[Pkg-octave-devel] Unit test bug in octave-signal

Oliver Heimlich oheim at posteo.de
Sun Nov 5 10:20:54 UTC 2017

On 05.11.2017 09:14, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
> Version 1.3.2-3 of the octave-signal, uploaded yesterday to unstable,
> builds correctly on i386.  However, in order to achieve that, the first
> unit test of function fir2 had to be bypassed [*]:
> #######################################
> ***** xtest
>  f = [0 0.6 0.6 1]; m = [1 1 0 0];
>  b9  = fir2 (30, f, m, 9);
>  b16 = fir2 (30, f, m, 16);
>  b17 = fir2 (30, f, m, 17);
>  b32 = fir2 (30, f, m, 32);
>  assert ( isequal (b9,  b16))
>  assert ( isequal (b17, b32))
>  assert (~isequal (b16, b17))
>  !!!!! known failure
>  assert (isequal (b9, b16)) failed
> #######################################
> This is a highly strange bug that I cannot replicate on my i386 chroot
> (running on an amd64 system).  If someone has access to a native i386
> system and could track down the problem, I would be grateful.
> Rafael
> [*]
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=octave-signal&arch=i386&ver=1.3.2-3&stamp=1509837814&raw=0

It might be completely unrelated, but I am also seeing arithmetic
problems in Debian's i386 environment that I cannot reproduce locally.

>>>>> processing crlibm.tst
***** test verify ("cos", -inf, testdata.cos_rd);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (crlibm_function (fname, rnd,

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (23)       -0.99317     -0.99317     Abs err 9.5598e-09 exceeds tol 0
    (52)       0.47749       0.4775      Abs err 1.6549e-05 exceeds tol 0
    (82)       -0.11467     -0.11467     Abs err 2.1834e-07 exceeds tol 0
    (89)       0.69068      0.69068      Abs err 1.3685e-06 exceeds tol 0


Now I am also thinking about making this an “xtest”, since the package
may handle it at runtime if the error persists on the user's system.


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