[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#857899: octave-sparsersb FTBFS on i386: error: testscal: EIG: matrix contains Inf or NaN values

Michele Martone michelemartone at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Mar 20 17:32:44 UTC 2017

On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 10:40:35 +0200 Adrian Bunk <bunk at debian.org> wrote:
> Source: octave-sparsersb
> Version: 1.0.2-2
> Severity: important
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/logs.php?pkg=octave-sparsersb&arch=i386
> ...
>  [*] asgn test passed.
> error: testscal: EIG: matrix contains Inf or NaN values
> error: called from
>     testscal at line 334 column 17
>     tests at line 407 column 7
>     ../inst/sparsersbtester.m at line 433 column 6
> Makefile:24: recipe for target 'rtest' failed
> make[1]: *** [rtest] Error 1
Hi Adrian and Rafael,

I gave a look to the problem:

First, on Debian Unstable arch=386, I tried:

 - Debian Octave (4.0.3)
 - self-compiled Octave 4.2.0 (O3 and O0)
 - self-compiled Octave 4.2.1 (O3 and O0)

without being able to reproduce the problem. 
Second, I looked at the line failing:

 334 OM=OM^(1/2); XM=XM^(1/2);
 335 match&=isequal(find(OM),find(XM));

Then I checked in sparsersb.cc: ^ is not implemented.
Reason it's working on the Octave instances above is 
because a conversion occurs.
So ^ is not officially supported by that version sparsersb
(.^ is).

I suggest to patch commenting lines 334 and 335 (no need
to test a non-existing feature) and re-package 
octave-sparsersb and check again on that Octave instance.
I'll check whether ^ can be implemented for the next revision.

Please let me know if that works,
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