[libclc] 281/291: Merge branch 'upstream'

Andreas Beckmann anbe at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Sep 8 10:54:00 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

anbe pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libclc.

commit 8aa06136aebdd6764a9536e50396cfc40b4e02d5
Merge: f552032 63f5af3
Author: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 18 09:49:30 2015 +0300

    Merge branch 'upstream'

 README.TXT                                         |  21 +-
 build/ninja_syntax.py                              |  16 +-
 configure.py                                       |  73 +-
 generic/include/clc/async/async_work_group_copy.h  |  15 +
 .../include/clc/async/async_work_group_copy.inc    |   5 +
 .../clc/async/async_work_group_strided_copy.h      |  15 +
 .../clc/async/async_work_group_strided_copy.inc    |   6 +
 generic/include/clc/async/gentype.inc              | 204 +++++
 generic/include/clc/async/prefetch.h               |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/async/prefetch.inc             |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/async/wait_group_events.h      |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_add.h            |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_and.h            |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_cmpxchg.h        |  15 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_dec.h            |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_decl.inc         |   8 +-
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_inc.h            |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_max.h            |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_min.h            |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_or.h             |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_sub.h            |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_xchg.h           |   6 +
 generic/include/clc/atomic/atomic_xor.h            |   5 +
 .../atom_cmpxchg.h                                 |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics/atom_xchg.h   |   2 +
 .../atom_and.h                                     |   2 +
 .../atom_max.h                                     |   2 +
 .../atom_min.h                                     |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics/atom_or.h |   2 +
 .../atom_xor.h                                     |   2 +
 .../clc/cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_add.h |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_cmpxchg.h |   2 +
 .../clc/cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_dec.h |   2 +
 .../clc/cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_inc.h |   2 +
 .../clc/cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_sub.h |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_xchg.h    |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics/atom_and.h |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics/atom_max.h |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics/atom_min.h |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics/atom_or.h  |   2 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics/atom_xor.h |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/clc.h                          |  94 ++-
 generic/include/clc/clcmacro.h                     |  54 --
 generic/include/clc/clctypes.h                     |  19 +-
 generic/include/clc/clcversion.h                   |   8 +
 generic/include/clc/common/degrees.h               |  25 +
 generic/include/clc/common/degrees.inc             |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/common/mix.h                   |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/common/mix.inc                 |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/common/radians.h               |  25 +
 generic/include/clc/common/radians.inc             |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/common/smoothstep.h            |  25 +
 generic/include/clc/common/smoothstep.inc          |  28 +
 generic/include/clc/common/step.h                  |  25 +
 generic/include/clc/common/step.inc                |  28 +
 generic/include/clc/float/definitions.h            |  88 ++-
 generic/include/clc/gentype.inc                    |  51 --
 generic/include/clc/geometric/cross.h              |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/distance.inc         |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/fast_distance.h      |  26 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/fast_distance.inc    |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/fast_length.h        |  26 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/fast_length.inc      |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/fast_normalize.h     |  26 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/fast_normalize.inc   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/floatn.inc           |  10 +
 generic/include/clc/integer/integer-gentype.inc    |   8 +
 generic/include/clc/integer/mad_sat.h              |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/integer/mad_sat.inc            |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/acos.h                    |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/acos.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/acosh.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/acosh.inc                 |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/acospi.h                  |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/acospi.inc                |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/asin.h                    |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/asin.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/asinh.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/asinh.inc                 |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/asinpi.h                  |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/asinpi.inc                |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atan.h                    |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atan.inc                  |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atan2.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atan2.inc                 |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atan2pi.h                 |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atan2pi.inc               |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atanh.