[Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#874208: octave: audiodevinfo makes octave segfault when jackd is running

Mike Miller mtmiller at debian.org
Tue Sep 5 15:57:41 UTC 2017

On Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 11:10:46 +0200, Peter P. wrote:
> audiodevinfo makes octave segfault when jackd is running. I don't know
> if the octave audio functions are supposed to support jack.

Octave's audio I/O functions are built on PortAudio, so they should work
with jackd as well as any other PortAudio program. I am pretty sure we
have had one person report success with audioplayer and jackd.

> If they
> don't it would be great if octave could nevertheless survive. Thank you
> for looking into this, I am happy to help where I can.
> Here is the gdb backtrace:

Can you please provide a stack trace showing this error in octave-cli,
to eliminate Qt multithreading, and with the relevant dbgsym packages

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