[Pkg-octave-devel] Lacking commit notificatons

Rafael Laboissière rafael at debian.org
Fri Mar 31 09:45:48 UTC 2017

Hallo Thomas,

* Thomas Weber <tweber at debian.org> [2017-03-29 23:34]:

> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 10:08:18PM +0100, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
>> * Rafael Laboissière <rafael at debian.org> [2017-03-10 16:56]:
>>> I did a series of commits into several Git repositories yesterday, but 
>>> notification messages did not show up in the pkg-octave-commit mailing 
>>> list.  Does anyone know if there is any problem currently with our 
>>> mailing list?
>> The notifications arrived, after a long delay.
> Yeah, well, you are not subcribed to the commit list with your Debian 
> mail address. So, sorry, but 144 commit messages take some time to 
> process, even with the listadmin script ;)

Nice to know that you are alive and not MIA. :-)

Regarding what you wrote above, does it mean that every message that I 
sent from my @debian.org email address must be approved manually ?



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