[Pkg-ofed-commits] r743 - in /branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk: ./ debian/

gmpc-guest at alioth.debian.org gmpc-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed May 5 19:08:22 UTC 2010

Author: gmpc-guest
Date: Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
New Revision: 743

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/?sc=1&rev=743
New upstream release

      - copied unchanged from r742, branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/branches/upstream/current/multicast_resources.c
      - copied unchanged from r742, branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/branches/upstream/current/multicast_resources.h

Modified: branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/Makefile
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/Makefile?rev=743&op=diff
--- branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/Makefile (original)
+++ branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/Makefile Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
 RDMACM_TESTS = rdma_lat rdma_bw
-TESTS = write_bw_postlist send_lat send_bw write_lat write_bw read_lat read_bw
+MCAST_TESTS = send_bw
+TESTS = write_bw_postlist send_lat write_lat write_bw read_lat read_bw
 UTILS = clock_test
 CFLAGS += -Wall -g -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2
 EXTRA_FILES = get_clock.c
-EXTRA_HEADERS = get_clock.h
+MCAST_FILES = multicast_resources.c
+EXTRA_HEADERS = get_clock.h 
+MCAST_HEADERS = multicast_resources.h
 #The following seems to help GNU make on some platforms
 ${RDMACM_TESTS}: LOADLIBES += -libverbs -lrdmacm
+${MCAST_TESTS}: LOADLIBES += -libverbs -lpthread -libumad
 ${TESTS} ${UTILS}: LOADLIBES += -libverbs
 	$(foreach fname,${RDMACM_TESTS}, rm -f ${fname})
+	$(foreach fname,${MCAST_TESTS}, rm -f ib_${fname})
 	$(foreach fname,${TESTS} ${UTILS}, rm -f ib_${fname})
 .PHONY: all clean

Modified: branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/README?rev=743&op=diff
--- branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/README (original)
+++ branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/README Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 	     Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED)
-                Performance Tests README for OFED 1.3
+                Performance Tests README for OFED 1.5
-			  March 2008
+			  December 2009
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 Table of Contents
 1. Overview
-2. Notes on Testing Method
+2. Notes on Testing Methodology
 3. Test Descriptions
 4. Running Tests
@@ -18,30 +18,42 @@
 This is a collection of tests written over uverbs intended for use as a
 performance micro-benchmark. As an example, the tests can be used for
-hardware or software tuning and/or functional testing.
+HW or SW tuning and/or functional testing.
-Please post results and observations to the openib-general mailing list.
+The collection conatains a set of BW and latency benchmark such as :
+	* Read  - ib_read_bw and ib_read_lat.
+	* Write - ib_write_bw and ib_wriet_lat.
+	* Send  - ib_send_bw and ib_send_lat.
+	* RDMA  - rdma_bw and rdma_lat.
+	* In additional :  ib_write_bw_postlist and ib_clock_test.
+Please post results/observations to the openib-general mailing list.
 See "Contact Us" at http://openib.org/mailman/listinfo/openib-general and
-2. Notes on Testing Method
+2. Notes on Testing Methodology
-- The benchmark uses the CPU cycle counter to get time stamps without a context
-  switch. Some CPU architectures (e.g., Intel's 80486 or older PPC) do NOT have
-  such capability.
+- The benchmark used the CPU cycle counter to get time stamps without context
+  switch.  Some CPU architectures (e.g., Intel's 80486 or older PPC) do NOT
+  have such capability.
 - The benchmark measures round-trip time but reports half of that as one-way
   latency. This means that it may not be sufficiently accurate for asymmetrical
-- Min/Median/Max results are reported.
-  The Median (vs average) is less sensitive to extreme scores.
-  Typically, the Max value is the first value measured.
+- On Bw benchmarks , We calculate the BW on send side only, as he calculates
+  the Bw after collecting completion from the receive side.
+  In case we use the bidirectional flag , BW is calculated on both sides 
-- Larger samples only help marginally. The default (1000) is very satisfactory.
-  Note that an array of cycles_t (typically an unsigned long) is allocated
+- Min/Median/Max result is reported.
+  The median (vs average) is less sensitive to extreme scores.
+  Typically, the "Max" value is the first value measured.
+- Larger samples help marginally only. The default (1000) is pretty good.
+  Note that an array of cycles_t (typically unsigned long) is allocated
   once to collect samples and again to store the difference between them.
   Really big sample sizes (e.g., 1 million) might expose other problems
   with the program.
@@ -54,32 +66,29 @@
-3. Test Descriptions
+4. Test Descriptions
+rdma_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA write transactions
+rdma_bw.c 	streaming BW test with RDMA write transactions
-The following tests are mainly useful for hardware/software benchmarking.
+The following tests are mainly useful for HW/SW benchmarking.
+They are not intended as actual usage examples.
+send_lat.c 	latency test with send transactions
+send_bw.c 	BW test with send transactions
 write_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA write transactions
-write_bw.c 	bandwidth test with RDMA write transactions
-send_lat.c 	latency test with send transactions
-send_bw.c 	bandwidth test with send transactions
+write_bw.c 	BW test with RDMA write transactions
 read_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA read transactions
-read_bw.c 	bandwidth test with RDMA read transactions
+read_bw.c 	BW test with RDMA read transactions
+The executable name of each test starts with the general prefix "ib_",
+e.g., ib_write_lat , exept of those of RDMA tests , in their case
+their excutable have the same name except of the .c.
-Legacy tests: (To be removed in the next release)
-rdma_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA write transactions
-rdma_bw.c 	streaming bandwidth test with RDMA write transactions
-The executable name of each test starts with the general prefix "ib_";
-for example, ib_write_lat.
-4. Running Tests
+Running Tests
 	kernel 2.6
@@ -90,25 +99,6 @@
 Client:		./<test name> <options> <server IP address>
 		o  <server address> is IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can use the IPoIB
-open_mpi_release_notes.txt    RDS_README.txt
                    address if IPoIB is configured.
 		o  --help lists the available <options>
@@ -116,30 +106,38 @@
 Common Options to all tests:
-  -p, --port=<port>            listen on/connect to port <port> (default: 18515)
-  -m, --mtu=<mtu>              mtu size (default: 1024)
-  -d, --ib-dev=<dev>           use IB device <dev> (default: first device found)
-  -i, --ib-port=<port>         use port <port> of IB device (default: 1)
-  -s, --size=<size>            size of message to exchange (default: 1)
-  -a, --all                    run sizes from 2 till 2^23
-  -t, --tx-depth=<dep>         size of tx queue (default: 50)
-  -n, --iters=<iters>          number of exchanges (at least 100, default: 1000)
-  -S, --sl=<sl>                SL (default 0)
-  -C, --report-cycles          report times in cpu cycle units
-					(default: microseconds)
-  -H, --report-histogram       print out all results
-					(default: print summary only)
-  -U, --report-unsorted        (implies -H) print out unsorted results
-					(default: sorted)
-  -V, --version                display version number
+  -p, --port=<port>            Listen on/connect to port <port> (default: 18515).
