - - - - - - results
- - - - - - - - - -
unit-tests FAIL non-zero exit status 2
autopkgtest [11:06:09]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
unit-tests FAIL non-zero exit status 2
The code in check-pkg is kind of convoluted. Take this a proof of
Comments are welcome.
-------------- next part --------------
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: version 4.4
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: host dev; command line: /usr/bin/autopkgtest -B . -- null
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: testbed dpkg architecture: amd64
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: testbed running kernel: Linux 4.9.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.30-2 (2017-06-12)
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ unbuilt-tree .
dpkg-source: info: using options from real-tree/debian/source/options: --extend-diff-ignore=inst/im2double.m|src/Makefile|src/config.h|src/config.log|src/config.status
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: testing package octave-image version 2.6.1-2
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: build not needed
autopkgtest [11:04:11]: test unit-tests: preparing testbed
Starting pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 0
Starting 2 pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 0
autopkgtest [11:04:12]: test unit-tests: [-----------------------
Checking package...
echo Checking m files ...
warning: function /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2double.m shadows a core library function
warning: called from
load_packages_and_dependencies at line 48 column 5
load_packages at line 47 column 3
pkg at line 411 column 7
/var/tmp/file8moa2S at line 6 column 5
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/stdfilt.m
***** test
im = stdfilt (ones (5));
assert (im, zeros (5));
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/rangefilt.m
***** test
im = rangefilt (ones (5));
assert (im, zeros (5));
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imtransform.m
***** demo
## Various linear transforms
figure ();
im = [checkerboard(20, 2, 4); checkerboard(40, 1, 2)];
%input space corners
incp = [1 1; 160 1; 160 160; 1 160];
udata = [min(incp(:,1)) max(incp(:,1))];
vdata = [min(incp(:,2)) max(incp(:,2))];
subplot (2,3,1);
imshow (im)
hold on
plot (incp(:,1), incp(:,2), 'ob')
axis on
xlabel ('Original')
% Translation and scaling
outcp = incp * 2;
outcp(:,1) += 200;
outcp(:,2) += 500;
T = maketform ('affine', incp(1:3,:), outcp(1:3,:));
subplot (2,3,2);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', udata,
'vdata', vdata, 'fillvalues', 1);
imh = imshow (im2); set (imh, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata)
set (gca, 'xlim', xdata, 'ylim', ydata)
axis on, hold on, xlabel ('Translation / Scaling');
plot (outcp(:,1), outcp(:,2), 'or')
% Shear
outcp = [1 1; 160 1; 140 160; -19 160]; % affine only needs 3 control points
T = maketform ('affine', incp(1:3,:), outcp(1:3,:));
subplot (2,3,3);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', udata,
'vdata', vdata, 'fillvalues', 1);
imh = imshow (im2); set (imh, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata)
set (gca, 'xlim', xdata, 'ylim', ydata)
axis on, hold on, xlabel ('Shear');
plot (outcp(:,1), outcp(:,2), 'or')
% Rotation
theta = pi/4;
T = maketform ('affine', [cos(theta) -sin(theta); ...
sin(theta) cos(theta); 0 0]);
outcp = tformfwd (T, incp);
subplot (2,3,4);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', udata,
'vdata', vdata, 'fillvalues', 1 );
imh = imshow (im2); set (imh, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata)
set (gca, 'xlim', xdata, 'ylim', ydata)
axis on, hold on, xlabel ('Rotation');
plot (outcp(:,1), outcp(:,2), 'or')
% Reflection around x axis
outcp = incp;
outcp(:,2) *= -1;
T = cp2tform (incp, outcp, 'similarity');
subplot (2,3,5);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', udata,
'vdata', vdata, 'fillvalues', 1 );
imh = imshow (im2); set (imh, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata)
set (gca, 'xlim', xdata, 'ylim', ydata)
axis on, hold on, xlabel ('Reflection');
plot (outcp(:,1), outcp(:,2), 'or')
% Projection
outcp = [1 1; 160 -40; 220 220; 12 140];
T = maketform ('projective', incp, outcp);
subplot (2,3,6);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', udata,
'vdata', vdata, 'fillvalues', 1 );
imh = imshow (im2); set (imh, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata)
set (gca, 'xlim', xdata, 'ylim', ydata)
axis on, hold on, xlabel ('Projection');
plot (outcp(:,1), outcp(:,2), 'or')
***** demo
## Streched image
rad = 2; % minimum value: 4/pi
[uu vv] = meshgrid ((-2:2)/rad, (-2:2)/rad);
rescfactor = sin ((uu.^2 + vv.^2).^.5);
inpts = [(reshape (uu, numel (uu), 1)), (reshape (vv, numel (uu), 1))];
xx = rescfactor .* sign(uu);
yy = rescfactor .* sign(vv);
outpts = [reshape(xx, numel (xx), 1) reshape(yy, numel (yy), 1)];
T = cp2tform (inpts, outpts, "polynomial", 4);
subplot (1,2,1)
im = zeros (800, 800, 3);
im(:,:,1) = checkerboard (100) > 0.2;
im(:,:,3) = checkerboard (100) < 0.2;
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', [-2 2],
'vdata', [-2 2], 'fillvalues',
[0 1 0]);
imh = imshow (im2);
set (imh, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata)
set (gca, 'xlim', xdata, 'ylim', ydata)
[im cmap] = imread ('default.img');
subplot (1,2,2)
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', [-1 1],
'vdata', [-1 1], 'fillvalues',
round (length (cmap) / 2));
imh = imshow (im2, cmap);
***** test
im = checkerboard ();
incp = [0 0; 0 1; 1 1];
scl = 10;
outcp = scl * incp;
T = maketform ('affine', incp, outcp);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'udata', [0 1],
'vdata', [0 1], 'size', [500 500]);
assert (xdata, scl * ([0 1]))
assert (ydata, scl * ([0 1]))
assert (size (im2), [500 500])
***** test
im = checkerboard ();
incp = [0 0; 0 1; 1 1];
scl = 10;
outcp = scl * incp;
xyscale = scl;
T = maketform ('affine', incp, outcp);
[im2 xdata ydata] = imtransform (im, T, 'xyscale', xyscale);
assert (size (im2), size (im), 1)
***** test
im = checkerboard (100, 10, 4);
theta = 2 * pi;
T = maketform ("affine", [cos(theta) -sin(theta); ...
sin(theta) cos(theta); 0 0]);
im2 = imtransform (im, T, "nearest", "xdata", [1 800], "ydata", [1 2000]);
im = im(2:end-1, 2:end-1); %avoid boundaries
im2 = im2(2:end-1, 2:end-1);
assert (im, im2)
***** test
im = checkerboard (20, 10, 4);
theta = pi/6;
T = maketform ('affine', [cos(theta) -sin(theta); ...
sin(theta) cos(theta); 0 0]);
[im2, xdata] = imtransform (im, T);
nu = columns(im);
nv = rows(im);
nx = xdata(2);
diag = sqrt (nu^2 + nv^2);
ang = atan (nv / nu);
assert (nx, diag * abs (cos (theta - ang)),
diag * 1 / size (im2, 2))
***** test
im = rand (2);
tmat = [eye(2); 0 0];
T = maketform ("affine", tmat);
im2 = imtransform (im, T, "xdata", [1 3]);
assert (im2(:,3), zeros (2,1))
***** test
im = rand (2);
tmat = [eye(2); 0 0];
T = maketform ('affine', tmat);
im2 = imtransform (im, T, "xdata", [1 3]);
assert (size (im2), [2 3])
***** test
im = rand (2);
tmat = [eye(2); 0 0];
T = maketform ('affine', tmat);
im2 = imtransform (im, T, "xyscale", [0.5 0.5]);
assert (size (im2), [3 3])
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/iptcheckmap.m
***** test ("iptcheckmap (jet(64), 'func', 'var', 2)"); # simple must work
***** fail ("iptcheckmap (3, 'func', 'var', 2)"); # not a colormap
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/bwhitmiss.m
***** test
bw1 = repmat ([0 1 0 1 1], [3 1]);
bw2 = repmat ([0 1 0 0 0], [3 1]);
assert (bwhitmiss (bw1, [1; 0; 1], [1 0 1]), logical (bw2))
assert (bwhitmiss (bw1, [0 1 0; -1 0 -1; 0 1 0]), logical (bw2))
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/padarray.m
***** demo
% pads [1,2,3;4,5,6] with a whole border of 2 rows and 1 columns of 0
***** demo
% pads [1,2,3;4,5,6] with a whole border of 2 rows and 1 columns of 5
***** demo
% pads [1,2,3;4,5,6] with a left and top border of 2 rows and 1 columns of 0
***** demo
% pads [1,2,3;4,5,6] with a whole 'circular' border of 2 rows and 1 columns
% border 'repeats' data as if we tiled blocks of data
***** demo
% pads [1,2,3;4,5,6] with a whole border of 2 rows and 1 columns which
% 'replicates' edge data
***** demo
% pads [1,2,3;4,5,6] with a whole border of 2 rows and 1 columns which
% is symmetric to the data on the edge
***** assert (padarray ([1;2], [1]), [0;1;2;0]);
***** assert (padarray ([3 4], [0 2]), [0 0 3 4 0 0]);
***** assert (padarray ([1 2 3; 4 5 6], [1 2]),
[zeros(1, 7); 0 0 1 2 3 0 0; 0 0 4 5 6 0 0; zeros(1, 7)]);
***** test
assert (padarray ([1 2 3; 4 5 6], [3 2 1]),
cat(3, zeros(8, 7),
[ [ zeros(3, 7) ]
[zeros(2, 2) [1 2 3; 4 5 6] zeros(2, 2) ]
[ zeros(3,7)] ],
zeros (8, 7)));
***** assert (padarray ([1 2], [4 5]), padarray ([1 2], [4 5], 0));
***** assert (padarray ([1 2], [4 5]), padarray ([1 2], [4 5], "both"));
***** assert (padarray ([1;2], [1], i), [i; 1; 2; i]);
***** assert (padarray ([1;2], [1], i, "pre"), [i; 1; 2]);
***** assert (padarray ([1;2], [1], i, "post"), [1; 2; i]);
***** assert (padarray ([1;2], [1], i, "both"), [i; 1; 2; i]);
***** assert (padarray ([1 2], [0 1], i, "pre"), [i 1 2]);
***** assert (padarray ([1 2], [0 1], i, "post"), [1 2 i]);
***** assert (padarray ([1 2], [0 1], i, "both"), [i 1 2 i]);
***** assert (padarray ([1 2], [0;1], i, "both"), [i 1 2 i]);
***** test
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
B = repmat (A, 7, 9);
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "circular", "pre"), B(2:4,2:6));
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "circular", "post"), B(3:5,4:8));
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "circular", "both"), B(2:5,2:8));
## This tests when padding is bigger than data
assert (padarray (A, [5 10], "circular", "both"), B(2:13,3:25));
***** test
A = int8 ([1 2 3; 4 5 6]);
B = repmat (A, 7, 9);
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "circular", "pre"), B(2:4,2:6));
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "circular", "post"), B(3:5,4:8));
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "circular", "both"), B(2:5,2:8));
## This tests when padding is bigger than data
assert (padarray (A, [5 10], "circular", "both"), B(2:13,3:25));
***** test
A = [1 2; 3 4];
B = kron (A, ones (10, 5));
assert (padarray (A, [9 4], "replicate", "pre"), B(1:11,1:6));
assert (padarray (A, [9 4], "replicate", "post"), B(10:20,5:10));
assert (padarray (A, [9 4], "replicate", "both"), B);
## same with uint class
assert (padarray (uint8 (A), [9 4], "replicate", "pre"), uint8 (B(1:11,1:6)));
assert (padarray (uint8 (A), [9 4], "replicate", "post"), uint8 (B(10:20,5:10)));
assert (padarray (uint8 (A), [9 4], "replicate", "both"), uint8 (B));
***** test
A = [1:3
HA = [3:-1:1
VA = [4:6
VHA = [6:-1:4
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "symmetric", "pre"), B(2:4,2:6));
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "symmetric", "post"), B(3:5,4:8));
assert (padarray (A, [1 2], "symmetric", "both"), B(2:5,2:8));
## same with int class
assert (padarray (int16 (A), [1 2], "symmetric", "pre"), int16 (B(2:4,2:6)));
assert (padarray (int16 (A), [1 2], "symmetric", "post"), int16 (B(3:5,4:8)));
assert (padarray (int16 (A), [1 2], "symmetric", "both"), int16 (B(2:5,2:8)));
***** assert (padarray (int8 ([1; 2]), [1]), int8 ([0; 1; 2; 0]));
***** assert (padarray (uint8 ([3 4]), [0 2]), uint8 ([0 0 3 4 0 0]));
***** assert (padarray (int16 ([1; 2]), [1], 4), int16 ([4; 1; 2; 4]));
***** assert (padarray (uint16 ([1; 2]), [1], 0), uint16 ([0; 1; 2; 0]));
***** assert (padarray (uint32 ([1; 2]), [1], 6, "post"), uint32 ([1; 2; 6]));
***** assert (padarray (int32 ([1; 2]), [1], int32 (4), "pre"), int32 ([4; 1; 2]));
***** test
in = [ 7 5 1 3
5 3 3 4
7 5 2 3
6 1 3 8];
padded = [
3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3
5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1
5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1
3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3
5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2
1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3
1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3
5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2
3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3
5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1
5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1
3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3
5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2
1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3
1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3
5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2
3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3
5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1
5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1 5 7 7 5 1 3 3 1
3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 3
5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2
1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3
1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3 1 6 6 1 3 8 8 3
5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2 5 7 7 5 2 3 3 2];
for ite = 1:10
assert (padarray (in, [ite ite], "symmetric"), padded((11-ite):(14+ite),(11-ite):(14+ite)));
assert (padarray (in, [ite ite], "symmetric", "pre"), padded((11-ite):14,(11-ite):14));
assert (padarray (in, [ite ite], "symmetric", "post"), padded(11:(14+ite),11:(14+ite)));
***** test
in = [ 7 5 4 9
6 4 5 1
5 3 3 3
2 6 7 3];
padded = [
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6 7 3 7 6 2 6
3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4
4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5 4 9 4 5 7 5
5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4 5 1 5 4 6 4];
for ite = 1:10
assert (padarray (in, [ite ite], "reflect"), padded((11-ite):(14+ite),(11-ite):(14+ite)));
assert (padarray (in, [ite ite], "reflect", "pre"), padded((11-ite):14,(11-ite):14));
assert (padarray (in, [ite ite], "reflect", "post"), padded(11:(14+ite),11:(14+ite)));
26 tests, 26 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/lab2uint8.m
***** test
cm_uint8 = uint8 ([0 1 2 3 4 127 128 200 254 255]);
cm_uint8 = repmat (cm_uint8(:), [1 3]);
im2d_uint8 = reshape (cm_uint8, [5 2 3]);
imnd_uint8 = permute (im2d_uint8, [1 4 3 2]);
cm_uint16 = uint16 ([0 256 512 768 1024 32512 32768 51200 65024 65280]);
cm_uint16 = repmat (cm_uint16(:), [1 3]);
assert (lab2uint16 (cm_uint8), cm_uint16)
im2d_uint16 = reshape (cm_uint16, [5 2 3]);
assert (lab2uint16 (im2d_uint8), im2d_uint16)
assert (lab2uint16 (imnd_uint8), permute (im2d_uint16, [1 4 3 2]))
l1 = 100/255;
cm = [
0 -128 -128
l1 -127 -127
2*l1 -126 -126
3*l1 -125 -125
4*l1 -124 -124
127*l1 -1 -1
128*l1 0 0
200*l1 72 72
254*l1 126 126
100 127 127];
im2d = reshape (cm, [5 2 3]);
imnd = permute (im2d, [1 4 3 2]);
assert (lab2double (cm_uint8), cm)
assert (lab2double (im2d_uint8), im2d)
assert (lab2double (imnd_uint8), imnd)
assert (lab2single (cm_uint8), single (cm))
assert (lab2single (im2d_uint8), single (im2d))
assert (lab2single (imnd_uint8), single (imnd))
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imabsdiff.m
***** assert (imabsdiff (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([26 50])), uint8 ([ 3 200])); # default to first class and abs works
***** assert (imabsdiff (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([24 50]), "uint16"), uint16 ([ 1 200])); # defining output class works (not in matlab)
***** assert (imabsdiff (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([24 255]), "int8"), int8 ([ 1 5])); # signed integers kinda work (not in matlab)
***** assert (imabsdiff (logical ([ 1 0]), logical ([ 1 1])), double ([ 0 1])); # return double for two logical images
***** fail ("imabsdiff (uint8 ([23 250]), 30"); # fails subtracting a scalar
***** fail ("imabsdiff (uint8 ([23 250]), uint16 ([23 250]))"); # input need to have same class
6 tests, 6 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imcast.m
***** test
im = randi ([0 255], 40, "uint8");
assert (imcast (im, "uint8"), im2uint8 (im))
assert (imcast (im, "uint16"), im2uint16 (im))
assert (imcast (im, "single"), im2single (im))
assert (imcast (im, "uint8", "indexed"), im2uint8 (im, "indexed"))
assert (imcast (im, "uint16", "indexed"), im2uint16 (im, "indexed"))
assert (imcast (im, "single", "indexed"), im2single (im, "indexed"))
***** test
im = randi ([1 256], 40, "double");
assert (imcast (im, "uint8"), im2uint8 (im))
assert (imcast (im, "uint8", "indexed"), im2uint8 (im, "indexed"))
assert (imcast (im, "single", "indexed"), im2single (im, "indexed"))
***** test
im = randi ([0 65535], 40, "uint16");
assert (imcast (im, "uint8"), im2uint8 (im))
assert (imcast (im, "single"), im2single (im))
assert (imcast (im, "single", "indexed"), im2single (im, "indexed"))
***** test
im = randi ([1 255], 40, "double");
assert (imcast (im, "uint8", "indexed"), im2uint8 (im, "indexed"))
assert (imcast (im, "single", "indexed"), im2single (im, "indexed"))
***** test
im = rand (40);
assert (imcast (im, "uint8"), im2uint8 (im))
***** error <unknown image of class> imcast (randi (127, 40, "int8"), "uint8")
***** error <unsupported TYPE> imcast (randi (255, 40, "uint8"), "uint32")
***** error <unsupported TYPE> imcast (randi (255, 40, "uint8"), "not a class")
***** error <range of values> imcast (randi ([0 65535], 40, "uint16"), "uint8", "indexed")
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/label2rgb.m
***** function map = test_colormap ()
map = [0 0 0; 0.5 0.5 0.5; 0.125 0.125 0.125];
***** endfunction
***** shared in, out, cmap
in = [ 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 3
0 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 3];
out = [255 0 0 255 128 128 255 32 32
255 0 0 255 128 128 255 32 32];
out(:,:,2) = out(:,:,3) = out(:,:,1);
out = uint8(out);
cmap = [0 0 0; 0.5 0.5 0.5; 0.125 0.125 0.125];
***** assert (label2rgb (in, cmap), out);
***** assert (label2rgb (uint8 (in), cmap), out);
***** assert (label2rgb (in, "test_colormap"), out);
***** assert (label2rgb (in, @test_colormap), out);
out(find (in == 0)) = 0;
***** assert (label2rgb (in, cmap, "cyan"), out);
***** assert (label2rgb (in, cmap, [0 1 1]), out);
in(1) = 10;
***** error label2rgb (in, cmap);
***** error label2rgb (in, cmap, 89);
***** error label2rgb (in, cmap, "g", "wrong");
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/lab2rgb.m
***** assert (lab2rgb ([0 0 0]), [0, 0, 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([53.24, 80.09, 67.20]), [1 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([97.14, -21.55, 94.48]), [1 1 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([87.74, -86.18, 83.18]), [0 1 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([91.11, -48.09, -14.13]), [0 1 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([32.30, 79.19, -107.86]), [0 0 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([60.32, 98.24, -60.83]), [1 0 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([100, 0.00, 0.00]), [1 1 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([53.39, 0.00, 0.00]), [0.5 0.5 0.5], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([39.77, 64.51, 54.13]), [0.75 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([25.42, 47.91, 37.91]), [0.5 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([9.66, 29.68, 15.24]), [0.25 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([68.11, 48.39, 22.83]), [1 0.5 0.5], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb ([150 130 130]), [2.714, 1.028, 0.492], 1e-3)
***** test
lab_map = rand (64, 3);
lab_map(:,1) = lab_map(:,1) .* 100;
lab_map(:,2) = lab_map(:,2) .* 254 - 127;
lab_map(:,3) = lab_map(:,3) .* 254 - 127;
assert (rgb2lab (lab2rgb (lab_map)), lab_map, 5e-3);
***** test
lab_img = rand (64, 64, 3);
lab_img(:,:,1) = lab_img(:,:,1) .* 100;
lab_img(:,:,2) = lab_img(:,:,2) .* 254 - 127;
lab_img(:,:,3) = lab_img(:,:,3) .* 254 - 127;
assert (rgb2lab (lab2rgb (lab_img)), lab_img, 5e-3);
***** assert (lab2rgb (sparse ([0 0 0])), [0 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2rgb (sparse ([100, 0.00, 0.00])), [1 1 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (class (lab2rgb (single([50 50 50]))), 'single')
***** error lab2rgb ()
***** error lab2rgb (1,2)
***** error <invalid data type 'cell'> lab2rgb ({1})
***** error <Lab must be a colormap or Lab image> lab2rgb (ones (2,2))
***** test
lab = rand (16, 16, 3, 5);
lab(:,:,1,:) = lab(:,:,1,:) .* 100;
lab(:,:,2,:) = lab(:,:,2,:) .* 254 - 127;
lab(:,:,3,:) = lab(:,:,3,:) .* 254 - 127;
rgb = zeros (size (lab));
for i = 1:5
rgb(:,:,:,i) = lab2rgb (lab(:,:,:,i));
assert (lab2rgb (lab), rgb)
24 tests, 24 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imnoise.m
***** assert(var(imnoise(ones(10)/2,'gaussian')(:)),0.01,0.005) # probabilistic
***** assert(length(find(imnoise(ones(10)/2,'salt & pepper')~=0.5)),5,10) # probabilistic
***** assert(var(imnoise(ones(10)/2,'speckle')(:)),0.01,0.005) # probabilistic
***** test
A = imnoise (.5 * ones (100), 'poisson');
assert (class (A), 'double')
***** test
A = imnoise (.5 * ones (100, 'single'), 'poisson');
assert (class (A), 'single')
***** test
A = imnoise (128 * ones (100, 'uint8'), 'poisson');
assert (class (A), 'uint8')
***** test
A = imnoise (256 * ones (100, 'uint16'), 'poisson');
assert (class (A), 'uint16')
***** demo
A = imnoise (2^7 * ones (100, 'uint8'), 'poisson');
subplot (2, 2, 1)
imshow (A)
title ('uint8 image with poisson noise')
A = imnoise (2^15 * ones (100, 'uint16'), 'poisson');
subplot (2, 2, 2)
imshow (A)
title ('uint16 image with poisson noise')
A = imnoise (.5 * ones (100), 'poisson');
subplot (2, 2, 3)
imshow (A)
title ('double image with poisson noise')
A = imnoise (.5 * ones (100, 'single'), 'poisson');
subplot (2, 2, 4)
imshow (A)
title ('single image with poisson noise')
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imtranslate.m
***** test
obs = imtranslate (ones (5, 5), 2, 1, "crop");
exp = zeros (5, 5);
exp(1:4, 3:5) = 1;
assert (obs, exp, eps * 10)
obs = imtranslate (ones (5, 5), -2, -1, "crop");
exp = zeros (5, 5);
exp(2:5, 1:3) = 1;
assert (obs, exp, eps * 10)
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/rgb2lab.m
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0 0 0]), [0, 0, 0], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([1 0 0]), [53.24, 80.09, 67.20], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([1 1 0]), [97.14, -21.55, 94.48], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0 1 0]), [87.74, -86.18, 83.18], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0 1 1]), [91.11, -48.09, -14.13], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0 0 1]), [32.30, 79.19, -107.86], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([1 0 1]), [60.32, 98.24, -60.83], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([1 1 1]), [100, 0.00, 0.00], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0.5 0.5 0.5]), [53.39, 0.00, 0.00], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0.75 0 0]), [39.77, 64.51, 54.13], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0.5 0 0]), [25.42, 47.91, 37.91], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([0.25 0 0]), [9.66, 29.68, 15.24], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([1 0.5 0.5]), [68.11, 48.39, 22.83], 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab ([1.5 1 1]), [111.47, 43.42, 17.98], 1e-2)
***** test
rgb_map = rand (64, 3);
assert (lab2rgb (rgb2lab (rgb_map)), rgb_map, 2e-5);
***** test
rgb_img = rand (64, 64, 3);
assert (lab2rgb (rgb2lab (rgb_img)), rgb_img, 2e-5);
***** assert (rgb2lab (sparse ([0 0 1])), sparse ([32.30, 79.19, -107.86]), 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab (sparse ([0 1 1])), sparse ([91.11, -48.09, -14.13]), 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab (sparse ([1 1 1])), sparse ([100, 0.00, 0.00]), 1e-2)
***** assert (rgb2lab (uint8([255 255 255])), [100, 0.00, 0.00], 1e-2)
***** assert (class (rgb2lab (single([1 1 1]))), 'single')
***** error rgb2lab ()
***** error rgb2lab (1,2)
***** error <invalid data type 'cell'> rgb2lab ({1})
***** error <RGB must be a colormap or RGB image> rgb2lab (ones (2,2))
***** test
rgb = rand (16, 16, 3, 5);
lab = zeros (size (rgb));
for i = 1:5
lab(:,:,:,i) = rgb2lab (rgb(:,:,:,i));
assert (rgb2lab (rgb), lab)
26 tests, 26 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imregionalmin.m
***** test
a = [
7 3 9 3 10 3
4 2 3 10 1 3
1 4 6 9 4 10
8 7 9 3 4 8
5 9 3 3 8 9
3 6 9 4 1 10];
a4 = logical ([
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0]);
assert (imregionalmin (a, 4), a4)
assert (imregionalmin (uint8 (a), 4), a4)
assert (imregionalmin (int8 (a), 4), a4)
a8 = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0]);
assert (imregionalmin (a), a8)
assert (imregionalmin (a, 8), a8)
assert (imregionalmin (uint8 (a), 8), a8)
assert (imregionalmin (int8 (a), 8), a8)
***** test
a = [
4 8 5 -1 8 7
-1 4 0 7 1 1
6 1 2 6 7 0
6 1 5 -2 5 9
1 4 -1 0 0 2
4 6 1 0 7 1];
a4 = logical ([
0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1]);
assert (imregionalmin (a, 4), a4)
assert (imregionalmin (int8 (a), 4), a4)
a8 = logical ([
0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (imregionalmin (a), a8)
assert (imregionalmin (a, 8), a8)
assert (imregionalmin (int8 (a), 8), a8)
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/xyz2rgb.m
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0, 0, 0]), [0 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.4125, 0.2127, 0.0193]), [1 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.7700, 0.9278, 0.1385]), [1 1 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.3576, 0.7152, 0.1192]), [0 1 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.5380, 0.7873, 1.0694]), [0 1 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.1804, 0.07217, 0.9502]), [0 0 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.5929, 0.28484, 0.9696]), [1 0 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.9505, 1.0000, 1.0888]), [1 1 1], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.2034, 0.2140, 0.2330]), [0.5 0.5 0.5], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.2155, 0.1111, 0.0101]), [0.75 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.0883, 0.0455, 0.0041]), [0.5 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.0210, 0.0108, 0.0010]), [0.25 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([0.5276, 0.3812, 0.2482]), [1 0.5 0.5], 1e-3)
***** assert (xyz2rgb ([1.5 1 1]), [1.5712, 0.7109 0.9717], 1e-3)
***** test
xyz_map = rand (64, 3);
assert (rgb2xyz (xyz2rgb (xyz_map)), xyz_map, 3e-4);
***** test
xyz_img = rand (64, 64, 3);
assert (rgb2xyz (xyz2rgb (xyz_img)), xyz_img, 3e-4);
***** assert (xyz2rgb (sparse ([0 0 0])), [0 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (class (xyz2rgb (single([0.5 0.5 0.5]))), 'single')
***** error xyz2rgb ()
***** error xyz2rgb (1,2)
***** error <invalid data type 'cell'> xyz2rgb ({1})
***** error <XYZ must be a colormap or XYZ image> xyz2rgb (ones (2,2))
***** test
xyz = rand (16, 16, 3, 5);
rgb = zeros (size (xyz));
for i = 1:5
rgb(:,:,:,i) = xyz2rgb (xyz(:,:,:,i));
assert (xyz2rgb (xyz), rgb)
23 tests, 23 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/graythresh.m
***** shared img, histo
## this is the old default.img that came with GNU Octave. While the current
## is very very similar, is off just enough for us to get precision errors
img = uint8 (reshape ([138 138 138 142 142 138 142 138 138 117 105 81 69 61 53 40 49 45 40 36 40 45 53 49 65 73 121 166 210 243 247 247 247 239 235 178 154 170 150 150 162 174 190 190 194 186 178 170 154 182 198 174 117 138 138 142 138 142 142 146 142 138 138 130 109 97 81 73 69 57 53 53 57 61 61 69 73 77 105 121 158 219 243 243 247 243 243 243 206 150 158 158 158 150 158 182 186 190 194 186 174 190 206 198 162 138 142 138 142 146 138 142 142 138 146 142 134 142 130 121 101 97 85 85 81 81 81 85 93 85 73 57 61 93 150 194 215 239 243 243 243 223 166 138 158 158 154 142 162 178 190 190 198 186 182 186 174 162 182 146 142 138 142 142 146 142 146 146 146 146 142 142 142 134 125 101 85 73 65 69 73 73 57 40 53 49 57 69 85 125 166 182 178 178 174 150 130 121 146 146 150 142 166 182 190 182 174 166 162 170 194 198 138 138 146 146 138 146 146 146 146 142 150 146 146 142 130 93 65 45 45 49 45 40 49 40 49 49 49 49 61 81 113 142 150 154 154 146 142 134 125 125 138 134 125 146 162 178 178 178 166 186 202 206 186 142 142 142 134 142 146 142 150 142 146 142 146 146 130 81 53 49 49 45 49 40 36 36 32 36 36 36 53 73 89 125 150 146 134 138 146 138 146 138 142 117 117 113 117 146 166 174 178 182 178 178 170 146 142 142 138 142 146 142 142 146 150 138 146 142 130 73 49 40 49 57 65 69 73 61 61 53 57 53 61 77 77 97 113 138 134 130 138 142 150 146 150 134 138 121 121 101 121 150 158 154 142 150 162 166 178 138 138 146 142 142 142 142 146 146 142 142 130 73 57 49 36 49 65 77 85 89 85 81 81 81 85 93 93 97 105 117 125 150 158 154 162 162 166 154 134 150 130 125 113 138 182 174 154 130 178 227 239 239 134 138 142 138 142 142 146 146 138 150 125 61 49 32 32 45 49 57 65 85 101 105 101 101 109 125 117 113 109 138 134 125 166 178 170 162 150 170 162 170 150 146 150 138 125 162 186 182 142 206 247 247 243 138 138 138 138 142 142 146 146 146 130 85 45 45 36 40 53 45 57 69 97 125 130 130 134 138 146 142 134 142 158 138 117 146 174 170 174 178 170 174 170 166 154 162 158 130 134 170 178 158 190 243 247 247 142 142 142 142 142 146 146 142 138 89 53 45 40 45 45 49 57 77 93 125 138 150 154 158 158 162 154 150 166 174 142 73 125 174 178 174 182 182 178 178 174 166 174 174 162 125 154 170 174 170 227 247 251 142 138 142 142 142 142 142 138 105 61 40 40 32 40 40 49 61 89 117 146 154 158 162 170 170 174 162 166 174 182 150 65 146 166 174 186 198 198 198 190 178 178 174 174 158 134 154 198 194 174 202 251 251 146 142 142 142 146 150 138 134 69 40 40 36 32 40 45 45 65 101 134 150 158 166 174 178 174 174 174 170 170 174 142 73 150 162 178 194 202 202 194 194 178 178 154 134 125 138 154 198 194 186 190 243 251 150 146 146 146 146 150 130 109 53 45 28 40 40 36 32 49 73 101 130 154 162 170 170 170 178 182 178 178 174 158 142 121 146 158 178 174 186 190 186 186 174 146 105 109 113 130 150 178 202 190 186 243 251 146 146 146 146 150 142 109 73 49 40 32 40 40 45 40 53 69 93 130 154 162 170 174 178 182 182 186 182 178 154 146 130 138 142 150 170 182 178 174 166 150 117 97 105 113 130 150 150 174 182 190 243 251 146 146 154 146 150 134 105 53 40 45 45 40 40 36 36 40 69 105 134 162 170 174 178 182 182 182 186 190 186 178 170 158 154 150 162 182 182 174 174 174 150 113 109 113 113 130 150 162 186 186 190 239 251 154 150 146 150 146 125 77 49 36 40 36 40 36 28 40 36 77 113 138 150 170 170 174 186 190 190 190 194 190 186 194 190 170 162 174 194 174 182 170 170 158 121 113 113 113 146 158 170 210 215 215 206 243 150 146 150 150 150 113 57 49 40 45 45 49 49 40 32 45 85 113 142 170 178 174 182 194 190 194 194 198 198 198 210 210 182 162 170 190 182 186 170 170 162 130 121 113 121 146 154 150 198 215 206 210 215 150 150 150 150 150 105 49 45 40 49 49 57 40 49 49 53 85 121 158 182 178 174 182 198 194 194 194 194 202 202 194 186 174 154 162 166 178 174 170 170 170 158 117 113 130 150 154 121 182 194 206 215 206 158 150 150 150 146 97 45 36 49 49 49 40 40 49 49 65 97 130 154 174 174 174 186 194 194 194 194 198 198 186 170 158 154 158 138 158 162 170 190 182 174 170 138 138 142 154 134 142 146 170 206 219 215 150 150 158 158 150 85 36 40 40 40 40 45 45 49 49 65 97 130 146 166 166 174 182 190 194 194 194 194 190 182 162 158 150 158 182 186 178 198 206 198 190 174 154 174 174 142 142 170 170 166 202 223 219 158 150 150 150 146 85 40 45 40 40 36 45 53 45 49 53 93 117 130 154 162 174 190 186 194 194 194 190 186 178 162 162 170 174 182 198 210 206 210 198 198 182 170 178 174 158 154 194 194 174 198 210 215 150 154 158 150 150 85 49 45 40 40 32 36 53 40 45 53 81 109 142 158 158 174 178 182 190 190 194 190 190 178 170 174 178 186 190 190 206 215 202 206 194 186 178 182 174 154 170 198 210 186 186 202 215 150 154 150 154 150 97 45 40 40 40 36 36 45 40 45 73 89 113 142 158 158 174 174 182 186 186 194 186 182 178 174 170 105 166 206 186 190 202 198 194 190 182 182 174 166 154 162 198 215 202 182 202 219 154 150 154 150 146 117 61 45 45 45 36 53 53 49 53 77 93 101 125 158 162 174 174 178 174 186 190 182 182 186 182 182 77 125 198 194 186 190 190 178 178 178 162 162 162 154 186 210 227 210 190 206 223 154 150 154 150 154 138 65 45 45 45 40 49 49 40 53 65 77 89 113 150 158 166 166 170 178 182 186 182 170 170 170 162 81 117 186 190 186 182 178 186 174 166 162 150 130 154 194 227 227 219 202 202 219 154 154 150 154 146 146 89 45 40 45 40 49 49 36 40 57 65 89 109 138 146 158 158 170 170 178 182 178 162 150 158 154 113 146 186 182 178 182 178 170 170 162 146 138 138 146 202 223 231 219 210 190 215 130 130 130 130 130 130 109 45 53 40 32 36 40 45 53 61 65 81 97 117 130 138 150 158 158 178 170 162 158 138 142 150 146 166 178 174 174 170 170 170 162 158 138 117 117 142 202 223 239 223 215 186 206 61 61 65 69 69 65 57 36 40 36 32 40 40 53 57 53 57 69 93 105 109 130 138 142 154 162 150 138 142 125 121 150 162 170 170 166 170 170 170 166 162 138 121 113 130 170 202 223 227 231 202 178 182 45 49 45 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 36 40 32 49 61 61 57 65 73 81 101 109 121 130 142 146 121 89 93 117 113 134 154 174 166 162 166 170 170 162 154 150 142 150 223 186 194 215 231 227 206 182 174 49 40 45 45 49 49 45 49 49 49 49 40 36 45 57 69 65 61 65 69 85 93 109 109 117 109 89 57 57 81 97 113 154 162 166 162 170 158 158 162 154 162 174 231 239 178 186 210 231 239 210 194 178 49 36 49 45 49 49 49 45 45 49 49 36 40 40 45 36 53 53 53 57 57 69 69 73 69 61 57 45 45 65 89 105 125 142 146 150 150 154 162 170 174 223 235 247 231 178 178 206 227 227 223 198 190 40 53 36 45 40 40 40 40 45 40 40 45 45 45 45 40 53 49 49 45 53 45 32 36 36 36 36 40 49 45 61 73 89 93 97 113 125 142 186 202 239 239 243 251 239 198 166 194 215 235 227 215 202 40 45 36 32 36 40 40 45 40 40 45 49 45 49 45 49 40 40 45 49 40 45 45 45 49 49 32 40 49 40 49 57 69 81 101 134 170 206 235 243 243 239 247 251 247 210 170 186 202 231 231 227 210 49 45 49 40 40 40 49 45 40 40 45 45 45 40 45 45 45 49 40 49 40 49 45 45 36 40 40 45 45 45 45 65 121 150 210 239 243 243 247 243 243 247 251 251 239 223 178 174 194 219 239 231 219 36 45 45 40 40 49 40 45 49 49 40 40 45 49 40 40 45 49 45 40 49 45 40 40 40 49 40 45 40 49 49 121 162 215 247 247 247 247 247 243 247 251 251 251 247 239 223 194 186 202 215 210 210 36 45 45 40 40 49 40 45 32 36 49 36 45 49 40 40 45 40 36 40 45 45 40 40 40 36 45 32 40 49 57 121 142 215 243 247 243 247 243 247 251 251 251 251 247 247 247 227 186 194 190 190 182 40 32 45 32 45 40 45 45 49 45 40 45 49 36 40 45 32 40 45 45 49 45 45 45 45 53 49 53 45 45 40 69 97 186 239 243 247 247 247 251 251 251 251 251 243 243 231 202 202 206 206 186 170 53 40 40 40 40 40 36 32 32 36 45 53 49 32 36 32 36 32 40 49 40 40 45 40 40 53 45 49 49 40 32 40 49 138 219 235 247 247 251 251 251 251 251 247 243 235 198 206 210 198 190 186 186 73 69 61 57 61 49 53 40 49 45 40 49 49 49 57 57 53 49 53 53 45 40 45 40 45 49 45 49 45 40 32 53 69 101 215 231 247 247 247 247 251 251 251 243 235 219 194 202 202 186 186 190 194], [53 40]));
***** assert (graythresh (img, "percentile"), 142/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "percentile", 0.5), 142/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "moments"), 142/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "minimum"), 93/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "maxentropy"), 150/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "intermodes"), 99/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "otsu"), 115/255);
histo = hist (img(:), 0:255);
***** assert (graythresh (histo, "otsu"), 115/255);
***** assert (graythresh (img, "mean"), 0.51445615982, 0.000000001); # here our results differ from ImageJ
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2bw.m
***** assert(im2bw ([0 0.4 0.5 0.6 1], 0.5), logical([0 0 0 1 1])); # basic usage
***** assert(im2bw (uint8 ([0 100 255]), 0.5), logical([0 0 1])); # with a uint8 input
***** warning <is already binary so nothing is done> bw = im2bw (logical ([0 1 0]));
***** warning <is already binary so nothing is done> bw = im2bw (logical ([0 1 0]), 1);
***** test
warning ("off", "all", "local");
assert (im2bw (logical ([0 1 0])), logical ([0 1 0]))
assert (im2bw (logical ([0 1 0]), 0), logical ([0 1 0]))
assert (im2bw (logical ([0 1 0]), 1), logical ([0 1 0]))
***** assert (nnz (im2bw (uint8 ([0:255]), 0.9)), 26)
***** test
img = uint8 ([0:255]);
s = 0;
for i=0:.1:1
s += nnz (im2bw (img, i));
assert (s, 1405)
***** assert (nnz (im2bw (int16 ([-128:127]), 0.499)), 194)
***** assert (nnz (im2bw (int16 ([-128:127]), 0.500)), 128)
***** assert (nnz (im2bw (int16 ([-128:127]), 0.501)), 62)
***** test
img = uint16 ([0:intmax("uint16")]);
s = 0;
for i=0:.1:1
s += nnz (im2bw (img, i));
assert (s, 360445)
***** test
img = int16 ([intmin("int16"):intmax("int16")]);
s = 0;
for i=0:.1:1
s += nnz (im2bw (img, i));
assert (s, 360445)
***** test
im = [((randn(10)/10)+.3) ((randn(10)/10)+.7)];
assert (im2bw (im, "Otsu"), im2bw (im, graythresh (im(:), "Otsu")))
assert (im2bw (im, "moments"), im2bw (im, graythresh (im(:), "moments")))
!!!!! test failed
horizontal dimensions mismatch (1x1 vs 199x1)
***** test
im = [((randn(10)/10)+.3) ((randn(10)/10)+.7)];
im = reshape (im, [10 10 1 2]);
assert (im2bw (im, "Otsu"), im2bw (im, graythresh (im(:), "Otsu")))
assert (im2bw (im, "moments"), im2bw (im, graythresh (im(:), "moments")))
!!!!! test failed
graythresh: input must be an image or an histogram.
