[Pkg-octave-devel] Fwd: Bug#876777: octave-stk FTBFS on i386: test failure

Oliver Heimlich oheim at posteo.de
Tue Oct 3 19:59:25 UTC 2017

Am 3. Oktober 2017 18:06:37 MESZ schrieb Julien Bect <julien.bect at centralesupelec.fr>:
>Hi DOG,
>octave-stk has been marked for autoremoval from testing because of the 
>following test failure on unstable/i386:


>Both functions (sqp, qp) are in Octave itself, and the problem is 
>already known : http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?38875.
>How should we deal with this issue to prevent octave-stk-2.4.2-1 from 
>being removed from testing ?

Hi Julien,

I'd suggest to mark it as an xtest, since there is nothing you can do about right now.


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