+  -m, --mtu=<mtu>              Mtu size (default: 1024).
+  -d, --ib-dev=<dev>           Use IB device <dev> (default: first device found).
+  -i, --ib-port=<port>         Use port <port> of IB device (default: 1).
+  -s, --size=<size>            Size of message to exchange (default: 1).
+  -a, --all                    Run sizes from 2 till 2^23.
+  -t, --tx-depth=<dep>         Size of tx queue (default: 50).
+  -r, --rx-depth=<dep>         Make rx queue bigger than tx (default 600).
+  -n, --iters=<iters>          Number of exchanges (at least 100, default: 1000).
+  -I, --inline_size=<size>     Max size of message to be sent in inline mode.
+			       On Bw tests default is  1,latency tests is 400.
+  -C, --report-cycles          Report times in cpu cycle units.
+  -u, --qp-timeout=<timeout>   QP timeout, timeout value is 4 usec*2 ^(timeout).
+			       Default is 14.
+  -S, --sl=<sl>                SL (default 0).
+  -H, --report-histogram       Print out all results (Default: summary only).
+			       Only on Latnecy tests.
+  -x, --gid-index=<index>      Test uses GID with GID index taken from command
+			       Line (for RDMAoE index should be 0). 
+  -b, --bidirectional          Measure bidirectional bandwidth (default uni).
+  			       On BW tests only (Implicit on latency tests).	
+  -V, --version                Display version number.
+  -e, --events                 Sleep on CQ events (default poll).
+  -N, --no peak-bw             Cancel peak-bw calculation (default with peak-bw)
+  -F, --CPU-freq               Do not fail even if cpufreq_ondemand module.
   *** IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to be running a Subnet Manager on the switch or
 		      on one of the nodes in your fabric.
-Run "ib_write_lat -a" on the server side.
-Then run "ib_write_lat -a <server IP address>" on the client side.
+Run "ib_rdma_lat -C" on the server side.
+Then run "ib_rdma_lat -C <server IP address>" on the client.
-ib_write_lat will exit on both server and client after printing results.
+ib_rdma_lat will exit on both server and client after printing results.

Modified: branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=743&op=diff
--- branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/debian/changelog Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+perftest (1.2.3-0.10.g90b10d8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release  (OFED 1.5.1)
+ -- Guy Coates <gmpc at sanger.ac.uk>  Wed, 05 May 2010 20:05:55 +0100
 perftest (1.2.3-0.8.g196d994-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (OFED 1.5)

Modified: branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/perftest.spec
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/perftest.spec?rev=743&op=diff
--- branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/perftest.spec (original)
+++ branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/perftest.spec Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Name:           perftest
 Summary:        IB Performance tests
 Version: 1.2.3
-Release: 0.8.g196d994
+Release: 0.10.g90b10d8
 License:        BSD 3-Clause, GPL v2 or later
 Group:          Productivity/Networking/Diagnostic
-Source: http://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/perftest-1.2.3-0.8.g196d994.tar.gz
+Source: http://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/perftest-1.2.3-0.10.g90b10d8.tar.gz
 Url:            http://www.openfabrics.org
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 BuildRequires:  libibverbs-devel librdmacm-devel

Modified: branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/read_bw.c
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/read_bw.c?rev=743&op=diff
--- branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/read_bw.c (original)
+++ branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/read_bw.c Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
@@ -56,20 +56,22 @@
 #include "get_clock.h"
+#define MAX_OUT_READ 4
-#define VERSION 1.2
+#define VERSION 1.3
 #define ALL 1
 #define RC 0
 struct user_parameters {
-	const char              *servername;
+	const char  *servername;
 	int connection_type;
 	int mtu;
 	int all; /* run all msg size */
 	int iters;
 	int tx_depth;
 	int max_out_read;
+	int use_out_read;
 	int use_event;
 	int qp_timeout;
 	int gid_index; /* if value not negative, we use gid AND gid_index=value */
@@ -103,6 +105,37 @@
+ *
+ */
+static int set_max_out_read(struct user_parameters *param,struct ibv_device_attr *attr) {
+	int is_hermon = 0;
+	int max_out_reads;
+	// Checks the devide type for setting the max outstanding reads.