14 tests, 12 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/cp2tform.m
***** function [crw, cap] = coords (npt = 1000, scale = 2, dtheta = pi/3, dx = 2, dy = -6, sig2noise = 1e32)
theta = (rand(npt, 1)*2-1)*2*pi;
R = rand(npt,1);
y = R.*sin(theta);
x = R.*cos(theta);
crw = [y x];
thetap = theta + dtheta;
Rap = R * scale;
yap = Rap.*sin(thetap);
yap = yap + dy;
yap = yap + rand (size (yap)) * norm (yap) / sig2noise;
xap = Rap.*cos(thetap);
xap = xap + dx;
xap = xap + rand (size (xap)) * norm (xap) / sig2noise;
cap = [yap xap];
***** endfunction
***** test
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
ttype = 'projective';
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
***** test
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
ttype = 'affine';
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
***** test
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
ttype = 'nonreflective similarity';
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
***** test
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
cap(:,2) *= -1; % reflection around y axis
ttype = 'similarity';
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
***** xtest
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
ttype = 'polynomial';
ord = 2;
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype, ord);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
***** xtest
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
ttype = 'polynomial';
ord = 3;
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype, ord);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
***** xtest
npt = 100000;
[crw, cap] = coords (npt);
ttype = 'polynomial';
ord = 4;
T = cp2tform (crw, cap, ttype, ord);
crw2 = tforminv (T, cap);
finalerr = norm (crw - crw2)/npt;
assert (finalerr < eps, "norm = %3.2e ( > eps)", finalerr)
!!!!! known failure
norm = 7.52e-16 ( > eps)
7 tests, 6 passed, 1 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/getrangefromclass.m
***** shared img
img = ones (5);
***** assert (getrangefromclass (double (img)), [0 1]); # double returns [0 1]
***** assert (getrangefromclass (single (img)), [0 1]); # single returns [0 1]
***** assert (getrangefromclass (logical (img)), [0 1]); # logical returns [0 1]
***** assert (getrangefromclass (int8 (img)), [-128 127]); # checks int
***** assert (getrangefromclass (uint8 (img)), [0 255]); # checks unit
***** fail ("getrangefromclass ('string')"); # fails with strings
***** fail ("getrangefromclass ({3, 4})"); # fails with cells
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/qtgetblk.m
***** demo
% Returns 2 blocks, at [1,3] and [3,1] (2*2 zeros blocks)
***** shared A,S
A=[ 1, 4, 2, 5,54,55,61,62;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
***** test
assert(va, vb);
assert(va, vc);
***** test
assert(va, vb);
assert(va, vc);
assert(i, find(full(S)==4));
***** test
assert(va, vb);
assert(va, vc);
assert(i, find(full(S)==2));
3 tests, 3 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/bwperim.m
***** test
in = [ 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0];
out = [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0];
assert (bwperim (in), logical (out))
assert (bwperim (in, 4), logical (out))
out = [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0];
assert (bwperim (in, 8), logical (out))
out = [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0];
assert (bwperim (in, [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]), logical (out))
***** test
in = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 5 0 0 1 9
0 Inf 9 7 0 0 0
0 1.5 5 7 1 0 0
0 0.5 -1 89 i 0 0
0 4 10 15 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
out = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwperim (in), logical (out))
***** test
in = reshape (magic(16), [8 8 4]) > 50;
out(:,:,1) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
out(:,:,2) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
out(:,:,3) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
out(:,:,4) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
assert (bwperim (in), logical (out))
out(:,:,1) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
out(:,:,2) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
out(:,:,3) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
out(:,:,4) = [
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0];
assert (bwperim (in, 18), logical (out))
***** error bwperim ("text")
***** error bwperim (rand (10), 5)
***** error bwperim (rand (10), "text")
***** test
a = false (5);
a(1:4,2:4) = true;
p = false (5);
p(1:4,[2 4]) = true;
assert (bwperim (a, [0 0 0; 1 1 1; 0 0 0]), p)
***** test
a = false (8, 8, 5);
a(4:5,4:5,2:4) = true;
a(2:7,2:7,3) = true;
assert (bwperim (a, 26), a)
## It is easy to forget that is correct
b = a;
b(4:5, 4:5, 3) = false;
assert (bwperim (a), b)
c = a;
c(3:6,3:6,3) = false;
assert (bwperim (a, 4), c)
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/nlfilter.m
***** demo
## creates a "wide" diagonal (although it can be performed more
## efficiently with "imdilate (A, true (3))")
nlfilter (eye (10), [3 3], @(x) any (x(:) > 0))
***** assert (nlfilter (eye (4), [2 3], @(x) sum (x(:))),
[2 2 1 0
1 2 2 1
0 1 2 2
0 0 1 1]);
***** assert (nlfilter (eye (4), "indexed", [2 3], @(x) sum (x(:))),
[4 2 1 2
3 2 2 3
2 1 2 4
4 3 4 5]);
***** assert (nlfilter (eye (4), "indexed", [2 3], @(x, y) sum (x(:)) == y, 2),
logical ([0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0]));
***** assert (nlfilter (uint8 (eye (4)), "indexed", [2 3], @(x) sum (x(:))),
[2 2 1 0
1 2 2 1
0 1 2 2
0 0 1 1]);
***** assert (nlfilter (int16 (eye (4)), "indexed", [2 3], @(x) sum (x(:))),
[4 2 1 2
3 2 2 3
2 1 2 4
4 3 4 5]);
***** assert (nlfilter (uint8 (eye (4)), "indexed", [2 3], @(x) int8 (sum (x(:)))),
int8 ([2 2 1 0
1 2 2 1
0 1 2 2
0 0 1 1]));
***** test
a = randi (10, 20, 20, 20);
## extra dimensions on matrix only
assert (nlfilter (a, [5 5], @(x) max(x(:))), imdilate (a, ones (5)))
## extra dimensions on both matrix and block
assert (nlfilter (a, [5 5 5], @(x) max(x(:))), imdilate (a, ones ([5 5 5])))
## extra dimensions and padding
assert (nlfilter (a, [3 7], @(x) max(x(:))), imdilate (a, ones ([3 7])))
assert (nlfilter (a, [3 7 3], @(x) max(x(:))), imdilate (a, ones ([3 7 3])))
***** test
a = randi (10, 15, 15, 4, 8, 3);
assert (nlfilter (a, [3 4 7 5], @(x) max(x(:))),
imdilate (a, ones ([3 4 7 5])))
***** test
a = randi (10, 15, 15, 4, 3, 8);
ord = ordfiltn (a, 3, ones ([3 7 3 1 5]));
assert (nlfilter (a, [3 7 3 1 5], @(x) sort (x(:))(3)), ord)
assert (nlfilter (a, [3 7 3 1 5], @(x, y) sort (x(:))(y), 3), ord)
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imclose.m
***** shared in, out
in = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
out = [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0];
***** assert (imclose (logical (in), ones (3)), logical (out));
out = [99 99 16 16 16 73 74 64 64 64
98 88 16 16 16 73 71 64 64 64
93 88 88 61 61 61 68 70 70 70
93 88 88 61 61 61 68 71 71 71
93 93 88 61 61 61 68 75 66 66
79 79 82 90 90 49 49 49 49 66
79 79 82 91 91 48 46 46 46 66
79 79 82 95 97 48 46 46 46 72
18 18 94 96 84 48 46 46 46 59
18 18 100 96 84 50 50 50 50 59];
***** assert (imclose (magic (10), ones (3)), out);
***** assert (imclose (uint8 (magic (10)), strel ("square", 3)), uint8 (out));
## using a se that will be decomposed in 2 pieces
out =[ 99 99 88 74 74 74 74 70 70 70
98 93 88 74 74 74 74 70 70 70
93 93 88 74 74 74 74 70 70 70
93 93 88 74 74 74 74 71 71 71
93 93 88 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
93 93 90 90 90 72 72 72 72 72
93 93 91 91 91 72 72 72 72 72
93 93 93 95 97 72 72 72 72 72
94 94 94 96 97 72 72 72 72 72
100 100 100 97 97 72 72 72 72 72];
***** assert (imclose (magic (10), ones(5)), out);
## using a weird non-symmetric and even-size se
out =[ 92 99 16 16 16 70 74 58 58 58
98 88 60 73 16 73 69 70 64 58
88 81 88 60 60 60 69 69 70 70
87 87 61 68 61 60 68 69 71 69
86 93 87 61 61 61 68 75 68 69
23 82 89 89 90 45 68 45 68 66
23 23 82 89 91 48 45 45 45 66
79 23 82 95 97 46 48 46 45 72
18 79 94 96 78 50 46 46 46 59
18 18 100 94 94 78 50 50 46 59];
***** assert (imclose (magic (10), [1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1]), out);
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imfill.m
***** test
I = uint8 (5.*[1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]);
bw = logical ([1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]);
I2 = uint8 (5.*ones (3));
bw2 = logical (ones (3));
assert (imfill (int8 (I)), int8 (I2))
assert (imfill (int16 (I)), int16 (I2))
assert (imfill (int32 (I)), int32 (I2))
assert (imfill (int64 (I)), int64 (I2))
assert (imfill (uint8 (I)), uint8 (I2))
assert (imfill (uint16 (I)), uint16 (I2))
assert (imfill (uint32 (I)), uint32 (I2))
assert (imfill (uint64 (I)), uint64 (I2))
assert (imfill (single (I)), single (I2))
assert (imfill (double (I)), double (I2))
assert (imfill (bw, "holes"), bw2)
assert (imfill (uint8 (bw)), uint8 (bw2))
***** error <must be a binary or grayscale image>
imfill (i + ones (3, 3)); # complex input
***** error <must be a binary or grayscale image>
imfill (sparse (double (I))); # sparse input
***** error
imfill ();
***** error
imfill (true (3), 4, "holes", 5)
***** error <LOCATIONS must be a n-by-1 or n-by-d sized index array>
imfill (false (3), ones (2, 3))
***** error <LOCATIONS must be a n-by-1 or n-by-d sized index array>
imfill (false (3), ones (2, 3), 4)
***** error <interactive usage is not yet supported>
imfill (false (3))
***** error <interactive usage is not yet supported>
imfill (false (3), 0, 4)
***** warning <ignored LOCATIONS outside of image borders>
bw = logical ([1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]);
assert (imfill (bw, [5 5]), bw)
assert (imfill (bw, 15), bw)
bw = repmat (bw, [1 1 3]);
assert (imfill (bw, 30), bw)
assert (imfill (bw, [2 2 5]), bw)
***** test
bw = logical ([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0]);
bw2 = logical ([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0]);
bw3 = logical ([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0]);
assert (imfill (bw, "holes"), bw2)
assert (imfill (bw, 8, "holes"), bw2)
assert (imfill (bw, 4, "holes"), bw2)
assert (imfill (bw, [3 3]), bw3)
assert (imfill (bw, 19), bw3)
assert (imfill (bw, [3 3], 4), bw3)
assert (imfill (bw, 19, 4), bw3)
assert (imfill (bw, [3 3], 8), bw2)
assert (imfill (bw, 19, 8), bw2)
assert (imfill (bw, [19; 20]), bw3)
assert (imfill (bw, [19; 20], 4), bw3)
assert (imfill (bw, [19; 20], 8), bw2)
***** warning <ignored LOCATIONS outside of image borders>
bw = logical ([1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1]);
bw44 = logical ([1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1]);
bw9 = logical ([1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (imfill (bw, "holes"), logical (ones (7)))
assert (imfill (bw, [4 4]), bw44)
assert (imfill (bw, 9), bw9)
assert (imfill (bw, [4 4; 10 10]), bw44)
***** test
bw = logical ([1 1 0 1 1]);
assert (imfill (bw, "holes"), bw)
bw = logical([1 1 0 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (imfill (bw, "holes"), bw)
***** test
I = zeros (5);
I(:, [2 4]) = 1;
I2_expected = [0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0];
I2 = imfill (I, [0 0 0; 1 1 1; 0 0 0], "holes");
assert (I2, I2_expected)
***** test
I = zeros (5);
I(:, [2 4]) = 1;
I2_expected = I;
I2 = imfill (I, [0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0], "holes");
assert (I2, I2_expected)
***** test # this test is Matlab compatible
I = zeros (5);
I(:, [2 4]) = 1;
I2_expected = inf .* ones (5);
I2 = imfill (I, [0 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0], "holes");
assert (I2, I2_expected)
***** test
I = false (5);
I(:, [2 4]) = true;
I2_expected = true (5);
I2 = imfill (I, [0 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0], "holes");
assert (I2, I2_expected)
***** test
I = uint8 ([10 20 80 85 20
15 90 03 25 88
05 85 02 50 83
90 04 03 80 80
10 81 83 85 30]);
I2 = uint8 ([10 20 80 85 20
15 90 80 80 88
05 85 80 80 83
90 80 80 80 80
10 81 83 85 30]);
I3 = uint8 ([10 20 80 85 20
15 90 05 25 88
05 85 05 50 83
90 05 05 80 80
10 81 83 85 30]);
assert (imfill (I), I2)
assert (imfill (I, 4), I2)
assert (imfill (I, 4, "holes"), I2)
assert (imfill (I, 8), I3)
assert (imfill (I, "holes"), I2)
***** test
v_line = [0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0];
h_line = [0 0 0; 1 1 1; 0 0 0];
im = [0 1 0 0 1 0];
assert (imfill (im, h_line, "holes"), [0 1 1 1 1 0])
assert (imfill (im, v_line, "holes"), [0 1 0 0 1 0])
assert (imfill (im', h_line, "holes"), [0 1 0 0 1 0]')
assert (imfill (im', v_line, "holes"), [0 1 1 1 1 0]')
im = repmat (im, [1 1 5]);
assert (imfill (im, h_line, "holes"), repmat ([0 1 1 1 1 0], [1 1 5]))
assert (imfill (im, v_line, "holes"), im)
im = permute (im, [2 1 3]);
assert (imfill (im, h_line, "holes"), im)
assert (imfill (im, v_line, "holes"), repmat ([0 1 1 1 1 0]', [1 1 5]))
***** test
im = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
fi = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (imfill (cat (3, im, im, im), 8, 'holes'), cat (3, fi, fi, fi))
assert (imfill (cat (3, im, im, im), 'holes'), cat (3, im, im, im))
assert (imfill (cat (3, fi, im, fi), 'holes'), cat (3, fi, fi, fi))
***** test
emp = false (5, 6);
im = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
fi = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
fi1 = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
fi2 = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (imfill (cat (3, im, im, im), [3 3 2]), cat (3, fi1, fi1, fi1))
assert (imfill (cat (3, im, im, im), [3 5 2]), cat (3, fi2, fi2, fi2))
assert (imfill (cat (3, im, im, im), [3 3 2; 3 5 2]), cat (3, fi, fi, fi))
assert (imfill (cat (3, emp, im, emp), [3 3 2]), true (5, 6, 3))
21 tests, 21 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/makelut.m
***** demo
makelut(inline('sum(x(:))>=3','x'), 2)
% Returns '1' if one or more values
% in the input matrix are 1
***** assert(prod(makelut(inline('sum(x(:))==2','x'),2)==makelut(inline('sum(x(:))==a*b*c*d','x','a','b','c','d'),2,2/(3*4*5),3,4,5))); # test multiple params
***** assert(prod(makelut(inline('x(1,1)==1','x'),2)==[zeros(2^3,1);ones(2^3,1)])==1); # test 2-by-2
***** assert(prod(makelut(inline('x(1,1)==1','x'),3)==[zeros(2^8,1);ones(2^8,1)])==1); # test 3-by-3
***** assert(prod(makelut(inline('x(1,1)==1','x'),4)==[zeros(2^15,1);ones(2^15,1)])==1); # test 4-by-4
***** assert(prod(makelut(inline('x(2,1)==1','x'),3)==[zeros(2^7,1);ones(2^7,1);zeros(2^7,1);ones(2^7,1)])==1); # another test for 3-by-3
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/checkerboard.m
***** demo
## Simplest case, default checkerboard size:
## 8 by 8 checkerboard, with squares 10 pixel wide
board = checkerboard ();
imshow (board)
***** demo
## Simplest case, default checkerboard size:
## 8 by 16 checkerboard, with squares 5 pixel wide
board = checkerboard (5, 4, 8);
imshow (board)
***** assert (checkerboard (0), zeros (0, 0))
***** assert (checkerboard (0, 3), zeros (0, 0))
***** assert (checkerboard (0, 2, 4), zeros (0, 0))
***** assert (checkerboard (0, 2, 4, 3), zeros (0, 0, 0))
***** assert (checkerboard (0, 2, 4, 3, 2), zeros (0, 0, 0, 0))
***** assert (checkerboard (1, 4, 2, 3, 0), zeros (8, 4, 6, 0))
***** assert (checkerboard (1, 4, 0, 3, 2), zeros (8, 0, 6, 4))
***** assert (checkerboard (2, 4, 0, 3, 2), zeros (16, 0, 12, 8))
***** test
out = zeros (80);
i1 = ((1:20:80) .+ (0:9)')(:);
i2 = ((11:20:80) .+ (0:9)')(:);
out(i1, i2) = 1;
out(i2, i1) = 1;
i1r = ((41:20:80) .+ (0:9)')(:);
i2r = ((51:20:80) .+ (0:9)')(:);
out(i2, i1r) = 0.7;
out(i1, i2r) = 0.7;
assert (checkerboard (), out)
assert (checkerboard (10, 4, 4), out)
assert (checkerboard (10, [4 4]), out)
assert (checkerboard (10, [4; 4]), out)
***** test
out = zeros (8);
out(2:2:8, 1:2:8) = 1;
out(1:2:8, 2:2:8) = 1;
out(1:2:8, 6:2:8) = 0.7;
out(2:2:8, 5:2:8) = 0.7;
assert (checkerboard (1), out)
assert (checkerboard (1, 4), out)
assert (checkerboard (1, 4, 4), out)
assert (checkerboard (1, [4 4]), out)
***** test
out = zeros (10);
out(2:2:10, 1:2:10) = 1;
out(1:2:10, 2:2:10) = 1;
out(1:2:10, 6:2:10) = 0.7;
out(2:2:10, 7:2:10) = 0.7;
assert (checkerboard (1, 5), out)
assert (checkerboard (1, 5, 5), out)
assert (checkerboard (1, [5 5]), out)
***** test
out = zeros (20);
out([1:4:20 2:4:20], [3:4:20 4:4:20]) = 1;
out([3:4:20 4:4:20], [1:4:20 2:4:20]) = 1;
out([1:4:20 2:4:20], [11:4:20 12:4:20]) = 0.7;
out([3:4:20 4:4:20], [13:4:20 14:4:20]) = 0.7;
assert (checkerboard (2, 5), out)
assert (checkerboard (2, 5, 5), out)
assert (checkerboard (2, [5 5]), out)
***** test
out = zeros (4, 4, 4);
out([1 3], 1, [1 3]) = 1;
out([2 4], 2, [1 3]) = 1;
out([1 3], 2, [2 4]) = 1;
out([2 4], 1, [2 4]) = 1;
out([1 3], 3, [1 3]) = 0.7;
out([2 4], 4, [1 3]) = 0.7;
out([1 3], 4, [2 4]) = 0.7;
out([2 4], 3, [2 4]) = 0.7;
assert (checkerboard (1, [2 2 2]), out)
assert (checkerboard (1, 2, 2, 2), out)
***** test
out = zeros (8, 8, 8);
out([1 2 5 6], [1 2], [1 2 5 6]) = 1;
out([3 4 7 8], [3 4], [1 2 5 6]) = 1;
out([1 2 5 6], [3 4], [3 4 7 8]) = 1;
out([3 4 7 8], [1 2], [3 4 7 8]) = 1;
out([1 2 5 6], [5 6], [1 2 5 6]) = 0.7;
out([3 4 7 8], [7 8], [1 2 5 6]) = 0.7;
out([1 2 5 6], [7 8], [3 4 7 8]) = 0.7;
out([3 4 7 8], [5 6], [3 4 7 8]) = 0.7;
assert (checkerboard (2, [2 2 2]), out)
assert (checkerboard (2, 2, 2, 2), out)
14 tests, 14 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/ordfiltn.m
***** shared b, f, s
b = [ 0 1 2 3
1 8 12 12
4 20 24 21
7 22 25 18];
f = [ 8 12 12 12
20 24 24 24
22 25 25 25
22 25 25 25];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 9, true (3)), f);
f = [ 1 8 12 12
8 20 21 21
20 24 24 24
20 24 24 24];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 8, true (3)), f);
f = [ 1 2 8 12
4 12 20 21
8 22 22 21
20 24 24 24];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 7, true (3), "symmetric"), f);
f = [ 1 8 12 12
4 20 24 21
7 22 25 21
7 22 25 21];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 3, true (3, 1)), f);
f = [ 1 8 12 12
4 20 24 18
4 20 24 18
4 20 24 18];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 3, true (4, 1)), f);
f = [ 4 20 24 21
7 22 25 21
7 22 25 21
7 22 25 21];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 4, true (4, 1)), f);
s = [0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1];
f = [ 2 8 12 12
9 20 22 21
21 25 24 24
21 25 24 24];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 8, true (3), s), f);
b(:,:,2) = b(:,:,1) - 1;
b(:,:,3) = b(:,:,2) - 1;
f(:,:,1) = [ 1 8 11 11
8 20 21 21
20 24 24 24
20 24 24 24];
f(:,:,2) = [ 6 10 11 11
18 22 22 22
20 24 24 24
20 24 24 24];
f(:,:,3) = [ 0 7 10 10
7 19 20 20
19 23 23 23
19 23 23 23];
***** assert (ordfiltn (b, 25, true (3, 3, 3)), f);
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imregionalmax.m
***** test
a = [
7 3 9 3 10 3
4 2 3 10 1 3
1 4 6 9 4 10
8 7 9 3 4 8
5 9 3 3 8 9
3 6 9 4 1 10];
a4 = [
1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1];
assert (imregionalmax (a, 4), logical (a4))
a8 = [
1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1];
assert (imregionalmax (a, 8), logical (a8))
assert (imregionalmax (a), logical (a8))
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imhist.m
***** shared nn, bb, enn, ebb
[nn, bb] = imhist(logical([0 1 0 0 1]));
***** assert({nn, bb}, {[3 2]', [0 1]'})
[nn, bb] = imhist([0 0.2 0.4 0.9 1], 5);
***** assert({nn, bb}, {[1 1 1 0 2]', [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1]'})
[nn, bb] = imhist([-2 0 0.2 0.4 0.9 1 5], 5);
***** assert({nn, bb}, {[2 1 1 0 3]', [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1]'})
[nn, bb] = imhist(uint8([0 32 255]), 256);
enn = zeros(256, 1); enn([1, 33, 256]) = 1;
ebb = 0:255;
***** assert({nn, bb}, {enn, ebb'})
[nn, bb] = imhist(int8([-50 0 100]), 31);
enn = zeros(31, 1); enn([10, 16, 28]) = 1;
ebb = -128:8.5:127;
***** assert({nn, bb}, {enn, ebb'})
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/applylut.m
***** demo
lut = makelut (inline ('sum (x (:)) >= 3', 'x'), 3);
S = applylut (eye (5), lut);
disp (S)
## Everything should be 0 despite a diagonal which doesn't reach borders.
***** assert (prod (applylut (eye (3), makelut (@(x) x(1) == 1, 2)) == eye (3)), [1 1 1]);
***** assert (prod (applylut (eye (3), makelut (@(x) x(2,2) == 1, 3)) == eye (3)), [1 1 1]);
***** assert (prod (applylut (eye (3), makelut (@(x) x(3,3) == 1, 3)) ==
applylut (eye (3), makelut (@(x) x(2,2) == 1, 2))),
[1 1 1]);
3 tests, 3 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/lab2xyz.m
***** assert (lab2xyz ([0, 0, 0]), [0 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([53.24, 80.09, 67.20]), [0.4125, 0.2127, 0.0193], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([97.14, -21.55, 94.48]), [0.7700, 0.9278, 0.1385], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([87.74, -86.18, 83.18]), [0.3576, 0.7152, 0.1192], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([91.11, -48.09, -14.13]), [0.5380, 0.7873, 1.0694], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([32.30, 79.19, -107.86]), [0.1804, 0.07217, 0.9502], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([60.32, 98.24, -60.83]), [0.5929, 0.28484, 0.9696], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([100, 0.00, 0.00]), [0.9505, 1.0000, 1.0888], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([53.39, 0.00, 0.00]), [0.2034, 0.2140, 0.2330], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([39.77, 64.51, 54.13]), [0.2155, 0.1111, 0.0101], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([25.42, 47.91, 37.91]), [0.0883, 0.0455, 0.0041], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([9.66, 29.68, 15.24]), [0.02094, 0.0108, 0.00098], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([68.11, 48.39, 22.83]), [0.5276, 0.3812, 0.2482], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz ([150 130 130]), [4.596, 2.931, 0.519], 1e-3)
***** test
lab_map = rand (64, 3);
lab_map(:,1) = lab_map(:,1) .* 100;
lab_map(:,2) = lab_map(:,2) .* 254 - 127;
lab_map(:,3) = lab_map(:,3) .* 254 - 127;
assert (xyz2lab (lab2xyz (lab_map)), lab_map, 1e-5);
***** test
lab_img = rand (64, 64, 3);
lab_img(:,:,1) = lab_img(:,:,1) .* 100;
lab_img(:,:,2) = lab_img(:,:,2) .* 254 - 127;
lab_img(:,:,3) = lab_img(:,:,3) .* 254 - 127;
assert (xyz2lab (lab2xyz (lab_img)), lab_img, 1e-5);
***** assert (lab2xyz (sparse ([0 0 0])), [0 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (lab2xyz (sparse ([100, 0.00, 0.00])), [0.9505, 1.0000, 1.0888], 1e-3)
***** assert (class (lab2xyz (single([50 50 50]))), 'single')
***** error lab2xyz ()
***** error lab2xyz (1,2)
***** error <invalid data type 'cell'> lab2xyz ({1})
***** error <Lab must be a colormap or Lab image> lab2xyz (ones (2,2))
***** test
lab = rand (16, 16, 3, 5);
lab(:,:,1,:) = lab(:,:,1,:) .* 100;
lab(:,:,2,:) = lab(:,:,2,:) .* 254 - 127;
lab(:,:,3,:) = lab(:,:,3,:) .* 254 - 127;
xyz = zeros (size (lab));
for i = 1:5
xyz(:,:,:,i) = lab2xyz (lab(:,:,:,i));
assert (lab2xyz (lab), xyz)
24 tests, 24 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/lab2double.m
***** test
l_max_f = 100 + (25500 / 65280);
ab_max_f = 127 + (255 / 256);
cm = [
-128+(255/65280)*(0.500001) # should be 0.5, but float rounding error
cm = repmat (cm, [1 3]);
im2d = reshape (cm, [7 4 3]);
imnd = permute (im2d, [1 4 3 2]);
cm_uint8 = uint8 ([
0 0 0
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 228 228
255 255 255
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
0 127 127
0 128 128
0 128 128
0 128 128
0 128 128
3 129 129
252 227 227
255 228 228
255 229 229
255 254 254
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255]);
assert (lab2uint8 (cm), cm_uint8)
im2d_uint8 = reshape (cm_uint8, [7 4 3]);
assert (lab2uint8 (im2d), im2d_uint8)
assert (lab2uint8 (imnd), permute (im2d_uint8, [1 4 3 2]))
cm_uint16 = uint16 ([
0 0 0
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 58468 58468
65535 65535 65535
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
0 1 1
0 256 256
0 32512 32512
0 32768 32768
0 32768 32768
1 32768 32768
1 32768 32768
653 33024 33024
64627 58112 58112
65280 58368 58368
65535 58624 58624
65535 65024 65024
65535 65280 65280
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535]);
assert (lab2uint16 (cm), cm_uint16)
im2d_uint16 = reshape (cm_uint16, [7 4 3]);
assert (lab2uint16 (im2d), im2d_uint16)
assert (lab2uint16 (imnd), permute (im2d_uint16, [1 4 3 2]))
assert (lab2single (cm), single (cm))
assert (lab2single (im2d), single (im2d))
assert (lab2single (imnd), single (imnd))
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/rgb2ycbcr.m
***** test
in(:,:,1) = magic (5);
in(:,:,2) = magic (5);
in(:,:,3) = magic (5);
out(:,:,1) = [31 37 17 23 29
36 20 22 28 30
19 21 27 33 35
25 26 32 34 19
25 31 37 18 24];
out(:,:,2) = 128;
out(:,:,3) = 128;
assert (rgb2ycbcr (uint8 (in)), uint8 (out));
***** shared cbcr
cbcr = 0.5019607843137255;
out(1:10, 1) = linspace (16/255, 235/255, 10);
out(:, [2 3]) = cbcr;
assert (rgb2ycbcr (gray (10)), out, 0.00001);
***** assert (rgb2ycbcr ([1 1 1]), [0.92157 cbcr cbcr], 0.0001);
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/stretchlim.m
***** error (stretchlim ());
***** error (stretchlim ("bad parameter"));
***** error (stretchlim (zeros (10, 10), "bad parameter"));
***** error (stretchlim (zeros (10, 10), 0.01, 2));
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1), [0.02; 0.99])
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1), stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, [0.01 0.99]))
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, 0.15), stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, [0.15 0.85]))
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, [0.01,0.95]), [0.02; 0.95], eps)
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.01:1, 0), [0.01; 1])
***** test
im = rand (5);
assert (stretchlim (im, 0), [min(im(:)); max(im(:))])
***** test
im = rand (5, 5, 3);
assert (stretchlim (im, 0),
[min(im(:,:,1)(:)) min(im(:,:,2)(:)) min(im(:,:,3)(:));
max(im(:,:,1)(:)) max(im(:,:,2)(:)) max(im(:,:,3)(:))])
***** test
im = rand (5);
assert (stretchlim (im, 0.03), [min(im(:)); max(im(:))])
assert (stretchlim (im, 0.0399), [min(im(:)); max(im(:))])
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 (1:100)), im2double (uint8 ([2; 99])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 (1:100), .25), im2double (uint8 ([26; 75])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint16 (1:1000)), im2double (uint16 ([11; 990])))
***** assert (stretchlim (int16 (-100:100)), im2double (int16 ([-98; 98])))
***** assert (stretchlim (single (0.01:.01:1)),
double (single (0.01:.01:1)([2; 99])).')
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1, 90]) 92:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 4]) 6:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([6; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) 7:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 6]) 8:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 7]) 9:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 8]) 10:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.04),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 96])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.05),
im2double (uint8 ([2; 95])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.06),
im2double (uint8 ([3; 94])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.07),
im2double (uint8 ([3; 93])))
***** assert (stretchlim (uint8 ([1 repmat(2, [1 5]) repmat(3, [1 5]) 9:100]), 0.08),
im2double (uint8 ([3; 92])))
***** test
RGB = zeros (100, 1, 3, "uint16");
RGB(:,:,1) = [1:1:100];
RGB(:,:,2) = [2:2:200];
RGB(:,:,3) = [4:4:400];
assert (stretchlim (RGB) , im2double (uint16 ([2 4 8; 99 198 396])))
***** test
im6c = zeros (100, 1, 6, "uint16");
im6c(:,:,1) = [1:1:100];
im6c(:,:,2) = [2:2:200];
im6c(:,:,3) = [4:4:400];
im6c(:,:,4) = [8:8:800];
im6c(:,:,5) = [16:16:1600];
im6c(:,:,6) = [32:32:3200];
assert (stretchlim (im6c) ,
im2double (uint16 ([2 4 8 16 32 64; 99 198 396 792 1584 3168])))
***** test
im = [0 0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .4 .4 .6 .6 .7 .7 .9 .9 .9 1 1];
assert (stretchlim (im), [0; 1])
## Consider the returned lower limit in this test. A lower limit
## of 0.1 will saturate two elements (10%), while 0.2 will saturate
## 6 elements (30%). Both have the same distance to 20% but returning
## 0.1 is Matlab compatible.
## Now looking at the higher limit. A limit of .9 will saturate
## 2 elements (10%), while a limit of 0.7 will saturate 5 elements (25%).
## However, for Matlab compatibility we must return .9 even though
## 25% would be closer to 20%.
## Basically, it's not just rounded.
assert (stretchlim (im, .2), [0.1; 0.9])
assert (stretchlim (im, .15), [0.1; 0.9])
assert (stretchlim (im, .1), [0.1; 0.9])
assert (stretchlim (im, .25), [0.1; 0.7])
## Reorder the vector of values (real images don't have the values
## already sorted), just to be sure it all works.
im([6 3 16 11 7 17 14 8 5 19 15 1 2 4 18 13 9 20 10 12]) = im;
assert (stretchlim (im, .2), [0.1; 0.9])
assert (stretchlim (im, .15), [0.1; 0.9])
assert (stretchlim (im, .1), [0.1; 0.9])
assert (stretchlim (im, .25), [0.1; 0.7])
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.001:1), [0.019; 0.991], eps)
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.001:1, [0.01,0.95]), [0.019; 0.951], eps)
***** assert (stretchlim (0.01:.001:1, 0), [0.01; 1])
***** assert (stretchlim (single (0.01:.001:1)),
double (single (0.01:.001:1)([10; 982])).')
***** test
assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:4)], 0.2), [0.25; 0.95], eps)
assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:5)], 0.2), [0.25; 1])
assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:6)], 0.2), [0.3; 1])
assert (stretchlim ([(.05:.05:1) (2:7)], 0.2), [0.3; 1])
***** test
assert (stretchlim ([(-6:0) (.05:.05:1)], 0.2), [0; 0.75], eps)
assert (stretchlim ([(-5:0) (.05:.05:1)], 0.2), [0; 0.75], eps)
***** test
im = rand (4, 4, 2, 3, 2);
rv = zeros (2, 2, 3, 2);
for p = 1:2
for q = 1:3
for r = 1:2
rv(:,p,q,r) = stretchlim (im(:,:,p,q,r), 0.25);
assert (stretchlim (im, 0.25), rv)
***** test
im = rand (4, 4, 2, 3, 2);
rv = zeros (2, 2, 3, 2);
for p = 1:2
for q = 1:3
for r = 1:2
rv(:,p,q,r) = stretchlim (im(:,:,p,q,r), 0);
assert (stretchlim (im, 0), rv)
***** assert (stretchlim (zeros (5)), [0; 1])
***** assert (stretchlim (ones (5)), [0; 1])
***** assert (stretchlim (.6 * ones (5)), [0; 1])
***** assert (stretchlim (zeros (3, 3, 3, 3)), repmat ([0; 1], [1 3 3]))
***** assert (stretchlim ([0 .5 .5 .5 .5 1], .2), [0; 1])
***** test
im = repmat ((magic (5) -1) / 24, [1 1 3 3]);
im(:,:,1,1) = 0;
im(:,:,2,2) = .5;
im(:,:,3,3) = 1;
lims = stretchlim (im, 0.2);
assert (size (lims), [2 3 3])
assert (lims(:, [2 3 4 6 7 8]),
repmat ([(1/24)*round(24*.2); 1-((1/24)*round(24*.2))], [1 6]), eps)
assert (lims(:, [1 5 9]), repmat ([0; 1], [1 3]))
45 tests, 45 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imgetfile.m
***** assert (1)
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/montage.m
***** function cdata = montage_cdata (varargin)
h = figure ();
set (h, "visible", "off");
mh = montage (varargin{:});
cdata = get (mh, "cdata");
close (h);
***** endfunction
***** test
im = uint8 (ones (2, 2, 1, 5)) .* reshape ([1 2 3 4 5], [1 1 1 5]);
cdata = montage_cdata (im);
expected = uint8 ([
1 1 2 2 3 3
1 1 2 2 3 3
4 4 5 5 0 0
4 4 5 5 0 0
assert (cdata, expected)
***** test
im = uint8 (ones (2, 4, 1, 6)) .* reshape ([1 2 3 4 5 6], [1 1 1 6]);
cdata = montage_cdata (im);
expected = uint8 ([
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
assert (cdata, expected)
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/blockproc.m
***** demo
# Returns a 3-by-3 diagonal
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[2,2],"sum"),blockproc(eye(6),[2,2], at sum));
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[2,2],"sum"),blockproc(eye(6),[2,2],inline("sum(x)","x")));
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[1,2], at sum),kron(eye(3),[1;1]));
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[2,2],inline("any(x(:))","x")),eye(3)!=0);
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[1,2],[1,1],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),[2,1,0;3,2,0;2,3,1;1,3,2;0,2,3;0,1,2]);
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),'indexed',[1,2],[1,1],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),[8,5,6;6,2,3;5,3,4;4,3,5;3,2,6;6,5,8]);
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[2,3],[4,3],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),ones(3,2)*6);
***** assert(blockproc(eye(6),[2,2],inline("int8(sum(x(:)))","x")),eye(3,"int8")*2);
***** assert(blockproc(uint8(eye(6)),[1,2],[1,1],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),[2,1,0;3,2,0;2,3,1;1,3,2;0,2,3;0,1,2]);
***** assert(blockproc(uint8(eye(6)),'indexed',[1,2],[1,1],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),[2,1,0;3,2,0;2,3,1;1,3,2;0,2,3;0,1,2]);
***** assert(blockproc(uint16(eye(6)),[1,2],[1,1],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),[2,1,0;3,2,0;2,3,1;1,3,2;0,2,3;0,1,2]);
***** assert(blockproc(uint16(eye(6)),'indexed',[1,2],[1,1],inline("sum(x(:))","x")),[2,1,0;3,2,0;2,3,1;1,3,2;0,2,3;0,1,2]);
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/xyz2lab.m
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0, 0, 0]), [0 0 0], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.4125, 0.2127, 0.0193]), [53.24, 80.09, 67.20], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.7700, 0.9278, 0.1385]), [97.14, -21.55, 94.48], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.3576, 0.7152, 0.1192]), [87.74, -86.18, 83.18], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.5380, 0.7873, 1.0694]), [91.11, -48.09, -14.13], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.1804, 0.07217, 0.9502]), [32.30, 79.19, -107.86], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.5929, 0.28484, 0.9696]), [60.32, 98.24, -60.83], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.9505, 1.0000, 1.0888]), [100, 0.00, 0.00], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.2034, 0.2140, 0.2330]), [53.39, 0.00, 0.00], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.2155, 0.1111, 0.0101]), [39.77, 64.51, 54.13], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.0883, 0.0455, 0.0041]), [25.42, 47.91, 37.91], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.02094, 0.0108, 0.00098]), [9.66, 29.68, 15.24], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([0.5276, 0.3812, 0.2482]), [68.11, 48.39, 22.83], 5e-2)
***** assert (xyz2lab ([1.5 1 1]), [100, 82.15, 5.60], 5e-2)
xyz_map = rand (64, 3);
assert (lab2xyz (xyz2lab (xyz_map)), xyz_map, 1e-5);
***** test
xyz_img = rand (64, 64, 3);
assert (lab2xyz (xyz2lab (xyz_img)), xyz_img, 1e-5);
***** assert (xyz2lab (sparse ([0 0 0])), [0 0 0], 5e-2)
***** assert (class (xyz2lab (single([0.5 0.5 0.5]))), 'single')
***** error xyz2lab ()
***** error xyz2lab (1,2)
***** error <invalid data type 'cell'> xyz2lab ({1})
***** error <XYZ must be a colormap or XYZ image> xyz2lab (ones (2,2))
***** test
xyz = rand (16, 16, 3, 5);
lab = zeros (size (xyz));
for i = 1:5
lab(:,:,:,i) = xyz2lab (xyz(:,:,:,i));
assert (xyz2lab (xyz), lab)
22 tests, 22 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imadd.m
***** assert (imadd (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([23 250])), uint8 ([46 255])); # default to first class and truncate
***** assert (imadd (uint8 ([23 250]), 10), uint8 ([33 255])); # works adding a scalar
***** assert (imadd (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([23 250]), "uint16"), uint16 ([46 500])); # defining output class works
***** assert (imadd (logical ([ 1 0]), logical ([ 1 1])), double ([ 2 1])); # return double for two logical images
***** assert (imadd (logical ([ 1 0]), logical ([ 1 1]), "logical"), logical ([ 1 1])); # this is matlab incompatible on purpose
***** fail ("imadd (uint8 ([23 250]), uint16 ([23 250]))"); # input need to have same class
6 tests, 6 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/isrgb.m
***** assert (isrgb ("this is not a RGB image"), false);
***** assert (isrgb (rand (5, 5)), false);
***** assert (isrgb (rand (5, 5, 1, 5)), false);
***** assert (isrgb (rand (5, 5, 3, 5)), true);
***** assert (isrgb (rand (5, 5, 3)), true);
***** assert (isrgb (ones (5, 5, 3)), true);
***** assert (isrgb (ones (5, 5, 3) + eps), false);
***** assert (isrgb (zeros (5, 5, 3) - eps), false);
***** assert (isrgb (rand (5, 5, 3) > 0.5), false);
***** assert (isrgb (randi ([-100 100], 5, 5, 3, "int16")), true)
10 tests, 10 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imbothat.m
***** assert (imbothat (ones (3), [1 1; 0 1]), zeros (3));
***** assert (imbothat (true (3), [1 1; 0 1]), false (3));
***** shared in, out, se
in = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
out = [ 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
***** assert (imbothat (logical (in), ones (3)), logical (out));
out = [ 7 0 15 8 1 6 0 13 6 24
0 8 9 2 0 0 16 7 0 23
89 7 0 41 39 7 12 7 0 23
8 1 69 40 58 1 6 2 0 43
7 0 63 59 52 0 0 0 14 32
62 55 6 7 0 7 0 23 16 1
56 74 0 2 0 0 16 14 7 0
0 73 69 0 0 19 15 8 1 0
8 6 0 0 6 13 9 2 0 6
7 0 0 19 0 14 7 0 23 0];
***** assert (imbothat (magic (10), ones (3)), out);
***** assert (imbothat (uint8 (magic (10)), strel ("square", 3)), uint8 (out));
## using a se that will be decomposed in 2 pieces
out =[ 7 0 87 66 59 7 0 19 12 30
0 13 81 60 58 1 19 13 6 29
89 12 0 54 52 20 18 7 0 23
8 6 69 53 71 14 12 2 0 43
7 0 63 73 66 14 7 0 23 41
76 69 14 7 0 30 23 46 39 7
70 88 9 2 0 24 42 40 33 6
14 87 80 0 0 43 41 34 27 0
84 82 0 0 19 37 35 28 26 19
89 82 0 20 13 36 29 22 45 13];
***** assert (imbothat (magic (10), ones(5)), out);
## using a weird non-symmetric and even-size se
out =[ 0 0 15 8 1 3 0 7 0 18
0 8 53 59 0 0 14 13 0 17
84 0 0 40 38 6 13 6 0 23
2 0 42 47 58 0 6 0 0 41
0 0 62 59 52 0 0 0 16 35
6 58 13 6 0 3 19 19 35 1
0 18 0 0 0 0 15 13 6 0
0 17 69 0 0 17 17 8 0 0
8 67 0 0 0 15 9 2 0 6
7 0 0 17 10 42 7 0 19 0];
***** assert (imbothat (magic (10), [1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1]), out);
## N dimensional and weird se
in = reshape (magic(16), [4 8 4 2]);
se = ones (3, 3, 3);
se(:,:,1) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 0];
se(:,:,3) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 1];
out = zeros (size (in));
out(:,:,1,1) = [
0 17 81 145 237 146 64 0
205 128 64 0 0 37 83 147
175 111 47 0 0 64 117 181
0 64 128 209 173 109 45 0];
out(:,:,2,1) = [
235 142 78 18 0 23 69 133
0 35 103 163 215 128 46 0
0 64 128 195 183 123 48 0
153 93 43 0 14 78 146 215];
out(:,:,3,1) = [
0 25 89 153 229 142 64 0
201 128 64 0 0 41 91 155
167 103 57 0 0 64 125 189
0 64 146 217 165 101 37 0];
out(:,:,4,1) = [
227 142 78 14 0 31 77 141
0 43 107 171 211 128 46 0
0 64 128 203 179 115 48 0
149 99 35 0 18 82 146 223];
out(:,:,1,2) = [
0 33 97 161 221 146 64 0
189 125 61 0 0 53 99 163
159 95 31 0 0 64 128 197
0 64 128 225 157 93 29 0];
out(:,:,2,2) = [
219 142 78 18 0 39 85 149
0 51 119 179 199 128 46 0
0 64 128 211 167 107 43 0
137 77 27 0 14 78 146 231];
out(:,:,3,2) = [
0 41 105 169 213 142 64 0
185 121 64 0 0 57 107 171
151 87 41 0 0 64 128 205
0 64 146 233 149 85 21 0];
out(:,:,4,2) = [
211 142 78 14 0 47 93 157
0 59 123 187 195 128 46 0
0 64 128 219 163 99 35 0
133 83 19 0 18 82 146 239];
***** assert (imbothat (in, se), out);
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/isind.m
***** assert (isind ([]), false);
***** assert (isind (1:10), true);
***** assert (isind (0:10), false);
***** assert (isind (1), true);
***** assert (isind (0), false);
***** assert (isind ([1.3 2.4]), false);
***** assert (isind ([1 2; 3 4]), true);
***** assert (isind (randi (100, 10, 10, 1, 4)), true);
***** assert (isind (randi (100, 10, 10, 3, 4)), false);
***** assert (isind (randi (100, 10, 10, 1, 4, 2)), false);
10 tests, 10 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imtophat.m
***** assert (imtophat (ones (3), [1 1; 0 1]), zeros (3));
***** assert (imtophat (true (3), [1 1; 0 1]), false (3));
***** shared in, out, se
in = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
out = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
***** assert (imtophat (logical (in), ones (3)), logical (out));
out = [12 19 0 0 0 16 23 0 7 0
18 0 0 6 1 19 0 2 9 1
0 74 81 12 7 0 1 8 15 7
68 70 2 14 0 6 7 14 16 0
69 76 8 0 0 7 14 21 0 1
0 7 59 54 61 13 20 0 0 32
18 0 69 60 62 19 0 0 0 27
73 0 0 66 68 0 1 6 6 33
0 0 17 19 1 0 2 9 7 14
1 6 23 0 7 1 8 15 0 32];
***** assert (imtophat (magic (10), ones (3)), out);
***** assert (imtophat (uint8 (magic (10)), strel ("square", 3)), uint8 (out));
## using a se that will be decomposed in 2 pieces
out =[91 98 0 0 0 27 34 11 18 0
94 76 3 6 1 33 15 17 24 1
0 77 84 12 7 14 16 23 30 7
80 82 14 18 0 32 34 41 43 0
81 88 20 0 0 33 40 47 24 6
12 19 63 57 64 16 23 0 7 39
18 0 69 60 62 19 1 3 12 39
73 0 0 66 68 0 2 9 18 45
4 6 81 67 49 6 8 15 19 26
5 12 87 48 55 7 14 21 0 32];
***** assert (imtophat (magic (10), ones(5)), out);
## using a weird non-symmetric and even-size se
out =[85 92 0 0 0 12 23 0 17 0
91 73 0 6 0 18 0 2 13 0
0 72 81 13 6 0 1 9 15 0
60 62 10 12 0 8 8 17 17 0
61 69 0 0 0 28 16 41 0 0
0 0 47 52 61 12 16 0 0 31
6 0 53 58 60 17 0 0 0 33
69 0 0 60 62 0 0 6 0 33
0 0 17 60 42 0 2 13 1 8
0 6 23 0 7 0 7 15 0 14];
***** assert (imtophat (magic (10), [1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1]), out);
## N dimensional and weird se
in = reshape (magic(16), [4 8 4 2]);
se = ones (3, 3, 3);
se(:,:,1) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 0];
se(:,:,3) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 1];
out = zeros (size (in));
out(:,:,1,1) = [
239 146 82 18 0 19 83 133
0 35 99 163 219 128 64 0
0 46 128 195 187 123 59 0
157 93 47 0 14 78 142 211];
out(:,:,2,1) = [
0 21 85 149 233 146 64 0
205 128 64 0 0 41 87 151
171 107 57 0 0 64 121 185
0 64 142 213 169 105 41 0];
out(:,:,3,1) = [
231 146 78 14 0 27 77 137
0 43 107 167 211 128 64 0
0 46 128 199 179 119 51 0
149 85 39 0 18 78 142 219];
out(:,:,4,1) = [
0 29 93 157 225 128 64 0
197 128 64 0 0 31 95 159
163 99 53 0 0 61 125 189
0 64 146 221 161 97 33 0];
out(:,:,1,2) = [
223 146 82 18 0 35 99 149
0 48 115 179 203 128 64 0
0 46 128 211 171 107 43 0
141 77 31 0 14 78 142 227];
out(:,:,2,2) = [
0 37 101 165 217 146 64 0
189 125 64 0 0 57 103 167
155 91 41 0 0 64 128 201
0 64 142 229 153 89 25 0];
out(:,:,3,2) = [
215 146 78 14 0 43 93 153
0 48 123 183 195 128 64 0
0 46 128 215 163 103 35 0
133 69 23 0 18 78 142 235];
out(:,:,4,2) = [
0 45 109 173 209 128 64 0
181 117 64 0 0 47 111 175
147 83 37 0 0 64 128 205
0 64 146 237 145 81 17 0];
***** assert (imtophat (in, se), out);
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/fspecial.m
***** test
for i = 1:9
n = 2^i;
assert (sum (fspecial ("disk", n)(:)), 1, eps*n*n);
***** test
for r = [3 5 9 17]
f = fspecial ("disk", r);
[X, Y] = meshgrid (-r:r, -r:r);
rhi = (abs (X) + 0.5).^2 + (abs (Y) + 0.5).^2;
rlo = (abs (X) - 0.5).^2 + (abs (Y) - 0.5).^2;
fhi = (rhi <= (r^2));
flo = (rlo >= (r^2));
for i = 1:(2*r+1)
for j = 1:(2*r+1)
if (fhi(i,j))
assert (f(i,j), 1/(pi*r^2), eps);
if (flo(i,j))
assert (f(i,j), 0);
***** error <LENGTHS must be greater than 0>
fspecial ("gaussian", 0)
***** error <LENGTHS must be integer>
fspecial ("gaussian", 3.9)
***** assert (fspecial ("gaussian"), fspecial ("gaussian", 3, 0.5))
***** assert (fspecial ("gaussian"), fspecial ("gaussian", [3 3], 0.5))
***** test
c = ([-1:1].^2) .+ ([-1:1]'.^2);
gauss = exp (- (c ./ (2 * (0.5 .^ 2))));
f = gauss / sum (gauss(:));
assert (fspecial ("gaussian"), f)
expected = [
0.01134373655849507 0.08381950580221061 0.01134373655849507
0.08381950580221061 0.61934703055717721 0.08381950580221061
0.01134373655849507 0.08381950580221061 0.01134373655849507];
assert (f, expected, eps)
***** function f = f_gaussian_2d (hsize, sigma)
c = ([(-hsize(1)):(hsize(1))]'.^2) .+ ([(-hsize(2)):(hsize(2))].^2);
gauss = exp (- (c ./ (2 * (sigma .^ 2))));
f = gauss ./ sum (gauss(:));
***** endfunction
***** test
f = fspecial ("gaussian");
assert (f, f_gaussian_2d ([1 1], .5))
expected = [
0.01134373655849507 0.08381950580221061 0.01134373655849507
0.08381950580221061 0.61934703055717721 0.08381950580221061
0.01134373655849507 0.08381950580221061 0.01134373655849507];
assert (f, expected, eps)
***** test
f = fspecial ("gaussian", 7, 2);
assert (f, f_gaussian_2d ([3 3], 2))
expected = [
expected = reshape ([expected; expected((end-1):-1:1)], [7 7]);
assert (f, expected, eps)
***** test
f = fspecial ("gaussian", [7 5], 2);
assert (f, f_gaussian_2d ([3 2], 2))
expected = [
expected = reshape ([expected; expected((end-1):-1:1)], [7 5]);
assert (f, expected, eps)
***** test
f = fspecial ("gaussian", [4 2], 2);
expected = [0.10945587477855045 0.14054412522144952];
expected = expected([1 1; 2 2; 2 2; 1 1]);
assert (f, expected, eps)
***** test
expected =[0.04792235409415088 0.06153352068439959 0.07901060453704994];
expected = expected([1 2 2 1; 2 3 3 2; 2 3 3 2; 1 2 2 1]);
assert (fspecial ("gaussian", 4, 2), expected)
***** function f = f_gaussian_3d (lengths, sigma)
[x, y, z] = ndgrid (-lengths(1):lengths(1), -lengths(2):lengths(2),
sig_22 = 2 * (sigma.^2);
f = exp (-((x.^2)/sig_22 + (y.^2)/sig_22 + (z.^2)/sig_22));
f = f / sum (f(:));
***** endfunction
***** test
obs = fspecial ("gaussian", [5 5 5]);
assert (obs, f_gaussian_3d ([2 2 2], .5))
u_values = [
expected = zeros (5, 5, 5);
expected([1 5 21 25 101 105 121 125]) = u_values(1);
expected([2 4 6 10 16 20 22 24 26 30 46 50 76 80 96 100 102 104 106 110 116 120 122 124]) = u_values(2);
expected([3 11 15 23 51 55 71 75 103 111 115 123]) = u_values(3);
expected([7 9 17 19 27 29 31 35 41 45 47 49 77 79 81 85 91 95 97 99 107 109 117 119]) = u_values(4);
expected([8 12 14 18 28 36 40 48 52 54 56 60 66 70 72 74 78 86 90 98 108 112 114 118]) = u_values(5);
expected([13 53 61 65 73 113]) = u_values(6);
expected([32 34 42 44 82 84 92 94]) = u_values(7);
expected([33 37 39 43 57 59 67 69 83 87 89 93]) = u_values(8);
expected([38 58 62 64 68 88]) = u_values(9);
expected([63]) = u_values(10);
assert (obs, expected, eps)
***** test
obs = fspecial ("gaussian", [5 5 5], 1);
assert (obs, f_gaussian_3d ([2 2 2], 1))
u_values = [
expected = zeros (5, 5, 5);
expected([1 5 21 25 101 105 121 125]) = u_values(1);
expected([2 4 6 10 16 20 22 24 26 30 46 50 76 80 96 100 102 104 106 110 116 120 122 124]) = u_values(2);
expected([3 11 15 23 51 55 71 75 103 111 115 123]) = u_values(3);
expected([7 9 17 19 27 29 31 35 41 45 47 49 77 79 81 85 91 95 97 99 107 109 117 119]) = u_values(4);
expected([8 12 14 18 28 36 40 48 52 54 56 60 66 70 72 74 78 86 90 98 108 112 114 118]) = u_values(5);
expected([13 53 61 65 73 113]) = u_values(6);
expected([32 34 42 44 82 84 92 94]) = u_values(7);
expected([33 37 39 43 57 59 67 69 83 87 89 93]) = u_values(8);
expected([38 58 62 64 68 88]) = u_values(9);
expected([63]) = u_values(10);
assert (obs, expected, eps)
***** test
obs = fspecial ("gaussian", [3 4 1 5], 3);
assert (find (obs == max (obs(:))), [29; 32])
assert (size (obs), [3 4 1 5])
assert (obs(:)(1:30), obs(:)(end:-1:31))
15 tests, 15 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imresize.m
***** test
in = [116 227 153 69 146 194 59 130 139 106
2 47 137 249 90 75 16 24 158 44
155 68 46 84 166 156 69 204 32 152
71 221 137 230 210 153 192 115 30 118
107 143 108 52 51 73 101 21 175 90
54 158 143 77 26 168 113 229 165 225
9 47 133 135 130 207 236 43 19 73];
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1, "nearest"), uint8 (in))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1, "bicubic"), uint8 (in))
out = [116 116 227 227 153 153 69 69 146 146 194 194 59 59 130 130 139 139 106 106
116 116 227 227 153 153 69 69 146 146 194 194 59 59 130 130 139 139 106 106
2 2 47 47 137 137 249 249 90 90 75 75 16 16 24 24 158 158 44 44
2 2 47 47 137 137 249 249 90 90 75 75 16 16 24 24 158 158 44 44
155 155 68 68 46 46 84 84 166 166 156 156 69 69 204 204 32 32 152 152
155 155 68 68 46 46 84 84 166 166 156 156 69 69 204 204 32 32 152 152
71 71 221 221 137 137 230 230 210 210 153 153 192 192 115 115 30 30 118 118
71 71 221 221 137 137 230 230 210 210 153 153 192 192 115 115 30 30 118 118
107 107 143 143 108 108 52 52 51 51 73 73 101 101 21 21 175 175 90 90
107 107 143 143 108 108 52 52 51 51 73 73 101 101 21 21 175 175 90 90
54 54 158 158 143 143 77 77 26 26 168 168 113 113 229 229 165 165 225 225
54 54 158 158 143 143 77 77 26 26 168 168 113 113 229 229 165 165 225 225
9 9 47 47 133 133 135 135 130 130 207 207 236 236 43 43 19 19 73 73
9 9 47 47 133 133 135 135 130 130 207 207 236 236 43 43 19 19 73 73];
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 2, "nearest"), uint8 (out))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 2, "neAreST"), uint8 (out))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), [14 NaN], "nearest"), uint8 (out))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), [NaN 20], "nearest"), uint8 (out))
out = [116 116 227 227 153 153 69 69 146 146 194 194 59 59 130 130 139 139 106 106
2 2 47 47 137 137 249 249 90 90 75 75 16 16 24 24 158 158 44 44
155 155 68 68 46 46 84 84 166 166 156 156 69 69 204 204 32 32 152 152
71 71 221 221 137 137 230 230 210 210 153 153 192 192 115 115 30 30 118 118
107 107 143 143 108 108 52 52 51 51 73 73 101 101 21 21 175 175 90 90
54 54 158 158 143 143 77 77 26 26 168 168 113 113 229 229 165 165 225 225
9 9 47 47 133 133 135 135 130 130 207 207 236 236 43 43 19 19 73 73];
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), [7 20], "nearest"), uint8 (out))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "bicubic"), imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "cubic"))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), [NaN, size(in,2)*1.5], "bicubic"), imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "cubic"))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), [size(in,1)*1.5, NaN], "bicubic"), imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "cubic"))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "linear"), imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "LIneAR"))
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "linear"), imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "triangle"))
out = [ 47 249 75 24 44
221 230 153 115 118
158 77 168 229 225
47 135 207 43 73];
assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 0.5, "nearest"), uint8 (out))
***** assert (imresize (repmat (5, [3 3]), 2), repmat (5, [6 6]), eps*100)
***** assert (imresize (repmat (5, [3 3 2]), 2), repmat (5, [6 6 2]), eps*100)
***** shared in, out
in = [116 227 153 69 146 194 59 130 139 106
2 47 137 249 90 75 16 24 158 44
155 68 46 84 166 156 69 204 32 152
71 221 137 230 210 153 192 115 30 118
107 143 108 52 51 73 101 21 175 90
54 158 143 77 26 168 113 229 165 225
9 47 133 135 130 207 236 43 19 73];
out = [116 185 235 171 96 64 134 189 186 74 90 141 140 124 108
44 92 143 149 164 163 119 123 118 44 38 80 151 118 63
14 21 47 107 195 228 115 81 70 24 19 56 137 105 49
145 98 49 49 71 107 148 159 132 58 124 176 61 85 145
118 139 144 92 116 168 201 188 159 140 167 158 27 69 152
62 151 218 145 174 219 201 164 146 187 148 84 48 76 115
102 132 151 119 90 72 72 72 83 114 60 31 144 130 81
82 121 154 133 87 41 19 67 116 95 108 140 183 180 164
40 96 152 149 117 74 34 108 179 131 175 215 153 177 219
11 33 73 127 137 125 113 158 212 229 148 55 35 63 96
4 17 53 121 141 138 133 171 220 253 141 16 7 36 67];
***** xtest assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "bicubic"), uint8 (out))
out = [116 172 215 165 111 82 133 170 171 81 95 132 138 123 106
59 98 138 144 152 152 125 127 119 54 58 89 137 112 75
27 39 62 110 172 202 123 96 78 36 40 68 123 100 62
129 97 64 62 87 119 146 148 128 74 117 154 73 94 134
113 129 136 101 125 162 183 172 151 135 146 139 53 83 135
77 143 195 145 166 197 186 162 146 171 138 92 62 84 113
101 129 149 120 98 81 78 82 91 111 77 56 132 123 95
81 116 147 130 96 61 43 80 119 109 116 132 162 164 158
46 93 139 141 114 80 50 109 168 141 166 189 151 171 200
16 41 77 123 130 123 115 157 204 214 145 69 48 71 98
9 28 61 119 134 134 131 169 212 231 140 39 23 46 73];
