[Pkg-octave-devel] Autopkgtest for the OF packages

Rafael Laboissière rafael at debian.org
Tue Oct 3 20:12:10 UTC 2017

* Julien Bect <julien.bect at centralesupelec.fr> [2017-09-24 09:11]:

> Le 24/09/2017 à 09:04, Rafael Laboissière a écrit :
>> * Julien Bect <julien.bect at centralesupelec.fr> [2017-09-18 16:40]:
>>> Le 18/09/2017 à 16:02, Rafael Laboissière a écrit :
>>>> You need to have "Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-octave" in 
>>>> d/control. The version of octave-stk currently in Git has it.
>>> I can see that the field is here, yes.  But apparently the tests 
>>> are not detected ("SKIP no tests in this package autopkgtest").
>>> Am I missing something?  Could you please try and tell me if you 
>>> get a different outcome?
>> Do you have version 0.10 of autodep8 installed in your system? 
>> Previous versions had no support for Octave packages.
> Ah ok.  That's why.  I am on Debian stretch (stable) so I have autodep8 0.8.

Version 0.10 of autodep8 is now in stretch-backports: 


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