+	if (attr->vendor_part_id == 25408  || attr->vendor_part_id == 25418  ||
+		attr->vendor_part_id == 25448  || attr->vendor_part_id == 26418  || 
+		attr->vendor_part_id == 26428  || attr->vendor_part_id == 26438  ||
+		attr->vendor_part_id == 26448  || attr->vendor_part_id == 26458  ||
+		attr->vendor_part_id == 26468  || attr->vendor_part_id == 26478) {
+			is_hermon = 1;		
+	}
+	max_out_reads = (is_hermon == 1) ? MAX_OUT_READ_HERMON : MAX_OUT_READ;
+	if (param->use_out_read) {
+		if (param->max_out_read <= 0 || param->max_out_read > max_out_reads) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"Max outstanding reads for this device is %d\n",max_out_reads);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		param->max_out_read = max_out_reads;         
+	}
+	return 0;
 static uint16_t pp_get_local_lid(struct pingpong_context *ctx, int port)
 	struct ibv_port_attr attr;
@@ -417,11 +450,18 @@
 		return NULL;
-	if (user_parm->mtu == 0) {/*user did not ask for specific mtu */
-		if (ibv_query_device(ctx->context, &device_attr)) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to query device props");
-			return NULL;
-		}
+	if (ibv_query_device(ctx->context, &device_attr)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to query device props");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (set_max_out_read(user_parm,&device_attr)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set the number of outstanding reads\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (user_parm->mtu == 0) {/*user did not ask for specific mtu */	
 		if (device_attr.vendor_part_id == 23108 || user_parm->gid_index > -1)
 			user_parm->mtu = 1024;
@@ -578,7 +618,7 @@
 	printf("  -d, --ib-dev=<dev>     use IB device <dev> (default first device found)\n");
 	printf("  -i, --ib-port=<port>   use port <port> of IB device (default 1)\n");
 	printf("  -m, --mtu=<mtu>        mtu size (256 - 4096. default for hermon is 2048)\n");
-	printf("  -o, --outs=<num>       num of outstanding read/atom(default 16)\n");
+	printf("  -o, --outs=<num>       num of outstanding read/atom(default for hermon 16 (others 4)\n");
 	printf("  -s, --size=<size>      size of message to exchange (default 65536)\n");
 	printf("  -a, --all              Run sizes from 2 till 2^23\n");
 	printf("  -t, --tx-depth=<dep>   size of tx queue (default 100)\n");
@@ -726,11 +766,11 @@
 	/* init default values to user's parameters */
 	memset(&user_param, 0, sizeof(struct user_parameters));
 	user_param.mtu = 0;
+	user_param.use_out_read = 0;
 	user_param.iters = 1000;
 	user_param.tx_depth = 100;
 	user_param.servername = NULL;
 	user_param.use_event = 0;
-	user_param.max_out_read = MAX_OUTSTANDING_READ; /* the device capability on gen2 */
 	user_param.qp_timeout = 14;
 	user_param.gid_index = -1; /*gid will not be used*/
 	/* Parameter parsing. */
@@ -781,6 +821,7 @@
 		case 'o':
 			user_param.max_out_read = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+			user_param.use_out_read = 1;
 		case 'a':
 			user_param.all = ALL;

Modified: branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/send_bw.c
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/send_bw.c?rev=743&op=diff
--- branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/send_bw.c (original)
+++ branches/ofed-1.5.1lenny/perftest/trunk/send_bw.c Wed May  5 19:08:22 2010
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 #include <infiniband/verbs.h>
 #include "get_clock.h"
+#include "multicast_resources.h"
@@ -69,11 +70,6 @@
 #define SIGNAL 1
 #define MAX_INLINE 400
 #define ALL 1
-#define QPNUM_MCAST 0xffffff
-#define DEF_QKEY 0x11111111
-#define MCG_LID 0xc001
-#define MCG_GID {255,1,0,0,0,2,201,133,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}
 struct user_parameters {
 	const char *servername;
@@ -87,9 +83,13 @@
 	int rx_depth;
 	int duplex;
 	int use_event;
+	int ib_port;
+	// Ido 
+	int num_of_mcg_group;
+	int num_of_qp_on_group;
+	// End Ido 
 	int use_mcg;
 	int use_user_mgid;
-	int num_of_clients_mcg;
 	int inline_size;
 	int qp_timeout;
 	int gid_index; /* if value not negative, we use gid AND gid_index=value */
@@ -102,23 +102,26 @@
 int post_recv;
 struct pingpong_context {
-	struct ibv_context *context;
+	struct ibv_context 		*context;
 	struct ibv_comp_channel *channel;
-	struct ibv_pd      *pd;
-	struct ibv_mr      *mr;
-	struct ibv_cq      *cq;
-	struct ibv_qp      *qp;
-	struct mcg_qp	   *qp_mcg;
-	void               *buf;
-	unsigned            size;
-	int                 tx_depth;
-	int                 rx_depth;
-	struct ibv_sge      list;
-	struct ibv_sge recv_list;
-	struct ibv_send_wr  wr;
-	struct ibv_recv_wr  rwr;
-	struct ibv_ah		*ah;
-	union ibv_gid       dgid;
+	struct ibv_pd      		*pd;
+	struct ibv_mr     		*mr;
+	struct ibv_cq      		*cq;
+	struct ibv_qp      		*qp;
+	// Ido 
+	struct mcast_group  	*mcg_group;
+    struct mcast_parameters *mcg_params;
+	//End Ido
+	void               		*buf;
+	unsigned            	size;
+	int                 	tx_depth;
+	int                 	rx_depth;
+	struct ibv_sge      	list;
+	struct ibv_sge 			recv_list;
+	struct ibv_send_wr  	wr;
+	struct ibv_recv_wr  	rwr;
+	struct ibv_ah			*ah;
+	union  ibv_gid       	dgid;
 struct pingpong_dest {
@@ -130,53 +133,87 @@
 	union ibv_gid       dgid;
-struct mcg_qp {
-	struct ibv_qp *qp;
-	unsigned int package_counter;
-	cycles_t *completion_array;		 
-static int set_multicast_gid(struct pingpong_context *ctx,struct user_parameters *param) {
-	uint8_t mcg_gid[16] = MCG_GID;
-	const char *pstr = param->user_mgid;
-	char *term = NULL;
-	char tmp[20];
-	int i;
-	if (param->use_user_mgid) {
-		term = strpbrk(pstr, ":");
-		memcpy(tmp, pstr, term - pstr+1);
-		tmp[term - pstr] = 0;
-		mcg_gid[0] = (unsigned char)strtoll(tmp, NULL, 0);
-		for (i = 1; i < 15; ++i) {
-			pstr += term - pstr + 1;
-			term = strpbrk(pstr, ":");
-			memcpy(tmp, pstr, term - pstr+1);
-			tmp[term - pstr] = 0;
-			mcg_gid[i] = (unsigned char)strtoll(tmp, NULL, 0);
-		}
-		pstr += term - pstr + 1;
-		strcpy(tmp, pstr);
-		mcg_gid[15] = (unsigned char)strtoll(tmp, NULL, 0);
-	}
-	memcpy(ctx->dgid.raw,mcg_gid,16);
-	return 0;
+static int create_mcast(struct pingpong_context *ctx,
+						struct user_parameters *param,
+						struct ibv_device *ib_dev) {
+    ALLOCATE(ctx->mcg_params,struct mcast_parameters,1);
+    ctx->mcg_params->num_of_groups = param->num_of_mcg_group;
+    ctx->mcg_params->num_qps_on_group = param->num_of_qp_on_group;
+    ctx->mcg_params->iterations = param->iters;
+    ctx->mcg_params->tx_depth = ctx->tx_depth;
+    ctx->mcg_params->rx_depth = ctx->rx_depth;
+    ctx->mcg_params->pd = ctx->pd;
+	ctx->mcg_params->ctx = ctx->context;
+	ctx->mcg_params->ib_dev = ib_dev;
+	ctx->mcg_params->ib_port = param->ib_port;
+    ctx->mcg_params->is_client = param->servername ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	ctx->mcg_params->is_user_mgid = param->use_user_mgid ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	ctx->mcg_params->inline_size = param->inline_size;
+	ctx->mcg_params->user_mgid = param->user_mgid;
+	// Query pkey.