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "bicubic"),uint8 (out))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(2,1) 26 44 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(3,1) 21 14 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(4,1) 132 145 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(5,1) 140 118 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(6,1) 71 62 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(7,1) 92 102 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(8,1) 102 82 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(9,1) 72 40 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(10,1) 28 11 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(11,1) 9 4 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(1,2) 198 185 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(2,2) 78 92 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(3,2) 9 21 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(4,2) 70 98 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(5,2) 150 139 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(6,2) 180 151 Abs err 29 exceeds tol 0
(7,2) 162 132 Abs err 30 exceeds tol 0
(8,2) 130 121 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(9,2) 137 96 Abs err 41 exceeds tol 0
(10,2) 80 33 Abs err 47 exceeds tol 0
(11,2) 21 17 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(1,3) 227 235 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(2,3) 138 143 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(3,3) 42 47 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(4,3) 26 49 Abs err 23 exceeds tol 0
(5,3) 117 144 Abs err 27 exceeds tol 0
(6,3) 213 218 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(7,3) 182 151 Abs err 31 exceeds tol 0
(8,3) 142 154 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(9,3) 176 152 Abs err 24 exceeds tol 0
(10,3) 139 73 Abs err 66 exceeds tol 0
(11,3) 77 53 Abs err 24 exceeds tol 0
(1,4) 164 171 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(2,4) 151 149 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(3,4) 100 107 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(4,4) 47 49 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(5,4) 73 92 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(6,4) 138 145 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(7,4) 128 119 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(8,4) 119 133 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(9,4) 144 149 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(10,4) 145 127 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(11,4) 127 121 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(1,5) 86 96 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(2,5) 200 164 Abs err 36 exceeds tol 0
(3,5) 211 195 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(4,5) 78 71 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(5,5) 91 116 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(6,5) 184 174 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(7,5) 124 90 Abs err 34 exceeds tol 0
(8,5) 65 87 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(9,5) 95 117 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(10,5) 130 137 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(11,5) 144 141 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(1,6) 73 64 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(2,6) 185 163 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(3,6) 222 228 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(4,6) 120 107 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(5,6) 161 168 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(6,6) 240 219 Abs err 21 exceeds tol 0
(7,6) 134 72 Abs err 62 exceeds tol 0
(8,6) 18 41 Abs err 23 exceeds tol 0
(9,6) 34 74 Abs err 40 exceeds tol 0
(10,6) 85 125 Abs err 40 exceeds tol 0
(11,6) 131 138 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(1,7) 128 134 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(2,7) 115 119 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(3,7) 121 115 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(4,7) 139 148 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(5,7) 204 201 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(6,7) 220 201 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(7,7) 127 72 Abs err 55 exceeds tol 0
(8,7) 16 19 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(9,7) 4 34 Abs err 30 exceeds tol 0
(10,7) 55 113 Abs err 58 exceeds tol 0
(11,7) 123 133 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(1,8) 197 189 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(2,8) 104 123 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(3,8) 76 81 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(4,8) 157 159 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(5,8) 206 188 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(6,8) 174 164 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(7,8) 98 72 Abs err 26 exceeds tol 0
(8,8) 49 67 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(9,8) 77 108 Abs err 31 exceeds tol 0
(10,8) 130 158 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(11,8) 164 171 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(1,9) 179 186 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(2,9) 99 118 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(3,9) 65 70 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(4,9) 120 132 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(5,9) 164 159 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(6,9) 154 146 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(7,9) 98 83 Abs err 15 exceeds tol 0
(8,9) 88 116 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(9,9) 146 179 Abs err 33 exceeds tol 0
(10,9) 206 212 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(11,9) 223 220 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(1,10) 80 74 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(2,10) 42 44 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(3,10) 25 24 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,10) 44 58 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(5,10) 133 140 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(6,10) 192 187 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(7,10) 151 114 Abs err 37 exceeds tol 0
(8,10) 92 95 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(9,10) 92 131 Abs err 39 exceeds tol 0
(10,10) 173 229 Abs err 56 exceeds tol 0
(11,10) 255 253 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(1,11) 70 90 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(2,11) 7 38 Abs err 31 exceeds tol 0
(3,11) 14 19 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(4,11) 98 124 Abs err 26 exceeds tol 0
(5,11) 180 167 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(6,11) 173 148 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(7,11) 90 60 Abs err 30 exceeds tol 0
(8,11) 61 108 Abs err 47 exceeds tol 0
(9,11) 137 175 Abs err 38 exceeds tol 0
(10,11) 176 148 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(11,11) 160 141 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(1,12) 135 141 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(2,12) 51 80 Abs err 29 exceeds tol 0
(3,12) 58 56 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(5,12) 192 158 Abs err 34 exceeds tol 0
(6,12) 104 84 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(7,12) 19 31 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(8,12) 65 140 Abs err 75 exceeds tol 0
(9,12) 214 215 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,12) 180 55 Abs err 125 exceeds tol 0
(11,12) 29 16 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(1,13) 145 140 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(2,13) 150 151 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,13) 124 137 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(4,13) 89 61 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(5,13) 39 27 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(6,13) 37 48 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(7,13) 89 144 Abs err 55 exceeds tol 0
(8,13) 166 183 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(9,13) 198 153 Abs err 45 exceeds tol 0
(10,13) 118 35 Abs err 83 exceeds tol 0
(1,14) 129 124 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(2,14) 146 118 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(3,14) 121 105 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(4,14) 67 85 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(5,14) 25 69 Abs err 44 exceeds tol 0
(6,14) 49 76 Abs err 27 exceeds tol 0
(7,14) 119 130 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(8,14) 189 180 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(9,14) 197 177 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(10,14) 121 63 Abs err 58 exceeds tol 0
(11,14) 35 36 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,15) 106 108 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(2,15) 53 63 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(3,15) 59 49 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(4,15) 133 145 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(5,15) 157 152 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(6,15) 118 115 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(7,15) 78 81 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(8,15) 118 164 Abs err 46 exceeds tol 0
(9,15) 217 219 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(10,15) 184 96 Abs err 88 exceeds tol 0
(11,15) 73 67 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "bilinear"), uint8 (out))
out = [108 136 125 89 107
111 132 143 114 99
106 110 106 127 136
47 121 163 138 68];
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 1.5, "bilinear"),uint8 (out))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(2,1) 48 44 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(3,1) 33 14 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(4,1) 124 145 Abs err 21 exceeds tol 0
(5,1) 121 118 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(6,1) 71 62 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(7,1) 93 102 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(8,1) 96 82 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(9,1) 65 40 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(10,1) 36 11 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(11,1) 9 4 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(1,2) 187 185 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(2,2) 93 92 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,2) 45 21 Abs err 24 exceeds tol 0
(4,2) 85 98 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(5,2) 126 139 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(6,2) 167 151 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(7,2) 145 132 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(8,2) 128 121 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(9,2) 123 96 Abs err 27 exceeds tol 0
(10,2) 86 33 Abs err 53 exceeds tol 0
(11,2) 33 17 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(1,3) 206 235 Abs err 29 exceeds tol 0
(2,3) 126 143 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(3,3) 71 47 Abs err 24 exceeds tol 0
(4,3) 64 49 Abs err 15 exceeds tol 0
(5,3) 116 144 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(6,3) 197 218 Abs err 21 exceeds tol 0
(7,3) 159 151 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(8,3) 137 154 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(9,3) 150 152 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(10,3) 121 73 Abs err 48 exceeds tol 0
(11,3) 72 53 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(1,4) 158 171 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(2,4) 142 149 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(3,4) 114 107 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(4,4) 64 49 Abs err 15 exceeds tol 0
(5,4) 86 92 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(6,4) 143 145 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(7,4) 124 119 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(8,4) 117 133 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(9,4) 137 149 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(10,4) 137 127 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(11,4) 127 121 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(1,5) 105 96 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(2,5) 163 164 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,5) 174 195 Abs err 21 exceeds tol 0
(4,5) 94 71 Abs err 23 exceeds tol 0
(5,5) 117 116 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,5) 190 174 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(7,5) 122 90 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(8,5) 82 87 Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0
(9,5) 99 117 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(10,5) 117 137 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(11,5) 134 141 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(1,6) 86 64 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(3,6) 192 228 Abs err 36 exceeds tol 0
(4,6) 124 107 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(5,6) 151 168 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(6,6) 226 219 Abs err 7 exceeds tol 0
(7,6) 121 72 Abs err 49 exceeds tol 0
(8,6) 55 41 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(9,6) 63 74 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(10,6) 93 125 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(11,6) 134 138 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(1,7) 135 134 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,7) 122 119 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(3,7) 121 115 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(4,7) 146 148 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(5,7) 178 201 Abs err 23 exceeds tol 0
(6,7) 213 201 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(7,7) 116 72 Abs err 44 exceeds tol 0
(8,7) 48 19 Abs err 29 exceeds tol 0
(9,7) 37 34 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(10,7) 72 113 Abs err 41 exceeds tol 0
(11,7) 131 133 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(1,8) 170 189 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(2,8) 117 123 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(3,8) 98 81 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(4,8) 145 159 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(5,8) 169 188 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(6,8) 182 164 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(7,8) 110 72 Abs err 38 exceeds tol 0
(8,8) 69 67 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(9,8) 90 108 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(10,8) 126 158 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(11,8) 169 171 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(1,9) 175 186 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(2,9) 110 118 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(3,9) 82 70 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(4,9) 128 132 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(5,9) 150 159 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(6,9) 159 146 Abs err 13 exceeds tol 0
(7,9) 110 83 Abs err 27 exceeds tol 0
(8,9) 94 116 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(9,9) 144 179 Abs err 35 exceeds tol 0
(10,9) 181 212 Abs err 31 exceeds tol 0
(11,9) 211 220 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(1,10) 88 74 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(2,10) 52 44 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(3,10) 40 24 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(4,10) 76 58 Abs err 18 exceeds tol 0
(5,10) 126 140 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(6,10) 184 187 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(7,10) 130 114 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(8,10) 101 95 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(9,10) 119 131 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(10,10) 167 229 Abs err 62 exceeds tol 0
(11,10) 230 253 Abs err 23 exceeds tol 0
(1,11) 89 90 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,11) 47 38 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(3,11) 41 19 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(4,11) 105 124 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(5,11) 140 167 Abs err 27 exceeds tol 0
(6,11) 159 148 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(7,11) 104 60 Abs err 44 exceeds tol 0
(8,11) 86 108 Abs err 22 exceeds tol 0
(9,11) 144 175 Abs err 31 exceeds tol 0
(10,11) 159 148 Abs err 11 exceeds tol 0
(11,11) 153 141 Abs err 12 exceeds tol 0
(1,12) 131 141 Abs err 10 exceeds tol 0
(2,12) 72 80 Abs err 8 exceeds tol 0
(3,12) 65 56 Abs err 9 exceeds tol 0
(4,12) 160 176 Abs err 16 exceeds tol 0
(5,12) 159 158 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,12) 109 84 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(7,12) 63 31 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(8,12) 70 140 Abs err 70 exceeds tol 0
(9,12) 186 215 Abs err 29 exceeds tol 0
(10,12) 151 55 Abs err 96 exceeds tol 0
(11,12) 41 16 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(1,13) 136 140 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(2,13) 126 151 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(3,13) 112 137 Abs err 25 exceeds tol 0
(4,13) 89 61 Abs err 28 exceeds tol 0
(5,13) 70 27 Abs err 43 exceeds tol 0
(6,13) 54 48 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(7,13) 100 144 Abs err 44 exceeds tol 0
(8,13) 141 183 Abs err 42 exceeds tol 0
(9,13) 173 153 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(10,13) 120 35 Abs err 85 exceeds tol 0
(11,13) 26 7 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(1,14) 127 124 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(2,14) 121 118 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(3,14) 109 105 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
(4,14) 83 85 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(6,14) 61 76 Abs err 15 exceeds tol 0
(7,14) 111 130 Abs err 19 exceeds tol 0
(8,14) 153 180 Abs err 27 exceeds tol 0
(9,14) 178 177 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,14) 127 63 Abs err 64 exceeds tol 0
(11,14) 38 36 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(1,15) 106 108 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(2,15) 69 63 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
(3,15) 66 49 Abs err 17 exceeds tol 0
(4,15) 130 145 Abs err 15 exceeds tol 0
(5,15) 138 152 Abs err 14 exceeds tol 0
(6,15) 118 115 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(7,15) 101 81 Abs err 20 exceeds tol 0
(8,15) 117 164 Abs err 47 exceeds tol 0
(9,15) 198 219 Abs err 21 exceeds tol 0
(10,15) 164 96 Abs err 68 exceeds tol 0
(11,15) 73 67 Abs err 6 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 0.5, "bilinear"), uint8 (out))
out = [103 141 124 78 110
111 134 153 114 91
115 108 93 128 146
38 124 175 143 54];
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 0.5, "bilinear"),uint8 (out))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
. O(4x5) E(11x15) Dimensions don't match
***** xtest assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 0.5, "bicubic"), uint8 (out))
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (imresize (uint8 (in), 0.5, "bicubic"),uint8 (out))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
. O(4x5) E(11x15) Dimensions don't match
7 tests, 3 passed, 4 known failures, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/otf2psf.m
***** function otf = rand_otf (varargin)
otf = complex (rand (varargin{:}), rand (varargin{:}));
***** endfunction
***** test
otf = rand_otf (6, 1);
assert (otf2psf (otf), circshift (ifft (otf), 3));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (6, 6);
assert (otf2psf (otf), circshift (ifft2 (otf), [3 3]));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (6, 6, 6);
assert (otf2psf (otf), circshift (ifftn (otf), [3 3 3]));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (7, 1);
assert (otf2psf (otf), circshift (ifft (otf), 3));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (7, 7);
assert (otf2psf (otf), circshift (ifft2 (otf), [3 3]));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (6, 7, 8);
assert (otf2psf (otf), circshift (ifftn (otf), [3 3 4]));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (7, 1);
ppsf = circshift (ifft (otf), 3);
assert (otf2psf (otf, 6), ppsf(1:6));
assert (otf2psf (otf, [6 1]), ppsf(1:6));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (7, 7);
ppsf = circshift (ifft2 (otf), [3 3]);
assert (otf2psf (otf, [6 1]), ppsf(1:6,4));
***** test
otf = rand_otf (6, 7);
ppsf = circshift (ifft2 (otf), [3 3]);
assert (otf2psf (otf, [6 6]), ppsf(:,1:6));
***** error <OTF must be numeric> otf2psf ("not a otf")
***** error <OUTSIZE must be smaller than> otf2psf (rand_otf (16), 18)
***** error <OUTSIZE must be smaller than> otf2psf (rand_otf (16), [14 18])
***** error <OUTSIZE must be smaller than> otf2psf (rand_otf (16), [18 18])
***** error <OUTSIZE must be smaller than> otf2psf (rand_otf (16, 1), 18)
***** test
psf = fspecial ("gaussian", 16);
otf = psf2otf (psf);
assert (otf2psf (otf), psf, eps);
***** test
psf = rand (16);
otf = psf2otf (psf);
assert (otf2psf (otf), psf, 2*eps);
***** test
psf = rand (8);
otf = psf2otf (psf, [16 16]);
assert (otf2psf (otf, [8 8]), psf, 2*eps);
17 tests, 17 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/impyramid.m
***** test
in = [116 227 153 69 146 194 59 130 139 106
2 47 137 249 90 75 16 24 158 44
155 68 46 84 166 156 69 204 32 152
71 221 137 230 210 153 192 115 30 118
107 143 108 52 51 73 101 21 175 90
54 158 143 77 26 168 113 229 165 225
9 47 133 135 130 207 236 43 19 73];
reduced = [
114 139 131 103 111
97 122 141 110 99
103 123 112 123 121
47 107 134 153 94];
## this is what we should return if we were Matlab compatible
reduced_matlab = [
114 139 131 103 111
97 122 141 111 100
103 123 112 123 122
47 107 134 153 94];
expanded = [
88 132 160 154 132 108 94 102 120 138 138 100 66 74 96 112 116 104 78
62 98 128 142 146 154 154 140 126 126 122 86 54 58 82 114 132 112 74
36 54 74 100 130 168 184 156 118 104 92 64 40 44 66 100 122 104 66
66 68 64 76 98 130 154 148 132 122 108 80 60 78 104 106 98 98 86
104 106 88 78 78 96 122 144 154 154 140 112 98 124 144 110 74 92 106
102 130 134 120 108 126 154 174 180 172 156 142 138 146 140 96 60 84 106
88 140 170 158 140 156 180 188 180 164 152 154 156 140 112 82 66 84 96
90 136 164 154 134 132 138 136 130 122 120 130 134 108 82 86 100 104 92
92 126 142 136 116 96 80 74 72 82 94 106 106 88 78 108 138 132 102
80 116 140 138 122 96 68 52 52 80 110 114 112 118 128 148 164 164 140
58 98 132 140 130 110 82 62 62 102 142 144 138 154 168 164 156 170 162
36 68 100 120 130 122 106 92 96 134 174 182 172 156 136 116 104 122 124
16 34 58 86 108 114 110 106 112 138 170 184 172 126 74 48 44 60 68];
## this is what we should return if we were Matlab compatible
expanded_matlab = [
115 154 185 178 150 122 105 116 138 159 158 117 78 86 112 129 133 120 103
69 98 128 141 146 152 152 139 125 127 121 87 55 58 81 113 131 112 84
40 54 74 100 131 167 184 157 119 104 92 64 41 44 66 100 121 103 74
76 69 65 75 97 130 153 148 131 122 108 80 61 79 103 105 98 97 98
120 105 88 77 78 96 121 143 155 154 140 112 98 124 143 109 74 91 123
117 129 134 119 107 125 153 173 180 172 156 143 138 146 140 96 60 83 122
99 139 170 157 139 156 181 188 180 164 151 154 156 140 112 81 65 84 110
101 136 163 153 133 132 138 136 130 122 120 130 133 108 82 86 99 104 104
103 126 143 136 116 97 81 73 73 82 94 105 105 87 78 108 138 133 116
90 116 139 139 122 96 69 52 53 80 109 114 111 116 128 148 163 164 160
66 99 131 140 131 109 83 62 62 102 142 144 138 154 169 164 157 169 184
41 68 99 121 130 122 107 92 95 133 173 182 172 156 135 114 105 121 142
21 38 64 98 124 131 127 123 129 160 194 212 199 144 82 52 48 65 85];
assert (impyramid (uint8 (in), "reduce"), uint8 (reduced))
assert (impyramid (uint8 (in), "expand"), uint8 (expanded))
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (impyramid (uint8 (in), "expand"),uint8 (expanded))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1,1) 87 88 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,1) 61 62 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,1) 105 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,1) 103 102 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,1) 89 88 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,1) 91 92 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,1) 79 80 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,1) 59 58 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,1) 17 16 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,2) 105 106 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,2) 129 130 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,2) 139 140 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,2) 125 126 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,2) 99 98 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,2) 67 68 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,3) 159 160 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,3) 163 164 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,3) 139 140 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,3) 131 132 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,3) 98 100 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(2,4) 141 142 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,4) 75 76 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,4) 77 78 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,4) 118 120 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(7,4) 157 158 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,4) 152 154 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(9,4) 135 136 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,5) 131 132 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,5) 97 98 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,5) 77 78 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,5) 106 108 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(7,5) 139 140 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,5) 132 134 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(10,5) 121 122 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,5) 131 130 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,5) 109 108 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,6) 107 108 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,6) 152 154 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(3,6) 167 168 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,6) 129 130 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,6) 124 126 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(9,6) 97 96 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,6) 95 96 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,6) 109 110 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,7) 152 154 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(4,7) 152 154 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(5,7) 121 122 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,7) 153 154 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,7) 137 138 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,7) 81 80 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,7) 69 68 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,7) 83 82 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,7) 107 106 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,8) 139 140 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,8) 147 148 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,8) 142 144 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(6,8) 173 174 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,8) 187 188 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,8) 73 74 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,9) 125 126 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,9) 131 132 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,9) 155 154 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,9) 95 96 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,9) 111 112 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,10) 103 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,10) 171 172 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,10) 81 82 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,10) 133 134 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,10) 139 138 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,11) 137 138 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,11) 120 122 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(5,11) 139 140 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,11) 151 152 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,11) 119 120 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,11) 109 110 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,11) 172 174 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(13,11) 169 170 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,12) 101 100 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,12) 79 80 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,12) 143 142 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,12) 104 106 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(12,12) 181 182 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,13) 67 66 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,13) 55 54 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,13) 41 40 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,13) 61 60 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,13) 137 138 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,13) 133 134 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,13) 105 106 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,13) 111 112 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,13) 171 172 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,13) 173 172 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,14) 73 74 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,14) 57 58 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,14) 145 146 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,14) 107 108 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,14) 86 88 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(10,14) 116 118 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(11,14) 153 154 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,14) 155 156 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,15) 97 96 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,15) 81 82 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,15) 103 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,15) 143 144 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,15) 169 168 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,15) 135 136 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,16) 113 114 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,16) 105 106 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,16) 109 110 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,16) 95 96 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,16) 81 82 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,16) 85 86 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,16) 107 108 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,16) 114 116 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(2,17) 130 132 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(3,17) 121 122 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,17) 65 66 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,17) 98 100 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(10,17) 163 164 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,17) 157 156 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,17) 105 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,18) 105 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,18) 103 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,18) 97 98 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,18) 91 92 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,18) 83 84 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,18) 103 104 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(9,18) 133 132 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,18) 169 170 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(12,18) 121 122 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,18) 59 60 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,19) 79 78 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,19) 75 74 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,19) 85 86 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,19) 107 106 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(6,19) 105 106 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(7,19) 95 96 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(8,19) 91 92 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(10,19) 139 140 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(11,19) 160 162 Abs err 2 exceeds tol 0
(12,19) 123 124 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(13,19) 67 68 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
***** test
in = randi ([0 255], [40 39 3 5], "uint8");
red = impyramid (in, "reduce");
for p = 1:3
for n = 1:5
assert (red(:,:,p,n), impyramid (in(:,:,p,n), "reduce"))
exp = impyramid (in, "expand");
for p = 1:3
for n = 1:5
assert (exp(:,:,p,n), impyramid (in(:,:,p,n), "expand"))
***** test
in = repmat (uint8 (255), [10 10]);
assert (impyramid (in, "reduce"), repmat (uint8 (255), [5 5]))
assert (impyramid (in, "expand"), repmat (uint8 (255), [19 19]))
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (impyramid (in, "expand"),repmat (uint8 (255), [19, 19]))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1,1) 195 255 Abs err 60 exceeds tol 0
(2,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(3,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(4,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(5,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(6,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(7,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(8,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(9,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(10,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(11,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(12,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(13,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(14,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(15,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(16,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(17,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(18,1) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,1) 195 255 Abs err 60 exceeds tol 0
(1,2) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,2) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,3) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,3) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,4) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,4) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,5) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,5) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,6) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,6) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,7) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,7) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,8) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,8) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,9) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,9) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,10) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,10) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,11) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,11) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,12) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,12) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,13) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,13) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,14) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,14) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,15) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,15) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,16) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,16) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,17) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,17) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,18) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,18) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(1,19) 195 255 Abs err 60 exceeds tol 0
(2,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(3,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(4,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(5,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(6,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(7,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(8,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(9,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(10,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(11,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(12,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(13,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(14,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(15,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(16,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(17,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(18,19) 223 255 Abs err 32 exceeds tol 0
(19,19) 195 255 Abs err 60 exceeds tol 0
***** test
in = logical ([
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0]);
reduced = logical ([
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0]);
expanded = logical ([
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]);
assert (impyramid (in, "reduce"), reduced)
assert (impyramid (in, "expand"), expanded)
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (impyramid (in, "reduce"),reduced)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(4,1) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,3) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(2,3) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,3) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,3) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,4) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,4) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(1,5) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,5) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,5) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
4 tests, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/histeq.m
***** assert (histeq ([]), []);
***** assert (histeq (0), 1);
***** assert (histeq (1), 1);
***** assert (histeq (1.5), 1);
***** assert (histeq (zeros (100, 200)), ones (100, 200)); # matrix
***** xtest assert (histeq ([0 1]), [0.4920634921 1], 10^-8);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq ([0, 1]),[0.4920634921, 1],10 ^ -8)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 0.49206 Abs err 0.0079365 exceeds tol 1e-08
***** xtest assert (histeq ([0 1]'), [0.4920634921 1]', 10^-8); # column array
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq ([0, 1]'),[0.4920634921, 1]',10 ^ -8)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 0.49206 Abs err 0.0079365 exceeds tol 1e-08
***** xtest assert (histeq ([0 255]), [0.4920634921 1], 10^-8);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq ([0, 255]),[0.4920634921, 1],10 ^ -8)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 0.49206 Abs err 0.0079365 exceeds tol 1e-08
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint8 ([0 1])), [ 125 190]); # uint8
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint8 ([0, 1])),[125, 190])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 125 Abs err 124.5 exceeds tol 0
(2) 1 190 Abs err 189 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint8 ([0 255])), [ 125 255]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint8 ([0, 255])),[125, 255])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 125 Abs err 124.5 exceeds tol 0
(2) 1 255 Abs err 254 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint16 ([0 1])), [65535 65535]); # uint16
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint16 ([0, 1])),[65535, 65535])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 65535 Abs err 65534 exceeds tol 0
(2) 1 65535 Abs err 65534 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint16 ([0 255])), [32247 48891]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint16 ([0, 255])),[32247, 48891])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 32247 Abs err 32246 exceeds tol 0
(2) 1 48891 Abs err 48890 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint16 ([0 256])), [32247 48891]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint16 ([0, 256])),[32247, 48891])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 32247 Abs err 32246 exceeds tol 0
(2) 1 48891 Abs err 48890 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint16 ([0 65535])), [32247 65535]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint16 ([0, 65535])),[32247, 65535])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.5 32247 Abs err 32246 exceeds tol 0
(2) 1 65535 Abs err 65534 exceeds tol 0
***** test assert (histeq ([0 1 1] ), [ 1/3 1 1] , 10^-8);
***** test assert (histeq ([0 0 1]'), [ 2/3 2/3 1]', 10^-8);
***** xtest assert (histeq ([0 1 2] ), [ 1/3 1 1] , 10^-8);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq ([0, 1, 2]),[1 / 3, 1, 1],10 ^ -8)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(2) 0.66667 1 Abs err 0.33333 exceeds tol 1e-08
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint8 ([0 1 2])), [ 85 125 215]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint8 ([0, 1, 2])),[85, 125, 215])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.33333 85 Abs err 84.667 exceeds tol 0
(2) 0.66667 125 Abs err 124.33 exceeds tol 0
(3) 1 215 Abs err 214 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint16 ([0 1 2])), [65535 65535 65535]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint16 ([0, 1, 2])),[65535, 65535, 65535])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.33333 65535 Abs err 65535 exceeds tol 0
(2) 0.66667 65535 Abs err 65534 exceeds tol 0
(3) 1 65535 Abs err 65534 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest assert (histeq (uint16 ([0 100 200])), [43690 43690 55133]);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint16 ([0, 100, 200])),[43690, 43690, 55133])
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.33333 43690 Abs err 43690 exceeds tol 0
(2) 0.66667 43690 Abs err 43689 exceeds tol 0
(3) 1 55133 Abs err 55132 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest
J = [20 32 57 81 105 125 150 174 198 223 247];
assert (histeq (uint8 (0:10:100)), J);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (uint8 (0:10:100)),J)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.090909 20 Abs err 19.909 exceeds tol 0
(2) 0.18182 32 Abs err 31.818 exceeds tol 0
(3) 0.27273 57 Abs err 56.727 exceeds tol 0
(4) 0.36364 81 Abs err 80.636 exceeds tol 0
(5) 0.45455 105 Abs err 104.55 exceeds tol 0
(6) 0.54545 125 Abs err 124.45 exceeds tol 0
(7) 0.63636 150 Abs err 149.36 exceeds tol 0
(8) 0.72727 174 Abs err 173.27 exceeds tol 0
(9) 0.81818 198 Abs err 197.18 exceeds tol 0
(10) 0.90909 223 Abs err 222.09 exceeds tol 0
(11) 1 247 Abs err 246 exceeds tol 0
***** xtest
J = [0.0793650794
assert (histeq (0:0.1:1), J', 10^-8);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (histeq (0:0.1:1),J',10 ^ -8)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.090909 0.079365 Abs err 0.011544 exceeds tol 1e-08
(2) 0.18182 0.12698 Abs err 0.054834 exceeds tol 1e-08
(3) 0.27273 0.22222 Abs err 0.050505 exceeds tol 1e-08
(4) 0.36364 0.31746 Abs err 0.046176 exceeds tol 1e-08
(5) 0.45455 0.4127 Abs err 0.041847 exceeds tol 1e-08
(6) 0.54545 0.49206 Abs err 0.053391 exceeds tol 1e-08
(7) 0.63636 0.5873 Abs err 0.049062 exceeds tol 1e-08
(8) 0.72727 0.68254 Abs err 0.044733 exceeds tol 1e-08
(9) 0.81818 0.77778 Abs err 0.040404 exceeds tol 1e-08
(10) 0.90909 0.87302 Abs err 0.036075 exceeds tol 1e-08
22 tests, 7 passed, 15 known failures, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/edge.m
***** test
im = [
249 238 214 157 106 69 60 90 131 181 224 247 252 250 250
250 242 221 165 112 73 62 91 133 183 225 248 252 250 251
252 246 228 173 120 78 63 90 130 181 224 248 253 251 251
253 248 232 185 132 87 62 80 116 170 217 244 253 251 252
253 249 236 198 149 101 66 71 101 155 206 238 252 252 252
254 250 240 210 164 115 73 69 92 143 196 232 252 253 252
70 70 68 61 49 36 24 22 26 38 52 63 70 70 70
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 63 62 59 51 42 33 25 22 26 36 45 56 60 62
252 253 252 246 221 190 157 114 90 90 118 157 203 235 248
251 253 254 251 233 209 182 136 103 92 107 139 185 225 245
251 253 254 253 243 227 206 163 128 108 110 133 175 217 242
252 253 254 254 249 241 228 195 164 137 127 139 172 212 239
] / 255;
methods = {"kirsch", "prewitt", "sobel"};
for m_i = 1:numel (methods)
method = methods{m_i};
bw = edge (im, method, 0.2, "both", "thinning");
assert (edge (im, method, 0.2), bw)
args = perms ({0.2, "both", "thinning"});
for i = 1:rows (args)
assert (edge (im, method, args{i,:}), bw)
bw = edge (im, method, 0.2, "vertical", "nothinning");
args = perms ({0.2, "vertical", "nothinning"});
for i = 1:rows (args)
assert (edge (im, method, args{i,:}), bw)
bw = edge (im, method, 0.2, "vertical", "thinning");
args = perms ({0.2, "vertical"});
for i = 1:rows (args)
assert (edge (im, method, args{i,:}), bw)
bw = edge (im, method, 0.2, "both", "nothinning");
args = perms ({0.2, "nothinning"});
for i = 1:rows (args)
assert (edge (im, method, args{i,:}), bw)
***** error <more than 1 threshold argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "sobel", 0.2, 0.4)
***** error <more than 1 thinning argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "sobel", "thinning", "nothinning")
***** error <more than 1 direction argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "sobel", "both", "both")
***** error <only THRESH, DIRECTION, and THINNING arguments>
bw = edge (rand (10), "sobel", [0.2 0.7], "both", "thinning")
***** error <more than 1 threshold argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "kirsch", 0.2, 0.4)
***** error <more than 1 thinning argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "kirsch", "thinning", "nothinning")
***** error <more than 1 direction argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "kirsch", "both", "both")
***** error <only THRESH, DIRECTION, and THINNING arguments>
bw = edge (rand (10), "kirsch", [0.2 0.7], "both", "thinning")
***** error <more than 1 threshold argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "prewitt", 0.2, 0.4)
***** error <more than 1 thinning argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "prewitt", "thinning", "nothinning")
***** error <more than 1 direction argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "prewitt", "both", "both")
***** error <only THRESH, DIRECTION, and THINNING arguments>
bw = edge (rand (10), "prewitt", [0.2 0.7], "both", "thinning")
***** test
im = [
249 238 214 157 106 69 60 90 131 181 224 247 252 250 250
250 242 221 165 112 73 62 91 133 183 225 248 252 250 251
252 246 228 173 120 78 63 90 130 181 224 248 253 251 251
253 248 232 185 132 87 62 80 116 170 217 244 253 251 252
253 249 236 198 149 101 66 71 101 155 206 238 252 252 252
254 250 240 210 164 115 73 69 92 143 196 232 252 253 252
70 70 68 61 49 36 24 22 26 38 52 63 70 70 70
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 63 62 59 51 42 33 25 22 26 36 45 56 60 62
252 253 252 246 221 190 157 114 90 90 118 157 203 235 248
251 253 254 251 233 209 182 136 103 92 107 139 185 225 245
251 253 254 253 243 227 206 163 128 108 110 133 175 217 242
252 253 254 254 249 241 228 195 164 137 127 139 172 212 239
] / 255;
bw = edge (im, "roberts", .2, "thinning");
assert (edge (im, "roberts", 0.2), bw)
assert (edge (im, "roberts", "thinning", 0.2), bw)
bw = edge (im, "roberts", .2, "nothinning");
assert (edge (im, "roberts", "nothinning", 0.2), bw)
***** error <more than 1 threshold argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "roberts", 0.2, 0.4)
***** error <more than 1 thinning argument>
bw = edge (rand (10), "roberts", "thinning", "nothinning")
***** error <only THRESH and THINNING arguments>
bw = edge (rand (10), "roberts", "both", "thinning")
***** test
im = rand (10);
[~, thresh] = edge (im, "canny");
assert (size (thresh), [1 2])
[~, thresh] = edge (im, "canny", [.2 .6]);
assert (thresh, [.2 .6])
[~, thresh] = edge (im, "canny", [.2; .6]);
assert (thresh, [.2 .6])
***** test
in = zeros (5);
in(3,3) = 1;
E = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in), E)
assert (edge (uint8 (in.*100)), E)
assert (edge (in, "sobel"), E)
assert (edge (in, "sobel", 0), E)
assert (edge (in, "sobel", 1), false (5))
[E, auto_thresh] = edge (in);
assert (auto_thresh, 0.2449, 1e-4)
V = logical([
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in, "sobel", 0, "vertical"), V)
H = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in, "sobel", 0, "horizontal"), H)
V = false (5);
V(3,2) = true;
V(3,4) = true;
assert (edge (in, "sobel", [], "vertical"), V)
H = false (5);
H(2,3) = true;
H(4,3) = true;
assert (edge (in, "sobel", [], "horizontal"), H)
***** test
A = ones (5);
A(3, 3) = 0;
expected = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (A), expected)
***** test
in = zeros (5);
in(3, 3) = 1;
E = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in, "prewitt"), E)
[~, auto_thresh] = edge (in, "prewitt");
assert (auto_thresh, 0.2309, 1e-4)
V = logical([
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in, "prewitt", 0, "vertical"), V)
H = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in, "prewitt", 0, "horizontal"), H)
***** test
in = zeros (5);
in(3,3) = 1;
in(3,4) = 0.9;
E = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (edge (in, "roberts"), E)
[~, auto_thresh] = edge (in, "roberts");
assert (auto_thresh, 0.6591, 1e-4)
E45 = [0 0 0 0 0
0 -0.5 -0.45 0 0
0 0 0.50 0.45 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0];
E135 = [0 0 0 0 0
0 0 -0.50 -0.45 0
0 0.5 0.45 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0];
[~, ~, erg45, erg135] = edge (in, "roberts");
assert (erg45, E45)
assert (erg135, E135)
***** test
in_8 = fspecial ("gaussian", [8 8], 2);
in_8 /= in_8(4,4);
in_8_uint8 = im2uint8 (in_8);
## this is the result from Matlab's old canny method (before 2011a)
out_8_old = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
out_8 = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
out_thresh = [0.34375 0.859375];
[obs_edge, obs_thresh] = edge (in_8, "Canny");
assert (obs_edge, out_8)
assert (obs_thresh, out_thresh)
[obs_edge_givethresh, obs_thresh_givethresh] ...
= edge (in_8, "Canny", out_thresh);
assert (obs_edge_givethresh, out_8)
assert (obs_thresh_givethresh, out_thresh)
[obs_edge_uint8, obs_thresh_uint8] = edge (in_8_uint8, "Canny");
assert (obs_edge_uint8, out_8)
assert (obs_thresh_uint8, out_thresh)
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (obs_thresh,out_thresh)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.27112 0.34375 Abs err 0.072632 exceeds tol 0
(2) 0.67779 0.85938 Abs err 0.18158 exceeds tol 0
***** test
in_9 = fspecial ("gaussian", [9 9], 2);
in_9 /= in_9(5,5);
## this is the result from Matlab's old canny method (before 2011a)
out_9_old = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
out_9 = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
out_thresh = [0.35 0.875];
[obs_edge, obs_thresh] = edge (in_9, "Canny");
assert (obs_edge, out_9)
assert (obs_thresh, out_thresh)
[obs_edge_givethresh, obs_thresh_givethresh] ...