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atanh.inc                 |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atanpi.h                  |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/atanpi.inc                |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/copysign.h                |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/copysign.inc              |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/cos.h                     |   9 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/cos.inc                   |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/cospi.h                   |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/math/cospi.inc                 |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/erfc.h                    |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/exp.h                     |   9 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/exp10.h                   |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/exp2.h                    |  28 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/exp2.inc                  |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fmax.h                    |   5 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/fmin.h                    |   5 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/fmod.h                    |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fmod.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fract.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fract.inc                 |  25 +
 generic/include/clc/math/gentype.inc               |  26 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_rsqrt.h              |  31 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_sqrt.h               |  31 +
 generic/include/clc/math/ldexp.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/ldexp.inc                 |  29 +
 generic/include/clc/math/log.h                     |  26 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/log.inc                   |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/log10.h                   |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/log1p.h                   |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/log1p.inc                 |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/log2.h                    |  28 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/log2.inc                  |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/native_exp10.h            |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/native_log.h              |  28 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_log.inc            |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/native_log2.h             |  28 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_log2.inc           |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/math/pown.h                    |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/rsqrt.h                   |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/sin.h                     |   9 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/sin.inc                   |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/sincos.h                  |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/sincos.inc                |   8 +
 generic/include/clc/math/sinpi.h                   |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/math/sinpi.inc                 |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/sqrt.h                    |   9 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/sqrt.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/tan.h                     |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/tan.inc                   |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/all.h               |  18 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/binary_decl.inc     |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/bitselect.h         |  29 +-
 generic/include/clc/relational/bitselect.inc       |  23 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/floatn.inc          |  81 ++
 generic/include/clc/relational/isequal.h           |  20 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isfinite.h          |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isgreater.h         |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isgreaterequal.h    |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isinf.h             |  21 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isless.h            |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/islessequal.h       |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/islessgreater.h     |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isnormal.h          |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isnotequal.h        |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isordered.h         |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/isunordered.h       |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/signbit.h           |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/unary_decl.inc      |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/workitem/get_work_dim.h        |   1 +
 generic/include/config.h                           |  26 +
 generic/include/math/clc_ldexp.h                   |   6 +
 generic/include/math/clc_sqrt.h                    |  29 +
 generic/include/math/clc_sqrt.inc                  |  23 +
 generic/lib/SOURCES                                |  93 ++-
 generic/lib/async/async_work_group_copy.cl         |   9 +
 generic/lib/async/async_work_group_copy.inc        |  17 +
 generic/lib/async/async_work_group_strided_copy.cl |   9 +
 .../lib/async/async_work_group_strided_copy.inc    |  34 +
 .../{geometric/normalize.cl => async/prefetch.cl}  |   5 +-
 generic/lib/async/prefetch.inc                     |   1 +
 generic/lib/async/wait_group_events.cl             |   5 +
 generic/lib/atomic/atomic_impl.ll                  | 110 +++
 generic/lib/atomic/atomic_xchg.cl                  |   9 +
 .../atom_cmpxchg.cl                                |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics/atom_xchg.cl  |   9 +
 .../atom_and.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../atom_max.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../atom_min.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../atom_or.cl                                     |   9 +
 .../atom_xor.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_add.cl    |   9 +
 .../atom_cmpxchg.cl                                |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_dec.cl    |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_inc.cl    |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_sub.cl    |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics/atom_xchg.cl   |   9 +
 .../atom_and.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../atom_max.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../atom_min.cl                                    |   9 +
 .../cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics/atom_or.cl |   9 +
 .../atom_xor.cl                                    |   9 +
 generic/lib/clcmacro.h                             | 126 +++
 generic/lib/common/degrees.cl                      |  45 ++
 generic/lib/{geometric/length.cl => common/mix.cl} |   4 +-