+	if (ibv_query_pkey(ctx->context,param->ib_port,DEF_PKEY_IDX,&ctx->mcg_params->pkey)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "failed to query PKey table of port %d\n",param->ib_port);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// Query port gid.
+	if( ibv_query_gid(ctx->context,param->ib_port,0,&ctx->mcg_params->port_gid)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "failed to query GID table of port %d.\n",param->ib_port);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// Create the Mcast entities.
+    ctx->mcg_group = mcast_create_resources(ctx->mcg_params);
+    if (ctx->mcg_group == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't create Multicast resources\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
-static int 
-qp_create(struct pingpong_context *ctx, struct user_parameters *param) {
+static int cq_create(struct pingpong_context *ctx,struct user_parameters *param) {
+    int i,rx_depth;
+    rx_depth = ctx->rx_depth;
+    if (param->use_mcg) {
+		rx_depth *= param->num_of_qp_on_group;
+		for (i=0; i < param->num_of_mcg_group; i++) {
+			ctx->mcg_group[i].mcg_cq = ibv_create_cq(ctx->context,rx_depth,NULL,ctx->channel,0);
+			if (!ctx->mcg_group[i].mcg_cq) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create CQ\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+    else {	
+		ctx->cq = ibv_create_cq(ctx->context,rx_depth,NULL,ctx->channel,0);
+		if (!ctx->cq) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create CQ ---  \n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+    return 0;
+ *
+ */
+static int qp_create(struct pingpong_context *ctx, struct user_parameters *param) {
 	struct ibv_qp_init_attr attr;
-	int i;
 	memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_init_attr));
 	attr.send_cq = ctx->cq;
@@ -200,21 +237,15 @@
 			fprintf(stderr, "Unknown connection type \n");
 			return 1;
-	}	
-	if (param->use_mcg && !param->servername) {
-		ctx->qp_mcg = malloc(sizeof(struct mcg_qp)*param->num_of_clients_mcg);
-		if(ctx->qp_mcg == NULL) {
-			fprintf(stdout, "Couldn't create QP\n");
-			return 1;
-		}
-		for (i=0; i < param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++ ) {
-			ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp = ibv_create_qp(ctx->pd, &attr);
-			if (!ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp)  {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create QP\n");
-				return 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+	}
+	// Ido 	
+	if (param->use_mcg) {
+		if (mcast_create_qps(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,&attr)){
+			fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't create QPs for Multicast group\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+    }
+	// End Ido
 	else {
 		ctx->qp = ibv_create_qp(ctx->pd, &attr);
 		if (!ctx->qp)  {
@@ -225,95 +256,94 @@
 	return 0;
-static int modify_qp_to_init(struct ibv_qp *qp,int port,int connection_type)  {
-	struct ibv_qp_attr attr;
-	int flags;
-	memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
-	attr.qp_state        = IBV_QPS_INIT;
-	attr.pkey_index      = 0;
-	attr.port_num        = port;
-	if (connection_type == UD) {
+static int modify_qp_to_init(struct pingpong_context *ctx,struct user_parameters *param)  {
+    struct ibv_qp_attr attr;
+    memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_attr));
+    attr.qp_state        = IBV_QPS_INIT;
+    attr.pkey_index      = 0;
+    attr.port_num        = param->ib_port;
+    if (param->connection_type == UD) {
 		attr.qkey = DEF_QKEY;
-	}
-	else {
+		flags |= IBV_QP_QKEY;
+    }  else {
-	}
-	if (ibv_modify_qp(qp,&attr,flags))  {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UD QP to INIT\n");
-		return 1;
+		flags |= IBV_QP_ACCESS_FLAGS;
+    }
+    if (param->use_mcg) {
+		if (mcast_init_resources(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,&attr,flags)){
+			fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't init Multicast resources\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+	} 
+    else {
+		if (ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp,&attr,flags))  {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UD QP to INIT\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
 	return 0;
- *
- */
 static int destroy_ctx_resources(struct pingpong_context *ctx, 
 								 struct user_parameters *param)  {
-	int i;
 	int test_result = 0;
-	if (ctx->ah) {
-		if (ibv_destroy_ah(ctx->ah)) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy AH\n");
+	if (param->use_mcg) {
+		if (mcast_destroy_resources(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy MultiCast resources\n");
 			test_result = 1;
-	}
-	if (param->use_mcg && !param->servername) {
-		for(i=0; i < param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++) {
-			if (ibv_detach_mcast(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp, &ctx->dgid,MCG_LID)) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "failed to deatttached QP\n");
+		free(ctx->mcg_params);
+	}
+	else  {
+		if (ctx->ah) {
+			if (ibv_destroy_ah(ctx->ah)) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy AH\n");
 				test_result = 1;
-			if (ibv_destroy_qp(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp)) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy QP\n");
-				test_result = 1;
-			}
-            free(ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array);
-		}
-		free(ctx->qp_mcg);
+		}
-	} else {
 		if (ibv_destroy_qp(ctx->qp)) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy QP\n");
 			test_result = 1;
-	}
+		if (ctx->cq) {
+			if (ibv_destroy_cq(ctx->cq)) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy CQ\n");
+				test_result = 1;
+			}
+		}	
+	}
 	if (ctx->mr) {
 		if (ibv_dereg_mr(ctx->mr)) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "failed to deregister MR\n");
 			test_result = 1;
 	if (ctx->buf)
-	if (ctx->cq) {
-		if (ibv_destroy_cq(ctx->cq)) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy CQ\n");
-			test_result = 1;
-		}
-	}
 	if (ctx->channel) {
 		if (ibv_destroy_comp_channel(ctx->channel)) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "failed to destroy channel \n");
 			test_result = 1;
 	if (ctx->pd) {
 		if (ibv_dealloc_pd(ctx->pd)) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "failed to deallocate PD\n");
@@ -326,32 +356,22 @@
 			test_result = 1;
     if(!param->use_mcg || param->servername) {       
 	return test_result;
- *
- */
 static int 
 alloc_time_res(struct pingpong_context *ctx, struct user_parameters *param ) {
-	int i;
-	if(param->use_mcg && !param->servername ) {
-		for(i=0; i < param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++){
-			ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array = malloc(sizeof(cycles_t)*param->iters);
-			if(ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array == NULL) {
-				perror("malloc");
-				return 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else  {
+	if(param->use_mcg) {
+		;
+	}
+	else  if (param->servername || param->duplex){
 		tposted = malloc(sizeof(cycles_t)*param->iters);
 		if (!tposted) {
@@ -660,12 +680,10 @@
 static struct pingpong_context *pp_init_ctx(struct ibv_device *ib_dev,
                                             unsigned size,int tx_depth, 
-                                            int rx_depth, int port,
-                                            struct user_parameters *user_parm)
+                                            int rx_depth,struct user_parameters *user_parm)
 	struct pingpong_context *ctx;
 	struct ibv_device_attr device_attr;
-	int i,cq_rx_depth;
 	ctx = malloc(sizeof *ctx);
 	if (!ctx)
@@ -675,8 +693,7 @@
 	ctx->channel  = NULL;
 	ctx->size     = size;
 	ctx->tx_depth = tx_depth;
-	ctx->rx_depth = rx_depth + tx_depth;
-	cq_rx_depth = ctx->rx_depth;
+	ctx->rx_depth = tx_depth + rx_depth;
 	/* in case of UD need space for the GRH */
 	if (user_parm->connection_type==UD) {
 		ctx->buf = memalign(page_size, ( size + 40 ) * 2);
@@ -743,49 +760,36 @@
 			return NULL;
-	if (user_parm->use_mcg && !user_parm->servername) {
-		cq_rx_depth *= user_parm->num_of_clients_mcg;
-	}
-	ctx->cq = ibv_create_cq(ctx->context,cq_rx_depth, NULL, ctx->channel, 0);
-	if (!ctx->cq) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create CQ\n");
+	// Ido.