= edge (in_9, "Canny", out_thresh);
assert (obs_edge_givethresh, out_9)
assert (obs_thresh_givethresh, out_thresh)
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (obs_thresh,out_thresh)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1) 0.261 0.35 Abs err 0.089001 exceeds tol 0
(2) 0.6525 0.875 Abs err 0.2225 exceeds tol 0
24 tests, 22 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/isbw.m
***** shared img
img = round (rand (10));
***** assert (isbw (img, "non-logical"), true);
***** assert (isbw (img, "logical"), false);
***** assert (isbw (logical (img), "logical"), true);
***** assert (isbw (logical (img), "non-logical"), true);
***** test
img(1, 1) = 2;
assert (isbw (img, "non-logical"), false);
***** test
a( 1, 1) = 1;
a(50, 50) = 2;
assert (isbw (a, "non-logical"), false);
***** assert (isbw (rand (5, 5, 1, 4) > 0.5), true)
***** assert (isbw (rand (5, 5, 3, 4) > 0.5), false)
***** assert (isbw (rand (5, 5, 3) > 0.5), false)
***** assert (isbw (rand (5, 5, 1, 3, 4) > 0.5), false)
***** assert (isbw (randi ([0 1], 5, 5, 1, 4), "non-logical"), true)
***** assert (isbw (randi ([0 1], 5, 5, 3, 4), "non-logical"), false)
***** assert (isbw (randi ([0 1], 5, 5, 3), "non-logical"), false)
***** assert (isbw (randi ([0 1], 5, 5, 1, 3, 4), "non-logical"), false)
***** assert (isbw (single ([0 0 1]), "non-logical"), true)
***** assert (isbw ([0 NaN 1], "non-logical"), false)
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/grayslice.m
***** function gs = test_grayslice_vector (I, v)
gs = zeros (size (I));
for idx = 1:numel (v)
gs(I >= v(idx)) = idx;
***** endfunction
***** function gs = test_grayslice_scalar (I, n)
v = (1:(n-1)) / n;
gs = test_grayslice_vector (I, v);
***** endfunction
***** shared I2d, I3d, I5d, double_corner
I2d = rand (10, 10);
I3d = rand (10, 10, 3);
I5d = rand (10, 10, 4, 3, 5);
double_corner = I2d;
double_corner(I2d > 0.1 & I2d < 0.3) = -0.2;
double_corner(I2d > 0.6 & I2d < 0.7) = 1.3;
***** assert (grayslice (I2d), grayslice (I2d, 10))
***** assert (grayslice (I2d, 10), uint8 (test_grayslice_scalar (I2d, 10)))
***** assert (grayslice (I2d, [0.3 0.5 0.7]),
uint8 (test_grayslice_vector (I2d, [0.3 0.5 0.7])))
***** assert (grayslice (I3d, 10), uint8 (test_grayslice_scalar (I3d, 10)))
***** assert (grayslice (I5d, 300), test_grayslice_scalar (I5d, 300)+1)
***** assert (grayslice (I3d, [0.3 0.5 0.7]),
uint8 (test_grayslice_vector (I3d, [0.3 0.5 0.7])))
***** assert (grayslice (im2uint8 (I2d), 3), uint8 (test_grayslice_scalar (I2d, 3)))
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (grayslice (im2uint8 (I2d), 3),uint8 (test_grayslice_scalar (I2d, 3)))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(6,5) 2 1 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
shared variables
scalar structure containing the fields:
I2d =
Columns 1 through 5:
2.2108e-01 7.1460e-01 8.6567e-01 3.5439e-01 8.1303e-01
6.0278e-01 2.3774e-01 5.8131e-01 7.2077e-01 1.1110e-01
7.0996e-01 4.6300e-02 4.8698e-01 2.5724e-01 6.1860e-01
7.1942e-01 8.0688e-02 6.3525e-01 8.3008e-01 8.9633e-01
2.1788e-01 1.8532e-01 3.2400e-01 3.8378e-01 2.0041e-01
5.0852e-02 6.3537e-02 9.5558e-01 4.1360e-01 6.6543e-01
1.0681e-01 5.6779e-01 8.8390e-01 6.2696e-01 5.6603e-01
3.0843e-01 3.7813e-02 5.1968e-01 8.1225e-01 9.5174e-01
8.1486e-01 1.2409e-01 1.8420e-01 8.8242e-01 5.7982e-01
7.3654e-01 1.7672e-01 5.3159e-01 5.9625e-01 4.5111e-01
Columns 6 through 10:
5.1728e-01 1.0107e-01 6.5419e-01 3.3463e-01 1.0942e-01
1.7279e-01 2.7808e-01 6.7876e-02 5.4860e-01 5.3571e-01
7.4577e-01 1.6398e-01 4.4978e-01 9.2166e-01 9.3425e-02
7.9070e-01 7.6630e-01 4.8991e-01 9.7023e-01 8.0686e-01
3.9059e-02 1.9876e-01 2.2937e-01 8.3335e-01 8.4557e-01
5.7511e-01 9.3485e-02 4.2976e-01 1.5719e-01 1.8497e-01
2.2432e-01 4.5868e-01 9.9131e-01 8.7040e-01 7.9128e-01
9.3553e-05 6.6808e-01 9.7603e-01 2.5762e-01 4.1599e-01
7.9825e-01 3.8867e-01 8.7362e-01 1.4623e-01 3.1062e-01
3.0549e-01 9.1384e-01 9.8013e-01 4.8089e-01 9.4983e-01
I3d =
ans(:,:,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.9085150 0.1792320 0.5846304 0.2771707 0.2880155 0.9420309
0.8613022 0.0867448 0.5590647 0.6988739 0.2724803 0.7204822
0.1855647 0.8378079 0.7677413 0.2595728 0.5104854 0.7870274
0.4522364 0.0937747 0.9966227 0.0610727 0.1112158 0.2817193
0.2276822 0.6032556 0.3271703 0.9687399 0.5843361 0.8485225
0.7477551 0.0935541 0.0397918 0.2241526 0.2214395 0.2617302
0.8794472 0.4461342 0.7029060 0.3393716 0.7688555 0.9232492
0.7271264 0.0135106 0.1557253 0.6974208 0.0069772 0.4020502
0.9869050 0.0169541 0.4121321 0.5420072 0.0759689 0.4529774
0.3951611 0.8883234 0.9630852 0.5482397 0.2590686 0.2767235
Columns 7 through 10:
0.4045911 0.2143361 0.6603151 0.4828948
0.4372772 0.1877603 0.3025271 0.0906916
0.1491541 0.4506762 0.6660143 0.5638696
0.8495631 0.4831842 0.8866188 0.1303504
0.6335897 0.9267868 0.3939597 0.3463807
0.5226737 0.5512384 0.3706674 0.2647164
0.2351980 0.7611097 0.5901221 0.5919692
0.2260306 0.7774365 0.9966957 0.4580111
0.2696824 0.2941071 0.6664638 0.1091572
0.0692295 0.9030892 0.8001783 0.3745571
ans(:,:,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.6358116 0.7210104 0.8962380 0.5977748 0.7720084 0.5213305
0.7867312 0.4205214 0.9545294 0.3814059 0.8906520 0.2625041
0.1438551 0.2938348 0.3060704 0.3279878 0.8931884 0.4945498
0.4845353 0.7323126 0.8208957 0.8710910 0.5035026 0.4881228
0.5741805 0.5877735 0.4108953 0.3483542 0.8821193 0.0336696
0.8093164 0.0784516 0.4031445 0.1939100 0.0957019 0.1695865
0.9424732 0.5602791 0.3306339 0.0844267 0.6953766 0.6677692
0.3925726 0.1758199 0.4787147 0.4804591 0.0057583 0.6332367
0.5846225 0.6176720 0.9213075 0.3098178 0.3775534 0.5789479
0.5169500 0.5357480 0.3968004 0.2105890 0.2748831 0.9091415
Columns 7 through 10:
0.5383382 0.1277380 0.7919386 0.9910193
0.1772733 0.3908723 0.2665560 0.3767360
0.8033068 0.6287754 0.8694417 0.3273783
0.1321653 0.5588265 0.7393830 0.8282297
0.7985915 0.6264328 0.3549167 0.0390456
0.6336571 0.8055474 0.8279415 0.4747802
0.9274108 0.7992458 0.4386309 0.1693312
0.0669233 0.4494325 0.0749771 0.8950862
0.3647397 0.7922371 0.7000772 0.2596080
0.0160786 0.5925126 0.9992618 0.2224255
ans(:,:,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.0061426 0.7378355 0.7519356 0.5804171 0.6154007 0.8941715
0.6575978 0.6255490 0.0711355 0.8374924 0.8314746 0.2497667
0.2847423 0.0522545 0.6715752 0.2097869 0.0606501 0.5724891
0.4741217 0.9280973 0.1691334 0.1859933 0.9889718 0.1073489
0.1766171 0.7981516 0.6994000 0.8907176 0.5814034 0.0419371
0.8643178 0.0520671 0.4824610 0.6005893 0.4744997 0.4543153
0.6682848 0.3794387 0.5522350 0.5568276 0.0271924 0.8990382
0.3069721 0.1232460 0.8136584 0.4909493 0.2771549 0.2706576
0.4212646 0.9962158 0.5932430 0.0791940 0.6490885 0.6512897
0.6657112 0.9257975 0.5013654 0.9892049 0.2301217 0.0500173
Columns 7 through 10:
0.2258903 0.9350242 0.3612735 0.4738222
0.8861171 0.1841960 0.5190135 0.5261083
0.4582520 0.4954488 0.3223983 0.4531726
0.8396346 0.9743292 0.4215382 0.0489690
0.4878682 0.0772344 0.2681769 0.7044520
0.4365548 0.4550444 0.2759317 0.3522443
0.7292469 0.4410071 0.7824871 0.2465154
0.4951616 0.4983616 0.1996937 0.0709213
0.0615712 0.4945864 0.8721199 0.4982466
0.7153366 0.1861152 0.3921529 0.5475796
I5d =
ans(:,:,1,1,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.810376 0.098682 0.576878 0.706564 0.819190 0.247543
0.435225 0.625369 0.373603 0.918725 0.433850 0.772251
0.485067 0.449270 0.553216 0.787279 0.949005 0.798967
0.681437 0.416348 0.862801 0.247387 0.499675 0.738336
0.468978 0.926005 0.079781 0.904408 0.878728 0.829696
0.114884 0.324622 0.392534 0.383564 0.067494 0.661371
0.214238 0.833893 0.145222 0.791795 0.193403 0.830096
0.104963 0.332170 0.627773 0.925863 0.555758 0.869307
0.988644 0.797814 0.274507 0.449171 0.477658 0.966367
0.225291 0.813570 0.990809 0.447016 0.959444 0.958199
Columns 7 through 10:
0.916102 0.874058 0.786368 0.419681
0.772763 0.410233 0.981419 0.785152
0.229611 0.076497 0.055096 0.359925
0.735858 0.062802 0.453697 0.578421
0.304172 0.278797 0.794227 0.655945
0.304396 0.742428 0.330066 0.479694
0.689693 0.948255 0.154762 0.839338
0.022627 0.767355 0.302272 0.652870
0.346508 0.455734 0.206857 0.828140
0.266232 0.039935 0.291981 0.412147
ans(:,:,2,1,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.276234 0.846525 0.061176 0.140045 0.445964 0.279462
0.446801 0.428954 0.593714 0.804726 0.162388 0.074579
0.918022 0.201462 0.185542 0.927933 0.977139 0.302611
0.771110 0.553937 0.913288 0.462932 0.450807 0.410957
0.120045 0.567351 0.180486 0.700017 0.993554 0.082247
0.909432 0.879017 0.127984 0.140255 0.852337 0.188740
0.223360 0.684406 0.998605 0.908053 0.205410 0.033317
0.119684 0.721858 0.721251 0.355705 0.368574 0.913923
0.642101 0.577404 0.567234 0.328714 0.556801 0.473230
0.056447 0.219470 0.693944 0.070851 0.142890 0.817358
Columns 7 through 10:
0.013138 0.203642 0.797660 0.475073
0.581832 0.940178 0.323563 0.629182
0.083242 0.203315 0.433784 0.395889
0.766958 0.755854 0.110398 0.285274
0.568647 0.627844 0.458146 0.648398
0.848049 0.047693 0.578580 0.815830
0.839368 0.768969 0.414103 0.382384
0.928432 0.228726 0.090722 0.797694
0.053330 0.801987 0.690028 0.702777
0.609750 0.052841 0.142793 0.591928
ans(:,:,3,1,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.5209732 0.0843203 0.0586275 0.7436350 0.8676406 0.1172197
0.6785965 0.0189280 0.8371924 0.1129088 0.4031566 0.1828344
0.6652239 0.4019332 0.2276184 0.1935138 0.1508922 0.0051881
0.6424947 0.3763872 0.4583254 0.7549096 0.4031105 0.3927504
0.8176588 0.3356968 0.0870428 0.2373985 0.3538991 0.5822181
0.8949977 0.4266026 0.4311177 0.3465940 0.8973854 0.1023099
0.5465893 0.2078232 0.1344535 0.2617167 0.4746617 0.4718182
0.4601952 0.6855701 0.9442340 0.2353406 0.6809454 0.3038767
0.7739653 0.2480496 0.5129697 0.0306575 0.9643645 0.3871131
0.1672978 0.7420738 0.4181704 0.4270389 0.9200445 0.3316468
Columns 7 through 10:
0.9498464 0.3738813 0.4960997 0.0929555
0.0038414 0.6293277 0.1737913 0.6496748
0.1709926 0.1237376 0.8221310 0.0481747
0.7353316 0.8548542 0.0458594 0.3412932
0.8047790 0.7071608 0.7753484 0.5832220
0.3047390 0.0329819 0.5165143 0.4323066
0.2472658 0.4549157 0.1300625 0.0110773
0.3291799 0.3547561 0.9502443 0.9920188
0.1856981 0.3352798 0.1850712 0.4557457
0.4563348 0.9663552 0.0782193 0.9862699
ans(:,:,4,1,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.794770 0.410530 0.148022 0.529149 0.363288 0.207195
0.523706 0.312083 0.486274 0.429240 0.218603 0.574153
0.594559 0.177732 0.473127 0.648865 0.739265 0.130675
0.465082 0.086184 0.781705 0.895195 0.957084 0.866229
0.035303 0.873758 0.014733 0.183677 0.197174 0.766822
0.817687 0.861009 0.087369 0.459576 0.305843 0.187788
0.882185 0.617579 0.664024 0.395632 0.208691 0.902998
0.924960 0.746975 0.476071 0.309065 0.936185 0.506448
0.171990 0.468743 0.988962 0.320124 0.719442 0.992578
0.016150 0.555236 0.883985 0.179951 0.488493 0.437751
Columns 7 through 10:
0.050819 0.210973 0.198584 0.275553
0.367200 0.476461 0.377815 0.259146
0.863100 0.427207 0.734865 0.764315
0.206292 0.650585 0.898049 0.195198
0.488971 0.800481 0.765545 0.246841
0.491128 0.490847 0.043433 0.646516
0.208732 0.806342 0.764484 0.664138
0.805124 0.433424 0.892304 0.506192
0.538170 0.768819 0.200999 0.893079
0.394475 0.967602 0.858515 0.898519
ans(:,:,1,2,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.419125 0.801708 0.873315 0.703715 0.905840 0.121056
0.795143 0.625885 0.103123 0.244379 0.469384 0.133774
0.966169 0.377714 0.748201 0.144974 0.772168 0.099324
0.400529 0.157178 0.264000 0.718496 0.784109 0.011721
0.340166 0.420120 0.745074 0.016972 0.818521 0.188046
0.207608 0.936520 0.218795 0.456085 0.233022 0.341641
0.495520 0.841600 0.512516 0.531824 0.412952 0.835727
0.782307 0.728390 0.725814 0.414064 0.665924 0.900127
0.596717 0.677278 0.569575 0.939400 0.584586 0.121027
0.527338 0.645874 0.527975 0.347440 0.843857 0.847947
Columns 7 through 10:
0.534677 0.950545 0.475113 0.384314
0.518978 0.895848 0.537534 0.389922
0.087276 0.044611 0.888596 0.049048
0.319639 0.111062 0.817746 0.880923
0.555878 0.382061 0.677681 0.871777
0.660479 0.153771 0.335231 0.460487
0.745573 0.902834 0.970273 0.408826
0.296409 0.908731 0.025560 0.330915
0.062144 0.320403 0.564509 0.308299
0.332799 0.099113 0.131875 0.369725
ans(:,:,2,2,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.0667625 0.4434588 0.2322615 0.9109875 0.4377696 0.3253606
0.4527177 0.0651558 0.3315827 0.1019568 0.5685801 0.0418888
0.0473282 0.9841833 0.6112927 0.3025367 0.8748755 0.7882075
0.3745701 0.8856116 0.7069455 0.2653348 0.2967969 0.0525185
0.9502550 0.2417517 0.2597097 0.5590371 0.4182782 0.8557862
0.5102043 0.2738430 0.5187608 0.4156323 0.6944199 0.5934101
0.8436136 0.3080648 0.0238998 0.8096875 0.1854913 0.6159406
0.0593120 0.4135516 0.4021995 0.4960027 0.1143986 0.4066538
0.9197854 0.3165317 0.0551880 0.0417164 0.6550483 0.6269316
0.1471270 0.3555741 0.1573436 0.1258035 0.8118004 0.0563414
Columns 7 through 10:
0.2905911 0.0098594 0.1074483 0.3653092
0.5687944 0.6673565 0.6230593 0.2375169
0.5861968 0.7158670 0.7256135 0.7486863
0.0714501 0.8822895 0.4682427 0.0179792
0.0244591 0.1613813 0.5592001 0.5022894
0.9568736 0.0281312 0.5769619 0.5090060
0.5266264 0.6428395 0.2852004 0.2322997
0.5417045 0.4404826 0.5275789 0.3680267
0.3055292 0.9891196 0.2465138 0.1531026
0.9633465 0.9803822 0.8241016 0.6602472
ans(:,:,3,2,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.8487872 0.8905500 0.9377910 0.8684960 0.5340038 0.6486067
0.4547180 0.4997198 0.7875987 0.0049704 0.8241293 0.2051052
0.2395931 0.2442229 0.3500502 0.2905419 0.3150350 0.1750491
0.5717488 0.2948279 0.2393516 0.8799100 0.0798410 0.9369957
0.4004781 0.5289274 0.6555123 0.9969869 0.9570398 0.7220818
0.4023262 0.5851302 0.6405652 0.2888300 0.2495583 0.9202830
0.0321699 0.4499750 0.7670309 0.2268389 0.8987271 0.8342333
0.7305865 0.6908330 0.5001874 0.9229585 0.0279327 0.6095449
0.6060568 0.2107404 0.7223782 0.3920189 0.4876632 0.9492219
0.7207518 0.9191790 0.8859767 0.2038811 0.6256003 0.7995169
Columns 7 through 10:
0.8347789 0.5678921 0.2805064 0.4012978
0.2143893 0.6999812 0.9810728 0.7272475
0.2882718 0.0767099 0.2701642 0.2046307
0.4738332 0.8241256 0.2820355 0.7263221
0.4344589 0.4198173 0.6620064 0.3204649
0.7692141 0.8951258 0.7787947 0.3255112
0.2389707 0.5246297 0.4012678 0.7708479
0.7492361 0.3582179 0.7673545 0.2743685
0.1725816 0.2454360 0.9306972 0.1717850
0.2595417 0.2517398 0.8371412 0.6843575
ans(:,:,4,2,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.416082 0.629340 0.620300 0.616327 0.190143 0.084491
0.361945 0.281442 0.534239 0.954083 0.825942 0.542995
0.469400 0.986333 0.217749 0.156239 0.085515 0.403804
0.406716 0.409443 0.651367 0.900348 0.257977 0.383350
0.361641 0.312526 0.384863 0.929444 0.081283 0.302890
0.724502 0.883361 0.865074 0.501750 0.471337 0.104909
0.607145 0.043828 0.203374 0.165962 0.079829 0.985759
0.878716 0.906764 0.113423 0.903959 0.538190 0.631155
0.607674 0.026923 0.621105 0.106972 0.121733 0.353629
0.394132 0.952002 0.022303 0.381161 0.193216 0.802417
Columns 7 through 10:
0.971154 0.423696 0.201953 0.543989
0.210027 0.877520 0.068125 0.361213
0.982533 0.633239 0.065602 0.799833
0.319029 0.234161 0.290546 0.445514
0.101110 0.627287 0.305455 0.551176
0.777346 0.101175 0.669952 0.998585
0.068896 0.493767 0.663224 0.999177
0.960577 0.556930 0.809245 0.518827
0.431986 0.177889 0.396948 0.519756
0.604496 0.726126 0.476635 0.963078
ans(:,:,1,3,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.0051192 0.9642115 0.6467914 0.8485369 0.3367795 0.3916511
0.8651498 0.3824299 0.4048343 0.5129000 0.0568461 0.2988005
0.1090879 0.1062871 0.5283745 0.8131848 0.3938530 0.7205317
0.3265968 0.3017192 0.9198270 0.1461151 0.9379613 0.0089870
0.7745099 0.2237715 0.8298687 0.3478060 0.4722986 0.4582103
0.7088194 0.5222636 0.8470160 0.8804550 0.2614177 0.2914650
0.7500881 0.4096922 0.4335698 0.3125150 0.8714446 0.6881506
0.3135739 0.1180787 0.2541961 0.5534419 0.8772480 0.6719254
0.5444778 0.2409311 0.8206862 0.7773879 0.8659744 0.5826321
0.7138808 0.0905213 0.6064382 0.7062720 0.4397820 0.5705855
Columns 7 through 10:
0.0031849 0.6649034 0.9198431 0.1003064
0.6566476 0.6201431 0.3324817 0.8713365
0.8614027 0.2492988 0.8141918 0.0247510
0.2525018 0.9067519 0.3451716 0.9888107
0.7631954 0.7971038 0.9087908 0.2922930
0.7464956 0.9444286 0.1913923 0.8875573
0.1571285 0.5962577 0.4057805 0.8396809
0.5875000 0.9789866 0.4697268 0.7748592
0.0855502 0.2323717 0.1751119 0.1201540
0.1704252 0.4623113 0.3271615 0.4951229
ans(:,:,2,3,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.5973690 0.3982001 0.3266393 0.3945284 0.2504278 0.5428706
0.3066157 0.2019397 0.3275959 0.0376969 0.4933716 0.8048465
0.7521998 0.5348336 0.9231731 0.0946847 0.8848275 0.3241261
0.9951353 0.2644929 0.3555249 0.2598676 0.4748415 0.8246108
0.7011674 0.5083559 0.9568421 0.1274113 0.6305754 0.1325225
0.5496720 0.0601821 0.0244317 0.2980860 0.8028220 0.6334425
0.3767477 0.6368914 0.2611748 0.5216934 0.1587316 0.7043436
0.7932917 0.9790613 0.6493430 0.5759291 0.1399908 0.7593085
0.5106853 0.0069769 0.6701336 0.8579557 0.1587473 0.6009623
0.1267406 0.0806822 0.7929170 0.5037219 0.5099758 0.7923996
Columns 7 through 10:
0.4924078 0.6231774 0.6726756 0.2376709
0.4301648 0.2990099 0.8054499 0.9564681
0.5753813 0.6445857 0.6709282 0.5839838
0.1372179 0.9166328 0.9399930 0.8889427
0.1153677 0.5395731 0.0474958 0.8207998
0.8171029 0.3164227 0.5009089 0.1273747
0.8686284 0.4807118 0.7511339 0.8415075
0.4277779 0.0346180 0.0169095 0.0334487
0.6913851 0.2302356 0.2614804 0.5996883
0.7698865 0.1653180 0.3714277 0.2000901
ans(:,:,3,3,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.3673294 0.9310928 0.6944141 0.0291384 0.3594707 0.9045901
0.5164970 0.8132594 0.8571588 0.4223326 0.7091630 0.8580768
0.0315146 0.2497343 0.6305408 0.5165458 0.8166352 0.3690522
0.0630992 0.7650866 0.3799516 0.2870462 0.6177566 0.5705667
0.3840602 0.0973067 0.8865582 0.5771179 0.1821084 0.5263851
0.8734286 0.0592813 0.1259235 0.0264619 0.2696337 0.6251776
0.3709600 0.2788850 0.6147465 0.0028484 0.7663109 0.0262633
0.0042082 0.9223086 0.5575108 0.6762692 0.8572554 0.5152919
0.0243544 0.8875509 0.8958823 0.7699428 0.7290951 0.4800880
0.9173073 0.6194682 0.2524935 0.5880678 0.2092284 0.2648492
Columns 7 through 10:
0.8826204 0.8906887 0.8173201 0.0147500
0.0181336 0.7829348 0.8365039 0.2589379
0.0569537 0.1441546 0.6442387 0.2406615
0.0248183 0.1929274 0.4882305 0.0932147
0.3552673 0.9493918 0.9013098 0.5313287
0.6024635 0.5908431 0.3854422 0.3208911
0.0265285 0.3793655 0.4137378 0.5301421
0.8536833 0.2393343 0.6563048 0.2772838
0.6340120 0.3848427 0.2024214 0.1717332
0.2746239 0.3505430 0.6102731 0.1650513
ans(:,:,4,3,1) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.3321409 0.8011251 0.7911651 0.3987848 0.6076832 0.9440724
0.6730656 0.3289007 0.6698372 0.6547989 0.2155528 0.7281286
0.0640711 0.7312586 0.3425904 0.9560479 0.1631463 0.7935855
0.1890226 0.2227653 0.3707193 0.2555907 0.1217344 0.6544673
0.5220939 0.7493412 0.0113001 0.9669227 0.4052524 0.7921704
0.8574233 0.0610000 0.3895241 0.9023984 0.4081744 0.3812959
0.8935133 0.0988709 0.9062059 0.9678378 0.6976464 0.0603345
0.9821240 0.1637312 0.2505369 0.1896658 0.7427257 0.3313305
0.2639491 0.5364443 0.4314255 0.0175309 0.0678695 0.9035357
0.9132878 0.7721031 0.7490714 0.4765888 0.9494456 0.0239354
Columns 7 through 10:
0.4962867 0.8304485 0.2460796 0.3715590
0.2466159 0.0125134 0.0726971 0.5543683
0.7719894 0.4127208 0.1506180 0.8240553
0.5720825 0.0228197 0.3208682 0.4429452
0.8044129 0.5997317 0.1614014 0.1023594
0.9284138 0.0405851 0.3361429 0.0340996
0.7098809 0.8744963 0.6910722 0.0467698
0.2126441 0.6295077 0.4990928 0.2536376
0.5383910 0.1317960 0.0327869 0.6306820
0.0087543 0.4545349 0.8414397 0.3416207
ans(:,:,1,1,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.7110329 0.8780240 0.4496120 0.1588055 0.2367555 0.5472165
0.6683019 0.3975191 0.4919997 0.5095346 0.6838901 0.4340546
0.0400900 0.2310279 0.2057475 0.9327393 0.6047668 0.0035260
0.0963746 0.4375845 0.2923767 0.4233803 0.4786268 0.4987043
0.1204683 0.7904114 0.3308303 0.9683190 0.9610732 0.4658826
0.0834552 0.9198336 0.4276609 0.7487897 0.4638412 0.2557878
0.2383031 0.5166034 0.6468581 0.8770294 0.1036236 0.9069617
0.9445578 0.8164596 0.2027702 0.5771583 0.7926646 0.9999860
0.8728387 0.6927377 0.8145227 0.6149674 0.9575772 0.8242791
0.0903046 0.6864367 0.7184165 0.3253922 0.0278764 0.8276423
Columns 7 through 10:
0.1593379 0.0268149 0.7878098 0.7741040
0.2995835 0.6065372 0.3652583 0.1767655
0.0804260 0.6675662 0.6701949 0.6737756
0.2471273 0.8439163 0.0706660 0.9551154
0.9783697 0.1720289 0.6327307 0.5031399
0.8673323 0.2480370 0.6143645 0.2205467
0.1905734 0.3406908 0.0038097 0.1063645
0.4919964 0.3254222 0.0024640 0.5749885
0.7113865 0.4963860 0.6523721 0.0589407
0.7751916 0.9213611 0.7556305 0.7380588
ans(:,:,2,1,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.0102728 0.7869879 0.4224425 0.1847836 0.9911191 0.7171264
0.6326170 0.4537716 0.6983639 0.8475922 0.7784203 0.6494836
0.9872571 0.6276377 0.8688471 0.0196818 0.2241776 0.3116178
0.2738996 0.1599150 0.8873252 0.2603410 0.4524987 0.2994896
0.3060755 0.4605067 0.0469910 0.4117608 0.1927481 0.8043289
0.7050812 0.1509867 0.1425108 0.5162964 0.3401355 0.6022343
0.4265652 0.3726254 0.7981891 0.2168170 0.9888975 0.6476326
0.6524802 0.5570739 0.8175592 0.2550218 0.9139493 0.0724688
0.9552424 0.6407442 0.6644576 0.3637030 0.0904287 0.2604093
0.2482823 0.4084737 0.2589626 0.7900248 0.8356889 0.0010138
Columns 7 through 10:
0.0523161 0.2954536 0.9946666 0.5971124
0.6388745 0.3498102 0.7762737 0.9119895
0.7772392 0.7447664 0.1293567 0.5012443
0.5567880 0.7529136 0.3506618 0.4091337
0.2697423 0.9638289 0.1427652 0.1921481
0.6502622 0.9979430 0.6982095 0.1404264
0.0828745 0.0766134 0.6750829 0.8625562
0.4822215 0.5403436 0.4884062 0.2870998
0.2537652 0.9961874 0.1483415 0.2586591
0.2443475 0.2356337 0.7033171 0.2047642
ans(:,:,3,1,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.886570 0.387795 0.674710 0.653723 0.149113 0.797752
0.878079 0.278299 0.023144 0.217300 0.864953 0.701004
0.388871 0.903133 0.455367 0.443985 0.501682 0.385823
0.342179 0.985679 0.903545 0.681919 0.802747 0.856096
0.996988 0.200966 0.157184 0.380738 0.742683 0.157015
0.575593 0.142549 0.562835 0.388252 0.422879 0.094094
0.181369 0.925404 0.822692 0.197060 0.723766 0.515104
0.952350 0.444017 0.681560 0.662165 0.942260 0.808604
0.079305 0.566000 0.255629 0.680495 0.903966 0.138276
0.090300 0.783986 0.535740 0.911551 0.539740 0.036267
Columns 7 through 10:
0.222259 0.629112 0.454202 0.748143
0.385930 0.232702 0.369554 0.385771
0.502429 0.061489 0.491785 0.500039
0.985800 0.183869 0.029227 0.807328
0.825766 0.345752 0.225206 0.058568
0.699256 0.311132 0.642183 0.075352
0.644914 0.101891 0.272531 0.217387
0.430396 0.789706 0.546499 0.884225
0.509364 0.080719 0.347810 0.552523
0.789972 0.232638 0.714936 0.608923
ans(:,:,4,1,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.703167 0.895547 0.321455 0.964754 0.636111 0.562098
0.805162 0.904342 0.629949 0.448413 0.432901 0.635484
0.381280 0.029067 0.712167 0.090733 0.932404 0.310156
0.716366 0.476315 0.128624 0.205000 0.741729 0.522251
0.964924 0.191945 0.306641 0.454506 0.918261 0.387312
0.583575 0.667824 0.216957 0.733722 0.268015 0.822478
0.188006 0.859222 0.750902 0.873207 0.890193 0.363098
0.617089 0.768765 0.759699 0.671263 0.836112 0.435831
0.182397 0.503122 0.983581 0.111772 0.978514 0.122360
0.631235 0.641815 0.790211 0.050426 0.211761 0.491106
Columns 7 through 10:
0.805627 0.811498 0.742229 0.848890
0.340196 0.259301 0.222319 0.648404
0.612253 0.136577 0.394925 0.772409
0.071778 0.141588 0.913788 0.679360
0.269393 0.166476 0.263635 0.423187
0.686158 0.437595 0.454158 0.738118
0.844870 0.226333 0.050935 0.286054
0.211835 0.908488 0.451580 0.767429
0.155943 0.310180 0.052210 0.997174
0.590957 0.780875 0.716083 0.641756
ans(:,:,1,2,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.1878352 0.8624286 0.3665079 0.9346284 0.8097372 0.9284779
0.3818379 0.5380551 0.3511858 0.3621515 0.4375099 0.0897530
0.2033886 0.6267727 0.4514046 0.3064438 0.4398464 0.1861123
0.7826517 0.0737229 0.0914460 0.6014377 0.8460290 0.7306190
0.1679334 0.9100354 0.5665778 0.1829216 0.0026763 0.1725150
0.3000967 0.6898867 0.3373977 0.9283066 0.1095613 0.1012451
0.1856724 0.7785792 0.0918462 0.2723747 0.8237254 0.0469334
0.5444948 0.8286812 0.9634168 0.3888340 0.2384108 0.4722390
0.3702035 0.7133309 0.3465711 0.9603066 0.4341037 0.7701312
0.4971123 0.7048958 0.7037008 0.8628597 0.7896578 0.2269976
Columns 7 through 10:
0.0596639 0.8541383 0.1458686 0.4222925
0.5366376 0.6475454 0.6719793 0.6302454
0.2555567 0.6555141 0.5413356 0.4390930
0.7452817 0.1538712 0.5908946 0.3671833
0.2530928 0.2819780 0.1573123 0.6293347
0.3219239 0.6944065 0.9315498 0.2198387
0.8257163 0.1817305 0.7905729 0.5578306
0.2679742 0.9576643 0.9092099 0.4662440
0.2403528 0.8262039 0.4280747 0.5123595
0.0588874 0.8026308 0.5616471 0.6272292
ans(:,:,2,2,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.2817777 0.2426456 0.9800920 0.4485883 0.9420195 0.0210151
0.8026816 0.6968762 0.2329937 0.3864551 0.7469092 0.1397848
0.3604065 0.2609379 0.6908306 0.6449120 0.7933182 0.8722471
0.6243291 0.6924631 0.6703188 0.8824525 0.5496050 0.3582978
0.7949584 0.3667689 0.1713776 0.2579087 0.8550084 0.8316173
0.8861642 0.7375697 0.5709407 0.8717697 0.0297959 0.4739057
0.4029860 0.0708173 0.4531750 0.6988634 0.9725306 0.2537152
0.3037881 0.3817658 0.0044153 0.0517739 0.7865039 0.7815663
0.8142875 0.9779351 0.6364370 0.8089758 0.7452076 0.9534135
0.0772751 0.5860291 0.9943992 0.3222467 0.7701242 0.3263064
Columns 7 through 10:
0.2716679 0.4005586 0.2887278 0.6872264
0.5503250 0.3952428 0.7999758 0.3053899
0.3299734 0.3809559 0.6461417 0.9840608
0.1264273 0.1183382 0.6221502 0.4467041
0.5175271 0.5742084 0.6400923 0.9573118
0.7316170 0.0673990 0.5855794 0.9771024
0.0056992 0.5945818 0.1184796 0.3150174
0.3239212 0.5616612 0.3554259 0.4474511
0.1817791 0.9933149 0.0355487 0.0985332
0.5328323 0.8903889 0.1996794 0.7151594
ans(:,:,3,2,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.4650336 0.1290626 0.5637894 0.6909094 0.8023020 0.9688239
0.7762508 0.4686659 0.5253495 0.2967104 0.9894615 0.6643910
0.4146187 0.3799304 0.6445695 0.9634592 0.3051356 0.7322590
0.0121596 0.8730502 0.6061742 0.8625687 0.1548036 0.8308767
0.6269605 0.6719517 0.1948955 0.8805310 0.2481145 0.8828404
0.5021922 0.0020074 0.3464080 0.5400264 0.5584776 0.6148001
0.6121586 0.8587893 0.2051135 0.3176191 0.6744515 0.1056653
0.3598432 0.9798290 0.7812014 0.9331295 0.1538925 0.2230421
0.5179343 0.1550994 0.4213246 0.1235934 0.2573815 0.5212689
0.9024882 0.7767693 0.2992562 0.6108584 0.4032308 0.0857939
Columns 7 through 10:
0.3190705 0.7415331 0.3020702 0.8814395
0.1383603 0.4121208 0.2586144 0.1448048
0.5587912 0.0810173 0.8992439 0.0914073
0.5050345 0.6957303 0.3293078 0.9099616
0.7795904 0.0128167 0.5730085 0.8210464
0.9051300 0.6443984 0.9420758 0.2929259
0.5486139 0.8428771 0.4933654 0.2884004
0.4987979 0.5632385 0.7008250 0.3480636
0.4074552 0.8943786 0.6851662 0.2615953
0.4132316 0.6639066 0.4219204 0.8470077
ans(:,:,4,2,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.1387701 0.7323272 0.5839849 0.3377349 0.5608527 0.4291921
0.7662255 0.1864237 0.3880898 0.2240633 0.9532640 0.2813417
0.4694665 0.4050114 0.6872974 0.6890945 0.9732192 0.1751725
0.4092232 0.8157509 0.5091082 0.3897147 0.5552357 0.2743486
0.8135658 0.5885752 0.7231130 0.5980365 0.3198819 0.2991516
0.0542688 0.7818956 0.4371062 0.9334046 0.4949795 0.6461746
0.4085862 0.3413757 0.8565464 0.8901276 0.5837812 0.0015213
0.1445362 0.7540329 0.3328202 0.7295881 0.5008343 0.8108689
0.3134238 0.6581873 0.8769458 0.7714833 0.2454879 0.1323422
0.7463726 0.3755997 0.7546217 0.9276641 0.8201612 0.9546037
Columns 7 through 10:
0.8829186 0.5863462 0.8476416 0.5365916
0.2361552 0.0726304 0.8838354 0.1502373
0.8042768 0.2585160 0.5515444 0.4848605
0.8983858 0.4069385 0.8166760 0.8782747
0.0577268 0.9604372 0.7152396 0.9542161
0.5907363 0.0962301 0.9633589 0.7875858
0.4086413 0.8141418 0.5467496 0.4831412
0.3067305 0.2918304 0.3994853 0.0681579
0.9334252 0.6102766 0.6432716 0.1207185
0.7079995 0.8991320 0.7339144 0.6185315
ans(:,:,1,3,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.850794 0.633792 0.022319 0.584993 0.378538 0.876180
0.820550 0.566085 0.076135 0.980739 0.468111 0.756060
0.021893 0.061616 0.244420 0.178111 0.569384 0.242228
0.387538 0.537468 0.407364 0.981958 0.429383 0.919181
0.267927 0.511574 0.897277 0.431496 0.096990 0.969997
0.303660 0.702656 0.993402 0.341931 0.611596 0.807850
0.768928 0.936842 0.527614 0.808162 0.421734 0.535711
0.164418 0.788436 0.497669 0.037615 0.673811 0.083115
0.337013 0.453766 0.176417 0.728280 0.590792 0.333881
0.934198 0.350312 0.397179 0.337865 0.279992 0.401225
Columns 7 through 10:
0.891551 0.203911 0.719829 0.329083
0.700094 0.326396 0.834893 0.551854
0.140019 0.476442 0.684188 0.904101
0.963655 0.113402 0.328759 0.976565
0.587752 0.804928 0.978060 0.718629
0.419945 0.579493 0.698214 0.114274
0.915048 0.438472 0.226911 0.105264
0.612784 0.189952 0.231739 0.633512
0.954178 0.435415 0.196564 0.411623
0.907945 0.639666 0.676578 0.208758
ans(:,:,2,3,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.226755 0.126199 0.703004 0.191332 0.351628 0.785355
0.240716 0.103539 0.233432 0.358979 0.023161 0.264994
0.671350 0.490331 0.995962 0.060878 0.924733 0.307135
0.796921 0.751032 0.786203 0.612042 0.103880 0.430942
0.276815 0.917041 0.680917 0.173359 0.477252 0.543289
0.596638 0.520283 0.322937 0.906080 0.449664 0.282786
0.495594 0.769421 0.055374 0.088746 0.679443 0.293056
0.300856 0.603273 0.837346 0.679741 0.529878 0.830693
0.240044 0.623625 0.185466 0.745815 0.157575 0.145465
0.153187 0.489262 0.447974 0.420381 0.501956 0.713076
Columns 7 through 10:
0.555344 0.813898 0.560332 0.214597
0.672756 0.277195 0.789812 0.080667
0.644100 0.227224 0.971435 0.370642
0.919219 0.165152 0.359257 0.329207
0.667804 0.853995 0.444430 0.490269
0.111295 0.012433 0.130959 0.624635
0.578472 0.941766 0.902522 0.129056
0.277710 0.506310 0.683419 0.792852
0.387422 0.169937 0.732633 0.570809
0.145518 0.548646 0.275199 0.520761
ans(:,:,3,3,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.689191 0.479827 0.229239 0.106677 0.399505 0.611669
0.138483 0.318286 0.647842 0.251831 0.958738 0.688333
0.273278 0.979835 0.250448 0.765089 0.306333 0.747542
0.920489 0.760811 0.233740 0.217678 0.168359 0.527905
0.167515 0.317350 0.606746 0.114158 0.845687 0.532453
0.859382 0.740998 0.243033 0.785245 0.425521 0.417986
0.192789 0.269181 0.063988 0.348172 0.914070 0.542250
0.420217 0.557663 0.159572 0.983462 0.733567 0.877299
0.012020 0.714532 0.760805 0.185285 0.771359 0.392577
0.666482 0.575258 0.864656 0.841221 0.530768 0.323908
Columns 7 through 10:
0.177994 0.070328 0.089431 0.503279
0.773427 0.056813 0.039949 0.367435
0.466352 0.479911 0.815991 0.236570
0.890969 0.711271 0.292221 0.579875
0.913373 0.360598 0.933918 0.492918
0.201973 0.455594 0.623610 0.128726
0.795043 0.272933 0.782612 0.680447
0.736731 0.254735 0.313396 0.186607
0.646843 0.919227 0.864458 0.010671
0.191913 0.545958 0.526232 0.171408
ans(:,:,4,3,2) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.651044 0.426291 0.132529 0.309644 0.490345 0.847867
0.066316 0.918754 0.781046 0.668628 0.734299 0.331468
0.097357 0.568706 0.445841 0.155303 0.140473 0.931829
0.027515 0.483933 0.202185 0.348720 0.017776 0.086517
0.056745 0.877355 0.508475 0.196365 0.940916 0.989078
0.123305 0.534926 0.324671 0.594712 0.643167 0.694618
0.094629 0.755468 0.920526 0.361791 0.580710 0.562871
0.733656 0.208680 0.948009 0.889321 0.489601 0.538729
0.638333 0.652550 0.473284 0.801093 0.737833 0.517871
0.319182 0.540627 0.265402 0.659331 0.675305 0.662707
Columns 7 through 10:
0.355006 0.039983 0.584125 0.217797
0.378733 0.204801 0.069714 0.954470
0.959785 0.874550 0.753330 0.064999
0.489601 0.945162 0.183287 0.597647
0.789460 0.566294 0.486116 0.594112
0.052787 0.120518 0.040279 0.407727
0.344680 0.211137 0.150753 0.583710
0.727590 0.610068 0.197102 0.413788
0.367515 0.561431 0.116795 0.462783
0.467771 0.385066 0.672628 0.533868
ans(:,:,1,1,3) =
Columns 1 through 5:
7.5862e-01 7.0339e-02 3.6282e-02 5.5131e-01 2.7969e-01
6.2216e-01 7.5748e-01 3.6294e-01 2.9254e-01 7.6816e-01
5.4553e-01 5.7890e-01 5.0648e-01 8.0610e-01 5.6458e-01
1.8127e-01 3.7119e-01 6.7823e-02 8.9845e-02 1.0287e-01
8.4725e-01 2.5148e-01 4.7502e-01 6.9425e-01 4.9971e-01
2.6574e-01 9.3057e-01 4.7543e-02 6.5614e-02 4.3115e-02
8.1758e-01 9.8570e-01 2.5194e-01 9.1936e-01 4.7104e-01
1.0012e-01 6.1040e-01 7.1138e-01 5.9225e-01 7.5650e-01
5.8747e-01 2.2277e-01 7.2763e-01 3.6139e-01 7.3308e-01
2.2427e-01 5.0527e-01 3.3283e-01 7.5260e-01 3.6417e-01
Columns 6 through 10:
9.6009e-01 1.8728e-01 8.3446e-01 3.3526e-01 8.3750e-01
4.2889e-01 5.6616e-01 2.8738e-01 2.1075e-01 4.0626e-01
6.9434e-01 5.1687e-01 4.6799e-01 5.6063e-01 8.1310e-01
3.9723e-02 7.0505e-01 8.9811e-01 9.4357e-01 3.7400e-01
4.6657e-02 6.1032e-01 4.5710e-01 5.6654e-01 2.6755e-02
4.7177e-01 8.2159e-01 1.9348e-01 4.4297e-04 4.4911e-01
6.7479e-01 2.4456e-01 4.0061e-03 4.5427e-01 2.3461e-01
7.2876e-01 2.8433e-01 8.5717e-01 4.5281e-01 4.3909e-01
5.9167e-01 7.6419e-01 1.4003e-01 4.0845e-02 8.0935e-01
2.7468e-01 7.4208e-01 9.3800e-01 6.0103e-01 7.5989e-01
ans(:,:,2,1,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.3144406 0.4492238 0.3210776 0.1497821 0.5833951 0.8490552
0.9824930 0.7265806 0.8706343 0.1787491 0.7706558 0.0922346
0.8343240 0.5000853 0.3288861 0.2756994 0.7640376 0.0449381
0.0239175 0.9118305 0.8540507 0.7791173 0.6180356 0.8900255
0.4609098 0.9856295 0.4481503 0.7467271 0.9205030 0.1736041
0.2522840 0.5853109 0.7773521 0.0357720 0.5318434 0.1224892
0.6811796 0.2201579 0.4454656 0.8754586 0.2301040 0.0428462
0.5919952 0.3561907 0.9231253 0.4670646 0.9991223 0.8102270
0.8929500 0.9734924 0.4432754 0.6462194 0.2691508 0.1679024
0.1108776 0.2207221 0.2445374 0.2562309 0.2825925 0.3206091
Columns 7 through 10:
0.5482065 0.1904423 0.9086377 0.6126567
0.3320397 0.1238842 0.0435185 0.7314706
0.4481993 0.4115661 0.9242669 0.8499299
0.4386039 0.6351336 0.2455769 0.6618803
0.4609222 0.9394539 0.6088242 0.3358313
0.0854179 0.5619829 0.1892635 0.3640896
0.0096226 0.5155902 0.6920935 0.6643849
0.2964721 0.8071447 0.6327603 0.2741741
0.7812418 0.9049199 0.0523360 0.3749038
0.8870934 0.5149981 0.9373216 0.6739404
ans(:,:,3,1,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.346231 0.694847 0.707671 0.085639 0.466567 0.716807
0.023801 0.418648 0.961039 0.786690 0.301366 0.934630
0.833354 0.409944 0.936141 0.448633 0.407969 0.212977
0.445973 0.866308 0.307409 0.150295 0.307950 0.399792
0.530967 0.974366 0.274299 0.287140 0.156292 0.447983
0.501685 0.071529 0.492295 0.192580 0.220192 0.597013
0.738300 0.871712 0.160501 0.870715 0.751114 0.248977
0.748594 0.251224 0.582473 0.748841 0.290333 0.172787
0.315559 0.214128 0.054372 0.933764 0.322828 0.129749
0.554287 0.172606 0.272414 0.193977 0.188578 0.634297
Columns 7 through 10:
0.863770 0.295949 0.467176 0.209818
0.118984 0.427427 0.211036 0.654256
0.834705 0.070273 0.053068 0.358345
0.218966 0.021331 0.420073 0.973724
0.444437 0.158654 0.017893 0.040638
0.893008 0.465510 0.266844 0.478578
0.770323 0.234894 0.740672 0.938118
0.586680 0.074564 0.431630 0.112819
0.161049 0.329851 0.373123 0.101998
0.038160 0.723431 0.848633 0.011059
ans(:,:,4,1,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.4688882 0.2156854 0.6157801 0.3459437 0.7306166 0.1691803
0.6861487 0.9708954 0.7809346 0.7500212 0.0671029 0.6600254
0.1429935 0.1575170 0.4164209 0.5889212 0.2715798 0.4538906
0.0323139 0.1186050 0.3985368 0.0940944 0.9539747 0.0717362
0.2601728 0.6208839 0.7883033 0.7570049 0.5285336 0.5516416
0.3017383 0.1942561 0.9151548 0.0355131 0.2005608 0.9926870
0.1974383 0.5725224 0.1402459 0.9791335 0.0976611 0.2336492
0.2042691 0.7597393 0.7491054 0.7791514 0.5000714 0.2744578
0.0089501 0.1159639 0.6710723 0.4272502 0.1681824 0.3603148
0.4482561 0.0689440 0.1811430 0.8410362 0.4249539 0.8003807
Columns 7 through 10:
0.4576554 0.1674037 0.1254396 0.9212458
0.8617081 0.9788741 0.2704862 0.1131170
0.1053439 0.3182267 0.5032730 0.4386040
0.9719134 0.4515963 0.0308440 0.9703481
0.8575032 0.0638075 0.7834544 0.6449187
0.5494912 0.9324951 0.3172727 0.2735147
0.4864995 0.2238607 0.5380475 0.9242677
0.4528357 0.9043334 0.1666322 0.8277307
0.3197599 0.8014975 0.9498181 0.5855582
0.5361182 0.7659236 0.6675139 0.3575443
ans(:,:,1,2,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.7330856 0.3042450 0.8898046 0.1755047 0.4457987 0.8037152
0.1114979 0.1439123 0.5902880 0.7711424 0.3678137 0.9083077
0.2445166 0.2329721 0.2395515 0.9756815 0.1064098 0.5483993
0.9278149 0.8078374 0.8807261 0.3310950 0.3232468 0.1266189
0.6665967 0.3363437 0.8233265 0.2842847 0.3060392 0.0145264
0.7546649 0.7868362 0.4076428 0.6631526 0.4638260 0.8560493
0.8397705 0.5463782 0.4909727 0.1768447 0.2470691 0.4120335
0.0983401 0.0856996 0.1697998 0.3833083 0.8611075 0.3729273
0.0990290 0.1564875 0.5247001 0.9386423 0.4074036 0.6870344
0.9768055 0.2989777 0.4091708 0.9669247 0.0017685 0.5602568
Columns 7 through 10:
0.6353499 0.9819943 0.5693483 0.0550054
0.0709421 0.6059790 0.4243352 0.2394649
0.9443484 0.9094269 0.3208277 0.3395519
0.6830302 0.9260379 0.5621889 0.8411683
0.1032302 0.8202412 0.1200913 0.1045161
0.2944562 0.9181236 0.5453256 0.5833506
0.1064836 0.1427281 0.5523289 0.4369657
0.7475847 0.7739307 0.2310015 0.4928523
0.0679849 0.2444004 0.5378377 0.8258556
0.0983835 0.9581749 0.6529665 0.4366992
ans(:,:,2,2,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.801800 0.889606 0.473886 0.413931 0.614331 0.976644
0.034406 0.132254 0.733489 0.650993 0.118877 0.606720
0.154382 0.973474 0.248322 0.782100 0.202628 0.340121
0.814748 0.707078 0.418948 0.035337 0.186991 0.799777
0.965618 0.817127 0.264575 0.289095 0.191235 0.874288
0.395955 0.471524 0.456562 0.502931 0.706726 0.986115
0.156622 0.590867 0.678740 0.726686 0.458974 0.709143
0.741038 0.427106 0.542616 0.118991 0.690710 0.861181
0.331060 0.119422 0.836683 0.430782 0.498884 0.654998
0.604842 0.239425 0.222406 0.849891 0.962850 0.609631
Columns 7 through 10:
0.053919 0.300076 0.678275 0.338434
0.322860 0.747788 0.684467 0.099280
0.973850 0.286965 0.616203 0.392100
