[Pkg-ofed-devel] Update OFED to latest upstream

Mehdi Dogguy mehdi at dogguy.org
Wed Dec 30 23:28:14 UTC 2015


On 30/12/2015 17:17, Talat mellanox wrote:
> We would like to update the infiniband user space packages [1] in
> debian, I saw that you are the maintainer of them. Could you please
> assist ?

I've had a look at the first list. AFAIK, only the following packages
require an update:

- mstflint: 4.1.0-1.46.gb1cdaf7 from https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/mstflint/
- perftest: 3.0-0.16.gb2f2e82 from https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/perftest/
- infiniband-diags: 1.6.6 from https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/management/
- ibacm: ibacm-1.1.0 from https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/rdmacm/
- srptools: 1.0.3 from https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/srptools/
- libibverbs: 1.2.0-rc1 from https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/verbs/

I intend to work on getting those packages updated in Debian. Besides, are
you familiar with Debian packaging? And if so, would you like to get involved

Is that accurate? In particular, I didn't find new upstream versions for:
opensm, rdmacm, ibumad and ibmad.

> One more thing, there is [2] packages that was maintained by Roland, i
> think that he is not doing any InfiniBand maintenance anymore, could
> you please advise who can be the maintainer of them, we would like
> that also those [2] packages to be updated.

Progressively, Roland's packages which are related to OFED are brought
under the umbrella of this team team (pkg-ofed). This has been done for
libxml4 for example and could be done, when needed, for other packages
as well.


-- Mehdi

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