+    if (user_parm->use_mcg) {
+		if (create_mcast(ctx,user_parm,ib_dev)) {
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	// Ido.
+    if (cq_create(ctx,user_parm)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't Create CQ as requested\n");
 		return NULL;
+	// Ido.
 	if (qp_create(ctx,user_parm)) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create QP\n");
 		return NULL;
-	if (user_parm->use_mcg && !user_parm->servername) {
-		if (set_multicast_gid(ctx,user_parm)) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't Set the Multicast M_GID\n");
-			return NULL;
-		}
-		for(i=0; i < user_parm->num_of_clients_mcg; i++) {
-			if (modify_qp_to_init(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp,port,user_parm->connection_type)) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UD QP to INIT\n");
-				return NULL;
-			}
-			if (ibv_attach_mcast(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp,&ctx->dgid,MCG_LID)) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't attach QP to mcg\n");
-				return NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		printf(" Successfully created and attached %d QPs to a Mcast group\n\n",i);
-	} else {
-		if (modify_qp_to_init(ctx->qp,port,user_parm->connection_type)) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UD QP to INIT\n");
-				return NULL;
-		}
-	}
+	// Ido.
+    if (modify_qp_to_init(ctx,user_parm)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't modify to init\n");
+		return NULL;
+    }
+	// End Ido.
 	return ctx;
-static int pp_connect_ctx(struct pingpong_context *ctx, int port, int my_psn,
+static int pp_connect_ctx(struct pingpong_context *ctx,int my_psn,
 			              struct pingpong_dest *dest, 
 						  struct user_parameters *user_parm)
@@ -811,9 +815,8 @@
 		attr.path_mtu               = IBV_MTU_4096;
-	printf(" Mtu : %d\n", user_parm->mtu);
-    attr.dest_qp_num = (user_parm->use_mcg && user_parm->servername) ? 
-                        QPNUM_MCAST : dest->qpn;
+	printf("Mtu : %d\n", user_parm->mtu);
+    attr.dest_qp_num = dest->qpn;
 	attr.rq_psn = dest->psn;
 	if (user_parm->connection_type == RC) {
 		attr.max_dest_rd_atomic     = 1;
@@ -830,16 +833,8 @@
 		attr.ah_attr.sl         = 0;
 	attr.ah_attr.src_path_bits = 0;
-	attr.ah_attr.port_num   = port;
-	if (user_parm->use_mcg && user_parm->servername) {
-		attr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit = 1;
-		attr.ah_attr.sl         = 0;
-		attr.ah_attr.dlid       = MCG_LID;
-		attr.ah_attr.is_global  = 1;
-		attr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index = 0;
-		memcpy(attr.ah_attr.grh.dgid.raw,dest->dgid.raw, 16);
-	}
+	attr.ah_attr.port_num   = user_parm->ib_port;
 	if (user_parm->connection_type == RC) {
 		if (ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp, &attr,
 				  IBV_QP_STATE              |
@@ -865,29 +860,27 @@
 			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UC QP to RTR\n");
 			return 1;
-	}  
+	} 
+	// Ido  
+	else if (user_parm->use_mcg) {
+		if (mcast_modify_qp_to_rtr(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,&attr)) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't modify Multicast Qps to RTR\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	// End Ido.