0.424588 0.503839 0.364567 0.342696
0.241548 0.804625 0.197536 0.723703
0.098138 0.362786 0.867388 0.805281
0.081192 0.378197 0.322923 0.231199
0.685437 0.804673 0.012785 0.679488
0.027788 0.182210 0.179127 0.844619
0.829615 0.239432 0.987732 0.783645
ans(:,:,3,2,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.8638408 0.5383200 0.8390726 0.4922262 0.5377311 0.3070349
0.8304281 0.9130739 0.2563583 0.1109677 0.6205165 0.4549220
0.6011665 0.6834816 0.1600743 0.0084841 0.8246802 0.4075215
0.7767272 0.9947367 0.3790288 0.1316896 0.4813490 0.7754773
0.6669814 0.3389192 0.8098667 0.2365177 0.7714173 0.1639011
0.4799822 0.5177266 0.9094590 0.1518632 0.7817404 0.3329719
0.1490409 0.1085869 0.7535682 0.5204631 0.6424606 0.1484554
0.5315505 0.3440682 0.8821695 0.1502736 0.4481577 0.6495417
0.6115610 0.7743779 0.8746075 0.8461900 0.6164543 0.2885691
0.1790778 0.7667946 0.9706007 0.8380643 0.0561393 0.8824586
Columns 7 through 10:
0.6228087 0.4695518 0.1045802 0.5680434
0.3644617 0.3462045 0.8742075 0.5602357
0.1129321 0.5047795 0.9976517 0.8098700
0.2035998 0.2189152 0.7757646 0.4933722
0.6368288 0.0198674 0.7799486 0.4718916
0.9115136 0.8247864 0.8294839 0.0896633
0.7085746 0.4791783 0.0375108 0.1751525
0.6911451 0.2915172 0.4730333 0.0688938
0.0986350 0.2037087 0.7406669 0.2259780
0.6479128 0.7178085 0.5234308 0.9833795
ans(:,:,4,2,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.1228437 0.7780539 0.3690884 0.9366872 0.9085254 0.4931580
0.9979052 0.3704630 0.8591198 0.9993234 0.0581341 0.7119564
0.8461543 0.9419168 0.1104134 0.2237329 0.0828601 0.9050517
0.1915681 0.9889016 0.8505302 0.7926905 0.9537788 0.4099166
0.2213825 0.0584224 0.4005544 0.1852734 0.4988128 0.6694278
0.7269050 0.7000921 0.7410180 0.0855901 0.3538941 0.1031796
0.9176624 0.7027551 0.1879621 0.4757906 0.1168271 0.9169995
0.2066870 0.0399170 0.4468000 0.6953315 0.2636719 0.8856366
0.4637182 0.7804980 0.8162842 0.5257744 0.6172873 0.5684309
0.1870185 0.7035381 0.1542301 0.3177718 0.9447843 0.2016580
Columns 7 through 10:
0.9081769 0.2783110 0.7588383 0.5132261
0.3070008 0.3337840 0.0524411 0.9493287
0.5895633 0.9659673 0.7425054 0.4342710
0.4884174 0.3443639 0.9945328 0.2486848
0.9233115 0.3928765 0.6471286 0.4124642
0.8274357 0.1576627 0.1288500 0.2563796
0.9335671 0.0399718 0.3905329 0.9743407
0.7740407 0.9232492 0.8428377 0.2792094
0.1646656 0.4630966 0.7754765 0.0027463
0.9803285 0.3537339 0.0275984 0.7204858
ans(:,:,1,3,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.5451512 0.8501206 0.2304755 0.2498105 0.1888376 0.6490907
0.6366809 0.5170853 0.4553925 0.3529467 0.2941880 0.9944569
0.5122925 0.7736511 0.5807332 0.1962239 0.4819563 0.1205416
0.0650341 0.2077574 0.6380603 0.1652163 0.5069141 0.2623774
0.5283906 0.0038776 0.7067157 0.8545034 0.4883227 0.4027647
0.6935661 0.4070631 0.1358483 0.6181418 0.8104914 0.3330237
0.6968040 0.5745810 0.0931668 0.6721785 0.8460913 0.4107106
0.5785152 0.8470552 0.0756227 0.6873187 0.0438698 0.9966676
0.0140942 0.3091861 0.3241048 0.5055772 0.4598760 0.6843525
0.0522626 0.7262363 0.0841506 0.8864243 0.9317813 0.3542598
Columns 7 through 10:
0.3626136 0.3613126 0.0602946 0.7378855
0.7736633 0.1612781 0.4825160 0.7321479
0.2645039 0.3064498 0.5197230 0.6318896
0.8818802 0.9011179 0.1891753 0.1600077
0.8206620 0.8385200 0.7681921 0.3407088
0.2611078 0.6914835 0.3115156 0.8106428
0.3326413 0.3620572 0.1612614 0.7063555
0.2671771 0.3540776 0.2335775 0.9312685
0.3925613 0.5362972 0.7036809 0.6310741
0.5939778 0.1803123 0.1792624 0.0094850
ans(:,:,2,3,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.480055 0.850857 0.123711 0.625405 0.309723 0.263567
0.975250 0.930985 0.843071 0.239367 0.120495 0.935139
0.689730 0.339604 0.210789 0.664570 0.992767 0.555746
0.685839 0.291060 0.192766 0.174706 0.694030 0.864857
0.580082 0.387641 0.827041 0.085306 0.385927 0.570856
0.913498 0.934841 0.496802 0.376514 0.843975 0.351227
0.977695 0.736267 0.376512 0.297048 0.812334 0.067724
0.221346 0.063625 0.447934 0.894158 0.138811 0.979202
0.310575 0.708989 0.405779 0.530170 0.167860 0.440096
0.123417 0.745651 0.695775 0.019632 0.223622 0.477842
Columns 7 through 10:
0.999597 0.070435 0.765801 0.415470
0.020127 0.525837 0.990626 0.225867
0.757077 0.727578 0.319761 0.863790
0.827709 0.753525 0.250040 0.926440
0.659542 0.552003 0.403290 0.920449
0.241768 0.607339 0.551262 0.106164
0.174699 0.132699 0.195405 0.222836
0.877932 0.879486 0.774517 0.732650
0.619510 0.678228 0.948420 0.272670
0.672432 0.650404 0.869748 0.087234
ans(:,:,3,3,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.2846252 0.1710440 0.6094655 0.7268151 0.2510088 0.2754298
0.5488403 0.2882846 0.2726451 0.8317832 0.3331892 0.5142781
0.1441260 0.7816386 0.7129209 0.0129407 0.4231293 0.7974054
0.6792504 0.0040439 0.7509981 0.2168169 0.3480927 0.8175583
0.6077945 0.6052270 0.7635452 0.3597744 0.2559128 0.1531447
0.6014720 0.5198702 0.9114100 0.4822730 0.7441367 0.0151756
0.1474322 0.7942648 0.0701747 0.0911274 0.3684599 0.8922914
0.1539660 0.5633182 0.6048291 0.9356029 0.7782934 0.2643835
0.0653401 0.4600428 0.0834668 0.5067473 0.2612884 0.3010248
0.3276631 0.2028324 0.5865180 0.4980144 0.8092142 0.9596885
Columns 7 through 10:
0.8011920 0.2816751 0.1209784 0.1871667
0.8361668 0.9668568 0.6825827 0.1022839
0.1892759 0.8674382 0.6554186 0.7467678
0.5897867 0.4231385 0.9867465 0.0485279
0.1033270 0.7222864 0.1380636 0.4314299
0.3765269 0.1163341 0.7089589 0.7003331
0.5845179 0.2773794 0.0189292 0.8931890
0.6287488 0.4329276 0.1939273 0.5792620
0.2075719 0.9958989 0.8779850 0.4668706
0.3564005 0.5261375 0.0130078 0.6342188
ans(:,:,4,3,3) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.103288 0.749715 0.016936 0.572145 0.352822 0.604138
0.874111 0.276434 0.436598 0.687274 0.130699 0.169570
0.467697 0.564932 0.399560 0.109354 0.727055 0.080277
0.399710 0.820655 0.296942 0.898174 0.472342 0.999163
0.360285 0.901911 0.171391 0.138758 0.393811 0.588268
0.014444 0.889683 0.475232 0.092502 0.353702 0.903984
0.379640 0.427433 0.188672 0.435678 0.376546 0.360428
0.968674 0.077473 0.635428 0.103905 0.487530 0.197135
0.154273 0.205481 0.373369 0.273767 0.213899 0.578077
0.195533 0.707775 0.582127 0.039266 0.305968 0.479923
Columns 7 through 10:
0.665827 0.753722 0.885713 0.618882
0.308906 0.421122 0.663639 0.625722
0.589005 0.471625 0.679215 0.299922
0.906937 0.049325 0.442257 0.113711
0.130041 0.820066 0.385054 0.293687
0.586955 0.392636 0.412309 0.534002
0.159771 0.115198 0.133780 0.439231
0.307487 0.362510 0.973057 0.569527
0.131633 0.578125 0.357810 0.415215
0.223604 0.592966 0.445016 0.244886
ans(:,:,1,1,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.3785191 0.0108493 0.9605271 0.0023736 0.4513397 0.7941403
0.4393758 0.1930053 0.9190101 0.2971234 0.6425911 0.6617955
0.4839588 0.0155434 0.8736503 0.5692455 0.4682384 0.6035955
0.0321522 0.8966157 0.7655156 0.4383293 0.4959687 0.1269778
0.1832596 0.8379255 0.3944127 0.3522696 0.7231979 0.5714074
0.8226049 0.9250080 0.0482925 0.0394528 0.0673779 0.7472375
0.9110212 0.8812026 0.4383090 0.6884619 0.4316804 0.6579136
0.9510257 0.6822651 0.8265268 0.1986968 0.5583221 0.2418278
0.0822499 0.2769205 0.7628481 0.7232950 0.7167915 0.8057909
0.4017382 0.7031880 0.3600857 0.1716812 0.2066791 0.3299801
Columns 7 through 10:
0.7811152 0.9041819 0.0696058 0.8690373
0.3228429 0.5467856 0.2348992 0.7928588
0.1885670 0.9033467 0.7118153 0.1220953
0.8772282 0.5113753 0.0714468 0.3197514
0.8149026 0.6432656 0.9754336 0.8634003
0.3584193 0.7960000 0.7767492 0.6795313
0.2045736 0.2964510 0.6861184 0.3886449
0.7996347 0.0800178 0.1172766 0.3637207
0.4150001 0.2880630 0.6289046 0.5933788
0.6226515 0.7524806 0.2858924 0.9487069
ans(:,:,2,1,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.8100104 0.3979261 0.3467350 0.4808002 0.8978606 0.5025340
0.8423734 0.8449910 0.0877013 0.1351406 0.5909174 0.4233560
0.8292347 0.2863203 0.6685257 0.1828632 0.0766521 0.6964954
0.6890046 0.0474064 0.7071524 0.2093959 0.5247008 0.9220472
0.4777844 0.8325253 0.5332144 0.7242996 0.8526023 0.9554140
0.3216604 0.4375894 0.2453835 0.4818066 0.2881497 0.1257933
0.0145445 0.4085173 0.5530977 0.8422774 0.2781154 0.2549177
0.4663474 0.0458723 0.6755106 0.5872221 0.0074437 0.1228561
0.4814045 0.3968975 0.5946606 0.6045436 0.2928195 0.8705251
0.1325210 0.5700379 0.5205358 0.8103258 0.8512867 0.9098072
Columns 7 through 10:
0.1922647 0.3881156 0.7967817 0.5125256
0.0335228 0.3212042 0.9422233 0.2639867
0.9266748 0.6928911 0.1345436 0.9218868
0.2425319 0.6892601 0.7569770 0.0013963
0.8980518 0.4587089 0.1340647 0.1629767
0.6059684 0.4370783 0.1709569 0.4701822
0.1082179 0.9786090 0.0095417 0.9005811
0.9201644 0.0600551 0.2403048 0.6353613
0.9633558 0.0441327 0.2115948 0.1442310
0.6192783 0.2320528 0.7727746 0.6280055
ans(:,:,3,1,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.431920 0.904283 0.490634 0.966862 0.576891 0.751729
0.955016 0.394360 0.759523 0.598377 0.674727 0.549850
0.284063 0.227637 0.718218 0.952498 0.026483 0.399514
0.668879 0.576639 0.804784 0.952752 0.539398 0.820547
0.031079 0.152640 0.069120 0.526655 0.085074 0.287305
0.469471 0.960297 0.077083 0.458250 0.929945 0.439228
0.578581 0.904569 0.482331 0.118060 0.909695 0.909585
0.668272 0.669797 0.774112 0.230339 0.482550 0.673848
0.839362 0.272602 0.317071 0.449671 0.298279 0.745459
0.769755 0.717374 0.889845 0.676432 0.041727 0.224992
Columns 7 through 10:
0.538840 0.495023 0.215640 0.624529
0.103167 0.082754 0.070717 0.470035
0.706418 0.292864 0.482974 0.157382
0.413895 0.527933 0.902264 0.093735
0.962201 0.032496 0.657382 0.299943
0.420276 0.040720 0.598305 0.745401
0.897602 0.681424 0.664921 0.952166
0.687243 0.192571 0.782766 0.931884
0.090040 0.603187 0.928007 0.936038
0.743185 0.499967 0.558059 0.328708
ans(:,:,4,1,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.1329071 0.1336629 0.4882787 0.6386346 0.9141590 0.6183739
0.4862451 0.5417116 0.1914554 0.4709545 0.5149824 0.1880359
0.8742992 0.3923178 0.2275061 0.7457718 0.5333878 0.4723723
0.1478415 0.9754518 0.4300433 0.2446824 0.7490084 0.2412507
0.4994754 0.6481735 0.8274194 0.8259531 0.7721391 0.7264443
0.1786777 0.8583073 0.6016381 0.2230578 0.9594751 0.7236471
0.6662511 0.4089263 0.7545118 0.4192134 0.3741564 0.1917574
0.9145741 0.2216669 0.5118600 0.8873028 0.0814163 0.9492785
0.3555764 0.2013435 0.0232607 0.9370945 0.9973404 0.3444831
0.4940396 0.7258596 0.1706104 0.0016818 0.0928433 0.9611576
Columns 7 through 10:
0.3364611 0.6485233 0.6800868 0.0071692
0.8885098 0.6270486 0.8625918 0.3069994
0.5025243 0.5172204 0.8686165 0.6249793
0.2011078 0.9393565 0.9496010 0.0259430
0.3595349 0.1913845 0.8334979 0.1240816
0.1919674 0.7618145 0.7406813 0.2758892
0.7171427 0.4017847 0.2162053 0.6918610
0.8484749 0.0065517 0.2919607 0.3693019
0.0545048 0.0701195 0.4613084 0.7994261
0.6158300 0.0989261 0.2988987 0.5957631
ans(:,:,1,2,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.9221863 0.3937555 0.9604929 0.8230049 0.1144016 0.7122617
0.3672935 0.1570914 0.0688964 0.5651891 0.2317572 0.0538997
0.7367600 0.8924232 0.6078225 0.7512682 0.0951665 0.6603563
0.1536374 0.8423908 0.9164920 0.2159831 0.7297324 0.2513081
0.2287588 0.3276718 0.9493095 0.5827039 0.9846809 0.9111145
0.6577846 0.8094693 0.5642568 0.5294142 0.2974792 0.9843389
0.0519598 0.0941951 0.0553248 0.8868559 0.9624232 0.1564037
0.6032713 0.9133535 0.7761071 0.6792725 0.8374845 0.2998004
0.5282124 0.6577550 0.5411139 0.3467639 0.7822044 0.4794027
0.5400329 0.7851130 0.7214275 0.8928510 0.7034001 0.4389079
Columns 7 through 10:
0.5256372 0.3891840 0.5531684 0.4302961
0.9937101 0.3912479 0.3058315 0.4970499
0.7892641 0.9058443 0.7333813 0.5971163
0.9381805 0.1272013 0.0956130 0.1929533
0.9172565 0.3368015 0.1307791 0.4649270
0.0083401 0.5142274 0.1292110 0.2124670
0.2137713 0.1134284 0.2100682 0.4409604
0.4575967 0.2236272 0.0331036 0.3328078
0.7761853 0.1085660 0.4492486 0.6909637
0.4633845 0.8153640 0.8215780 0.3755443
ans(:,:,2,2,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.819123 0.120903 0.484382 0.038341 0.161939 0.636981
0.838219 0.283026 0.283573 0.199184 0.263532 0.859071
0.325131 0.873733 0.994821 0.674037 0.128881 0.768851
0.371981 0.125940 0.512698 0.867149 0.944740 0.916469
0.180179 0.930897 0.967205 0.226741 0.475812 0.168968
0.822865 0.450575 0.481773 0.268391 0.037168 0.226606
0.873644 0.507853 0.995267 0.587533 0.339955 0.408680
0.759996 0.549796 0.756510 0.446919 0.413644 0.943504
0.138307 0.175906 0.030845 0.753134 0.662311 0.646046
0.844333 0.794263 0.645958 0.422030 0.448024 0.427176
Columns 7 through 10:
0.445721 0.265980 0.110597 0.107560
0.646451 0.932811 0.691615 0.244065
0.866176 0.181976 0.270733 0.351144
0.121436 0.145280 0.647547 0.693117
0.078989 0.598467 0.106820 0.226173
0.608855 0.955578 0.425256 0.950652
0.697084 0.035168 0.609061 0.723807
0.475361 0.469438 0.513648 0.944952
0.352257 0.189332 0.993169 0.443124
0.765749 0.596841 0.156123 0.294381
ans(:,:,3,2,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.2207312 0.0506856 0.7948222 0.8740116 0.1977410 0.0225726
0.0129601 0.9909827 0.4778199 0.9156120 0.5315436 0.4643840
0.8820794 0.8077184 0.7350488 0.6930436 0.8944724 0.1002417
0.3883300 0.5333843 0.8335439 0.1332570 0.2170623 0.5199104
0.7644182 0.0916670 0.9178284 0.2444251 0.3463661 0.9430180
0.4148302 0.0328810 0.6544471 0.0446654 0.9486696 0.8702543
0.0066148 0.1508441 0.8807896 0.5622397 0.1796325 0.0654344
0.3284826 0.7146644 0.0730952 0.4683785 0.3821778 0.1356288
0.7941329 0.9828135 0.9366276 0.4365991 0.7822187 0.3467706
0.1181847 0.5932183 0.2123378 0.5502300 0.4064237 0.9484115
Columns 7 through 10:
0.2814349 0.3358703 0.1909897 0.5761938
0.1001476 0.4171805 0.0205788 0.8417514
0.1772972 0.8073782 0.1033353 0.9750542
0.7781270 0.0594298 0.4628182 0.4482644
0.6048608 0.1516473 0.0993976 0.4753654
0.9453228 0.8232433 0.2345676 0.3244100
0.4168277 0.2724879 0.7021812 0.9570908
0.4211829 0.1483663 0.5357381 0.2868630
0.9246399 0.5521450 0.4772562 0.3061049
0.4107650 0.9296004 0.5825844 0.4040235
ans(:,:,4,2,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.3998692 0.1816136 0.4014900 0.1878816 0.9687808 0.6807696
0.2743225 0.1820235 0.6939612 0.6013270 0.7215128 0.0301795
0.5660411 0.0896822 0.2080072 0.1818823 0.5363087 0.9853368
0.6517941 0.1926007 0.1567062 0.7534557 0.1176018 0.1333705
0.6836826 0.6915843 0.1046337 0.6909996 0.2060720 0.3076803
0.8169169 0.7722084 0.5142177 0.3070352 0.8379442 0.1788433
0.0962919 0.1945839 0.1783261 0.9584661 0.1483848 0.4020275
0.0024227 0.0592890 0.0585696 0.4118688 0.8106422 0.4602598
0.7181605 0.6297752 0.7005899 0.7858837 0.3575236 0.0856582
0.9327273 0.8518045 0.8813047 0.7356853 0.1917535 0.1573381
Columns 7 through 10:
0.3341257 0.9666190 0.0500985 0.1787116
0.5634728 0.0348642 0.4322336 0.7682960
0.2576974 0.2843808 0.0432594 0.4831940
0.9855501 0.9954829 0.6100633 0.2294395
0.0279284 0.0226153 0.7314434 0.7958407
0.3464461 0.6501314 0.6060481 0.4320377
0.5402023 0.2511329 0.9928612 0.1246288
0.4823693 0.5856430 0.1391674 0.7279321
0.1148116 0.0069934 0.0668799 0.7736395
0.5978489 0.4175776 0.3291589 0.7364442
ans(:,:,1,3,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.4428318 0.2398345 0.8054242 0.5311792 0.0309002 0.2604719
0.8039845 0.9816392 0.0176186 0.7378988 0.7496737 0.1005455
0.2781143 0.5221152 0.7629324 0.9721451 0.0856175 0.8197961
0.0804212 0.1706542 0.8776389 0.3257413 0.8405505 0.8124761
0.7845693 0.8186195 0.7931446 0.6896201 0.1012919 0.8148798
0.4674011 0.2497635 0.8904285 0.5316739 0.9462265 0.5532187
0.9632776 0.4298828 0.7034344 0.8142668 0.8923561 0.8249331
0.3329943 0.0030627 0.1135250 0.4431260 0.5723092 0.7205891
0.6636094 0.5761154 0.0874562 0.4811210 0.7875135 0.8079906
0.9169652 0.2869805 0.6740854 0.3853947 0.5753733 0.6599927
Columns 7 through 10:
0.4581947 0.0190495 0.1994428 0.9169318
0.2565918 0.3324478 0.4357084 0.9218572
0.0704882 0.7451727 0.1049664 0.8319775
0.8347842 0.4330171 0.4950951 0.0253417
0.0282180 0.9718128 0.2084240 0.6230062
0.4971704 0.5908029 0.4444892 0.4561286
0.2362598 0.0493352 0.8117606 0.1696213
0.9855283 0.7919508 0.5259903 0.5212839
0.2747836 0.8284489 0.6706880 0.2339590
0.7480057 0.1340183 0.5515319 0.6119487
ans(:,:,2,3,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.045956 0.453027 0.332471 0.471060 0.769015 0.204756
0.405728 0.084246 0.806740 0.783708 0.793071 0.929316
0.307348 0.032294 0.916778 0.914669 0.180892 0.406862
0.265401 0.027937 0.931253 0.259871 0.975836 0.515867
0.701070 0.105863 0.063624 0.442207 0.072759 0.076980
0.351702 0.390311 0.101864 0.544741 0.584084 0.903041
0.700058 0.368975 0.309714 0.283959 0.059429 0.251071
0.132286 0.215867 0.188597 0.109037 0.450382 0.922532
0.096045 0.490030 0.510885 0.050734 0.234843 0.144785
0.753793 0.663184 0.289764 0.578164 0.376885 0.036052
Columns 7 through 10:
0.194204 0.385404 0.935548 0.659758
0.131649 0.645945 0.600144 0.721072
0.837149 0.484250 0.235129 0.890835
0.430541 0.359981 0.803519 0.627617
0.820869 0.281609 0.058534 0.236352
0.016961 0.512811 0.871534 0.324573
0.464656 0.450423 0.053522 0.200902
0.070603 0.665820 0.133322 0.187405
0.376772 0.956613 0.723076 0.556708
0.247163 0.369644 0.241978 0.660996
ans(:,:,3,3,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.1900844 0.5042037 0.2352399 0.4259761 0.5340870 0.7224739
0.4425407 0.9898682 0.5864365 0.8480903 0.6838866 0.8333596
0.1653547 0.6113855 0.1806442 0.7444247 0.8381104 0.5388216
0.5267754 0.1779311 0.0264266 0.0753469 0.1161482 0.5352721
0.5710416 0.8621054 0.4645747 0.0777636 0.1868425 0.7127999
0.2048246 0.0687362 0.4413036 0.7715360 0.2181228 0.8413727
0.6013444 0.3660024 0.8985174 0.9695797 0.6110059 0.5878016
0.5923611 0.2194472 0.4159441 0.2434017 0.0563829 0.7586861
0.5594199 0.8369203 0.3973945 0.2624748 0.9266826 0.9693698
0.5224290 0.9632543 0.2961119 0.3169275 0.7082023 0.0323499
Columns 7 through 10:
0.5666893 0.6450891 0.0619235 0.8015281
0.5236031 0.4093964 0.3465515 0.9741782
0.4840864 0.1091859 0.9761335 0.9409857
0.7915930 0.1964440 0.0113213 0.6952987
0.1304345 0.9664155 0.9790717 0.8100319
0.5963768 0.2873119 0.7071798 0.1999273
0.1568308 0.0020468 0.5721391 0.1793425
0.6041103 0.6636926 0.2359058 0.3164876
0.1142857 0.0616902 0.6012203 0.1198328
0.2558451 0.7963141 0.1316205 0.3497879
ans(:,:,4,3,4) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.455483 0.433091 0.546476 0.770915 0.610159 0.127337
0.722177 0.375602 0.299812 0.788992 0.439248 0.800542
0.848727 0.176577 0.971902 0.210796 0.332562 0.095872
0.895288 0.210152 0.212159 0.179440 0.105010 0.542659
0.199930 0.210232 0.188306 0.048453 0.715464 0.627898
0.901017 0.218487 0.234079 0.651553 0.366748 0.254831
0.187307 0.757084 0.380337 0.555499 0.474192 0.645459
0.865772 0.438766 0.936289 0.420820 0.372481 0.823051
0.153491 0.602102 0.630728 0.550746 0.710080 0.513180
0.900283 0.125030 0.806739 0.781810 0.937753 0.333983
Columns 7 through 10:
0.735940 0.956946 0.709751 0.265074
0.821596 0.966594 0.243540 0.490638
0.701439 0.227575 0.010666 0.097196
0.438868 0.945198 0.396448 0.428829
0.805237 0.209144 0.349541 0.807463
0.622573 0.763742 0.785789 0.969664
0.659886 0.363532 0.532697 0.271219
0.306488 0.326145 0.054343 0.429109
0.610497 0.939184 0.865744 0.209673
0.777626 0.094531 0.169519 0.322487
ans(:,:,1,1,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.7525529 0.2526449 0.5518167 0.7476556 0.6590931 0.3645592
0.8284224 0.2015857 0.8144802 0.1514454 0.4946551 0.2118947
0.6471742 0.8672025 0.0799349 0.9695598 0.7143175 0.2051612
0.2201457 0.4645232 0.9393170 0.6166459 0.2899488 0.5894681
0.1720271 0.0387727 0.3689050 0.8327928 0.8281529 0.3017802
0.9226222 0.6954933 0.0025359 0.2225603 0.8473578 0.4420238
0.4429980 0.1232048 0.2873159 0.8691833 0.5007745 0.3834831
0.6207460 0.4464608 0.3105228 0.2897732 0.1774605 0.0395224
0.9198031 0.4652506 0.4177073 0.7615541 0.4366602 0.9013855
0.6761669 0.8181348 0.8552856 0.5985181 0.3988782 0.9557264
Columns 7 through 10:
0.1562362 0.9402438 0.4178779 0.4828962
0.2350522 0.5360951 0.9756493 0.2689078
0.9775066 0.0783453 0.1572501 0.5173312
0.4399105 0.8319434 0.8591298 0.0878774
0.9052349 0.6235324 0.9563297 0.6223853
0.8190105 0.9753877 0.8739221 0.7005340
0.8284015 0.1330207 0.7216829 0.2117149
0.8476556 0.0469990 0.5927292 0.8871432
0.0493367 0.7829278 0.3196544 0.7290857
0.8589844 0.1794937 0.2668246 0.3640466
ans(:,:,2,1,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.949101 0.807530 0.184762 0.063234 0.643219 0.423089
0.802067 0.381490 0.127063 0.174317 0.194559 0.198314
0.162079 0.340070 0.813433 0.461299 0.068899 0.710028
0.529192 0.748057 0.444558 0.222226 0.566966 0.055088
0.165613 0.060685 0.505405 0.380502 0.058439 0.095110
0.039772 0.903359 0.400247 0.972611 0.846175 0.377672
0.165600 0.452785 0.415005 0.123863 0.032456 0.191811
0.087627 0.828465 0.138878 0.117744 0.039669 0.738604
0.176998 0.959255 0.445712 0.950234 0.307830 0.845644
0.479856 0.519376 0.855981 0.877873 0.015214 0.111778
Columns 7 through 10:
0.851341 0.421584 0.126577 0.380539
0.987831 0.522625 0.027647 0.390499
0.622777 0.357686 0.375540 0.693333
0.584734 0.417811 0.734467 0.607747
0.244363 0.033658 0.422938 0.126092
0.235824 0.761113 0.825028 0.182227
0.752699 0.352376 0.268589 0.507060
0.628813 0.032904 0.979176 0.988437
0.048061 0.065858 0.463159 0.266321
0.815382 0.935908 0.805265 0.579584
ans(:,:,3,1,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.737323 0.905360 0.316564 0.368499 0.753532 0.767448
0.385909 0.827211 0.341869 0.372557 0.759581 0.862251
0.410366 0.304743 0.820749 0.990932 0.250699 0.141378
0.561998 0.093783 0.187227 0.332428 0.849277 0.264085
0.508426 0.887574 0.955740 0.267614 0.641164 0.441224
0.606690 0.435946 0.055648 0.662932 0.064705 0.691922
0.054660 0.083549 0.997945 0.497239 0.982208 0.239593
0.488767 0.262034 0.415360 0.162416 0.114267 0.414360
0.041459 0.616860 0.775544 0.097906 0.521429 0.364545
0.283602 0.530584 0.069798 0.834012 0.875984 0.180513
Columns 7 through 10:
0.760188 0.692474 0.572610 0.945949
0.130591 0.774632 0.671396 0.773314
0.672971 0.943170 0.135099 0.818206
0.665143 0.593637 0.234495 0.346348
0.502504 0.023369 0.676187 0.885779
0.678728 0.458255 0.366031 0.251197
0.252500 0.291171 0.290848 0.610278
0.323417 0.583610 0.800318 0.942947
0.078138 0.185280 0.690551 0.238598
0.654039 0.037470 0.901182 0.851475
ans(:,:,4,1,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.0858624 0.5701325 0.6540565 0.0205818 0.5880964 0.3028144
0.3090545 0.0793148 0.3541483 0.3836416 0.3261831 0.2555240
0.7507791 0.6948825 0.1497456 0.9160420 0.9465602 0.0798751
0.8561579 0.3198855 0.9982400 0.6285265 0.7948257 0.5347386
0.7494093 0.9516750 0.5796647 0.3224356 0.1124342 0.5256283
0.7508151 0.3623406 0.6603595 0.0781232 0.5626022 0.5841854
0.6952069 0.8122681 0.8124431 0.0449089 0.8911996 0.0312853
0.3452848 0.8424360 0.3130398 0.8069593 0.7757878 0.7200304
0.1977939 0.4842620 0.5158552 0.2752961 0.5354950 0.3448198
0.6158655 0.4811996 0.5151347 0.8054806 0.3798442 0.5253331
Columns 7 through 10:
0.2368545 0.0097400 0.8510853 0.5857612
0.8785074 0.2719509 0.4371422 0.1039167
0.1352587 0.3962855 0.4349480 0.1541173
0.3523106 0.2463757 0.9304385 0.1048577
0.6833446 0.7245782 0.3270974 0.6919563
0.8497526 0.8966069 0.8169554 0.2215362
0.3286397 0.7553802 0.2781760 0.2009482
0.7997442 0.5672165 0.0512356 0.8973802
0.8345787 0.5228720 0.0446545 0.7480455
0.0964453 0.6580536 0.0723279 0.4209157
ans(:,:,1,2,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.438774 0.314456 0.458459 0.926635 0.010484 0.037389
0.815694 0.879419 0.726062 0.546165 0.135028 0.446645
0.436101 0.892103 0.540482 0.168270 0.353211 0.158197
0.999735 0.034360 0.915122 0.154533 0.139559 0.720740
0.842763 0.273673 0.021058 0.621158 0.794456 0.452874
0.644759 0.404026 0.377913 0.568501 0.833690 0.768432
0.744571 0.148542 0.671533 0.121242 0.926864 0.990331
0.063632 0.491821 0.094314 0.269770 0.656471 0.021625
0.237936 0.626790 0.562920 0.696457 0.584835 0.778039
0.015329 0.931627 0.142827 0.216644 0.551701 0.485132
Columns 7 through 10:
0.273156 0.430352 0.669936 0.708889
0.346589 0.908352 0.998360 0.045358
0.667300 0.114604 0.596104 0.609949
0.194637 0.732624 0.985820 0.889626
0.798545 0.789774 0.265795 0.186119
0.055130 0.554879 0.027643 0.735173
0.778877 0.616582 0.028475 0.642420
0.510587 0.606727 0.211427 0.757764
0.370941 0.839959 0.415943 0.708189
0.634897 0.618190 0.253100 0.750889
ans(:,:,2,2,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.599960 0.366123 0.172038 0.720374 0.793966 0.635938
0.802937 0.883986 0.259999 0.982068 0.776531 0.045899
0.938947 0.967589 0.795366 0.075927 0.485244 0.690240
0.623743 0.674721 0.401160 0.248431 0.595650 0.222967
0.872494 0.884911 0.236057 0.474905 0.315514 0.349974
0.719052 0.421072 0.694964 0.471894 0.820218 0.239910
0.134472 0.601424 0.704536 0.774624 0.790520 0.917434
0.947465 0.655852 0.753532 0.725942 0.982712 0.269186
0.442003 0.749828 0.849785 0.268833 0.120107 0.038457
0.874144 0.773665 0.737600 0.239593 0.923668 0.732074
Columns 7 through 10:
0.411312 0.504910 0.897257 0.871952
0.132512 0.888823 0.573310 0.888081
0.657286 0.076431 0.193392 0.458831
0.024494 0.011068 0.974473 0.661190
0.995294 0.339811 0.017605 0.772314
0.448058 0.461953 0.436285 0.544055
0.556011 0.431284 0.442935 0.767002
0.604538 0.279958 0.218520 0.563034
0.532139 0.575311 0.944990 0.031470
0.655849 0.408060 0.779106 0.218882
ans(:,:,3,2,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.7308850 0.8719699 0.6273512 0.9777553 0.8903067 0.9171131
0.4312186 0.2807537 0.7029967 0.5344480 0.8271091 0.5667781
0.6019108 0.8426071 0.7663381 0.0198564 0.4280430 0.0542346
0.5301294 0.6562546 0.6904015 0.4683159 0.6471575 0.3907886
0.1368987 0.4757006 0.3496592 0.9893074 0.5882830 0.4034688
0.5853650 0.3143311 0.0566842 0.4370902 0.3993760 0.8952610
0.1253357 0.5207573 0.3237674 0.9952988 0.0149685 0.4150831
0.9651695 0.0363191 0.9682654 0.0940314 0.2193166 0.9363568
0.9632905 0.1134134 0.1205081 0.4995357 0.5666459 0.7011007
0.9872827 0.0110440 0.5623660 0.7501842 0.4325043 0.0039972
Columns 7 through 10:
0.5951025 0.9789338 0.0735213 0.7822870
0.8435287 0.2555188 0.5872638 0.1691479
0.5762648 0.0332170 0.5176996 0.1574856
0.8602033 0.1569811 0.4382080 0.5341847
0.1962821 0.5747071 0.3832164 0.9007896
0.5568725 0.0093489 0.9152092 0.4748951
0.6660920 0.4159313 0.9116907 0.8330728
0.2978317 0.0379045 0.9011523 0.0678634
0.1032624 0.8835024 0.8243145 0.0998555
0.9064715 0.1293815 0.9863038 0.8610186
ans(:,:,4,2,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.1871997 0.0025077 0.2008516 0.3753066 0.0370124 0.5915076
0.5867163 0.2677020 0.3666668 0.7767783 0.9844890 0.1567256
0.7515606 0.8857211 0.2844261 0.5678163 0.3037900 0.7288401
0.7702729 0.6540770 0.3495550 0.6939664 0.9317906 0.1689494
0.5243031 0.0191734 0.7021083 0.7801938 0.2983707 0.7862142
0.6942854 0.2520309 0.2093010 0.1319610 0.6044765 0.8937971
0.5852260 0.3986314 0.2678591 0.6260540 0.8181763 0.5242560
0.3679850 0.1002911 0.5795569 0.9290391 0.1943274 0.5763062
0.8582503 0.8595343 0.3338544 0.1704357 0.5986601 0.3238175
0.1384983 0.9793223 0.0210770 0.1780496 0.9293071 0.2411204
Columns 7 through 10:
0.2724874 0.2144238 0.2393040 0.3405780
0.6806879 0.6712833 0.2333862 0.2738428
0.0753792 0.3944164 0.8565890 0.4328555
0.3737041 0.4171043 0.4193427 0.9452840
0.0175592 0.6380302 0.2738426 0.5925482
0.2299823 0.9397760 0.6751462 0.9470003
0.7361179 0.2450149 0.9937926 0.0901551
0.5014340 0.4710196 0.4453339 0.7279992
0.6796307 0.7145715 0.7833796 0.4424184
0.9226588 0.7416265 0.0031776 0.1889637
ans(:,:,1,3,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.162686 0.826070 0.280811 0.460022 0.409782 0.777538
0.179209 0.942803 0.062075 0.068898 0.405612 0.251916
0.194171 0.897989 0.668488 0.222695 0.139410 0.576132
0.181131 0.713345 0.648146 0.879462 0.093753 0.430555
0.508321 0.857280 0.707330 0.944771 0.566885 0.310890
0.319102 0.995842 0.537540 0.232012 0.514900 0.278095
0.612414 0.127316 0.494216 0.305110 0.821853 0.073798
0.951200 0.770335 0.452708 0.212228 0.092842 0.113831
0.492607 0.029941 0.424554 0.451297 0.390969 0.735861
0.293330 0.824030 0.998432 0.058730 0.752901 0.863079
Columns 7 through 10:
0.649692 0.756461 0.548008 0.739541
0.427832 0.874076 0.642703 0.968906
0.668597 0.378141 0.815889 0.437688
0.260223 0.868810 0.747671 0.454604
0.253437 0.514037 0.857072 0.250732
0.281889 0.706310 0.610817 0.619007
0.870881 0.861323 0.281057 0.076955
0.715648 0.522148 0.019085 0.622887
0.443207 0.654787 0.926138 0.674028
0.249230 0.759881 0.204332 0.789773
ans(:,:,2,3,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.476225 0.691057 0.077779 0.580940 0.093755 0.645665
0.229565 0.939150 0.978505 0.204712 0.266081 0.652791
0.421190 0.296825 0.621034 0.659870 0.077071 0.029741
0.913943 0.320447 0.293368 0.371203 0.379352 0.169000
0.627324 0.134723 0.427428 0.531598 0.233032 0.836492
0.124042 0.214849 0.988148 0.869166 0.551678 0.309880
0.039480 0.064019 0.092674 0.922937 0.271340 0.057332
0.654832 0.204751 0.163468 0.245693 0.093997 0.468796
0.509544 0.716194 0.709355 0.285992 0.297988 0.292526
0.975371 0.929956 0.929384 0.628207 0.397132 0.785282
Columns 7 through 10:
0.825423 0.575956 0.149509 0.881312
0.714736 0.817835 0.628735 0.524746
0.403378 0.678828 0.163393 0.491836
0.506554 0.900746 0.190431 0.092977
0.820059 0.354175 0.669619 0.435576
0.206743 0.947699 0.786225 0.204839
0.083138 0.418545 0.576873 0.479118
0.014887 0.678164 0.904250 0.302900
0.841069 0.325409 0.091608 0.283867
0.111765 0.037845 0.839086 0.262185
ans(:,:,3,3,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.672430 0.242542 0.897542 0.181572 0.131074 0.919885
0.308615 0.653643 0.405326 0.746605 0.989897 0.046056
0.609244 0.874862 0.917142 0.399770 0.866016 0.391503
0.163367 0.582461 0.752122 0.083745 0.827340 0.462533
0.685073 0.327312 0.654498 0.855563 0.649997 0.362671
0.458819 0.140757 0.098637 0.323070 0.426681 0.970997
0.867835 0.937834 0.393735 0.941417 0.701411 0.761693
0.877912 0.387325 0.495172 0.600731 0.408191 0.785564
0.356828 0.346626 0.573745 0.083574 0.696833 0.293935
0.481151 0.681907 0.015647 0.128826 0.334606 0.313441
Columns 7 through 10:
0.399627 0.510351 0.249768 0.407851
0.125632 0.914163 0.072396 0.214518
0.574734 0.902247 0.146615 0.782473
0.866140 0.844211 0.242116 0.775236
0.567439 0.742191 0.124226 0.889794
0.568529 0.470481 0.725047 0.925437
0.570398 0.249993 0.257579 0.825237
0.126306 0.911775 0.024731 0.399424
0.383687 0.737874 0.677939 0.996629
0.868467 0.889697 0.392372 0.914340
ans(:,:,4,3,5) =
Columns 1 through 6:
0.661622 0.636417 0.872851 0.465302 0.690350 0.173233
0.547391 0.032970 0.753829 0.990549 0.399422 0.463375
0.200451 0.580093 0.846572 0.348690 0.999825 0.475279
0.692338 0.555580 0.978246 0.118080 0.539186 0.168355
0.089671 0.601060 0.792428 0.746589 0.568380 0.265944
0.811798 0.266757 0.555606 0.872422 0.705870 0.880789
0.277688 0.624231 0.087208 0.351108 0.989752 0.930447
0.086334 0.786207 0.270813 0.422604 0.356176 0.778987
0.596131 0.929575 0.693070 0.588203 0.637101 0.995736
0.345290 0.363953 0.370261 0.961436 0.183752 0.454368
Columns 7 through 10:
0.671345 0.074775 0.013161 0.764867
0.587133 0.393859 0.112282 0.763690
0.165523 0.906492 0.781467 0.503899
0.570264 0.026450 0.666447 0.821832
0.469820 0.063610 0.978358 0.825583
0.115245 0.858375 0.249852 0.474317
0.987010 0.439399 0.454045 0.635855
0.614975 0.501581 0.237833 0.101266
0.065735 0.178675 0.183031 0.307975
0.456399 0.331072 0.606279 0.450220
double_corner =
Columns 1 through 5:
-2.0000e-01 7.1460e-01 8.6567e-01 3.5439e-01 8.1303e-01
1.3000e+00 -2.0000e-01 5.8131e-01 7.2077e-01 -2.0000e-01
7.0996e-01 4.6300e-02 4.8698e-01 -2.0000e-01 1.3000e+00
7.1942e-01 8.0688e-02 1.3000e+00 8.3008e-01 8.9633e-01
-2.0000e-01 -2.0000e-01 3.2400e-01 3.8378e-01 -2.0000e-01
5.0852e-02 6.3537e-02 9.5558e-01 4.1360e-01 1.3000e+00
-2.0000e-01 5.6779e-01 8.8390e-01 1.3000e+00 5.6603e-01
3.0843e-01 3.7813e-02 5.1968e-01 8.1225e-01 9.5174e-01
8.1486e-01 -2.0000e-01 -2.0000e-01 8.8242e-01 5.7982e-01
7.3654e-01 -2.0000e-01 5.3159e-01 5.9625e-01 4.5111e-01
Columns 6 through 10:
5.1728e-01 -2.0000e-01 1.3000e+00 3.3463e-01 -2.0000e-01
-2.0000e-01 -2.0000e-01 6.7876e-02 5.4860e-01 5.3571e-01
7.4577e-01 -2.0000e-01 4.4978e-01 9.2166e-01 9.3425e-02
7.9070e-01 7.6630e-01 4.8991e-01 9.7023e-01 8.0686e-01
3.9059e-02 -2.0000e-01 -2.0000e-01 8.3335e-01 8.4557e-01
5.7511e-01 9.3485e-02 4.2976e-01 -2.0000e-01 -2.0000e-01
-2.0000e-01 4.5868e-01 9.9131e-01 8.7040e-01 7.9128e-01
9.3553e-05 1.3000e+00 9.7603e-01 -2.0000e-01 4.1599e-01
7.9825e-01 3.8867e-01 8.7362e-01 -2.0000e-01 3.1062e-01
3.0549e-01 9.1384e-01 9.8013e-01 4.8089e-01 9.4983e-01
***** assert (grayslice (im2uint16 (I2d), 3), uint8 (test_grayslice_scalar (I2d, 3)))
8 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2col.m
***** demo
## Divide A using distinct blocks and then reverse the operation
A = [ 1:10
B = im2col (A, [2 5], "distinct")
C = col2im (B, [2 5], [4 10], "distinct")
***** test
a = rand (10);
assert (im2col (a, [5 5]), im2col (a, [5 5], "sliding"))
***** test
a = rand (10);
assert (im2col (a, [5 5]), im2col (a, "indexed", [5 5]))
***** error <BLOCK_TYPE> im2col (rand (20), [2 5], 10)
***** error <BLOCK_TYPE> im2col (rand (20), [2 5], "wrong_block_type")
***** error im2col (rand (10), [5 5], "sliding", 5)
***** error im2col (rand (10), "indexed", [5 5], "sliding", 5)
***** shared B, A, Bs, As, Ap, Bp0, Bp1, Bp0_3s
v = [1:10]';
r = reshape (v, 2, 5);
B = [v v+20 v+40 v+10 v+30 v+50];
A = [r r+10; r+20 r+30; r+40 r+50];
As = [ 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15];
b1 = As(1:2, 1:4)(:);
b2 = As(2:3, 1:4)(:);
b3 = As(1:2, 2:5)(:);
b4 = As(2:3, 2:5)(:);
Bs = [b1, b2, b3, b4];
Ap = A(:, 1:9);
Bp1 = Bp0 = B;
Bp0(9:10, 4:6) = 0;
Bp1(9:10, 4:6) = 1;
Bp0_3s = Bp0;
Bp0_3s(11:30, :) = 0;
***** assert (im2col (A, [2 5], "distinct"), B);
***** assert (im2col (Ap, [2 5], "distinct"), Bp0);
***** assert (im2col (Ap, [2 5 3], "distinct"), Bp0_3s);
***** assert (im2col (Ap, "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), Bp1);
***** assert (im2col (uint8 (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), uint8 (Bp0));
***** assert (im2col (uint16 (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), uint16 (Bp0));
***** assert (im2col (int16 (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), int16 (Bp1));
***** assert (im2col (uint32 (Ap), "indexed", [2 5], "distinct"), uint32 (Bp1));
***** assert (im2col (uint8 (A), [2 5], "distinct"), uint8 (B));
***** assert (im2col (single (A), [2 5], "distinct"), single (B));
***** assert (im2col (logical (A), [2 5], "distinct"), logical (B));
***** assert (im2col (uint8 (As), [2 4], "sliding"), uint8 (Bs));
***** assert (im2col (single (As), [2 4], "sliding"), single (Bs));
***** assert (im2col (logical (As), [2 4], "sliding"), logical (Bs));
***** assert (im2col (As, [2 4], "sliding"), Bs);
***** assert (im2col (As, [3 5], "sliding"), As(:));
***** test
A = randi (9, 10, 9, 5);
***** assert (convn (A, ones (3, 3, 3), "valid"),
reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 3 3])), [8 7 3]));
A = randi (9, 10, 9, 5, 7);
***** assert (convn (A, ones (3, 3, 3), "valid"),
reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 3 3])), [8 7 3 7]));
***** assert (convn (A, ones (3, 4, 3), "valid"),
reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 4 3])), [8 6 3 7]));
***** assert (convn (A, ones (3, 5, 3, 2), "valid"),
reshape (sum (im2col (A, [3 5 3 2])), [8 5 3 6]));
***** assert (im2col (1:8, [2 1]), zeros (2, 0))
28 tests, 28 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/isgray.m
***** assert (isgray ([0 0 1; 1 0 1]), true)
***** assert (isgray (zeros (3)), true)
***** assert (isgray (ones (3)), true)
***** test
a = rand (10);
assert (isgray (a), true);
a(5, 5) = 2;
assert (isgray (a), false);
***** test
a = uint8 (randi (255, 10));
assert (isgray (a), true);
a = int8 (a);
assert (isgray (a), false);
***** test
a = rand (10);
a(50) = NaN;
assert (isgray (a), true);
***** assert (isgray (rand (5, 5, 1, 4)), true);
***** assert (isgray (rand (5, 5, 3, 4)), false);
***** assert (isgray (rand (5, 5, 3)), false);
***** assert (isgray (rand (5, 5, 1, 3, 4)), false);
***** assert (isgray (rand (5, "single")), true)
***** assert (isgray ([.1 .2 .3; .4 NaN .6; .7 .8 .9]), true)
***** assert (isgray ([.1 .2 .3; NA NaN .6; .7 .8 .9]), true)
***** assert (isgray ([.1 .2 .3; NA .5 .6; .7 .8 .9]), true)
***** assert (isgray (NaN (5)), false)
***** assert (isgray (NA (5)), false)
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imadjust.m
***** error <must be an image or a colormap> imadjust ("bad argument");
***** error <numeric floating-point arrays> imadjust ([1:100], "bad argument", [], 1);
***** error <2 row column per plane> imadjust ([1:100], [0 1 1], [], 1);
***** error <2 row column per plane> imadjust ([1:100], [], [0 1 1], 1);
***** error <scalar or 1 row per plane> imadjust ([1:100], [], [], [0; 1]);
***** error <scalar or 1 row per plane> imadjust (rand (5, 5, 3), [], [], [0 1]);
***** error <non-negative floating point> imadjust ([1:100], [0; 1], [], -1);
***** error <be on the range \[0 1]> imadjust ([1:100], [0; 5], []);
***** error <be on the range \[0 1]> imadjust ([1:100], [-2; 1], []);
***** error <be on the range \[0 1]> imadjust ([1:100], [], [0; 4]);
***** error <be on the range \[0 1]> imadjust ([1:100], [], [-2; 1]);
***** error <must be numeric> imadjust (rand (5) > .5);
***** test
im = [0.01:0.01:1];
assert (imadjust (im), [0 linspace(0, 1, 98) 1], eps)
assert (imadjust (im), imadjust (im, stretchlim (im, 0.01), [0; 1], 1))
assert (imadjust (im, []), imadjust (im, [0; 1], [0; 1], 1))
assert (imadjust (im, [], []), imadjust (im, [0; 1], [0; 1], 1))
assert (imadjust (im, [], [.25 .75]), imadjust (im, [0; 1], [.25; .75], 1))
assert (imadjust (im, [.25; .75], []), imadjust (im, [.25; .75], [0; 1], 1))
***** assert (imadjust (linspace (0, 1), [], [.25 .75]), linspace (.25, .75, 100))
***** assert (imadjust (linspace (0, 1, 100),[1/99; 98/99]),
[0 linspace(0, 1, 98) 1], eps)
***** shared cm
cm = [[0:8]' [1:9]' [2:10]'] / 10;
***** assert (imadjust (cm, [0; 1], [0.5; 1]), (cm /2) + .5)
***** assert (imadjust (cm, [0 1], [0.5 1]), (cm /2) + .5)
***** assert (imadjust (cm, [0; 1], [.1 .2 .3; .7 .8 .9]),
(cm*.6) .+ [.1 .2 .3], eps)
***** assert (imadjust (cm, [.2 .4 .6; .7 .8 .9], [0; 1]),
[[0 0 linspace(0, 1, 6) 1]' ...