 	else {
-		if (user_parm->use_mcg && !user_parm->servername) {
-			for(i=0; i < user_parm->num_of_clients_mcg; i++)  {
-				if (ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp, &attr, IBV_QP_STATE )) {
-					printf("Failed to modify UD QP to RTR\n");
-					return 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp,&attr, IBV_QP_STATE )) {
-					fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UD QP to RTR\n");
-					return 1;
-			}
-		}
-        ctx->ah = ibv_create_ah(ctx->pd, &attr.ah_attr);
-		    if (!ctx->ah) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create AH for UD\n");
-                return 1;
-            }
-	}
+		if (ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp,&attr, IBV_QP_STATE )) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UD QP to RTR\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		ctx->ah = ibv_create_ah(ctx->pd, &attr.ah_attr);
+		if (!ctx->ah) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create AH for UD\n");
+            return 1;
+		}
+	}
 	attr.qp_state 	    = IBV_QPS_RTS;
 	attr.sq_psn 	    = my_psn;
 	attr.max_rd_atomic  = 1;
@@ -903,17 +896,25 @@
 			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify RC QP to RTS\n");
 			return 1;
-	} else { /*both UC and UD */
-		if(!user_parm->use_mcg || user_parm->servername) {
-			if(ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp, &attr,IBV_QP_STATE |IBV_QP_SQ_PSN)) {
+	} 
+	else if (!user_parm->use_mcg) {
+		if(ibv_modify_qp(ctx->qp, &attr,IBV_QP_STATE |IBV_QP_SQ_PSN)) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify UC QP to RTS\n");
 			return 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (user_parm->servername) {
+		for(i=0; i < user_parm->num_of_mcg_group; i++)  {
+			if (ibv_modify_qp(ctx->mcg_group[i].send_qp,&attr,IBV_QP_STATE |IBV_QP_SQ_PSN)) {
+				printf("Failed to modify UD QP to RTS\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	/* post recieve max msg size*/
-		int i,j;
+		int i;
 		struct ibv_recv_wr  *bad_wr_recv;
 		ctx->rwr.wr_id      = PINGPONG_RECV_WRID;
@@ -927,16 +928,15 @@
 			ctx->recv_list.length = ctx->size;
 		ctx->recv_list.lkey = ctx->mr->lkey;
-		if ( user_parm->use_mcg && !user_parm->servername) {
-			for (i=0; i < user_parm->num_of_clients_mcg; i++)  {
-				for (j = 0; j < ctx->rx_depth; ++j) {
-					if (ibv_post_recv(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp, &ctx->rwr, &bad_wr_recv)) {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't post recv: counter=%d\n", j);
-						return 14;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
+		if (user_parm->use_mcg) {
+			ctx->mcg_params->rwr = &ctx->rwr;
+			if (mcast_post_receive(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params)) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't post receive\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
 			for (i = 0; i < ctx->rx_depth; ++i) {
 				if (ibv_post_recv(ctx->qp, &ctx->rwr, &bad_wr_recv)) {
 					fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't post recv: counter=%d\n", i);
@@ -964,7 +964,8 @@
 	printf("  -s, --size=<size>           Size of message to exchange (default 65536)\n");
 	printf("  -a, --all                   Run sizes from 2 till 2^23\n");
 	printf("  -t, --tx-depth=<dep>        Size of tx queue (default 300)\n");
-	printf("  -g, --mcg=<num_of_qps>      Send messages to multicast group with <num_of_qps> qps attached to it.\n");
+	printf("  -g, --mcg=<num_of_mcg>      Send messages to <num_of_mcg>  multicast groups .\n");
+	printf("  -q, --qp_num=<num_of_qps>   Attach <num_of_qps> QPs to each multicast group (default 1).\n");
 	printf("  -r, --rx-depth=<dep>        Make rx queue bigger than tx (default 600)\n");
 	printf("  -n, --iters=<iters>         Number of exchanges (at least 2, default 1000)\n");
 	printf("  -I, --inline_size=<size>    Max size of message to be sent in inline mode (default 0)\n");
@@ -1019,52 +1020,7 @@
 	       tsize * iters * cycles_to_units /(tcompleted[iters - 1] - tposted[0]) / 0x100000);
- *
- */
-static void print_mcg_report(struct pingpong_context *ctx,
-							 struct user_parameters *param,
-							 unsigned size,
-							 int no_cpu_freq_fail) {
-	int i,packets_loss = 0;
-	unsigned long packets_sum = 0;
-	unsigned int lower , upper;
-	int last_pos;
-	double cycles_to_units;
-	cycles_t max_first_comp, min_last_comp;
-	cycles_to_units = get_cpu_mhz(no_cpu_freq_fail) * 1000000;
-	last_pos = (ctx->qp_mcg[0].package_counter) ? ctx->qp_mcg[0].package_counter -1 : 0;
-	max_first_comp = ctx->qp_mcg[0].completion_array[0];
-	min_last_comp = ctx->qp_mcg[0].completion_array[last_pos];
-	for (i=0; i < param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++) {
-		if (ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[0] > max_first_comp) {
-			max_first_comp = ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[0];
-		}
-		last_pos = (ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter) ? ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter -1 : 0;
-		if (ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[last_pos] < min_last_comp) {
-			min_last_comp = ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[last_pos];
-		}
-	}
-	for (i=0; i < param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++ ) {
-		upper = lower = 0;
-		last_pos = (ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter) ? ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter -1 : 0;
-		while (ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[lower] < max_first_comp) {
-			lower++;
-		}
-		while (ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[last_pos] > min_last_comp) {
-			last_pos++;
-		}
-		packets_sum += ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter - upper -lower;
-		packets_loss += (param->iters - ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter);
-	}
-	printf("%7d     %d           %d                   %7.2f\n",size,param->iters,packets_loss,
-		   packets_sum*size*cycles_to_units/(min_last_comp - max_first_comp) / 0x100000);
@@ -1201,11 +1157,9 @@
 				 struct pingpong_dest *rem_dest, 
 				 int size)
-	int i,ne,num_of_iters; 
 	int scnt, ccnt, rcnt;
 	struct ibv_recv_wr *bad_wr_recv;
 	struct ibv_send_wr *bad_wr;
-	struct ibv_wc wc;
 	if (user_param->connection_type == UD) {
@@ -1232,18 +1186,30 @@
 	scnt = 0;
 	ccnt = 0;
 	rcnt = 0;
-	if (user_param->use_mcg && !user_param->servername ) {
-		for (i=0; i < user_param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++) {
-			 ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter = 0;
-		}
-	}
+	// Ido 
+	if (user_param->use_mcg) {
+		ctx->mcg_params->rwr = &ctx->rwr;
+		ctx->mcg_params->size = size;
+		if (user_param->servername) {
+			if(mcast_post_send(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,&ctx->list)) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"Cannot post send\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+		// Need to add more things.
+		if (mcast_run_iter_uni(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params)) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"Cannot run the benchmark iteration\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
 	// Server side.
 	if (!user_param->servername) {
-		num_of_iters = user_param->use_mcg ? 
-					   user_param->iters*user_param->num_of_clients_mcg : user_param->iters;
-		while (rcnt < num_of_iters && scnt < MAX_POLL_ITERATION_TIMEOUT) {
+		while (rcnt < user_param->iters) {
+			int ne;
+			struct ibv_wc wc;
+			/*Server is polling on recieve first */
 			if (user_param->use_event) {
 				struct ibv_cq *ev_cq;
 				void          *ev_ctx;
@@ -1261,44 +1227,25 @@
 			do {
-				ne = ibv_poll_cq(ctx->cq, 1 , &wc); 
-				if (ne > 0) {
+				ne = ibv_poll_cq(ctx->cq, 1, &wc);
+				if (ne) {
+					// tcompleted[ccnt] = get_cycles();
 					if (wc.status != IBV_WC_SUCCESS) {
-						fprintf(stderr, "Completion wth error at server :\n");
+						fprintf(stderr, "Completion wth error at %s:\n",
+							user_param->servername ? "client" : "server");
 						fprintf(stderr, "Failed status %d: wr_id %d syndrom 0x%x\n",
-								wc.status, (int) wc.wr_id, wc.vendor_err);
+							wc.status, (int) wc.wr_id, wc.vendor_err);
 						fprintf(stderr, "scnt=%d, ccnt=%d\n",
-							    scnt, ccnt);
+							scnt, ccnt);
 						return 1;
-					scnt = 0;
-					if (user_param->use_mcg) {
-						for (i=0; i < user_param->num_of_clients_mcg; i++) {
-							if ( wc.qp_num == ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp->qp_num) {
-								ccnt = ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter; 
-								ctx->qp_mcg[i].completion_array[ccnt] = get_cycles();
-								ctx->qp_mcg[i].package_counter++;
-								if (ibv_post_recv(ctx->qp_mcg[i].qp, &ctx->rwr, &bad_wr_recv)) {
-									fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't post recv: rcnt=%d\n",rcnt);
-									return 15;
-								}
-								break;
-							}
-						}
+					if (ibv_post_recv(ctx->qp, &ctx->rwr, &bad_wr_recv)) {
+						fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't post recv: rcnt=%d\n",
+							rcnt);
+						return 15;
-					else {
-						if (ibv_post_recv(ctx->qp, &ctx->rwr, &bad_wr_recv)) {
-							fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't post recv: rcnt=%d\n",rcnt);
-							return 15;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				else {
-					scnt++;
-					//deal with stat ne = 0
 			} while (ne > 0 );
@@ -1307,8 +1254,7 @@
 				return 12;
-	}
-	else {
+	} else {
 		/* client is posting and not receiving. */
 		while (scnt < user_param->iters || ccnt < user_param->iters) {
 			while (scnt < user_param->iters && (scnt - ccnt) < user_param->tx_depth ) {
@@ -1364,21 +1310,21 @@
+	}
 	return 0;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	struct ibv_device      **dev_list;
-	struct ibv_device	*ib_dev;
+	struct ibv_device      	**dev_list;
+	struct ibv_device		*ib_dev;
 	struct pingpong_context *ctx;
 	struct pingpong_dest     my_dest;
 	struct pingpong_dest    *rem_dest;
 	struct user_parameters  user_param;
-	struct ibv_device_attr device_attribute;
+	struct ibv_device_attr 	device_attribute;
 	char                    *ib_devname = NULL;
 	int                      port = 18515;
-	int                      ib_port = 1;
 	long long                size = 65536;
 	int			             sockfd;
 	int                      i = 0;
@@ -1392,9 +1338,11 @@
 	/* init default values to user's parameters */
 	memset(&user_param, 0, sizeof(struct user_parameters));
 	user_param.mtu = 0;
-	user_param.num_of_clients_mcg = 1;
+	user_param.ib_port = 1;
+	user_param.num_of_qp_on_group = 1;
 	user_param.iters = 1000;
 	user_param.tx_depth = 300;
+	user_param.rx_depth = 300;
 	user_param.servername = NULL;
 	user_param.user_mgid = NULL;
 	user_param.use_event = 0;
@@ -1421,6 +1369,7 @@
 			{ .name = "sl",             .has_arg = 1, .val = 'S' },
 			{ .name = "gid-index",      .has_arg = 1, .val = 'x' },
 			{ .name = "mcg",            .has_arg = 1, .val = 'g' },
+			{ .name = "qp_num",         .has_arg = 1, .val = 'q' },
 			{ .name = "MGID",           .has_arg = 1, .val = 'M' },
 			{ .name = "all",            .has_arg = 0, .val = 'a' },
 			{ .name = "bidirectional",  .has_arg = 0, .val = 'b' },
@@ -1431,7 +1380,7 @@
 			{ 0 }
-		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:d:i:m:c:s:n:t:I:r:u:S:x:g:M:ebaVNF", long_options, NULL);
+		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:d:i:m:c:s:n:t:I:r:u:S:x:g:q:M:ebaVNF", long_options, NULL);
 		if (c == -1)
@@ -1448,8 +1397,15 @@
         case 'g':
-			user_param.num_of_clients_mcg = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-            if (user_param.num_of_clients_mcg < 0) {
+			user_param.num_of_mcg_group = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+            if (user_param.num_of_mcg_group <= 0) {
+				usage(argv[0]);
+				return 1;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'q':
+			user_param.num_of_qp_on_group = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+            if (user_param.num_of_mcg_group <= 0) {
 				return 1;
@@ -1478,8 +1434,8 @@
 			return 0;
 		case 'i':
-			ib_port = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-			if (ib_port < 0) {
+			user_param.ib_port = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+			if (user_param.ib_port < 0) {
 				return 1;
@@ -1517,9 +1473,9 @@
 		case 'r':
 			errno = 0;
-                        user_param.rx_depth = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
-                        if (errno) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; }
-                        break;
+			user_param.rx_depth = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+			if (errno) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; }
+			break;
 		case 'n':
 			user_param.iters = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
@@ -1641,23 +1597,22 @@
             user_param.inline_size = 0;
-	printf("Inline data is used up to %d bytes message\n\n", user_param.inline_size);
-	ctx = pp_init_ctx(ib_dev, size, user_param.tx_depth, user_param.rx_depth,ib_port, &user_param);
+	printf("Inline data is used up to %d bytes message\n", user_param.inline_size);
+	ctx = pp_init_ctx(ib_dev, size, user_param.tx_depth, user_param.rx_depth, &user_param);
 	if (!ctx)
 		return 1;
 	/* Create connection between client and server.
 	 * We do it by exchanging data over a TCP socket connection. */
-	my_dest.lid = pp_get_local_lid(ctx, ib_port);
+	my_dest.lid = pp_get_local_lid(ctx, user_param.ib_port);
 	my_dest.psn = lrand48() & 0xffffff;
-    my_dest.qpn = (user_param.use_mcg && !user_param.servername) ? 