[0 0 0 linspace(0, 1, 5) 1]' ...
[0 0 0 0 linspace(0, 1, 4) 1]'], eps)
***** assert (imadjust (cm, [.2 .4 .6; .7 .8 .9], [0 .1 .2; .8 .9 1]),
[[0 0 linspace(0, .8, 6) .8]' ...
[.1 .1 .1 linspace(.1, .9, 5) .9]' ...
[.2 .2 .2 .2 linspace(.2, 1, 4) 1]'], eps)
***** assert (imadjust (cm, [.2 .4 .6; .7 .8 .9], [0 .1 .2; .8 .9 1], [0.5 1 2]),
[[0 0 0 (((([.3 .4 .5 .6]-.2)/.5).^.5)*.8) .8 .8]' ...
[.1 .1 .1 linspace(.1, .9, 5) .9]' ...
[.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 ((((([.7 .8]-.6)/.3).^2).*.8)+.2) 1 1]'], eps*10)
***** test
im = [-0.4:.1:0.8
## just clipping
assert (imadjust (im, [0; 1], [0; 1]),
[0 0 0 0 (0:.1:.8)
(0:.1:1) 1 1
(.1:.1:1) 1 1 1
0 0 (0:.2:1) 1 1 1 1 1], eps)
## clipping and invert
assert (imadjust (im, [0; 1], [1; 0]),
[1 1 1 1 (1:-.1:.2)
(1:-.1:0) 0 0
(.9:-.1:0) 0 0 0
1 1 (1:-.2:0) 0 0 0 0 0], eps)
## rescale
assert (imadjust (im, [.2; .7], [.1; .9]),
[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.6 4.2 5.8 7.4 9 9
1 1 1 2.6 4.2 5.8 7.4 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 1 2.6 4.2 5.8 7.4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 1 1 1 4.2 7.4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9]/10, eps)
## rescale and invert
assert (imadjust (im, [.2; .7], [.9; .1]),
[9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7.4 5.8 4.2 2.6 1 1
9 9 9 7.4 5.8 4.2 2.6 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 9 7.4 5.8 4.2 2.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 9 5.8 2.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]/10, eps)
***** assert (imadjust (linspace (0, 1), [], [], 2), linspace (0, 1) .^ 2)
***** shared oRGB
oRGB = zeros (10, 1, 3);
oRGB(:,:,1) = [0 linspace(0,1,6) 1 1 1]';
oRGB(:,:,2) = [0 0 linspace(0,1,6) 1 1]';
oRGB(:,:,3) = [0 0 0 linspace(0,1,6) 1]';
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [0; 1], [0; 1]), oRGB)
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [.2; .8], [0; 1]),
reshape ([[0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1 1 1]'
[0 0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1 1]'
[0 0 0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1]'], [10 1 3]), eps)
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [.2; .8], [.1; .9]),
reshape ([[.1 .1 .1 (1/3)+(.1/3) (2/3)-(.1/3) .9 .9 .9 .9 .9]'
[.1 .1 .1 .1 (1/3)+(.1/3) (2/3)-(.1/3) .9 .9 .9 .9]'
[.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 (1/3)+(.1/3) (2/3)-(.1/3) .9 .9 .9]'],
[10 1 3]), eps)
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [.2; .8], [.2; .8]),
reshape ([[2 2 2 4 6 8 8 8 8 8]'
[2 2 2 2 4 6 8 8 8 8]'
[2 2 2 2 2 4 6 8 8 8]']/10, [10 1 3]), eps)
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [0; 1], [.1 .2 .3; .9 .8 .7]),
reshape ([[1 1 2.6 4.2 5.8 7.4 9 9 9 9]'
[2 2 2 3.2 4.4 5.6 6.8 8 8 8]'
[3 3 3 3 3.8 4.6 5.4 6.2 7 7]']/10, [10 1 3]), eps)
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [.1 .2 .3; .9 .8 .7], [0; 1]),
reshape ([[0 0 .125 .375 .625 .875 1 1 1 1]'
[0 0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1 1]'
[0 0 0 0 0 .25 .75 1 1 1]'], [10 1 3]), eps*10)
***** assert (imadjust (oRGB, [.1 .2 .3; .9 .8 .7], [.2 0 .4; .5 1 .7 ]),
reshape ([[.2 .2 .2375 .3125 .3875 .4625 .5 .5 .5 .5]'
[0 0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1 1]'
[.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .475 .625 .7 .7 .7]'], [10 1 3]), eps)
***** test
img = rand (4, 4, 2, 3, 4);
adj = zeros (4, 4, 2, 3, 4);
for p = 1:2
for q = 1:3
for r = 1:4
adj(:,:,p,q,r) = imadjust (img(:,:,p,q,r));
assert (imadjust (img), adj)
***** test
img = rand (4, 4, 2, 3, 2);
adj = zeros (4, 4, 2, 3, 2);
in = reshape ([ 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25;
97 95 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75] / 100, [2 2 3 2]);
out = reshape ([ 5 7 9 11 14 15 17 19 21 23 25 27;
95 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73] / 100, [2 2 3 2]);
gamma = reshape (0.6:.1:1.7, [1 2 3 2]);
for p = 1:2
for q = 1:3
for r = 1:2
adj(:,:,p,q,r) = imadjust (img(:,:,p,q,r), in(:,p,q,r),
out(:,p,q,r), gamma(1,p,q,r));
assert (imadjust (img, in, out, gamma), adj)
***** test
in = int16 (1:6);
assert (imadjust (in), int16 ([-32768 -19661 -6554 6553 19660 32767]))
assert (imadjust (in, []), in)
***** test
in = uint8([
35 1 6 26 19 24
3 32 7 21 23 25
31 9 2 22 27 20
8 28 33 17 10 15
30 5 34 12 14 16
4 36 29 13 18 11]);
out = uint8([
12 0 0 1 0 0
0 8 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 2 0
0 3 9 0 0 0
6 0 11 0 0 0
0 13 4 0 0 0]);
assert (imadjust (in, [.1 .9], [0 1]), out);
***** test
in = uint8([
140 4 24 104 76 96
12 128 28 84 92 100
124 36 8 88 108 80
32 112 132 68 40 60
120 20 136 48 56 64
16 144 116 52 72 44]);
out = uint8([
143 0 0 98 63 88
0 128 3 73 83 93
123 13 0 78 103 68
8 108 133 53 18 43
118 0 138 28 38 48
0 148 113 33 58 23]);
assert (imadjust (in, [.1 .9], [0 1]), out);
***** test
in_u8 = randi ([0 255], 5, 5, 2, 3, "uint8");
in_u16 = randi ([0 65535], 5, 5, 2, 3, "uint16");
in_i16 = randi ([-32768 32767], 5, 5, 2, 3, "int16");
in_u8_d = im2double (in_u8);
in_u16_d = im2double (in_u16);
in_i16_d = im2double (in_i16);
## default values
assert (imadjust (in_u8), im2uint8 (imadjust (in_u8_d)))
assert (imadjust (in_u16), im2uint16 (imadjust (in_u16_d)))
assert (imadjust (in_i16), im2int16 (imadjust (in_i16_d)))
## single adjustment for all planes
args = {[.3; .7], [.1; .9], [1.5]};
assert (imadjust (in_u8, args{:}), im2uint8 (imadjust (in_u8_d, args{:})))
assert (imadjust (in_u16, args{:}), im2uint16 (imadjust (in_u16_d, args{:})))
assert (imadjust (in_i16, args{:}), im2int16 (imadjust (in_i16_d, args{:})))
## single adjustment for all planes (mixed with some complement)
args = {reshape([.2 .3 .25 .1 0 .1; .9 .7 .85 .9 1 .8], [2 2 3]),
reshape([.1 .2 .05 .9 1 .3; .9 .85 .7 .1 0 .9], [2 2 3]),
reshape([1 .75 1 1.2 1.5 2], [1 2 3])};
assert (imadjust (in_u8, args{:}), im2uint8 (imadjust (in_u8_d, args{:})))
assert (imadjust (in_u16, args{:}), im2uint16 (imadjust (in_u16_d, args{:})))
assert (imadjust (in_i16, args{:}), im2int16 (imadjust (in_i16_d, args{:})))
## test use of [] as limit and negative
args = {[], [.95; 0], 1.25};
assert (imadjust (in_u8, args{:}), im2uint8 (imadjust (in_u8_d, args{:})))
assert (imadjust (in_u16, args{:}), im2uint16 (imadjust (in_u16_d, args{:})))
assert (imadjust (in_i16, args{:}), im2int16 (imadjust (in_i16_d, args{:})))
36 tests, 36 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/immultiply.m
***** assert (immultiply (uint8 ([255 50]), uint16 ([300 50])), uint8 ([255 255])); # default to first class and truncate
***** assert (immultiply (uint8 ([250 50]), uint16 ([ 3 4]), "uint32"), uint32 ([750 200])); # defining output class works (not in matlab?)
***** assert (immultiply (uint8 ([255 50]), 4), uint8 ([255 200])); # works multiplying by a scalar
***** assert (immultiply (logical ([ 1 0]), uint16 ([300 50])), uint16 ([300 0])); # output class defaults to whatever input is not logical
***** assert (immultiply (logical ([ 1 0]), logical ([ 1 1])), double ([ 1 0])); # tested on matlab for compatibility
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imdivide.m
***** assert (imdivide (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([ 2 50])), uint8 ([ 12 5])); # default to first class
***** assert (imdivide (uint8 ([56 255]), uint8 ([ 0 0])), uint8 ([255 255])); # dividing by zero works (tested in matlab)
***** assert (imdivide (uint8 ([23 250]), 2), uint8 ([ 12 125])); # works subtracting a scalar
***** assert (imdivide (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([ 2 50]), "uint16"), uint16 ([ 12 5])); # defining output class works (not in matlab)
***** assert (imdivide (logical ([1 1 0 0]), logical ([1 0 1 0])), double ([1 Inf 0 NaN])); # dividing logical matrix (tested in matlab)
***** fail ("imdivide (uint8 ([23 250]), uint16 ([23 250]))"); # input needs to have same class
6 tests, 6 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/psf2otf.m
***** test
psf = rand (6, 1);
assert (psf2otf (psf), fft (circshift (psf, [-3])));
***** test
psf = rand (6, 6);
assert (psf2otf (psf), fft2 (circshift (psf, [-3 -3])));
***** test
psf = rand (6, 6, 6);
assert (psf2otf (psf), fftn (circshift (psf, [-3 -3 -3])));
***** test
psf = rand (7, 1);
assert (psf2otf (psf), fft (circshift (psf, [-3])));
***** test
psf = rand (7, 7);
assert (psf2otf (psf), fft2 (circshift (psf, [-3 -3])));
***** test
psf = rand (6, 7, 8);
assert (psf2otf (psf), fftn (circshift (psf, [-3 -3 -4])));
***** test
psf = rand (6, 1);
ppsf = [psf; 0];
assert (psf2otf (psf, 7), fft (circshift (ppsf, [-3])));
***** test
psf = rand (6, 1);
ppsf = [[psf; 0] zeros(7, 6)];
assert (psf2otf (psf, [7 7]), fft2 (circshift (ppsf, [-3 0])));
***** test
psf = rand (6, 6);
ppsf = [psf zeros(6, 1)];
assert (psf2otf (psf, [6 7]), fft2 (circshift (ppsf, [-3 -3])));
***** error <PSF must be numeric and real> psf2otf (complex (rand (16), rand (16)))
***** error <OUTSIZE must be larger than> psf2otf (rand (16), 14)
***** error <OUTSIZE must be larger than> psf2otf (rand (16), [14 14])
***** error <OUTSIZE must be larger than> psf2otf (rand (16), [18])
***** error <OUTSIZE must be larger than> psf2otf (rand (16), [18 14])
14 tests, 14 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imsmooth.m
***** test
## checking Bilateral Filter
## constant image remain the same after Bilateral Filter
A = uint8(255*ones(128,128));
B = uint8(imsmooth(A, 'Bilateral', 2, 10));
assert (A,B);
## Bilateral Filter does not smear outlayers
A = zeros(256,256);
A(128,128) = 256;
## bilateral filter does not smear outlayers
B = imsmooth(A, 'Bilateral', 2, 10);
assert (A,B,1.e-140);
## When sigma_r is large the filter behaves almost
## like the isotropic Gaussian filter
A0 = fspecial ('gaussian',100,100);
A = uint8(A0/max(max(A0))*255);
B1 = imsmooth(A, 'Bilateral', 2, 100);
B2 = imsmooth(A, 'Gaussian', 2);
assert (B1,B2);
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/normxcorr2.m
***** function offsets = get_max_offsets (c)
l = find (c == max (c(:)));
offsets = nthargout (1:ndims (c), @ind2sub, size (c), l);
***** endfunction
***** test
row_shift = 18;
col_shift = 20;
a = randi (255, 30, 30);
b = a(row_shift-10:row_shift, col_shift-7:col_shift);
c = normxcorr2 (b, a);
## should return exact coordinates
assert (get_max_offsets (c), {row_shift col_shift});
## Even with some small noise, should return exact coordinates
b = imnoise (b, "gaussian");
c = normxcorr2 (b, a);
assert (get_max_offsets (c), {row_shift col_shift});
***** test
a = rand (10, 10);
c = normxcorr2 (a(5:7, 6:9), a);
assert (c(7, 9), 1, eps*2);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (c (7, 9),1,eps * 2)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
() 1 1 Abs err 7.7716e-16 exceeds tol 4.4409e-16
***** test
a = 10 * randn (100, 100);
auto = normxcorr2 (a, a);
add_in = normxcorr2 (a, -a);
assert (auto, -add_in);
***** test
a = 10 * randn (50, 50);
b = 10 * randn (100, 100);
scale = 100 * rand ();
until (scale != 0)
assert (max ((normxcorr2 (scale*a,b) .- normxcorr2 (a,b))(:)), 0, 1e-10);
assert (max ((normxcorr2 (a,scale*b) .- normxcorr2 (a,b))(:)), 0, 1e-10);
a_shift1 = a .+ scale * ones (size (a));
b_shift1 = b .+ scale * ones (size (b));
a_shift2 = a .- scale * ones (size (a));
b_shift2 = b .- scale * ones (size (b));
assert (max ((normxcorr2 (a_shift1,b) .- normxcorr2 (a,b))(:)), 0, 1e-10);
assert (max ((normxcorr2 (a,b_shift1) .- normxcorr2 (a,b))(:)), 0, 1e-10);
assert (max ((normxcorr2 (a_shift2,b) .- normxcorr2 (a,b))(:)), 0, 1e-10);
assert (max ((normxcorr2 (a,b_shift2) .- normxcorr2 (a,b))(:)), 0, 1e-10);
***** test
a = randi (100, 15, 15, 15);
c = normxcorr2 (a(5:10, 2:6, 3:7), a);
assert (get_max_offsets (c), {10 6 7});
a = randi (100, 15, 15, 15);
c = normxcorr2 (a(5:10, 2:6, 1:1), a);
assert (get_max_offsets (c), {10 6 1});
***** warning <swapped> normxcorr2 (rand (20), rand (5));
***** error normxcorr2 (rand (5));
***** error normxcorr2 (rand (5), rand (20), 2);
***** test
a = [ 252 168 50 1 59;
114 0 0 0 0] ./ 255;
b = [ 1 171 255 255 255 255 240 71 131 254 255 255 255;
0 109 254 255 255 233 59 0 131 254 255 255 255;
76 13 195 253 194 34 0 19 217 255 255 255 255;
110 0 0 0 0 0 3 181 255 255 255 255 255;
153 0 0 0 0 2 154 254 255 255 255 255 255]./255;
c = normxcorr2 (a, b);
assert (max (imag (c(:))), 0);
9 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/qtsetblk.m
***** demo
% Sets upper-right and lower-left blocks of 2*2 zeros to ones
***** shared A, S
A=[ 1, 4, 2, 5,54,55,61,62;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
S = qtdecomp (A, 10);
***** test
***** test
***** test
3 tests, 3 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/impixel.m
***** shared img2d, img3d
img2d = uint8 (magic (10));
img3d(:,:,1) = img2d;
img3d(:,:,2) = img2d + 1;
img3d(:,:,3) = img2d + 2;
img3d = uint8 (img3d);
***** assert (impixel (img2d, 2, 2), single ([80 80 80]));
***** assert (impixel (img2d, -2, 2), single ([NA NA NA]));
***** assert (impixel (img2d, [1 10], [1 10]), single ([92 92 92; 59 59 59]));
***** assert (impixel (img3d, [1 10], [1 10]), single ([92 93 94; 59 60 61]));
***** assert (impixel (double (img2d), [1 10], [1 10]), [92 92 92; 59 59 59]);
***** assert (impixel ([1 10], [1 10], img2d, [1 10], [1 10]), single ([92 92 92; 59 59 59]));
***** assert (impixel ([3 12], [-4 12], img2d, [1 10], [1 10]), single ([NA NA NA; 44 44 44]));
***** assert (impixel ([3 5], [-4 3], img2d, [1 10], [1 10]), single ([NA NA NA; NA NA NA]));
## the following returns double because it's an indexed image
***** assert (impixel ([3 12], [-4 12], img2d, gray (100), [1 10], [1 10]), [NA NA NA; 4/9 4/9 4/9]);
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/edgetaper.m
***** assert (class (edgetaper (rand (100), rand (16))), "double")
***** assert (class (edgetaper (randi (255, 100, "uint8"), rand (16))), "uint8")
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/colfilt.m
***** demo
## Perform moving average filter with a 4x4 window
A = magic (12)
colfilt (A, [4 4], "sliding", @mean)
***** test
A = reshape (1:36, [6 6]);
assert (colfilt (A, [2 2], [3 3], "sliding", @sum),
conv2 (A, ones (2), "same"));
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/ycbcr2rgb.m
***** assert (ycbcr2rgb (rgb2ycbcr (jet (10))), jet (10), 0.00001);
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/fftconv2.m
***** test
a = repmat (1:10, 5);
b = repmat (10:-1:3, 7);
assert (fftconv2 (a, b), conv2 (a, b), 1.3e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (b, a), conv2 (b, a), 1.3e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (a, b, "full"), conv2 (a, b, "full"), 1.3e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (b, a, "full"), conv2 (b, a, "full"), 1.3e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (a, b, "same"), conv2 (a, b, "same"), 1e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (b, a, "same"), conv2 (b, a, "same"), 1e4*eps)
assert (isempty (fftconv2 (a, b, "valid")));
assert (fftconv2 (b, a, "valid"), conv2 (b, a, "valid"), 1e4*eps)
***** test
x = 1:4;
y = 4:-1:1;
a = repmat(1:10, 5);
assert (fftconv2 (x, y, a), conv2 (x, y, a), 1e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (x, y, a, "full"), conv2 (x, y, a, "full"), 1e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (x, y, a, "same"), conv2 (x, y, a, "same"), 1e4*eps)
assert (fftconv2 (x, y, a, "valid"), conv2 (x, y, a, "valid"), 1e4*eps)
***** demo
## Draw a cross
z = zeros (101, 101);
z(50, :) = 1;
z(:, 50) = 1;
subplot (1, 3, 1)
imshow (z);
title ("Original thin cross")
## Draw a sinc blob
b = getheight (strel ("ball", 10, 1));
subplot (1, 3, 2)
imshow (b);
title ("Sync blob")
## Convolve the cross with the blob
fc = real (fftconv2 (z, b, "same"));
subplot (1, 3, 3)
imshow (fc, [min(fc(:)) max(fc(:))])
title ("Convolution in the frequency domain")
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imcrop.m
***** test
a = randi (255, [100 100]);
rect = [20 30 3 5];
assert (nthargout ([1 2], @imcrop, a, rect), {a(30:35, 20:23) rect});
assert (nthargout (2, @imcrop, a, rect), rect);
assert (nthargout ([3 4], 4, @imcrop, a, rect), {a(30:35, 20:23) rect});
***** test
rgb = randi (255, [100 100 3]);
rect = [20 30 3 5];
assert (nthargout ([1 2], @imcrop, rgb, rect), {rgb(30:35, 20:23,:) rect});
assert (nthargout (2, @imcrop, rgb, rect), rect);
assert (nthargout ([3 4], 4, @imcrop, rgb, rect), {rgb(30:35, 20:23,:) rect});
***** test
a = randi (255, [100 100]);
rect = [20 30 3 5];
cmap = jet (255);
assert (nthargout ([1 2], @imcrop, a, cmap, rect), {a(30:35, 20:23) rect});
assert (nthargout (2, @imcrop, a, cmap, rect), rect);
assert (nthargout ([3 4], 4, @imcrop, a, cmap, rect), {a(30:35, 20:23) rect});
***** test
a = rand (100) > 0.5;
rect = [20 30 3 5];
assert (nthargout ([1 2], @imcrop, a, rect), {a(30:35, 20:23) rect});
assert (nthargout (2, @imcrop, a, rect), rect);
assert (nthargout ([3 4], 4, @imcrop, a, rect), {a(30:35, 20:23) rect});
***** assert (imcrop (0, [0.5 0.5 0.9 0.9]), 0);
***** assert (imcrop (zeros (5), [1 1 1 1]), zeros (2));
6 tests, 6 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/qtdecomp.m
***** demo
%It finds 2 big blocks of 0 and it decomposes further where 0 and 1 are mixed.
***** # Test if odd-sized limits split
***** assert(full(qtdecomp(eye(5))), reshape([5,zeros(1,24)],5,5));
***** assert(full(qtdecomp(eye(6))), repmat(reshape([3,zeros(1,8)],3,3),2,2));
***** # Test 'equal' method
***** test
assert(full(qtdecomp(eye(4))), [a,b;b,a]);
***** shared A, B2, B4, f
A=[ 1, 4, 2, 5,54,55,61,62;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
3, 6, 3, 1,58,53,67,65;
B4=zeros(4); B4(1,1)=4;
***** test
R=[ones(4,8); [ones(2),B2;ones(2,4)], B4];
assert(full(qtdecomp(A)), R);
assert(full(qtdecomp(A,0)), R);
***** # Test 'threshold' method
***** test
R=[ones(4,8); [ones(2),B2;B2,ones(2)],B4];
assert(full(qtdecomp(A,1)), R);
***** test
R=[[B4,[B2,B2;B2,B2]]; [[ones(2),B2;B2,B2],B4]];
assert(full(qtdecomp(A,10)), R);
***** test
R=[[B4,[B2,B2;B2,B2]]; [[B2,B2;B2,B2],B4]];
assert(full(qtdecomp(A,10,2)), R);
assert(full(qtdecomp(A,100,[2, 4])), [B4,B4;B4,B4]);
***** test
f = @(A, c1 = 54, c2 = 0, c3 = 0) y = (A (1, 1, :) != ((c1+c2+c3) * ones (1, 1, size (A, 3))))(:);
***** test
***** # no params
***** test
***** # 1 param
***** test
***** # 3 params
11 tests, 11 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imquantize.m
***** error <LEVELS must be nondecreasing>
imquantize (rand (5), [3 4 2 5])
***** error <VALUES must be a numeric vector>
imquantize (rand (5), [1 2 3], "foo")
***** error <VALUES must have 1 element more than LEVELS>
imquantize (rand (5), [1 2 3 4], 1:6)
***** error <VALUES must have 1 element more than LEVELS>
imquantize (rand (5), [1 2 3 4], 1:2)
***** test
img = [-inf 0 10000000; -100000 -3 1/1000000; 5 5 10];
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (img, 5);
assert (q, [1 1 2; 1 1 1; 1 1 2])
assert (q_idx, q)
***** test
img = [1:10; 11:20; 21:30; 31:40; 41:50; 51:60; 61:70];
expected_q = [
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15];
expected_q_idx = [
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7];
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (img, [5 15 25 30 40 60], [0 1 5 10 20 30 15]);
assert (q, expected_q)
assert (q_idx, expected_q_idx)
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (single (img), [5 15 25 30 40 60],
[0 1 5 10 20 30 15]);
assert (q, expected_q)
assert (q_idx, expected_q_idx)
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (uint8 (img), [5 15 25 30 40 60],
[0 1 5 10 20 30 15]);
assert (q, expected_q)
assert (q_idx, expected_q_idx)
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (uint8 (img), uint8 ([5 15 25 30 40 60]),
[0 1 5 10 20 30 15]);
assert (q, expected_q)
assert (q_idx, expected_q_idx)
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (uint8 (img), uint8 ([5 15 25 30 40 60]),
uint8 ([0 1 5 10 20 30 15]));
assert (q, uint8 (expected_q))
assert (q_idx, expected_q_idx)
***** test
img = randi ([0 255], 10, "uint8");
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (img, [50 100 150 200]);
assert (class (q), "double")
assert (class (q_idx), "double")
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (img, [50 100 150 200], uint16 ([5 7 8 9 2]));
assert (class (q), "uint16")
assert (class (q_idx), "double")
[q, q_idx] = imquantize (img, [50 100 150 200], uint8 ([5 7 8 9 2]));
assert (class (q), "uint8")
assert (class (q_idx), "double")
***** test
img = [1:10; 11:20; 21:30; 31:40; 41:50; 51:60; 61:70].';
r_idx = reshape (randperm (numel (img)), size (img));
[quant, quant_idx] = imquantize (img, [5 15 25 30 40 60]);
[quant_r, quant_r_idx] = imquantize (img(r_idx), [5 15 25 30 40 60]);
assert (imquantize (img(r_idx), [5 15 25 30 40 60]), quant(r_idx))
assert (quant_r, quant_r_idx)
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imsubtract.m
***** assert (imsubtract (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([24 50])), uint8 ([ 0 200])); # default to first class and truncate
***** assert (imsubtract (uint8 ([23 250]), 10), uint8 ([13 240])); # works subtracting a scalar
***** assert (imsubtract (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([24 50]), "uint16"), uint16 ([ 0 200])); # defining output class works (not in matlab)
***** assert (imsubtract (logical ([ 1 0]), logical ([ 1 1])), double ([ 0 -1])); # return double for two logical images
***** assert (imsubtract (logical ([ 1 0]), logical ([ 1 1]), "logical"), logical ([ 0 0])); # this is matlab incompatible on purpose
***** error <same class> imsubtract (uint8 ([23 250]), uint16 ([23 250]));
***** warning <signed integer> imsubtract (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([24 255]), "int8");
***** test
warning ("off", "all");
assert (imsubtract (uint8 ([23 250]), uint8 ([24 255]), "int8"),
int8 ([-1 0]))
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imattributes.m
***** shared x, map, img, rgb, bw
[x, map] = imread ("default.img");
rgb = ind2rgb (x, map);
img = ind2gray (x, map);
bw = im2bw (img);
***** test
h = imshow (img);
a = imattributes (h);
assert ([a.("Height (rows)") a.("Width (columns)")], [53 40]);
assert (a.Class, "uint8");
assert (a.("Image type"), "intensity");
assert (a.("Minimum intensity"), uint8 (28));
assert (a.("Maximum intensity"), uint8 (250));
***** xtest
h = imshow (rgb);
a = imattributes (h);
assert ([a.("Height (rows)") a.("Width (columns)")], [53 40]);
assert (a.Class, "uint8");
assert (a.("Image type"), "truecolor");
assert (isfield (a, "Minimum intensity"), false);
assert (isfield (a, "Maximum intensity"), false);
!!!!! known failure
ASSERT errors for: assert (a.Class,"uint8")
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
[] double uint8 Strings don't match
***** test
h = imshow (bw);
a = imattributes (h);
assert ([a.("Height (rows)") a.("Width (columns)")], [53 40]);
assert (a.Class, "logical");
assert (a.("Image type"), "binary");
assert (isfield (a, "Minimum intensity"), false);
assert (isfield (a, "Maximum intensity"), false);
***** test
h = imshow (x, map);
a = imattributes (h);
assert ([a.("Height (rows)") a.("Width (columns)")], [53 40]);
assert (a.Class, "uint8");
assert (a.("Image type"), "indexed");
assert (a.("Minimum intensity"), uint8 (0));
assert (a.("Maximum intensity"), uint8 (55));
***** test
h = imshow (img);
a1 = imattributes ();
a2 = imattributes (h);
assert (a1, a2);
5 tests, 4 passed, 1 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/iptnum2ordinal.m
***** assert (strcmp (iptnum2ordinal (1), 'first')); # simple works
***** assert (strcmp (iptnum2ordinal (21), '21st')); # after 20, goes stupid
***** assert (strcmp (iptnum2ordinal (100), '100th')); # use th correctly
***** fail ("iptnum2ordinal (inf)"); # must be real
***** fail ("iptnum2ordinal (0)"); # must be positive
***** fail ("iptnum2ordinal (-1)"); # must be positive
***** fail ("iptnum2ordinal (3.4)"); # must be integer
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/radon.m
***** test
A = radon(ones(2,2),30);
assert (A,[0 0 0.608253175473055 2.103325780167649 1.236538105676658 0.051882938682637 0]',1e-10)
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imgradientxy.m
***** test
A = [0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0];
[gxSobel, gySobel] = imgradientxy (A);
[gxSobel2, gySobel2] = imgradientxy (A, "Sobel");
assert (gxSobel,
[ 3 0 -3
4 0 -4
3 0 -3]);
assert (gySobel,
[ 3 4 3
0 0 0
-3 -4 -3]);
## test default method
assert(gxSobel, gxSobel2);
assert(gySobel, gySobel2);
[gxPrewitt, gyPrewitt] = imgradientxy (A, "Prewitt");
assert (gxPrewitt,
[ 2 0 -2
3 0 -3
2 0 -2]);
assert (gyPrewitt,
[ 2 3 2
0 0 0
-2 -3 -2]);
[gxCd, gyCd] = imgradientxy (A, "CentralDifference");
assert (gxCd,
[ 0.5 0.0 -0.5
0.5 0.0 -0.5
0.5 0.0 -0.5]);
assert (gyCd,
[ 0.5 0.5 0.5
0 0 0
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5]);
[gxId, gyId] = imgradientxy(A, "IntermediateDifference");
assert (gxId,
[ 1 -1 0
0 0 -1
1 -1 0]);
assert (gyId,
[ 1 0 1
-1 0 -1
0 -1 0]);
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imlincomb.m
***** assert (imlincomb (0.5, uint8 ([255 10]), 0.5, uint8 ([50 20])), uint8 ([153 15])); # default to first class and truncate
***** assert (imlincomb (0.5, uint8 ([255 10]), 0.5, uint8 ([50 20]), "uint16"), uint16 ([153 15])); # defining output class works
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/rgb2gray.m
***** shared img
img = zeros (2, 2, 3);
img(:,:,1) = [1 0; 0 1];
img(:,:,2) = [0 1; 0 1];
img(:,:,3) = [0 0; 1 1];
img = rgb2gray (img);
***** assert ([img(1,1) img(1,2) img(2,1) img(2,2)], [0.29894 0.58704 0.11402 1]);
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/bwareafilt.m
***** shared a2d, a3d
a2d = [1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1];
a3d = a2d;
a3d(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
a3d(:,:,3) = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
***** test
f2d = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, 2), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, 2, 8), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, 2, 4), logical (f2d));
***** test
f2d = [1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, 5), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, 5, 8), logical (f2d));
***** test
f2d = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1];
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, 11, "smallest", 4), logical (f2d));
***** test
f2d = [1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [3 5]), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [3 5], 8), logical (f2d));
***** test
f2d = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [3 4], 4), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [3 4], [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]), logical (f2d));
***** test
f2d = [1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [2 4]), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [2 4], 8), logical (f2d));
assert (bwareafilt (a2d, [2 4], ones (3)), logical (f2d));
***** test
f3d = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
f3d(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
f3d(:,:,3) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a3d, 2), logical (f3d));
assert (bwareafilt (a3d, 2, 26), logical (f3d));
assert (bwareafilt (a3d, 2, ones (3, 3, 3)), logical (f3d));
***** test
f3d = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
f3d(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
f3d(:,:,3) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareafilt (a3d, 2, 6), logical (f3d));
assert (bwareafilt (a3d, 2, conndef (3, "minimal")), logical (f3d));
8 tests, 8 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/lab2single.m
***** test
l_max_f = 100 + (25500 / 65280);
ab_max_f = 127 + (255 / 256);
cm = [
cm = repmat (single (cm), [1 3]);
im2d = reshape (cm, [7 4 3]);
imnd = permute (im2d, [1 4 3 2]);
cm_uint8 = uint8 ([
0 0 0
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 228 228
255 255 255
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
0 127 127
0 128 128
0 128 128
0 128 128
0 128 128
3 129 129
252 227 227
255 228 228
255 229 229
255 254 254
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255
255 255 255]);
assert (lab2uint8 (cm), cm_uint8)
im2d_uint8 = reshape (cm_uint8, [7 4 3]);
assert (lab2uint8 (im2d), im2d_uint8)
assert (lab2uint8 (imnd), permute (im2d_uint8, [1 4 3 2]))
cm_uint16 = uint16 ([
0 0 0
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 58468 58468
65535 65535 65535
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 1
0 1 1
0 256 256
0 32512 32512
0 32768 32768
0 32768 32768
1 32768 32768
1 32768 32768
653 33024 33024
64627 58112 58112
65280 58368 58368
65535 58624 58624
65535 65024 65024
65535 65280 65280
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535
65535 65535 65535]);
assert (lab2uint16 (cm), cm_uint16)
im2d_uint16 = reshape (cm_uint16, [7 4 3]);
assert (lab2uint16 (im2d), im2d_uint16)
assert (lab2uint16 (imnd), permute (im2d_uint16, [1 4 3 2]))
assert (lab2double (cm), double (cm))
assert (lab2double (im2d), double (im2d))
assert (lab2double (imnd), double (imnd))
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imfilter.m
***** test
img = [
8 2 6 7 4 3 7 8 4 1
9 9 1 1 4 7 3 3 8 1
2 9 8 3 7 6 5 8 6 5
9 5 9 1 8 2 7 3 5 8
6 8 7 1 2 2 9 9 9 9
1 2 7 8 5 5 9 4 3 2
3 4 7 7 5 9 5 2 7 6
5 9 4 3 6 4 2 3 7 5
9 8 6 9 7 6 2 6 4 1
9 9 2 1 7 3 3 5 6 4];
expected_corr = [
46 53 30 34 44 42 40 51 42 19
48 66 57 42 46 50 59 58 49 34
48 67 55 54 44 58 50 50 64 39
44 77 52 43 28 55 57 75 70 50
29 51 65 51 42 50 60 62 55 42
23 44 58 59 63 59 55 57 50 36
36 50 52 56 56 47 48 45 47 39
51 64 70 62 56 50 40 38 41 31
58 72 50 49 58 45 41 42 49 28
27 37 27 21 19 26 16 23 24 17];
assert (imfilter (img, [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2]), expected_corr)
## test order of options (and matching with defaults)
assert (imfilter (img, [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], 0), expected_corr)
assert (imfilter (img, [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], "corr"), expected_corr)
assert (imfilter (img, [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], "corr", 0), expected_corr)
assert (imfilter (img, [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], 0, "corr"), expected_corr)
expected_conv = [
21 31 23 22 21 28 29 26 22 6
47 55 43 43 51 44 49 64 44 24
56 69 53 34 47 50 57 48 52 37
38 70 60 56 41 57 54 61 66 44
46 67 53 48 32 54 59 65 63 46
28 56 63 50 36 54 58 66 63 47
20 43 55 62 67 57 52 53 44 28
42 51 54 61 57 53 44 46 48 39
53 70 63 50 57 42 38 38 43 33
53 62 50 54 52 44 38 40 40 20];
assert (imfilter (img, [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], "conv"), expected_conv)
## alternative class
assert (imfilter (single (img), [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2]),
single (expected_corr))
assert (imfilter (int8 (img), [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2]),
int8 (expected_corr))
assert (imfilter (uint8 (img), [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2]),
uint8 (expected_corr))
assert (imfilter (single (img), [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], "conv"),
single (expected_conv))
assert (imfilter (int8 (img), [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], "conv"),
int8 (expected_conv))
assert (imfilter (uint8 (img), [0 1 0; 2 1 1; 1 2 2], "conv"),
uint8 (expected_conv))
***** test
I = zeros (6);
I(2:3,2:3) = 1;
F = zeros (4);
F(2,2:3) = 1;
result = [0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 0 0 0
1 2 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (imfilter (I, F), result)
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/lab2uint16.m
***** test
cm_uint16 = uint16 ([0 127 128 383 384 65151 65152 65279 65280 65281 65534 65535]);
cm_uint16 = repmat (cm_uint16(:), [1 3]);
im2d_uint16 = reshape (cm_uint16, [4 3 3]);
imnd_uint16 = permute (im2d_uint16, [1 4 3 2]);
cm_uint8 = uint8 ([0 0 1 1 2 254 255 255 255 255 255 255]);
cm_uint8 = repmat (cm_uint8(:), [1 3]);
assert (lab2uint8 (cm_uint16), cm_uint8)
im2d_uint8 = reshape (cm_uint8, [4 3 3]);
assert (lab2uint8 (im2d_uint16), im2d_uint8)
assert (lab2uint8 (imnd_uint16), permute (im2d_uint8, [1 4 3 2]))
l1 = 100/65280;
ab1 = 255/65280;
cm = [
0 -128
127*l1 -128+(ab1*127)
128*l1 -128+(ab1*128)
383*l1 -128+(ab1*383)
384*l1 -128+(ab1*384)
65151*l1 -128+(ab1*65151)
65152*l1 -128+(ab1*65152)
65279*l1 -128+(ab1*65279)
100 127
65281*l1 -128+(ab1*65281)
65534*l1 -128+(ab1*65534)
65535*l1 -128+(ab1*65535)];
cm(:,3) = cm(:,2);
im2d = reshape (cm, [4 3 3]);
imnd = permute (im2d, [1 4 3 2]);
assert (lab2double (cm_uint16), cm)
assert (lab2double (im2d_uint16), im2d)
assert (lab2double (imnd_uint16), imnd)
assert (lab2single (cm_uint16), single (cm))
assert (lab2single (im2d_uint16), single (im2d))
assert (lab2single (imnd_uint16), single (imnd))
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/roicolor.m
***** demo
% Returns '1' where input values are between 2 and 4 (both included).