-                   ctx->qp_mcg[0].qp->qp_num : ctx->qp->qp_num;
+    my_dest.qpn = (user_param.use_mcg) ? QPNUM_MCAST : ctx->qp->qp_num;
 	if (user_param.gid_index != -1) {
 		int err=0;
-		err = ibv_query_gid (ctx->context, ib_port, user_param.gid_index, &gid);
+		err = ibv_query_gid (ctx->context,user_param.ib_port, user_param.gid_index, &gid);
 		if (err) {
 			return -1;
@@ -1670,19 +1625,21 @@
 			return 1;
+	if (user_param.use_mcg) {
+		ctx->dgid = ctx->mcg_group[0].mgid;
+	}
 	my_dest.dgid = ctx->dgid;
     my_dest.rkey = ctx->mr->rkey;
 	my_dest.vaddr = (uintptr_t)ctx->buf + size;
-	printf(" local address:   LID %#04x,  PSN %#06x " ,my_dest.lid, my_dest.psn);
+	printf("  local address:  LID %#04x, QPN %#06x, PSN %#06x\n" ,my_dest.lid,my_dest.qpn,my_dest.psn);
 	if (user_param.use_mcg && !user_param.servername)  {
-		printf("\n M_gid adress:  M_ "); 	   
-	} else {
-		printf(" QPN %#06x\n" ,my_dest.qpn);
-	}
+		printf("  M_"); 	   
+	} 
 	if (user_param.gid_index > -1 || (user_param.use_mcg && !user_param.servername) ) {
-		printf("GID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+		printf("GID %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
 		my_dest.dgid.raw[2], my_dest.dgid.raw[3], my_dest.dgid.raw[4],
 		my_dest.dgid.raw[5], my_dest.dgid.raw[6], my_dest.dgid.raw[7],
@@ -1706,17 +1663,13 @@
 	if (!rem_dest)
 		return 1;
-	printf(" remote address:  LID %#04x,  PSN %#06x ", rem_dest->lid, rem_dest->psn);
+	printf("  remote address: LID %#04x, QPN %#06x, PSN %#06x\n",rem_dest->lid,rem_dest->qpn,rem_dest->psn);
 	if (user_param.use_mcg && user_param.servername)  {
-		printf("\n M_gid adress:    M_"); 	   
-	} 
-	else {
-		printf(" QPN %#06x\n",rem_dest->qpn);
-	}
+		printf("  M_"); 	   
+	}
 	if (user_param.gid_index > -1 || (user_param.use_mcg && user_param.servername) ) {
-		printf("GID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+		printf("GID %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
 		rem_dest->dgid.raw[0],rem_dest->dgid.raw[1],rem_dest->dgid.raw[2], rem_dest->dgid.raw[3], rem_dest->dgid.raw[4],
 		rem_dest->dgid.raw[5],rem_dest->dgid.raw[6], rem_dest->dgid.raw[7],rem_dest->dgid.raw[8], rem_dest->dgid.raw[9], 
 		rem_dest->dgid.raw[10],rem_dest->dgid.raw[11], rem_dest->dgid.raw[12], rem_dest->dgid.raw[13],
@@ -1724,7 +1677,7 @@
-	if (pp_connect_ctx(ctx, ib_port, my_dest.psn, rem_dest, &user_param))
+	if (pp_connect_ctx(ctx,my_dest.psn, rem_dest, &user_param))
 		return 1;
 	/* An additional handshake is required *after* moving qp to RTR.
@@ -1742,18 +1695,18 @@
 			return 1;
-    printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
-	if (user_param.servername || user_param.duplex) {
-		printf(" #bytes     #iterations    BW peak[MB/sec]    BW average[MB/sec]  \n");
-	}
-	else if (user_param.use_mcg) {
-		printf(" #bytes     #iterations   Packets Loss   Aggregated BW [MB/s] \n");
+    printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+	if (user_param.use_mcg) {
+		printf(" #bytes #iterations    #Pcg Success       BW Aggreg.[MB/sec]\n");
+	}
+	else if (user_param.servername || user_param.duplex) {
+		printf(" #bytes #iterations    BW peak[MB/sec]    BW average[MB/sec] \n");
 	else { 
 		printf(" Results are in the send side , Have a good day \n");
 	if(alloc_time_res(ctx,&user_param)) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate the resources for the tests\n");
 		return 1;
@@ -1773,12 +1726,18 @@
         ctx->list.addr = (uintptr_t)ctx->buf;
-	ctx->list.lkey = ctx->mr->lkey;
+	ctx->list.lkey 	   = ctx->mr->lkey;
 	ctx->wr.wr_id      = PINGPONG_SEND_WRID;
 	ctx->wr.sg_list    = &ctx->list;
 	ctx->wr.num_sge    = 1;
 	ctx->wr.opcode     = IBV_WR_SEND;
 	ctx->wr.next       = NULL;
+	if (user_param.use_mcg) {
+		if (mcast_post_send(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,&ctx->list)) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't create Sending Wqe\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
 	/* recieve */
 	ctx->rwr.wr_id      = PINGPONG_RECV_WRID;
@@ -1787,6 +1746,10 @@
 	ctx->rwr.next       = NULL;
 	ctx->recv_list.addr = (uintptr_t) ctx->buf;
 	ctx->recv_list.lkey = ctx->mr->lkey;
+	if (user_param.use_mcg) {
+		ctx->mcg_params->rwr = &ctx->rwr;
+	}
 	if (user_param.all == ALL) {
 		if (user_param.connection_type == UD) {
@@ -1806,14 +1769,18 @@
 				if(run_iter_uni(ctx, &user_param, rem_dest, size))
 					return 17;
-			if (user_param.servername) {
+			if (user_param.use_mcg) {
+				if (user_param.servername) {
+					mcast_print_client(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,no_cpu_freq_fail);	
+				}
+				else {
+					mcast_print_server(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,no_cpu_freq_fail);
+				}
+			}
+			else if (user_param.servername) {
 				print_report(user_param.iters, size, user_param.duplex, tposted, tcompleted, noPeak, no_cpu_freq_fail);	
-			else {
-				if (user_param.use_mcg) {
-					print_mcg_report(ctx,&user_param,size,no_cpu_freq_fail);
-				}
-			}
 			if (user_param.servername) {
 				rem_dest = pp_client_exch_dest(sockfd, &my_dest, &user_param);
 			} else {
@@ -1831,12 +1798,17 @@
 				return 18;
-		if (user_param.use_mcg && !user_param.servername) {
-			print_mcg_report(ctx,&user_param,size,no_cpu_freq_fail);
-		}
-		if (user_param.servername || user_param.duplex)
-			print_report(user_param.iters, size, user_param.duplex, tposted, tcompleted, noPeak, no_cpu_freq_fail);
+		if (user_param.use_mcg) {
+			if (user_param.servername) {
+				mcast_print_client(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,no_cpu_freq_fail);	
+			}
+			else {
+				mcast_print_server(ctx->mcg_group,ctx->mcg_params,no_cpu_freq_fail);
+			}
+		}
+		else if (user_param.servername) {
+			print_report(user_param.iters, size, user_param.duplex, tposted, tcompleted, noPeak, no_cpu_freq_fail);	
+		}
 	/* close sockets */

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