***** assert(roicolor([1:10],2,4),logical([0,1,1,1,zeros(1,6)]));
***** assert(roicolor([1,2;3,4],3,3),logical([0,0;1,0]));
***** assert(roicolor([1,2;3,4],[1,4]),logical([1,0;0,1]));
3 tests, 3 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/col2im.m
***** demo
## Divide A using distinct blocks and then reverse the operation
A = [ 1:10
B = im2col (A, [2 5], "distinct")
C = col2im (B, [2 5], [4 10], "distinct")
***** demo
## Get sliding blocks of size from A into columns, calculate the
## mean of each block (mean of each column), and reconstruct A
## after a median filter.
A = reshape (1:24, [4 6])
B = im2col (A, [2 3], "sliding")
C = mean (B);
col2im (C, [1 1], [3 4], "sliding")
***** error <BLOCK_TYPE> col2im (ones (10), [5 5], [10 10], "wrong_block_type");
***** error <resize B> col2im (ones (10), [1 1], [ 7 7], "sliding");
***** error <rows in B> col2im (ones (10), [3 3], [10 10], "distinct")
***** error <rows in B> col2im (ones (10), [5 5], [10 11], "distinct");
***** assert (col2im (sum (im2col (magic (10), [3 3], "sliding")), [1 1], [8 8]),
convn (magic (10), ones (3, 3), "valid"));
***** test
B = ones (1, (10-2+1)*(7-3+1));
A = ones ((10-2+1), (7-3+1));
assert (col2im (B, [2 3], [10 7]), A);
## same but different classes
assert (col2im (int16 (B), [2 3], [10 7]), int16 (A));
assert (col2im (single (B), [2 3], [10 7]), single (A));
assert (col2im (logical (B), [2 3], [10 7]), logical (A));
***** test
a = rand (10)(:);
assert (col2im (a, [1 1], [10 10]), col2im (a, [1 1], [10 10], "sliding"))
***** shared A, B
v = [1:10]';
r = reshape (1:10, [2 5]);
B = [v v+10 v+20 v+30 v+40 v+50];
A = [r r+30
r+10 r+40
r+20 r+50];
assert (col2im (B, [2 5], [6 10], "distinct"), A);
***** assert (col2im (int16 (B), [2 5], [6 10], "distinct"), int16 (A));
***** assert (col2im (logical (B), [2 5], [6 10], "distinct"), logical (A));
***** assert (col2im (single (B), [2 5], [6 10], "distinct"), single (A));
***** test
a = rand (10, 8);
b = im2col (a, [5 5], "distinct");
assert (col2im (b, [5 5], [10 8], "distinct"), a);
a = rand (8);
b = im2col (a, [5 5], "distinct");
assert (col2im (b, [5 5], [8 8], "distinct"), a);
***** shared a, b
## Same number of multiple dimensions
a = rand (10, 10, 10);
b = im2col (a, [5 5 5], "distinct");
***** assert (col2im (b, [5 5 5], [10 10 10], "distinct"), a);
## Different number of dimensions
a = rand (10, 10, 10);
b = im2col (a, [5 5], "distinct");
***** assert (col2im (b, [5 5], [10 10 10], "distinct"), a);
## Removing padding from multiple dimensions
a = rand (10, 10, 7);
b = im2col (a, [5 5 3], "distinct");
***** assert (col2im (b, [5 5 3], [10 10 7], "distinct"), a);
a = rand (10, 10, 7);
b = im2col (a, [5 5 5 2], "distinct");
***** assert (col2im (b, [5 5 5 2], [10 10 7], "distinct"), a);
15 tests, 15 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/regionprops.m
***** shared bw2d, gray2d, bw2d_over_bb, bw2d_insides
bw2d = logical ([
0 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 1]);
gray2d = [
2 4 0 7 5 2
3 0 4 9 3 7
0 5 3 4 8 1
9 2 0 5 8 6
8 9 7 2 2 5];
## For testing overlapping bounding boxes
bw2d_over_bb = logical ([
0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1]);
## For testing when there's regions inside regions
bw2d_insides = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
***** function c = get_2d_centroid_for (idx)
subs = ind2sub ([5 6], idx);
m = false ([5 6]);
m(idx) = true;
y = sum ((1:5)' .* sum (m, 2) /sum (m(:)));
x = sum ((1:6) .* sum (m, 1) /sum (m(:)));
c = [x y];
***** endfunction
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "Area"), struct ("Area", {8; 6}))
***** assert (regionprops (double (bw2d), "Area"), struct ("Area", {14}))
***** assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d, 4), "Area"), struct ("Area", {4; 6; 4}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "PixelIdxList"),
struct ("PixelIdxList", {[6; 7; 12; 8; 16; 21; 22; 27]
[15; 19; 20; 24; 29; 30]}))
***** assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d, 4), "PixelIdxList"),
struct ("PixelIdxList", {[6; 7; 8; 12]
[15; 19; 20; 24; 29; 30]
[16; 21; 22; 27]}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "PixelList"),
struct ("PixelList", {[2 1; 2 2; 3 2; 2 3; 4 1; 5 1; 5 2; 6 2]
[3 5; 4 4; 4 5; 5 4; 6 4; 6 5]}))
***** assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d, 4), "PixelList"),
struct ("PixelList", {[2 1; 2 2; 2 3; 3 2]
[3 5; 4 4; 4 5; 5 4; 6 4; 6 5]
[4 1; 5 1; 5 2; 6 2]}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, gray2d, "PixelValues"),
struct ("PixelValues", {[4; 0; 4; 5; 7; 5; 3; 7]
[7; 5; 2; 8; 6; 5]}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, gray2d, "MaxIntensity"),
struct ("MaxIntensity", {7; 8}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, gray2d, "MinIntensity"),
struct ("MinIntensity", {0; 2}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "BoundingBox"),
struct ("BoundingBox", {[1.5 0.5 5 3]; [2.5 3.5 4 2]}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "Centroid"),
struct ("Centroid", {get_2d_centroid_for([6 7 8 12 16 21 22 27])
get_2d_centroid_for([15 19 20 24 29 30])}))
***** test
props = struct ("Area", {8; 6},
"Centroid", {get_2d_centroid_for([6 7 8 12 16 21 22 27])
get_2d_centroid_for([15 19 20 24 29 30])},
"BoundingBox", {[1.5 0.5 5 3]; [2.5 3.5 4 2]});
assert (regionprops (bw2d, "basic"), props)
assert (regionprops (bwconncomp (bw2d, 8), "basic"), props)
assert (regionprops (bwlabeln (bw2d, 8), "basic"), props)
***** test
props = struct ("Area", {4; 6; 4},
"Centroid", {get_2d_centroid_for([6 7 8 12])
get_2d_centroid_for([15 19 20 24 29 30])
get_2d_centroid_for([16 21 22 27])},
"BoundingBox", {[1.5 0.5 2 3]; [2.5 3.5 4 2]; [3.5 0.5 3 2]});
assert (regionprops (bwconncomp (bw2d, 4), "basic"), props)
assert (regionprops (bwlabeln (bw2d, 4), "basic"), props)
***** assert (regionprops (double (bw2d), "basic"),
struct ("Area", 14,
"Centroid", get_2d_centroid_for (find (bw2d)),
"BoundingBox", [1.5 0.5 5 5]), eps*1000)
***** assert (regionprops ([0 0 1], "Centroid").Centroid, [3 1])
***** assert (regionprops ([0 0 1; 0 0 0], "Centroid").Centroid, [3 1])
***** assert (regionprops ([0 1 1], "Centroid").Centroid, [2.5 1])
***** assert (regionprops ([0 1 1; 0 0 0], "Centroid").Centroid, [2.5 1])
***** test
a = zeros (2, 3, 3);
a(:, :, 1) = [0 1 0; 0 0 0];
a(:, :, 3) = a(:, :, 1);
c = regionprops (a, "centroid");
assert (c.Centroid, [2 1 2])
***** test
d1=2; d2=4; d3=6;
a = ones (d1, d2, d3);
c = regionprops (a, "centroid");
assert (c.Centroid, [mean(1:d2), mean(1:d1), mean(1:d3)], eps*1000)
***** test
a = [0 0 2 2; 3 3 0 0; 0 1 0 1];
c = regionprops (a, "centroid");
assert (c(1).Centroid, [3 3])
assert (c(2).Centroid, [3.5 1])
assert (c(3).Centroid, [1.5 2])
***** test
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, gray2d, "WeightedCentroid"),
struct ("WeightedCentroid",
{sum([2 1; 2 2; 3 2; 2 3; 4 1; 5 1; 5 2; 6 2]
.* ([4; 0; 4; 5; 7; 5; 3; 7] / 35))
sum([3 5; 4 4; 4 5; 5 4; 6 4; 6 5]
.* ([7; 5; 2; 8; 6; 5] / 33))}))
***** test
img = zeros (3, 9);
img(2, 1:9) = 0:0.1:0.8;
bw = im2bw (img, 0.5);
props = regionprops (bw, img, "WeightedCentroid");
ix = 7:9;
x = sum (img(2,ix) .* (ix)) / sum (img(2,ix));
assert (props(1).WeightedCentroid(1), x, 10*eps)
assert (props(1).WeightedCentroid(2), 2, 10*eps)
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, gray2d, "MeanIntensity"),
struct ("MeanIntensity", {mean([4 0 5 4 7 5 3 7])
mean([7 5 2 8 6 5])}))
***** assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d, 4), gray2d, "MeanIntensity"),
struct ("MeanIntensity", {mean([4 0 5 4])
mean([7 5 2 8 6 5])
mean([7 5 3 7])}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "SubarrayIdx"),
struct ("SubarrayIdx", {{[1 2 3], [2 3 4 5 6]}
{[4 5], [3 4 5 6]}}))
***** assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d, 4), "SubarrayIdx"),
struct ("SubarrayIdx", {{[1 2 3], [2 3]}
{[4 5], [3 4 5 6]}
{[1 2], [4 5 6]}}))
***** test
out = struct ("Image", {logical([1 0 1 1 0; 1 1 0 1 1; 1 0 0 0 0])
logical([0 1 1 1; 1 1 0 1])});
assert (regionprops (bw2d, "Image"), out)
assert (regionprops (bw2d, gray2d, "Image"), out)
assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d), "Image"), out)
***** assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d, 4), "Image"),
struct ("Image", {logical([1 0; 1 1; 1 0])
logical([0 1 1 1; 1 1 0 1])
logical([1 1 0; 0 1 1])}))
***** test
out = struct ("Image", {logical([0 1 1 1; 1 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0])
logical([1 1 0 0; 1 1 0 0; 1 1 1 1])
logical([1 1; 0 1; 0 1])});
assert (regionprops (bw2d_over_bb, "Image"), out)
assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d_over_bb), "Image"), out)
***** test
out = struct ("Image", {logical([1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1])
logical([1 1; 1 1])});
assert (regionprops (bw2d_insides, "Image"), out)
assert (regionprops (bwlabel (bw2d_insides), "Image"), out)
***** test
l = uint8 ([
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
assert (regionprops (l, "EulerNumber"),
struct ("EulerNumber", {0; 1}))
l = uint8 ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
assert (regionprops (l, "EulerNumber"),
struct ("EulerNumber", {0; 0; 1}))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
assert (regionprops (l, "EulerNumber"),
struct ("EulerNumber", 1))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 2 2 1
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
1 1 2 1 2 1 1
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
1 2 2 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
assert (regionprops (l, "EulerNumber"),
struct ("EulerNumber", {-9; -4}))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 4 1 5 5 1
1 3 1 4 1 5 1
1 1 3 1 4 1 1
1 2 1 3 1 4 1
1 2 2 1 3 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
assert (regionprops (l, "EulerNumber"),
struct ("EulerNumber", {-9; 1; 1; 1; 1}))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 1 2 2 1
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
1 1 2 1 2 1 1
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
1 2 2 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
filled = {
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 0
assert (regionprops (l, {"FilledImage", "FilledArea"}),
struct ("FilledImage", filled, "FilledArea", {48; 19}))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
filled = logical ([
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
assert (regionprops (l, {"FilledImage", "FilledArea"}),
struct ("FilledImage", filled, "FilledArea", 6))
l = uint8 ([
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 1 2 1 2 1 2
2 1 2 1 2 1 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
filled = {
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
true(4, 7)
assert (regionprops (l, {"FilledImage", "FilledArea"}),
struct ("FilledImage", filled, "FilledArea", {6; 28}))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
filled = {true(5, 5); true(3, 3); true};
assert (regionprops (l, {"FilledImage", "FilledArea"}),
struct ("FilledImage", filled, "FilledArea", {25; 9; 1}))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
1 1 1 2 0 0
1 0 2 1 2 0
1 2 0 1 0 2
1 2 1 1 0 2
0 1 2 2 2 2
filled = {
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
assert (regionprops (l, {"FilledImage", "FilledArea"}),
struct ("FilledImage", filled, "FilledArea", {16; 18}))
***** test
bw = false (5, 5, 5);
bw(2:4, 2:4, [1 5]) = true;
bw(2:4, [1 5], 2:4) = true;
bw([1 5], 2:4, 2:4) = true;
filled = bw;
filled(2:4, 2:4, 2:4) = true;
assert (regionprops (bw, {"FilledImage", "FilledArea"}),
struct ("FilledImage", filled, "FilledArea", 81))
***** test
l = uint8 ([
1 1 1 2 0 0
1 0 2 1 2 0
1 2 0 1 0 2
1 2 1 1 0 2
0 1 2 2 2 2
assert (regionprops (l, {"Extent"}), struct ("Extent", {0.55; 0.44}))
***** test
bw = logical ([0 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0]);
assert (regionprops (bw, {"MinorAxisLength", "MajorAxisLength", ...
struct ("MajorAxisLength", 4 .* sqrt (1/12),
"MinorAxisLength", 4 .* sqrt (1/12),
"Eccentricity", 0))
***** test
a = eye (4);
t = regionprops (a, "majoraxislength");
assert (t.MajorAxisLength, 6.4291, 1e-3);
t = regionprops (a, "minoraxislength");
assert(t.MinorAxisLength, 1.1547 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (a, "eccentricity");
assert (t.Eccentricity, 0.98374 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (a, "orientation");
assert (t.Orientation, -45);
t = regionprops (a, "equivdiameter");
assert (t.EquivDiameter, 2.2568, 1e-3);
***** test
b = ones (5);
t = regionprops (b, "majoraxislength");
assert (t.MajorAxisLength, 5.7735 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (b, "minoraxislength");
assert (t.MinorAxisLength, 5.7735 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (b, "eccentricity");
assert (t.Eccentricity, 0);
t = regionprops (b, "orientation");
assert (t.Orientation, 0);
t = regionprops (b, "equivdiameter");
assert (t.EquivDiameter, 5.6419, 1e-3);
***** test
c = [0 0 1; 0 1 1; 1 1 0];
t = regionprops (c, "minoraxislength");
assert (t.MinorAxisLength, 1.8037 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (c, "majoraxislength");
assert (t.MajorAxisLength, 4.1633 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (c, "eccentricity");
assert (t.Eccentricity, 0.90128 , 1e-3);
t = regionprops (c, "orientation");
assert (t.Orientation, 45);
t = regionprops (c, "equivdiameter");
assert (t.EquivDiameter, 2.5231, 1e-3);
***** test
f = [0 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1; 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0];
t = regionprops (f, "Extrema");
shouldbe = [0.5 1.5; 4.5 1.5; 4.5 1.5; 4.5 3.5; 4.5 3.5; 1.5 3.5; 0.5 2.5; 0.5 1.5];
assert (t.Extrema, shouldbe, eps);
***** test
bw = false (5);
bw([8 12 13 14 18]) = true;
extrema = [2 1; 3 1; 4 2; 4 3; 3 4; 2 4; 1 3; 1 2] + 0.5;
assert (regionprops (bw, "extrema"), struct ("Extrema", extrema))
***** test
ext1 = [1 0; 5 0; 6 1; 6 2; 2 3; 1 3; 1 3; 1 0] + 0.5;
ext2 = [3 3; 6 3; 6 3; 6 5; 6 5; 2 5; 2 5; 2 4] + 0.5;
assert (regionprops (bw2d, "extrema"), struct ("Extrema", {ext1; ext2}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "equivDiameter"),
struct ("EquivDiameter", {sqrt(4*8/pi); sqrt(4*6/pi)}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d_over_bb, "equivDiameter"),
struct ("EquivDiameter", {sqrt(4*7/pi); sqrt(4*8/pi); sqrt(4*4/pi)}))
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d_insides, "equivDiameter"),
struct ("EquivDiameter", {sqrt(4*20/pi); sqrt(4*4/pi)}))
***** test
I = zeros (40);
disk = fspecial ("disk",10);
disk = disk ./ max (disk(:));
I(10:30, 10:30) = disk;
bw = im2bw (I, 0.5);
props = regionprops (bw, "Perimeter");
assert (props.Perimeter, 10*4 + (sqrt (2) * 4)*4, eps*100)
props = regionprops (bwconncomp (bw), "Perimeter");
assert (props.Perimeter, 10*4 + (sqrt (2) * 4)*4, eps*100)
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d, "Perimeter"),
struct ("Perimeter", {(sqrt (2)*6 + 4); (sqrt (2)*3 + 4)}), eps*10)
***** assert (regionprops (bw2d_insides, "Perimeter"),
struct ("Perimeter", {20; 4}))
***** assert (regionprops (bwconncomp (bw2d_insides), "Perimeter"),
struct ("Perimeter", {20; 4}))
***** assert (regionprops ([1 0 1; 1 0 1], "Area"), struct ("Area", 4))
***** assert (regionprops ([1 0 2; 1 1 2], "Area"), struct ("Area", {3; 2}))
***** assert (regionprops ([1 0 3; 1 1 3], "Area"), struct ("Area", {3; 0; 2}))
***** assert (size (regionprops ([1 0 0; 0 0 2], "Area")), [2, 1])
***** error <L must be non-negative integers> regionprops ([1 -2 0 3])
***** error <L must be non-negative integers> regionprops ([1 1.5 0 3])
***** test
im = rand (5);
## First do this so we get a list of all supported properties and don't
## have to update the list each time.
bw = false (5);
bw(13) = true;
props = regionprops (bw, im, "all");
all_props = fieldnames (props);
bw = false (5);
props = regionprops (bw, im, "all");
assert (size (props), [0 1])
assert (sort (all_props), sort (fieldnames (props)))
***** test
im = rand (5);
## First do this so we get a list of all supported properties and don't
## have to update the list each time.
labeled = zeros (5);
labeled(13) = 1;
props = regionprops (labeled, im, "all");
all_props = fieldnames (props);
labeled = zeros (5);
props = regionprops (labeled, im, "all");
assert (size (props), [0 1])
assert (sort (all_props), sort (fieldnames (props)))
***** test
im = rand (5);
## First do this so we get a list of all supported properties and don't
## have to update the list each time.
bw = false (5);
bw(13) = true;
props = regionprops (bwconncomp (bw), im, "all");
all_props = fieldnames (props);
bw = false (5);
props = regionprops (bwconncomp (bw), im, "all");
assert (size (props), [0 1])
assert (sort (all_props), sort (fieldnames (props)))
***** warning <ignoring perimeter, extrema properties for non 2 dimensional image>
regionprops (rand (5, 5, 5) > 0.5, {"perimeter", "extrema"});
***** warning <ignoring minintensity, weightedcentroid properties due to missing grayscale image>
regionprops (rand (5, 5) > 0.5, {"minintensity", "weightedcentroid"});
***** error <L must be non-negative integers only>
regionprops ([0 -1 3 4; 0 -1 3 4])
***** error <L must be non-negative integers only>
regionprops ([0 1.5 3 4; 0 1.5 3 4])
***** error <L must be non-negative integers only>
regionprops (int8 ([0 -1 3 4; 0 -1 3 4]))
***** error <not yet implemented> regionprops (rand (5, 5) > 0.5, "ConvexArea")
***** error <not yet implemented> regionprops (rand (5, 5) > 0.5, "ConvexHull")
***** error <not yet implemented> regionprops (rand (5, 5) > 0.5, "ConvexImage")
***** error <not yet implemented> regionprops (rand (5, 5) > 0.5, "Solidity")
75 tests, 75 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2int16.m
***** assert (im2int16 (int16 ([-2 2 3])), int16 ([-2 2 3]));
***** assert (im2int16 (uint16 ([0 65535])), int16 ([-32768 32767]));
***** assert (im2int16 ([false true]), int16 ([-32768 32767]));
***** assert (im2int16 ([true false]), int16 ([32767 -32768]));
***** assert (im2int16 (uint8 ([0 127 128 255])), int16 ([-32768 -129 128 32767]));
***** assert (im2int16 ([0 1.4/65535 1.5/65535 2/65535 1]), int16 ([-32768 -32767 -32766 -32766 32767]));
***** assert (im2int16 ([0 0.5 1]), int16 ([-32768 0 32767]));
***** assert (im2int16 ([-1 0 1 2]), int16 ([-32768 -32768 32767 32767]));
***** error im2int16 ([1 2], "indexed");
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2single.m
***** assert (im2single (single ([1 2 3])), single ([1 2 3]));
***** assert (im2single ([1 2 3]), single ([1 2 3]));
***** assert (im2single (uint8 ([0 127 128 255])), single ([0 127/255 128/255 1]));
***** assert (im2single (uint16 ([0 127 128 65535])), single ([0 127/65535 128/65535 1]));
***** assert (im2single (int16 ([-32768 -32767 -32766 32767])), single ([0 1/65535 2/65535 1]));
***** assert (im2single (uint8 ([0 1 255]), "indexed"), single ([1 2 256]));
***** assert (im2single (uint16 ([0 1 2557]), "indexed"), single ([1 2 2558]));
***** assert (im2single ([3 25], "indexed"), single ([3 25]));
***** error <indexed> im2single ([0 1 2], "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2single (int16 ([17 8]), "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2single (int16 ([-7 8]), "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2single ([false true], "indexed");
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/findbounds.m
***** test
im = checkerboard ();
theta = pi/6;
T = maketform ('affine', [cos(theta) -sin(theta); ...
sin(theta) cos(theta); 0 0]);
inbnd = [0 0; 1 1];
outbnd = findbounds (T, inbnd);
diag = 2^.5;
ang = pi/4;
assert (diff (outbnd(:,1)), diag * abs (cos (theta - ang)), eps)
assert (diff (outbnd(:,2)), diag * abs (cos (theta - ang)), eps)
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imclearborder.m
***** test
a = logical ([
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0]);
a4 = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
a8 = logical ([
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (imclearborder (a, 4), a4)
assert (imclearborder (a, [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]), a4)
assert (imclearborder (a), a8)
assert (imclearborder (a, 8), a8)
assert (imclearborder (a, ones (3)), a8)
***** test
a = false (5, 5, 3);
a(2:4,2:4,:) = true;
assert (imclearborder (a, 4), a)
a(1,2) = true;
a4 = a;
a4(:,:,1) = false;
assert (imclearborder (a, 4), a4)
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/@strel/strel.m
***** test
shape = logical ([0 0 0 1]);
assert (getnhood (strel (shape)), shape);
assert (getnhood (strel ("arbitrary", shape)), shape);
height = [0 0 0 3];
assert (getnhood (strel ("arbitrary", shape, height)), shape);
assert (getheight (strel ("arbitrary", shape, height)), height);
***** test
shape = logical ([0 0 1]);
height = [-2 1 3]; ## this works for matlab compatibility
assert (getnhood (strel ("arbitrary", shape, height)), shape);
assert (getheight (strel ("arbitrary", shape, height)), height);
***** test
shape = logical ([0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0]);
height = [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.33333 0.66667 0.74536 0.66667 0.33333 0.00000
0.00000 0.66667 0.88192 0.94281 0.88192 0.66667 0.00000
0.00000 0.74536 0.94281 1.00000 0.94281 0.74536 0.00000
0.00000 0.66667 0.88192 0.94281 0.88192 0.66667 0.00000
0.00000 0.33333 0.66667 0.74536 0.66667 0.33333 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000];
assert (getnhood (strel ("ball", 3, 1)), shape);
assert (getheight (strel ("ball", 3, 1)), height, 0.0001);
***** test
shape = logical ([0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("diamond", 3)), shape);
***** test
shape = logical ([0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("disk", 3, 0)), shape);
***** test
shape = logical ([1 1 1]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("line", 3.9, 20.17)), shape);
shape = logical ([0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("line", 3.9, 20.18)), shape);
shape = logical ([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("line", 14, 130)), shape);
***** test
se = strel ("octagon", 0);
seq = getsequence (se);
assert (getnhood (se), true (1));
assert (getnhood (seq(1)), true (1));
se = strel ("octagon", 3);
seq = getsequence (se);
shape = logical ([0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0]);
assert (getnhood (se), shape);
assert (size (seq), [4 1]);
templ1 = logical ([0 0 0; 1 1 1; 0 0 0]);
templ2 = logical ([0 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 1 0]);
templ3 = logical ([1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
templ4 = logical ([0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0]);
assert ({getnhood(seq(1)) getnhood(seq(2)) getnhood(seq(3)) getnhood(seq(4))},
{templ1 templ2 templ3 templ4});
seq = getsequence (strel ("octagon", 21));
assert (size (seq), [28 1]);
assert (arrayfun (@(x) getnhood (seq(x)), 1:4:25, "UniformOutput", false),
repmat ({templ1}, 1, 7));
assert (arrayfun (@(x) getnhood (seq(x)), 2:4:26, "UniformOutput", false),
repmat ({templ2}, 1, 7));
assert (arrayfun (@(x) getnhood (seq(x)), 3:4:27, "UniformOutput", false),
repmat ({templ3}, 1, 7));
assert (arrayfun (@(x) getnhood (seq(x)), 4:4:28, "UniformOutput", false),
repmat ({templ4}, 1, 7));
***** test
shape = logical ([1 1 0]');
assert (getnhood (strel ("pair", [-1 0])), shape);
shape = logical ([1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("pair", [-1 -3])), shape);
shape = logical ([0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1]);
assert (getnhood (strel ("pair", [2 3])), shape);
***** test
assert (getnhood (strel ("rectangle", [10 5])), true (10, 5));
assert (getnhood (strel ("square", 5)), true (5));
***** shared se, seq
se = strel ("square", 5);
seq = getsequence (se);
assert (class (se(1)), "strel")
assert (class (se(1,1)),"strel")
assert (class (seq), "strel")
assert (class (seq(1)), "strel")
assert (class (seq(2)), "strel")
assert (numel (se), 1)
assert (numel (seq), 2)
assert (getnhood (seq(1)), true (5, 1))
assert (getnhood (seq(2)), true (1, 5))
assert (size (se), [1 1])
assert (size (seq), [2 1])
assert (isscalar (se), true)
assert (isscalar (seq), false)
***** error <index out of bounds> se(2);
***** error <index out of bounds> seq(3);
!!!!! error failed.
Expected <index out of bounds>, but got <se(3): out of bound 2>
***** test
se = strel ("arbitrary", [1 0 0; 1 1 0; 0 1 0], [2 0 0; 3 1 0; 0 3 0]);
ref = reflect (se);
assert (getnhood (ref), logical([0 1 0; 0 1 1; 0 0 1]));
assert (getheight (ref), [0 3 0; 0 1 3; 0 0 2]);
***** error strel()
***** error strel("nonmethodthing", 2)
***** error strel("arbitrary", "stuff")
***** error strel("arbitrary", [0 0 1], [2 0 1; 4 5 1])
***** error strel("arbitrary", [0 0 1], "stuff")
***** error strel("ball", -3, 1)
***** error strel("diamond", -3)
***** error strel("disk", -3)
***** error strel("line", 0, 45)
***** error <positive integer multiple of 3> strel("octagon", 3.5)
***** error <positive integer multiple of 3> strel("octagon", 4)
***** error <positive integer multiple of 3> strel("octagon", -1)
***** error strel("pair", [45 67 90])
***** error strel("rectangle", 2)
***** error strel("rectangle", [2 -5])
***** error strel("square", [34 1-2])
28 tests, 27 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imopen.m
***** shared in, out
in = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
out = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
***** assert (imopen (logical (in), ones (3)), logical (out));
out = [80 80 1 8 15 51 51 51 51 40
80 80 7 8 15 54 55 55 55 40
4 7 7 8 15 54 55 55 55 40
17 17 17 7 3 54 55 55 55 28
17 17 17 2 9 54 54 54 52 33
17 17 17 29 29 29 29 26 33 33
5 5 13 29 29 29 30 32 39 39
6 6 13 29 29 29 30 32 39 39
10 12 77 77 77 35 35 35 39 39
10 12 77 77 77 35 35 35 27 27];
***** assert (imopen (magic (10), ones (3)), out);
***** assert (imopen (uint8 (magic (10)), strel ("square", 3)), uint8 (out));
## using a se that will be decomposed in 2 pieces
out =[ 1 1 1 8 15 40 40 40 40 40
4 4 4 8 15 40 40 40 40 40
4 4 4 8 15 40 40 40 40 40
5 5 5 3 3 28 28 28 28 28
5 5 5 2 9 28 28 28 28 28
5 5 13 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
5 5 13 29 29 29 29 29 27 27
6 6 13 29 29 29 29 29 27 27
6 6 13 29 29 29 29 29 27 27
6 6 13 29 29 29 29 29 27 27];
***** assert (imopen (magic (10), ones(5)), out);
## using a weird non-symmetric and even-size se
out =[ 7 7 1 8 15 55 51 51 41 40
7 7 7 8 16 55 55 55 51 41
4 9 7 7 16 54 55 54 55 47
25 25 9 9 3 52 54 52 54 28
25 24 25 2 9 33 52 34 52 34
17 24 29 31 29 30 33 26 33 34
17 5 29 31 31 31 30 32 39 33
10 6 13 35 35 29 31 32 45 39
10 12 77 36 36 35 35 31 45 45
11 12 77 77 77 36 36 35 27 45];
***** assert (imopen (magic (10), [1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1]), out);
5 tests, 5 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/bweuler.m
***** demo
# Euler number (objects minus holes) is 1-2=-1 in an 8-like object
***** test
A(8,8)=0; # not a hole
***** test
***** error <2 dimensions> bweuler (true (5, 5, 1, 5))
3 tests, 3 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2uint16.m
***** assert (im2uint16 (uint16 ([1 2 3])), uint16 ([1 2 3]));
***** assert (im2uint16 (uint8 ([0 127 128 255])), uint16 ([0 32639 32896 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([0 0.5 1]), uint16 ([0 32768 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([0 1/65535 1.4/65535 1.5/65535 1]), uint16 ([0 1 1 2 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([1 2]), uint16 ([65535 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([-1 0 0.5 1]), uint16 ([0 0 32768 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 (int16 ([-32768 -1 0 32768])), uint16 ([0 32767 32768 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([false true]), uint16 ([0 65535]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([true false]), uint16 ([65535 0]));
***** assert (im2uint16 (uint8 ([3 25]), "indexed"), uint16 ([3 25]));
***** assert (im2uint16 ([1 3 25], "indexed"), uint16 ([0 2 24]));
***** error <indexed> im2uint16 ([0 1 2], "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2uint16 (int16 ([17 8]), "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2uint16 (int16 ([-7 8]), "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2uint16 ([false true], "indexed");
***** error <range of values> im2uint16 (65537, "indexed");
16 tests, 16 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imrotate.m
***** test
a = reshape (1:18, [2 3 3]);
a90(:,:,1) = [5 6; 3 4; 1 2];
a90(:,:,2) = a90(:,:,1) + 6;
a90(:,:,3) = a90(:,:,2) + 6;
a180(:,:,1) = [6 4 2; 5 3 1];
a180(:,:,2) = a180(:,:,1) + 6;
a180(:,:,3) = a180(:,:,2) + 6;
am90(:,:,1) = [2 1; 4 3; 6 5];
am90(:,:,2) = am90(:,:,1) + 6;
am90(:,:,3) = am90(:,:,2) + 6;
assert (imrotate (a, 0), a);
assert (imrotate (a, 90), a90);
assert (imrotate (a, -90), am90);
assert (imrotate (a, 180), a180);
assert (imrotate (a, -180), a180);
assert (imrotate (a, 270), am90);
assert (imrotate (a, -270), a90);
assert (imrotate (a, 360), a);
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imcomplement.m
***** assert (imcomplement (10), -9);
***** assert (imcomplement (single (10)), single (-9));
***** assert (imcomplement (0.2), 0.8);
***** assert (imcomplement (uint8 (0)), uint8 (255));
***** assert (imcomplement (uint8 (1)), uint8 (254));
***** assert (imcomplement (uint16 (0)), uint16 (65535));
***** assert (imcomplement (uint16 (1)), uint16 (65534));
***** assert (imcomplement (int8 (-128)), int8 ( 127));
***** assert (imcomplement (int8 ( 127)), int8 (-128));
***** assert (imcomplement (int16 (-1)), int16 ( 0));
***** assert (imcomplement (int16 ( 0)), int16 (-1));
***** assert (imcomplement (int16 ( 1)), int16 (-2));
***** assert (imcomplement ([true false true]), [false true false])
***** error <must be an image> imcomplement ("not an image")
14 tests, 14 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/immse.m
***** error <same size> immse (rand (10), rand (12))
***** error <same class> immse (uint8 ([0 1 2 3]), uint16 ([0 1 2 3]))
***** error <same class> immse (double ([0 1 2 3]), single ([0 1 2 3]))
***** assert (immse (magic (5), magic (5)), 0)
***** assert (immse (single (magic (5)), single (magic (5))), single (0))
***** assert (immse (uint8 (magic (5)), uint8 (magic (5))), 0)
6 tests, 6 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/im2uint8.m
***** assert (im2uint8 (uint8 ([1 2 3])), uint8 ([1 2 3]));
***** assert (im2uint8 (uint16 ([0 65535])), uint8 ([0 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([0 0.5 1]), uint8 ([0 128 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([1 2]), uint8 ([255 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([-1 0 0.5 1 2]), uint8 ([0 0 128 255 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 (int16 ([-32768 0 32768])), uint8 ([0 128 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([false true]), uint8 ([0 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([true false]), uint8 ([255 0]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([1 256], "indexed"), uint8 ([0 255]));
***** assert (im2uint8 ([3 25], "indexed"), uint8 ([2 24]));
***** assert (im2uint8 (uint16 ([3 25]), "indexed"), uint8 ([3 25]));
***** error <indexed> im2uint8 ([0 1 2], "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2uint8 (int16 ([17 8]), "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2uint8 (int16 ([-7 8]), "indexed");
***** error <indexed> im2uint8 ([false true], "indexed");
***** error <range of values> im2uint8 (uint16 (256), "indexed");
***** error <range of values> im2uint8 (257, "indexed");
17 tests, 17 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/rgb2xyz.m
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0 0 0]), [0, 0, 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([1 0 0]), [0.4125, 0.2127, 0.0193], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([1 1 0]), [0.7700, 0.9278, 0.1385], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0 1 0]), [0.3576, 0.7152, 0.1192], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0 1 1]), [0.5380, 0.7873, 1.0694], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0 0 1]), [0.1804, 0.0722, 0.9502], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([1 0 1]), [0.5929, 0.2848, 0.9696], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([1 1 1]), [0.9505, 1.0000, 1.0888], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0.5 0.5 0.5]), [0.2034, 0.2140, 0.2330], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0.75 0 0]), [0.2155, 0.1111, 0.0101], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0.5 0 0]), [0.0883, 0.0455, 0.0041], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([0.25 0 0]), [0.0210, 0.0108, 0.0010], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([1 0.5 0.5]), [0.5276, 0.3812, 0.2482], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz ([1.5 1 1]), [1.5845, 1.3269, 1.1185], 1e-3)
***** test
rgb_map = rand (64, 3);
assert (xyz2rgb (rgb2xyz (rgb_map)), rgb_map, 2e-5);
***** test
rgb_img = rand (64, 64, 3);
assert (xyz2rgb (rgb2xyz (rgb_img)), rgb_img, 2e-5);
***** assert (rgb2xyz (sparse ([0 0 0])), [0 0 0], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz (sparse ([0 0 1])), [0.1804, 0.0722, 0.9502], 1e-3)
***** assert (rgb2xyz (uint8([255 255 255])), [0.9505, 1.0000, 1.0888], 1e-3)
***** assert (class (rgb2xyz (single([1 1 1]))), 'single')
***** error rgb2xyz ()
***** error rgb2xyz (1,2)
***** error <invalid data type 'cell'> rgb2xyz ({1})
***** error <RGB must be a colormap or RGB image> rgb2xyz (ones (2,2))
***** test
rgb = rand (16, 16, 3, 5);
xyz = zeros (size (rgb));
for i = 1:5
xyz(:,:,:,i) = rgb2xyz (rgb(:,:,:,i));
assert (rgb2xyz (rgb), xyz)
25 tests, 25 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/bestblk.m
***** demo
siz = bestblk ([200; 10], 50);
disp (siz)
***** error <numeric vector> bestblk ("string")
***** error <positive scalar> bestblk ([100 200], "string")
***** error <2 elements> bestblk ([100], 5)
***** assert (bestblk ([ 10 12], 2), [ 2 2]);
***** assert (bestblk ([ 10 12], 3), [ 2 3]);
***** assert (bestblk ([300 100], 150), [150 100]);
***** assert (bestblk ([256 128], 17), [ 16 16]);
***** assert (bestblk ([ 17 17], 3), [ 3 3]);
***** assert (bestblk ([230 470]), bestblk ([230 470], 100))
***** assert (bestblk ([10 12 10], 3), [2 3 2]);
***** assert (bestblk ([ 9 12 9], 3), [3 3 3]);
***** assert (bestblk ([10 12 10 11], 5), [5 4 5 4]);
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/bwmorph.m
***** demo
bwmorph (true (11), "shrink", Inf)
# Should return 0 matrix with 1 pixel set to 1 at (6,6)
***** test
slBW = logical ([ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
rslBW = logical ([ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0]);
assert (bwmorph (slBW, "skel-lantuejoul", 1), [rslBW(1:5,:); false(7, 7)]);
assert (bwmorph (slBW, "skel-lantuejoul", 2), [rslBW(1:8,:); false(4, 7)]);
assert (bwmorph (slBW, "skel-lantuejoul", 3), rslBW);
assert (bwmorph (slBW, "skel-lantuejoul", Inf), rslBW);
***** test
bw = [
0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 0];
final = logical ([
0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0]);
assert (bwmorph (bw, "skel", Inf), final)
assert (bwmorph (bw, "skel", 3), final)
***** error bwmorph ("not a matrix", "dilate")
***** assert (bwmorph (magic (10), "dilate"), imdilate (logical (magic (10)), ones (3)));
***** test
in = logical ([1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1]);
se = strel ("arbitrary", ones (3));
assert (bwmorph (in, "dilate"), imdilate (in, se));
assert (bwmorph (in, "dilate", 3), imdilate (imdilate (imdilate (in, se), se), se));
assert (bwmorph (in, "bothat"), imbothat (in, se));
assert (bwmorph (in, "tophat"), imtophat (in, se));
assert (bwmorph (in, "open"), imopen (in, se));
assert (bwmorph (in, "close"), imclose (in, se));
***** assert (bwmorph ([1 0 0; 1 0 1; 0 0 1], "bridge"), logical ([1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]));
***** assert (bwmorph ([0 0 0; 1 0 1; 0 0 1], "clean"), logical ([0 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 1]));
***** assert (bwmorph ([0 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0], "clean"), false (3));
***** assert (bwmorph ([0 1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 0], "diag"), logical ([1 1 0; 1 1 0; 0 0 0]));
***** test
in = logical ([0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
out = logical ([0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (bwmorph (in, "fill"), out);
***** assert (bwmorph ([1 1 1; 0 1 0; 1 1 1], "hbreak"), logical ([1 1 1; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]));
***** test
in = logical ([0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
out = logical ([0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (bwmorph (in, "remove"), out);
out = logical ([0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (bwmorph (in, "remove", Inf), out);
## tests for spur are failing (matlab incompatible)
out = logical ([0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (bwmorph (in, "spur"), out);
out = logical ([0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1]);
assert (bwmorph (in, "spur", Inf), out);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (bwmorph (in, "spur"),out)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(1,2) 0 1 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
***** test
in = [
0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0];
out = [
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwmorph (in, "shrink"), logical (out));
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (bwmorph (in, "shrink"),logical (out))
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(2,4) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(3,4) 0 1 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(4,4) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
(5,4) 1 0 Abs err 1 exceeds tol 0
13 tests, 11 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/mat2gray.m
***** assert(mat2gray([1 2 3]), [0 0.5 1]); # standard use
***** assert(mat2gray(repmat ([1 2; 3 3], [1 1 3])), repmat ([0 0.5; 1 1], [1 1 3])); # setting min and max
***** assert(mat2gray([1 2 3], [2 2]), [1 1 1]); # equal min and max
***** assert(mat2gray([-1 0 0.5 3], [2 2]), [0 0 0.5 1]); # equal min and max
***** assert(mat2gray(ones(3*0.5)), ones(3*0.5)); # equal min and max from the image (not set)
***** assert(mat2gray([1 2 3], [3 1]), [1 0.5 0]); # max and min inverted
***** assert (mat2gray ([-3 -2 -1]), [0 0.5 1])
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/fftconvn.m
***** function test_shapes (a, b, precision)
shapes = {"valid", "same", "full"};
for i = 1:3
shape = shapes{i};
assert (fftconvn (a, b, shape), convn (a, b, shape), precision);
assert (fftconvn (a, b), fftconvn (a, b, "full"));
***** endfunction
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100), randi (255, 10), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 100), randi (255, 10, 10), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 100, 100), randi (255, 10, 10, 10), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 50, 20), randi (255, 10, 7), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 50, 20), randi (255, 10), 0.1)
***** test
for s = [55 56 57 58]
test_shapes (randi (255, 200, 200), randi (255, s, s), 0.1)
***** test
for s = [203 204 205 206]
test_shapes (randi (255, s, s), randi (255, 52, 52), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 100, "uint8"), randi (255, 10, 10, "uint8"), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 100, "uint8"), randi (255, 10, 10), 0.1)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 100, "single"), randi (255, 10, 10, "single"), 0.9)
***** test test_shapes (randi (255, 100, 100, "single"), randi (255, 10, 10), 0.9)
11 tests, 11 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/imgradient.m
***** test
A = [0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0];
[gMag, gDir] = imgradient (A);
assert (gMag,[sqrt(18) 4 sqrt(18); 4 0 4; sqrt(18),4,sqrt(18)]);
assert (gDir,[-45 -90 -135; -0 -0 -180; 45 90 135]);
## the following just test if passing gx and gy separately gets
## us the same as the image and method though imgradient
[gxSobel, gySobel] = imgradientxy (A, "Sobel");
[gxPrewitt, gyPrewitt] = imgradientxy (A, "Prewitt");
[gxCd, gyCd] = imgradientxy (A, "CentralDifference");
[gxId, gyId] = imgradientxy (A, "IntermediateDifference");
assert (imgradient (A),
imgradient (gxSobel, gySobel));
assert (imgradient (A, "Sobel"),
imgradient (gxSobel, gySobel));
assert (imgradient (A, "Prewitt"),
imgradient(gxPrewitt, gyPrewitt));
assert (imgradient (A, "CentralDifference"),
imgradient (gxCd, gyCd));
assert (imgradient (A, "IntermediateDifference"),
imgradient (gxId, gyId));
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/poly2mask.m
***** demo
s = [0:pi/4:2*pi];
x = cos (s) * 90 + 101;
y = sin (s) * 90 + 101;
bw = poly2mask(x, y, 200, 200);
imshow (bw);
***** demo
s = [0:2*pi/5:pi*4];
s = s ([1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6]);
x = cos (s) * 90 + 101;
y = sin (s) * 90 + 101;
bw = poly2mask (x, y, 200, 200);
imshow (bw);
***** # Convex polygons
***** shared xs, ys, Rs, xt, yt, Rt
***** assert(poly2mask(xs,ys,16,14),Rs); # rectangle
***** assert(poly2mask(xs,ys,8,7),Rs(1:8,1:7)); # clipped
***** assert(poly2mask(xs-7,ys-8,8,7),Rs(9:16,8:14)); # more clipping
***** assert(poly2mask(xt,yt,5,7),Rt); # triangle
***** assert(poly2mask(xt,yt,3,3),Rt(1:3,1:3)); # clipped
***** # Concave polygons
***** test
assert(poly2mask(x,y,16,14), R);
***** # Complex polygons
***** test
assert(poly2mask(x,y,5,6), R);
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /usr/share/octave/packages/image-2.6.1/medfilt2.m
***** shared b, f
b = [ 0 1 2 3
1 8 12 12
4 20 24 21
7 22 25 18];
f = [ 0 1 2 0
1 4 12 3
4 12 20 12
0 7 20 0];
***** assert (medfilt2 (b), f);
f = [ 0 1 2 3
1 8 12 12
4 20 24 18
4 20 24 18];
***** assert (medfilt2 (b, true (3, 1)), f);
***** assert (medfilt2 (b, [3 1]), f);
f = [ 1 8 10 10
1 8 12 12
4 20 24 18
7 20 24 18];
***** assert (medfilt2 (b, [3 1], 10), f);
***** assert (medfilt2 (b, 10, [3 1]), f);
f = [ 0.5 4.5 7.0 7.5
2.5 14.0 18.0 15.0
2.5 14.0 18.0 15.0
2.0 10.0 12.0 9.0];
***** assert (medfilt2 (b, true (4, 1)), f);
***** assert (medfilt2 (b, [4 1]), f);
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
echo Checking CC files ...
warning: function /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/inst/private/iscolormap.m shadows a core library function
warning: called from
/var/tmp/file8moa2S at line 833 column 1
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/watershed.cc
***** test
ex = tril (ones (50), -1) + triu (repmat (2, [50 50]), 2);
ex(1, 1) = 1;
ex(end, end) = 1;
in = ones (50);
in(end,1) = 0;
in(1,end) = 0;
assert (watershed (in), ex)
***** test
ex = tril (ones (49), -1) + triu (repmat (2, [49 49]), 2);
ex(1, 1) = 1;
ex(end, end) = 1;
in = ones (49);
in(end,1) = 0;
in(1,end) = 0;
assert (watershed (in), ex)
c = (fspecial ('disk', 5) > 0) + 1;
in(20:30,20:30) = c;
c = (fspecial ('disk', 4) > 0) + 2;
in(21:29,21:29) = c;
assert (watershed (in), ex)
***** test
ex = tril (ones (49), -1) + triu (repmat (2, [49 49]), 2);
ex(1:28,1:28) = (tril (ones (28) ,7) + triu (repmat (2, [28 28]), 10));
ex(1,9) = 1;
ex(end,end) = 1;
ex(20:29, 29) = 0;
in = ones (49);
in(end,1) = 0;
in(1,end) = 0;
c = (fspecial ("disk", 5) > 0) + 1;
in(1:11,38:48) = c;
assert (watershed (in), ex)
***** test
im = [
3 4 5 6 0
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4
1 0 1 2 3];
labeled8 = [
1 1 1 0 2
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1];
labeled4 = [
1 1 1 0 3
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 2 2
1 0 2 2 2
0 2 2 2 2];
labeled_weird = [
1 1 1 0 2
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1];
assert (watershed (im), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 8), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 4), labeled4);
assert (watershed (im, [1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]), labeled_weird);
***** test
im = [
2 3 30 2
3 30 3 30
255 31 30 4
2 255 31 30
1 2 255 5];
labeled4 = [
1 1 0 4
1 0 3 0
0 2 0 5
2 2 2 0
2 2 0 6];
labeled_weird = [
1 1 0 3
1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
2 0 0 0
2 2 0 4];
assert (watershed (im, 4), labeled4);
assert (watershed (im, [1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]), labeled_weird);
***** test
im = [
2 3 30 2
3 30 3 30
255 31 30 4
2 255 31 30
1 2 255 5];
labeled8 = [
1 1 0 3
1 1 0 3
0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4
2 2 0 4];
assert (watershed (im), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 8), labeled8);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for: assert (watershed (im),labeled8)
Location | Observed | Expected | Reason
(3,4) 3 0 Abs err 3 exceeds tol 0
(4,4) 0 4 Abs err 4 exceeds tol 0
***** test
im = [
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 30 30 30 2 2
2 30 20 20 20 30 2
40 40 20 20 20 40 40
1 40 20 20 20 40 0
1 1 40 20 40 0 0
1 1 1 20 0 0 0];
labeled8 = [
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 0 3 3 3
2 2 2 0 3 3 3
2 2 2 0 3 3 3];
labeled4 = [
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
2 0 1 1 1 0 3
2 2 0 1 0 3 3
2 2 2 0 3 3 3];
labeled_weird = [
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 3 3 3
2 2 0 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 0 3 3 3];
assert (watershed (im), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 8), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 4), labeled4);
assert (watershed (im, [1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]), labeled_weird);
***** test
im = [
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
40 3 3 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 20 40
40 3 3 5 5 30 30 30 10 15 15 20 40
40 3 3 5 30 20 20 20 30 15 15 20 40
40 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40
40 10 10 10 40 20 20 20 40 10 10 10 40
40 5 5 5 10 40 20 40 10 10 5 5 40
40 1 3 5 10 15 20 15 10 5 1 0 40
40 1 3 5 10 15 20 15 10 5 1 0 40
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40];
labeled8 = [
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3];
labeled4 = [
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 0 1 0 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3];
labeled_weird = [
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3];
assert (watershed (im), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 8), labeled8);
assert (watershed (im, 4), labeled4);
assert (watershed (im, [1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]), labeled_weird);
***** test
im_full = [
1 2 10 3 8 7 5
3 2 5 10 8 1 4
1 8 2 3 8 3 6];
matlab_result_full = [
1 1 0 3 0 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 4 4
2 2 2 0 4 4 4];
assert (watershed (im_crop), matlab_result_crop);
im_crop = [
2 10 3 8 7 5
2 5 10 8 1 4
8 2 3 8 3 6];
matlab_result_crop = [
1 0 2 0 3 3
1 0 0 0 3 3
1 1 1 0 3 3];
assert (watershed (im_crop), matlab_result_crop);
!!!!! test failed
'im_crop' undefined near line 13 column 21
9 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/graycomatrix.cc
***** shared a
***** test
a = [0 0 0 1 2;
1 1 0 1 1;
2 2 1 0 0;
1 1 0 2 0;
0 0 1 0 1];
squeeze(graycomatrix(a, 3, 1, -pi/4)) == [4 2 0;
2 3 2;
1 2 0];
***** assert(size(graycomatrix(a, 3, 1:5, [0:3]*-pi/4)), [3, 3, 5, 4])
***** demo
# Pattern Recognition Engineering (Nadler & Smith)
# Digital Image Processing (Gonzales & Woods), p. 668
a = [0 0 0 1 2;
1 1 0 1 1;
2 2 1 0 0;
1 1 0 2 0;
0 0 1 0 1];
graycomatrix(a, 3, 1, [0 1]*-pi/4)
2 tests, 2 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/imreconstruct.cc
***** function recon = parallel_reconstruction (marker, mask,
conn = conndef (ndims (marker), "maximal"))
previous = marker;
marker = imdilate (marker, conn);
## FIXME https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?43712
if (strcmp (class (marker), "logical"))
marker = marker & mask;
marker = min (marker, mask);
until (all ((marker == previous)(:)))
recon = marker;
***** endfunction
***** test
for cl = {"int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32"}
cl = cl{1};
a = randi ([intmin(cl) intmax(cl)-30], 100, 100, cl);
b = a + randi (20, 100, 100, cl);
assert (imreconstruct (a, b), parallel_reconstruction (a, b))
for cl = {"double", "single"}
cl = cl{1};
a = (rand (100, 100, cl) - 0.5) .* 1000;
b = a + rand (100, 100, cl) * 100;
assert (imreconstruct (a, b), parallel_reconstruction (a, b))
***** test
for cl = {"int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32"}
cl = cl{1};
a = randi ([intmin(cl) intmax(cl)-30], 100, 100, cl);
b = a + randi (20, 100, 100, cl);
c = [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0];
assert (imreconstruct (a, b, c), parallel_reconstruction (a, b, c))
***** test
a = randi (210, 100, 100);
b = a + randi (20, 100, 100);
c = ones (3, 1);
assert (imreconstruct (a, b, c), parallel_reconstruction (a, b, c))
***** test
a = randi (210, 500, 500, 10, 4);
b = a + randi (20, 500, 500, 10, 4);
c = ones (3, 3, 3);
assert (imreconstruct (a, b, c), parallel_reconstruction (a, b, c))
***** test
a = randi (210, 500, 500, 10, 4);
b = a + randi (20, 500, 500, 10, 4);
c = conndef (4, "minimal");
assert (imreconstruct (a, b, c), parallel_reconstruction (a, b, c))
***** test
a = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0];
b = [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1];
c = [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0];
assert (imreconstruct (logical (a), logical (b)), logical (c));
c = [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0];
assert (imreconstruct (logical (a), logical (b), [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]),
logical (c));
***** test
b = rand (100, 100, 100) > 0.98;
until (nnz (b) > 4)
b = imdilate (b, ones (5, 5, 5));
a = false (size (b));
f = find (b);
a(f(randi (numel (f), 6, 1))) = true;
assert (imreconstruct (a, b), parallel_reconstruction (a, b))
***** test
a = randi (200, 100,100, 10, 10);
b = a + randi (20, 100,100, 10, 10);
c1 = ones (3, 3, 3);
c2 = zeros (3, 3, 3, 3);
c2(:,:,:,2) = c1;
assert (imreconstruct (a, b, c1), imreconstruct (a, b, c2))
***** error <MARKER must be less or equal than MASK> imreconstruct (randi([5 10], [10 10]), randi([1 5], [10 10]))
9 tests, 9 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/imerode.cc
***** assert (imerode (eye (3), [1]), eye (3));
***** assert (imerode (eye (3), []), Inf (3, 3));
***** test
im = [0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0];
se = [1 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 1];
assert (imerode (im, se), [0 1 0; 0 0 0; 0 1 0]);
assert (imerode (logical(im), se), logical ([0 1 0; 0 0 0; 0 1 0]));
assert (imerode (im, se, "full"),
[ 0 0 0 0 Inf
1 0 1 0 Inf
0 0 0 0 0
Inf 0 1 0 1
Inf Inf 0 1 0]);
assert (imerode (logical(im), se, "full"),
logical([0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0]));
***** test
a = rand ([10 40 15 6 8 5]) > 0.2;
se = ones ([5 3 7]);
## the image is not really indexed but this way it is padded with 1s
assert (imerode (a, se), colfilt (a, "indexed", size (se), "sliding", @all))
assert (imerode (a, se, "valid"), convn (a, se, "valid") == nnz (se))
## again, we need to pad it ourselves because convn pads with zeros
b = true (size (a) + [4 2 6 0 0 0]);
b(3:12, 2:41, 4:18,:,:,:) = a;
assert (imdilate (b, se, "same"), convn (b, se, "same") > 0)
b = true (size (a) + [8 4 12 0 0 0]);
b(5:14, 3:42, 7:21,:,:,:) = a;
assert (imdilate (b, se, "full"), convn (b, se, "full") > 0)
***** test
im = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
se = [0 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 1];
out = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (imerode (im, se), out);
assert (imerode (logical (im), se), logical (out));
assert (imerode (im, logical (se)), out);
assert (imerode (logical (im), logical (se)), logical (out));
# with an even-size SE
se = [0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1];
out = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (imerode (im, se), out);
out = [ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1];
assert (imdilate (im, se), out);
***** test
a = [ 82 2 97 43 79 43 41 65 51 11
60 65 21 56 94 77 36 38 75 39
32 68 78 1 16 75 76 90 81 56
43 90 82 41 36 1 87 19 18 63
63 64 2 48 18 43 38 25 22 99
12 46 90 79 3 92 39 79 10 22
38 98 11 10 40 90 88 38 4 76
54 37 9 4 33 98 36 47 53 57
38 76 82 50 14 74 64 99 7 33
88 96 41 62 84 89 97 23 41 3];
domain = ones (3);
out = [ 2 1 1 1 16 36 36 11
21 1 1 1 1 1 18 18
2 1 1 1 1 1 18 18
2 2 2 1 1 1 10 10
2 2 2 3 3 25 4 4
9 4 3 3 3 36 4 4
9 4 4 4 14 36 4 4
9 4 4 4 14 23 7 3];
assert (imerode (a, domain, "valid"), out);
assert (imerode (uint8 (a), domain, "valid"), uint8 (out));
assert (imerode (uint8 (a), strel ("arbitrary", domain), "valid"), uint8 (out));
assert (imerode (uint8 (a), strel ("square", 3), "valid"), uint8 (out));
***** ## Test for non-flat strel
assert (imerode (a, strel ("arbitrary", domain, ones (3)), "valid"), out -1);
out = [ 97 97 97 94 94 90 90 90
90 90 94 94 94 90 90 90
90 90 82 75 87 90 90 99
90 90 90 92 92 92 87 99
98 98 90 92 92 92 88 99
98 98 90 98 98 98 88 79
98 98 82 98 98 99 99 99
96 96 84 98 98 99 99 99];
assert (imdilate (a, domain, "valid"), out);
assert (imdilate (uint8 (a), domain, "valid"), uint8 (out));
***** ## Test for non-flat strel
assert (imdilate (a, strel ("arbitrary", domain, ones (3)), "valid"), out +1);
## test while using SE that can be decomposed and an actual sequence
domain = ones (5);
out = [ 2 1 1 1 1 1 16 11 11 11
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
9 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
9 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
9 4 4 4 4 4 7 3 3 3];
assert (imerode (a, domain), out);
assert (imerode (a, strel ("square", 5)), out);
assert (imerode (a, getsequence (strel ("square", 5))), out);
## using a non-symmetric SE
domain = [ 1 1 0
0 1 1
0 1 0];
out = [ 2 2 1 16 36 36 38 39
60 1 1 16 1 36 19 18
32 2 1 1 1 19 18 18
2 2 18 3 1 1 19 10
46 2 2 3 18 38 10 4
11 9 4 3 3 36 4 4
9 4 4 10 36 36 38 4
37 9 4 4 33 36 7 7];
assert (imerode (a, domain, "valid"), out);
assert (imerode (a, strel ("arbitrary", domain, ones (3)), "valid"), out -1);
out = [ 78 97 56 94 94 90 90 81
90 82 78 94 87 87 90 90
90 90 82 43 75 87 90 99
90 90 79 92 92 87 79 25
98 90 90 90 92 92 79 79
98 98 79 98 98 90 88 57
98 82 50 74 98 99 99 53
96 82 84 89 98 97 99 99];
assert (imdilate (a, domain, "valid"), out);
assert (imdilate (a, strel ("arbitrary", domain, ones (3)), "valid"), out +1);
***** test
im = reshape (magic(16), [4 8 4 2]);
se = true (3, 3, 3);
out = zeros (4, 8, 4, 2);
out(:,:,1,1) = [
3 3 46 2 2 2 47 47
3 3 30 2 2 2 31 31
17 17 16 16 16 20 13 13
33 33 16 16 16 36 13 13];
out(:,:,2,1) = [
3 3 46 2 2 2 43 43
3 3 30 2 2 2 27 27
17 17 12 12 12 20 13 13
33 33 12 12 12 36 13 13];
out(:,:,3,1) = [
3 3 42 6 6 6 43 43
3 3 26 6 6 6 27 27
21 21 12 12 12 20 9 9
37 37 12 12 12 36 9 9];
out(:,:,4,1) = [
7 7 42 6 6 6 43 43
7 7 26 6 6 6 27 27
21 21 12 12 12 24 9 9
37 37 12 12 12 40 9 9];
out(:,:,1,2) = [
11 11 38 10 10 10 39 39
11 11 22 10 10 10 23 23
25 25 8 8 8 28 5 5
41 41 8 8 8 44 5 5];
out(:,:,2,2) = [
11 11 38 10 10 10 35 35
11 11 22 10 10 10 19 19
25 25 4 4 4 28 5 5
41 41 4 4 4 44 5 5];
out(:,:,3,2) = [
11 11 34 14 14 14 35 35
11 11 18 14 14 14 19 19
29 29 4 4 4 28 1 1
45 45 4 4 4 44 1 1];
out(:,:,4,2) = [
15 15 34 14 14 14 35 35
15 15 18 14 14 14 19 19
29 29 4 4 4 32 1 1
45 45 4 4 4 48 1 1];
assert (imerode (im, se), out);
assert (imerode (uint16 (im), se), uint16 (out));
## trying a more weird SE
se(:,:,1) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 0];
se(:,:,3) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 1];
out(:,:,1,1) = [
3 17 46 2 2 2 47 47
17 3 30 2 2 2 31 31
17 17 16 16 16 20 13 31
33 33 16 16 16 36 13 13];
out(:,:,2,1) = [
3 3 46 2 2 20 43 61
3 3 30 2 20 2 27 43
33 17 12 20 20 20 13 13
51 33 12 12 30 36 13 13];
out(:,:,3,1) = [
3 21 42 6 6 6 43 43
21 3 26 6 6 6 27 27
21 21 12 12 12 20 9 27
37 37 12 12 12 36 9 9];
out(:,:,4,1) = [
7 7 42 6 6 24 57 57
7 7 26 6 24 6 43 43
37 21 26 24 24 24 9 9
55 37 12 12 26 40 9 9];
out(:,:,1,2) = [
11 25 38 10 10 10 39 39
25 11 22 10 10 10 23 23
25 25 8 8 8 28 5 23
41 41 8 8 8 44 5 5];
out(:,:,2,2) = [
11 11 38 10 10 28 35 53
11 11 22 10 22 10 19 35
41 25 4 22 22 28 5 5
59 41 4 4 22 44 5 5];
out(:,:,3,2) = [
11 29 34 14 14 14 35 35
29 11 18 14 14 14 19 19
29 29 4 4 4 28 1 19
45 45 4 4 4 44 1 1];
out(:,:,4,2) = [
15 15 34 14 14 32 49 49
15 15 18 14 18 14 35 35
45 29 18 18 18 32 1 1
63 45 4 4 18 48 1 1];
assert (imerode (im, se), out);
assert (imerode (uint16 (im), se), uint16 (out));
***** error imerode (ones (10), 45)
***** error imerode (ones (10), "some text")
***** error imerode (ones (10), {23, 45})
***** error imerode (rand (10) > 10 , strel ("arbitrary", true (3), ones (3)))
***** test
a = rand ([10 40 15 6 8 5]) > 0.8;
se = ones ([5 3 7]);
assert (imdilate (a, se), convn (a, se, "same") > 0)
assert (imdilate (a, se, "full"), convn (a, se, "full") > 0)
assert (imdilate (a, se, "valid"), convn (a, se, "valid") > 0)
assert (imdilate (a, se), colfilt (a, size (se), "sliding", @any))
***** test
im = reshape (magic(16), [4 8 4 2]);
se = true (3, 3, 3);
out = zeros (4, 8, 4, 2);
out(:,:,1,1) = [
256 256 209 253 253 253 212 212
256 256 225 253 253 253 228 228
238 238 243 243 243 239 242 242
222 222 243 243 243 223 242 242];
out(:,:,2,1) = [
256 256 213 253 253 253 212 212
256 256 229 253 253 253 228 228
238 238 243 243 243 239 246 246
222 222 243 243 243 223 246 246];
out(:,:,3,1) = [
252 252 213 253 253 253 216 216
252 252 229 253 253 253 232 232
238 238 247 247 247 235 246 246
222 222 247 247 247 219 246 246];
out(:,:,4,1) = [
252 252 213 249 249 249 216 216
252 252 229 249 249 249 232 232
234 234 247 247 247 235 246 246
218 218 247 247 247 219 246 246];
out(:,:,1,2) = [
248 248 217 245 245 245 220 220
248 248 233 245 245 245 236 236
230 230 251 251 251 231 250 250
214 214 251 251 251 215 250 250];
out(:,:,2,2) = [
248 248 221 245 245 245 220 220
248 248 237 245 245 245 236 236
230 230 251 251 251 231 254 254
214 214 251 251 251 215 254 254];
out(:,:,3,2) = [
244 244 221 245 245 245 224 224
244 244 237 245 245 245 240 240
230 230 255 255 255 227 254 254
214 214 255 255 255 211 254 254];
out(:,:,4,2) = [
244 244 221 241 241 241 224 224
244 244 237 241 241 241 240 240
226 226 255 255 255 227 254 254
210 210 255 255 255 211 254 254];
assert (imdilate (im, se), out);
assert (imdilate (uint16 (im), se), uint16 (out));
## trying a more weird SE
se(:,:,1) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 0];
se(:,:,3) = [1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 0 1];
out(:,:,1,1) = [
256 256 209 239 253 253 212 194
256 256 225 239 239 239 228 212
222 222 243 239 243 239 242 242
208 208 225 243 243 223 242 242];
out(:,:,2,1) = [
256 256 213 253 253 253 212 212
238 256 229 253 253 253 228 228
238 238 243 243 243 239 246 228
222 222 243 243 243 223 228 246];
out(:,:,3,1) = [
252 252 213 235 253 253 216 198
252 252 229 235 235 253 232 216
222 238 247 235 247 235 246 246
204 222 229 247 247 219 246 246];
out(:,:,4,1) = [
252 252 213 249 249 249 216 216
234 252 229 249 249 249 232 232
234 234 247 247 247 235 246 232
218 218 247 247 247 219 232 246];
out(:,:,1,2) = [
248 248 217 231 245 245 220 202
248 248 233 233 233 231 236 220
214 214 251 233 251 231 250 250
200 200 233 251 251 215 250 250];
out(:,:,2,2) = [
248 248 221 245 245 245 220 220
230 248 237 245 245 245 236 236
230 230 251 251 251 231 254 236
214 214 251 251 251 215 236 254];
out(:,:,3,2) = [
244 244 221 227 245 245 224 206
244 244 237 237 237 245 240 224
214 230 255 237 255 227 254 254
196 214 237 255 255 211 254 254];
out(:,:,4,2) = [
244 244 221 241 241 241 224 224
226 244 237 241 241 241 240 240
226 226 255 255 255 227 254 240
210 210 255 255 255 211 240 254];
assert (imdilate (im, se), out);
assert (imdilate (uint16 (im), se), uint16 (out));
***** test # scalar blank SE
se = 0;
assert (imerode (5, se), Inf)
assert (imerode (true, se), true)
assert (imerode (false, se), true)
assert (imerode (uint8 (3), se), uint8 (255))
assert (imdilate (5, se), -Inf)
assert (imdilate (true, se), false)
assert (imdilate (false, se), false)
assert (imdilate (uint8 (3), se), uint8 (0))
***** test # empty SE
se = [];
assert (imerode (5, se), Inf)
assert (imerode (true, se), true)
assert (imerode (false, se), true)
assert (imerode (uint8 (3), se), uint8 (255))
assert (imdilate (5, se), -Inf)
assert (imdilate (true, se), false)
assert (imdilate (false, se), false)
assert (imdilate (uint8 (3), se), uint8 (0))
***** test # non-scalar blank SE
se = zeros (3, 3);
assert (imerode (5, se), Inf)
assert (imerode (true, se), true)
assert (imerode (false, se), true)
assert (imerode (uint8 (3), se), uint8 (255))
assert (imdilate (5, se), -Inf)
assert (imdilate(true, se), false)
assert (imdilate (false, se), false)
assert (imdilate (uint8 (3), se), uint8 (0))
***** test # erode only with out-of-border elements
se = [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1];
assert (imerode (5, se), Inf)
assert (imerode (true, se), true)
assert (imdilate (5, se), -Inf)
assert (imdilate (true, se), false)
***** test # only true elements of SE are out-of-border
se = [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0];
assert (imerode (zeros (3), se), [0 0 0; 0 0 0; Inf 0 0])
assert (imerode (false (3), se), logical ([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 0]))
assert (imdilate (zeros (3), se), [0 0 -Inf; 0 0 0; 0 0 0])
assert (imdilate (false (3), se), false (3, 3))
se = [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 1];
assert (imerode (zeros (3, 3), se), [0 0 0; 0 0 0; Inf Inf Inf])
assert (imerode (false (3, 3), se), logical ([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]))
assert (imdilate (zeros (3, 3), se), [-Inf -Inf -Inf; 0 0 0; 0 0 0])
assert (imdilate (false (3, 3), se), false (3, 3))
***** test # only true elements of even-sized SE are out-of-border
se = logical ([0 1; 1 1]);
assert (imerode (false (3, 3), se), logical ([0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 1]))
assert (imerode (zeros (3, 3), se), [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 Inf])
assert (imdilate (false (3, 3), se), false (3, 3))
assert (imdilate (zeros (3, 3), se), [-Inf 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0])
19 tests, 19 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/intlut.cc
***** assert (intlut (uint8 (1:4), uint8 ( 255:-1:0)), uint8 (254:-1:251));
***** assert (intlut (uint16 (1:4), uint16 (65535:-1:0)), uint16 (65534:-1:65531));
***** assert (intlut (int16 (1:4), int16 (32767:-1:-32768)), int16 (-2:-1:-5));
***** assert (intlut (uint8 (255), uint8 (0:255)), uint8 (255));
***** assert (intlut (uint16 (65535), uint16 (0:65535)), uint16 (65535));
***** assert (intlut (int16 (32767), int16 (-32768:32767)), int16 (32767));
***** error intlut ()
***** error intlut ("text")
***** error <must be of same class> intlut (1:20, uint8 (0:255));
***** error <must be of same class> intlut (uint16 (1:20), uint8 (0:255));
***** error <must have 256 elements> intlut (uint8 (1:20), uint8 (0:200));
***** error <must have 65536 elements> intlut (uint16 (1:20), uint16 (0:500));
error <LUST must be a vector> intlut (uint8 (56), uint8 (magic (16) -1))
12 tests, 12 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/bwconncomp.cc
***** test
a = rand (10) > 0.5;
cc = bwconncomp (a, 4);
assert (cc.Connectivity, 4)
assert (cc.ImageSize, [10 10])
b = false (10);
for i = 1:numel (cc.PixelIdxList)
b(cc.PixelIdxList{i}) = true;
assert (a, b)
***** test
a = rand (10, 13) > 0.5;
cc = bwconncomp (a, 4);
assert (cc.ImageSize, [10 13])
b = false (10, 13);
for i = 1:numel (cc.PixelIdxList)
b(cc.PixelIdxList{i}) = true;
assert (a, b)
***** test
a = rand (15) > 0.5;
conn_8 = bwconncomp (a, 8);
assert (conn_8, bwconncomp (a))
assert (conn_8, bwconncomp (a, ones (3)))
assert (conn_8.Connectivity, 8)
assert (bwconncomp (a, ones (3)).Connectivity, 8)
assert (bwconncomp (a, [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]).Connectivity, 4)
***** test
a = rand (40, 40) > 0.2;
cc = bwconncomp (a, 4);
assert (rows (cc.PixelIdxList), 1)
assert (columns (cc.PixelIdxList) > 1)
***** assert (bwconncomp (false (5)), struct ("ImageSize", [5 5], "NumObjects", 0,
"PixelIdxList", {cell(1, 0)},
"Connectivity", 8))
***** test
in = [ 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0];
assert (bwareaopen (in, 1, 4), logical (in))
out = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareaopen (logical (in), 10, 4), logical (out))
assert (bwareaopen (in, 10, 4), logical (out))
assert (bwareaopen (in, 10, [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]), logical (out))
out = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwareaopen (in, 10, 8), logical (out))
assert (bwareaopen (in, 10, ones (3)), logical (out))
assert (bwareaopen (in, 10), logical (out))
out = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0];
assert (bwareaopen (in, 4, [1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]), logical (out))
***** error bwareaopen ("not an image", 78, 8)
***** error bwareaopen (rand (10) > 0.5, 10, 100)
***** error bwareaopen (rand (10) > 0.5, 10, "maximal")
***** error bwareaopen (rand (10) > 0.5, 10, [1 1 1; 0 1 1; 0 1 0])
10 tests, 10 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/hough_line.cc
***** test
I = zeros(100, 100);
I(1,1) = 1; I(100,100) = 1; I(1,100) = 1; I(100, 1) = 1; I(50,50) = 1;
[J, R] = houghtf(I); J = J / max(J(:));
assert(size(J) == [length(R) 181]);
***** demo
I = zeros(100, 150);
I(30,:) = 1; I(:, 65) = 1; I(35:45, 35:50) = 1;
for i = 1:90, I(i,i) = 1;endfor
I = imnoise(I, 'salt & pepper');
J = houghtf(I); J = J / max(J(:));
imshow(J, bone(128), 'truesize');
1 test, 1 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/__spatial_filtering__.cc
***** shared a, domain, s, out
a = [ 82 2 97 43 79 43 41 65 51 11
60 65 21 56 94 77 36 38 75 39
32 68 78 1 16 75 76 90 81 56
43 90 82 41 36 1 87 19 18 63
63 64 2 48 18 43 38 25 22 99
12 46 90 79 3 92 39 79 10 22
38 98 11 10 40 90 88 38 4 76
54 37 9 4 33 98 36 47 53 57
38 76 82 50 14 74 64 99 7 33
88 96 41 62 84 89 97 23 41 3];
domain = ones (3);
s = zeros (3);
out = [ 2 1 1 1 16 36 36 11
21 1 1 1 1 1 18 18
2 1 1 1 1 1 18 18
2 2 2 1 1 1 10 10
2 2 2 3 3 25 4 4
9 4 3 3 3 36 4 4
9 4 4 4 14 36 4 4
9 4 4 4 14 23 7 3];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "min", s), out);
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, 1), out);
out = [ 97 97 97 94 94 90 90 90
90 90 94 94 94 90 90 90
90 90 82 75 87 90 90 99
90 90 90 92 92 92 87 99
98 98 90 92 92 92 88 99
98 98 90 98 98 98 88 79
98 98 82 98 98 99 99 99
96 96 84 98 98 99 99 99];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "max", s), out);
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, nnz (domain)), out);
out = [ 60 43 43 43 43 43 51 51
60 56 36 36 36 38 38 39
63 48 18 18 36 38 25 25
46 48 36 36 36 38 22 22
38 46 11 40 39 39 25 22
37 11 10 33 39 47 38 38
38 11 11 33 40 64 38 38
41 41 33 50 64 64 41 33];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, 4), out);
out = [ 31.223 33.788 35.561 31.011 26.096 20.630 20.403 24.712
23.428 29.613 32.376 34.002 33.593 32.470 29.605 26.333
27.834 32.890 29.903 24.207 30.083 32.497 31.898 32.600
32.027 28.995 33.530 31.002 32.241 32.004 27.501 32.070
34.682 36.030 33.046 33.745 32.509 27.352 28.607 34.180
32.709 37.690 32.992 40.036 34.456 26.656 27.685 26.863
30.971 36.227 25.775 34.873 29.917 25.269 32.292 30.410
29.135 31.626 30.056 33.594 30.814 28.853 30.917 29.120];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "std", s), out, 0.001);
out = [ 95 96 96 93 78 54 54 79
69 89 93 93 93 89 72 72
88 89 81 74 86 89 72 81
88 88 88 91 91 91 77 89
96 96 88 89 89 67 84 95
89 94 87 95 95 62 84 75
89 94 78 94 84 63 95 95
87 92 80 94 84 76 92 96];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "range", s), out);
domain = [ 1 1 0
0 1 1
0 1 0];
out = [ 2 2 1 16 36 36 38 39
60 1 1 16 1 36 19 18
32 2 1 1 1 19 18 18
2 2 18 3 1 1 19 10
46 2 2 3 18 38 10 4
11 9 4 3 3 36 4 4
9 4 4 10 36 36 38 4
37 9 4 4 33 36 7 7];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "min", s), out);
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, 1), out);
out = [ 82 97 97 94 79 76 90 81
90 82 56 94 94 90 90 81
90 82 78 36 87 87 90 90
90 90 82 43 92 87 87 99
98 90 79 92 92 88 79 25
98 90 90 90 98 92 79 79
98 98 50 98 98 90 99 57
96 82 62 84 98 99 99 53];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "max", s), out);
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, nnz (domain)), out);
out = [ 68 78 94 79 77 43 75 75
78 78 41 75 77 87 81 75
82 78 48 18 75 76 76 81
64 90 79 41 43 39 79 22
90 79 48 48 90 79 38 22
46 46 79 79 92 88 47 76
76 82 33 40 90 88 88 53
82 50 50 74 89 98 47 47];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, 4), out);
out = [ 34.2389 39.2772 39.6699 31.6812 20.7364 16.5439 22.2419 17.2395
11.9248 36.3084 21.6217 30.8350 36.4047 21.6726 30.9144 26.1017
22.2980 33.2746 27.5808 14.5017 36.8890 29.0259 34.6020 33.2521
32.2490 37.9579 26.9685 17.1959 32.5346 31.3847 33.5976 36.8280
21.3354 40.1833 34.0044 33.9882 32.9894 24.1102 25.6613 9.0995
35.4641 35.3794 39.0871 35.4753 39.9775 28.7193 26.7451 35.6553
35.2179 45.3398 19.3210 35.2987 28.4042 24.0832 26.8421 25.0539
23.4307 26.2812 26.3287 35.6959 25.2646 28.1016 34.9829 17.9221];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "std", s), out, 0.001);
out = [ 80 95 96 78 43 40 52 42
30 81 55 78 93 54 71 63
58 80 77 35 86 68 72 72
88 88 64 40 91 86 68 89
52 88 77 89 74 50 69 21
87 81 86 87 95 56 75 75
89 94 46 88 62 54 61 53
59 73 58 80 65 63 92 46];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "range", s), out);
s = [ 1 -3 4
6 -7 2
-1 3 -5];
out = [ -1 3 4 19 38 29 31 41
61 3 -6 9 4 33 22 21
33 5 -2 2 -6 21 12 11
4 -5 20 6 -2 2 16 13
39 -1 3 -4 19 32 12 3
13 4 3 0 4 36 6 -3
11 2 -3 11 38 29 35 1
34 6 1 5 34 33 9 0];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "min", s), out);
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, 1), out);
out = [ 83 94 98 87 80 79 93 84
93 85 53 91 95 92 83 74
84 75 79 29 89 80 87 91
87 93 83 45 95 84 88 101
101 83 72 94 93 91 72 26
91 87 91 92 101 93 76 80
95 99 53 100 91 91 102 59
99 75 65 87 95 101 92 50];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "max", s), out);
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, nnz (domain)), out);
out = [ 71 81 96 79 78 44 77 68
80 71 44 77 78 90 83 72
83 75 51 21 72 76 77 78
57 91 82 42 40 42 82 20
92 81 45 49 85 81 41 24
43 47 76 80 90 81 50 78
79 85 35 37 87 85 89 46
84 52 43 76 92 100 44 48];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "ordered", s, 4), out);
out = [ 34.903 40.206 39.885 28.627 20.620 19.248 25.209 17.111
14.536 35.865 23.221 32.230 34.903 23.923 28.879 22.621
20.635 30.113 29.351 11.610 38.863 25.936 34.608 34.482
29.811 40.998 28.279 17.897 34.666 29.978 36.150 38.213
25.066 39.240 30.013 37.300 31.856 27.428 22.884 10.281
31.890 34.761 39.645 37.526 39.336 27.031 25.648 39.285
35.017 47.776 22.764 35.912 25.460 25.636 29.861 24.566
25.213 25.000 26.391 38.451 24.631 31.305 31.118 20.611];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "std", s), out, 0.001);
out = [ 84 91 94 68 42 50 62 43
32 82 59 82 91 59 61 53
51 70 81 27 95 59 75 80
83 98 63 39 97 82 72 88
62 84 69 98 74 59 60 23
78 83 88 92 97 57 70 83
84 97 56 89 53 62 67 58
65 69 64 82 61 68 83 50];
***** assert (__spatial_filtering__ (a, domain, "range", s), out);
21 tests, 21 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/bwdist.cc
***** shared bw
bw = [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1];
***** test
out = [ 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
1.41421 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.41421
2.23607 2.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000
2.00000 1.41421 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.41421 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000];
out = single (out);
assert (bwdist (bw), out, 0.0001); # default is euclidean
assert (bwdist (bw, "euclidean"), out, 0.0001);
assert (bwdist (logical (bw), "euclidean"), out, 0.0001);
***** test
out = [ 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2
2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 2 1 0 0];
out = single (out);
assert (bwdist (bw, "chessboard"), out);
***** test
out = [ 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
2 1 1 0 0 1 1 2
3 2 1 0 0 1 2 2
2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 2 1 0 0];
out = single (out);
assert (bwdist (bw, "cityblock"), out);
***** test
out = [ 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
1.41421 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.41421
2.41421 2.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000
2.00000 1.41421 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.41421 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000];
out = single (out);
assert (bwdist (bw, "quasi-euclidean"), out, 0.0001);
bw(logical (bw)) = 3; # there is no actual check if matrix is binary or 0 and 1
assert (bwdist (bw, "quasi-euclidean"), out, 0.0001);
bw(logical (bw)) = -2; # anything non-zero is considered object
assert (bwdist (bw, "quasi-euclidean"), out, 0.0001);
***** test
bw = [ 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
dist = [ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
dist = single (dist);
c = [ 1 5 9 13 13 21 25 29 33
2 6 10 14 14 22 26 30 34
3 7 10 15 19 23 27 31 35
8 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36];
c = uint32 (c);
[dout, cout] = bwdist (bw, "euclidean");
assert (dout, dist)
assert (cout, c)
***** test
bw = [ 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0];
out = single ([
1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 sqrt(2) sqrt(2)+1 sqrt(2) 1.00000 sqrt(2)
0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 sqrt(2) 1.00000 sqrt(2)
1.00000 1.00000 sqrt(2) sqrt(2) 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000
1.00000 sqrt(2) 2.00000 sqrt(2) 1.00000 sqrt(2) sqrt(2) 1.00000
0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 sqrt(2) sqrt(2) 1.00000 1.00000 sqrt(2)
1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
assert (bwdist (bw, "quasi-euclidean"), out);
***** error <unknown METHOD> bwdist (bw, "not a valid method");
7 tests, 7 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/bwlabeln.cc
***** shared a2d, a3d
a2d = [1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1];
a3d = a2d;
a3d(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
a3d(:,:,3) = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
***** test
label2dc4 = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 13
1 0 0 4 0 6 0 10 0 13
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 5 0 0 0 11 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 9 0 12 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 14];
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, 4), label2dc4)
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]), label2dc4)
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, conndef (2, "minimal")), label2dc4)
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, conndef (3, "minimal")), label2dc4)
***** test
label2dc8 = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 8
1 0 0 3 0 5 0 5 0 8
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 9];
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, 8), label2dc8)
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, ones (3)), label2dc8)
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, conndef (2, "maximal")), label2dc8)
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, conndef (3, "maximal")), label2dc8)
***** test
label3dc8 = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 8
1 0 0 3 0 5 0 5 0 8
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 9];
label3dc8(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 12 12 0 0 16 0 0
0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 11 0 0 13 13 0 0 0 0
11 11 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0
0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
11 11 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0];
label3dc8(:,:,3) = [
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 18 0 20 20 0 0 22 0 0
0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 21 21 21 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, 8), label3dc8)
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, ones (3, 3)), label3dc8)
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, conndef (2, "maximal")), label3dc8)
***** test
label3dc26 = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 7
1 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 7
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 6];
label3dc26(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
2 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0];
label3dc26(:,:,3) = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, 26), label3dc26)
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, ones (3, 3, 3)), label3dc26)
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, conndef (3, "maximal")), label3dc26)
***** test
label3dc18 = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 7
1 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 7
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 8];
label3dc18(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
2 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0];
label3dc18(:,:,3) = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, 18), label3dc18)
***** test
label2dc3 = [
1 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 17
1 0 0 5 0 8 0 14 0 17
1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 6 7 9 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 6 0 0 0 15 0 0
2 3 0 0 0 0 12 0 16 0
2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 0 10 13 0 0 18];
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, [1 1 1]'), label2dc3)
label3dc3 = label2dc3;
label3dc3(:,:,2) = [
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 24 26 0 0 31 0 0
0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 22 0 0 27 28 0 0 0 0
20 22 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0
0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
21 23 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0];
label3dc3(:,:,3) = [
33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 35 0 37 39 0 0 42 0 0
0 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 38 40 41 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43
34 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, [1 1 1]'), label3dc3)
***** test
label2dc1 = zeros (size (a2d));
label2dc1(a2d != 0) = 1:nnz (a2d);
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, [1]), label2dc1);
assert (bwlabeln (a2d, [0 1 0]'), label2dc1);
label3dc1 = zeros (size (a3d));
label3dc1(a3d != 0) = 1:nnz (a3d);
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, [1]), label3dc1);
assert (bwlabeln (a3d, [0 1 0]'), label3dc1);
***** shared in
in = rand (10) > 0.8;
***** assert (bwlabel (in, 4), bwlabeln (in, 4));
***** assert (bwlabel (in, 4), bwlabeln (in, [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]));
***** assert (bwlabel (in, 8), bwlabeln (in, 8));
***** assert (bwlabel (in, 8), bwlabeln (in, [1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1]));
***** assert (bwlabel (logical ([0 1 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 1])), [0 2 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 3]);
***** assert (bwlabel ([0 1 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 1]), [0 2 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 3]);
***** assert (bwlabel ([0 -1 0; 0 0 0; 5 0 0.2]), [0 2 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 3]);
***** shared in, out
in = [ 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0];
out = [ 0 3 3 0 0 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 13
0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 13 13
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 8 8 0 12 0 0
0 0 0 7 0 8 0 12 0 14
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0];
***** assert (nthargout ([1 2], @bwlabel, in, 4), {out, 14});
***** assert (nthargout ([1 2], @bwlabel, logical (in), 4), {out, 14});
out = [ 0 3 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 11
0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 11 11
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 5 5 0 10 0 0
0 0 0 6 0 5 0 10 0 12
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0];
***** assert (nthargout ([1 2], @bwlabel, in, 6), {out, 12});
***** assert (nthargout ([1 2], @bwlabel, logical (in), 6), {out, 12});
## The labeled image is not the same as Matlab, but they are
## labeled correctly. Do we really need to get them properly
## ordered? (the algorithm in bwlabeln does it)
mout = [0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 3 0 6 0 6
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0];
out = [ 0 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6 0 0
0 0 0 3 0 3 0 6 0 6
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0];
***** assert (nthargout ([1 2], @bwlabel, in, 8), {out, 6});
***** assert (nthargout ([1 2], @bwlabel, logical (in), 8), {out, 6});
***** error bwlabel (rand (10, 10, 10) > 0.8, 4)
***** error bwlabel (rand (10) > 0.8, "text")
***** error bwlabel ("text", 6)
23 tests, 23 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
>>>>> /var/tmp/autopkgtest.ccVgDx/build.jQf/real-tree/src/conndef.cc
***** assert (conndef (1, "minimal"), [1; 1; 1]);
***** assert (conndef (2, "minimal"), [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]);
***** test
C = zeros (3, 3, 3);
C(:,2,2) = 1;
C(2,:,2) = 1;
C(2,2,:) = 1;
assert (conndef (3, "minimal"), C);
***** test
C = zeros (3, 3, 3, 3);
C(:,:,2,1) = [0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0];
C(:,:,1,2) = [0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0];
C(:,:,2,2) = [0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0];
C(:,:,3,2) = [0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0];
C(:,:,2,3) = [0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0];
assert (conndef (4, "minimal"), C);
***** assert (conndef (1, "maximal"), ones (3, 1));
***** assert (conndef (2, "maximal"), ones (3, 3));
***** assert (conndef (3, "maximal"), ones (3, 3, 3));
***** assert (conndef (4, "maximal"), ones (3, 3, 3, 3));
***** assert (nnz (conndef (3, "minimal")), 7)
***** assert (nnz (conndef (4, "minimal")), 9)
***** assert (nnz (conndef (5, "minimal")), 11)
***** assert (nnz (conndef (6, "minimal")), 13)
***** assert (find (conndef (3, "minimal")), [5 11 13 14 15 17 23](:))
***** assert (find (conndef (4, "minimal")), [14 32 38 40 41 42 44 50 68](:))
***** assert (find (conndef (5, "minimal")),
[ 41 95 113 119 121 122 123 125 131 149 203](:))
***** assert (find (conndef (6, "minimal")),
[ 122 284 338 356 362 364 365 366 368 374 392 446 608](:))
***** error conndef ()
***** error <must be a positive integer> conndef (-2, "minimal")
***** error conndef (char (2), "minimal")
***** error conndef ("minimal", 3)
***** error <TYPE must be "maximal" or "minimal"> conndef (3, "invalid")
***** error <CONN must be logical or in the set> conndef (10)
***** assert (conndef (2, "minimal"), conndef (4))
***** assert (conndef (2, "maximal"), conndef (8))
***** assert (conndef (3, "minimal"), conndef (6))
***** assert (conndef (3, "maximal"), conndef (26))
***** assert (conndef (18), reshape ([0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0], [3 3 3]))
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn ( 4, 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn ( 6, 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn ( 8, 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (18, 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (26, 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (1, 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (ones (3, 1), 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (ones (3, 3), 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (ones (3, 3, 3), 'func', 'var')");
***** error <expected error> fail ("iptcheckconn (ones (3, 3, 3, 3), 'func', 'var')");
***** error <VAR must be logical or in> iptcheckconn (3, "func", "VAR");
***** error <VAR center is not true> iptcheckconn ([1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1], "func", "VAR");
***** error <VAR must be logical or in> iptcheckconn ([1 2 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1], "func", "VAR");
***** error <VAR is not symmetric relative to its center> iptcheckconn ([0 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1], "func", "VAR");
***** error <VAR is not 1x1, 3x1, 3x3, or 3x3x...x3> iptcheckconn (ones (3, 3, 3, 4), "func", "VAR");
42 tests, 42 passed, 0 known failure, 0 skipped
Summary: 1169 tests, 1134 passed, 21 known failures, 0 skipped
/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/octave-pkg.mk:108: recipe for target 'check-pkg' failed
make: *** [check-pkg] Error 1
autopkgtest [11:06:09]: test unit-tests: -----------------------]
autopkgtest [11:06:09]: test unit-tests: - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -
unit-tests FAIL non-zero exit status 2
autopkgtest [11:06:09]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
unit-tests FAIL non-zero exit status 2
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