 generic/lib/common/mix.inc                         |   9 +
 generic/lib/common/radians.cl                      |  45 ++
 generic/lib/common/sign.cl                         |   1 +
 generic/lib/common/smoothstep.cl                   |  55 ++
 generic/lib/common/step.cl                         |  54 ++
 generic/lib/gen_convert.py                         |   2 -
 generic/lib/geometric/cross.cl                     |  14 +
 generic/lib/geometric/distance.cl                  |  30 +
 generic/lib/geometric/distance.inc                 |  25 +
 generic/lib/geometric/fast_distance.cl             |  28 +
 generic/lib/geometric/fast_distance.inc            |  25 +
 generic/lib/geometric/fast_length.cl               |  39 +
 generic/lib/geometric/fast_normalize.cl            |  32 +
 generic/lib/geometric/fast_normalize.inc           |  31 +
 generic/lib/geometric/length.cl                    |  85 ++-
 generic/lib/geometric/length.inc                   |   3 -
 generic/lib/geometric/normalize.cl                 | 155 +++-
 generic/lib/geometric/normalize.inc                |   3 -
 generic/lib/integer/add_sat.cl                     |   1 +
 generic/lib/integer/clz.cl                         |   1 +
 generic/lib/integer/mad_sat.cl                     |  72 ++
 generic/lib/integer/sub_sat.cl                     |   1 +
 generic/lib/{geometric/length.cl => math/acos.cl}  |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/acos.inc                          |  29 +
 generic/lib/math/acosh.cl                          | 127 ++++
 generic/lib/math/acospi.cl                         | 172 +++++
 generic/lib/{geometric/length.cl => math/asin.cl}  |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/asin.inc                          |  12 +
 generic/lib/math/asinh.cl                          | 293 +++++++
 generic/lib/math/asinpi.cl                         | 170 +++++
 generic/lib/math/atan.cl                           | 183 +++++
 generic/lib/math/atan2.cl                          | 237 ++++++
 generic/lib/math/atan2pi.cl                        | 221 ++++++
 generic/lib/math/atanh.cl                          | 113 +++
 generic/lib/math/atanpi.cl                         | 182 +++++
 generic/lib/math/binary_impl.inc                   |   8 +-
 generic/lib/math/clc_ldexp.cl                      | 128 ++++
 generic/lib/math/clc_nextafter.cl                  |   1 +
 generic/lib/math/clc_sqrt.cl                       |  37 +
 generic/lib/math/clc_sqrt_impl.inc                 |  38 +
 generic/lib/math/copysign.cl                       |  12 +
 generic/lib/math/cos.cl                            |  77 ++
 generic/lib/math/cospi.cl                          | 136 ++++
 generic/lib/math/ep_log.cl                         |  94 +++
 generic/lib/math/ep_log.h                          |  29 +
 generic/lib/math/erfc.cl                           | 413 ++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/exp.cl                            |  90 +++
 generic/lib/{geometric/length.cl => math/exp10.cl} |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/exp10.inc                         |  10 +
 generic/lib/math/exp2.cl                           |  86 +++
 generic/lib/math/exp_helper.cl                     |  69 ++
 generic/lib/math/exp_helper.h                      |  29 +
 generic/lib/math/fmax.cl                           |  13 +-
 generic/lib/math/fmax.inc                          |  18 +
 generic/lib/math/fmin.cl                           |  13 +-
 generic/lib/math/fmin.inc                          |  18 +
 generic/lib/math/fmod.cl                           |  12 +
 generic/lib/math/fract.cl                          |  30 +
 generic/lib/math/fract.inc                         |  49 ++
 generic/lib/math/half_rsqrt.cl                     |  28 +
 generic/lib/math/half_rsqrt.inc                    |  25 +
 generic/lib/math/half_sqrt.cl                      |  28 +
 generic/lib/math/half_sqrt.inc                     |  25 +
 generic/lib/math/ldexp.cl                          |  41 +
 generic/lib/math/ldexp.inc                         |  29 +
 generic/lib/math/log.cl                            |  26 +
 generic/lib/{geometric/length.cl => math/log10.cl} |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/log10.inc                         |  13 +
 generic/lib/math/log1p.cl                          | 177 +++++
 generic/lib/math/log2.cl                           |  37 +
 generic/lib/math/log_base.h                        | 299 ++++++++
 generic/lib/math/math.h                            |  90 +++
 generic/lib/math/native_log.cl                     |  32 +
 generic/lib/math/native_log.inc                    |  25 +
 generic/lib/math/native_log2.cl                    |  32 +
 generic/lib/math/native_log2.inc                   |  25 +
 generic/lib/math/nextafter.cl                      |   1 +
 generic/lib/math/pown.cl                           |  10 +
 generic/lib/math/sin.cl                            |  79 ++
 .../lib/{geometric/length.cl => math/sincos.cl}    |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/sincos.inc                        |  11 +
 generic/lib/math/sincosD_piby4.h                   |  78 ++
 generic/lib/math/sincos_helpers.cl                 | 545 +++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/sincos_helpers.h                  |  35 +
 generic/lib/math/sincospiF_piby4.h                 |  56 ++
 generic/lib/math/sinpi.cl                          | 131 ++++
 generic/lib/math/sqrt.cl                           |  35 +
 generic/lib/math/tables.cl                         | 841 +++++++++++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/tables.h                          |  53 ++
 generic/lib/{geometric/length.cl => math/tan.cl}   |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/tan.inc                           |  17 +
 generic/lib/relational/all.cl                      |  29 +
 generic/lib/relational/bitselect.cl                |  53 ++
 generic/lib/relational/bitselect.inc               |  25 +
 generic/lib/relational/isequal.cl                  |  30 +
 generic/lib/relational/isfinite.cl                 |  18 +
 generic/lib/relational/isgreater.cl                |  22 +
 generic/lib/relational/isgreaterequal.cl           |  22 +
 generic/lib/relational/isinf.cl                    |  18 +
 generic/lib/relational/isless.cl                   |  22 +
 generic/lib/relational/islessequal.cl              |  22 +
 generic/lib/relational/islessgreater.cl            |  22 +
 generic/lib/relational/isnan.cl                    |   5 +-
 generic/lib/relational/isnormal.cl                 |  18 +
 generic/lib/relational/isnotequal.cl               |  23 +
 generic/lib/relational/isordered.cl                |  23 +
 generic/lib/relational/isunordered.cl              |  22 +
 generic/lib/relational/relational.h                | 117 +++
 generic/lib/relational/signbit.cl                  |  19 +
 generic/lib/shared/vload.cl                        |  16 +-
 generic/lib/shared/vload_impl.ll                   | 130 ----
 generic/lib/shared/vstore.cl                       |  21 +-
 generic/lib/shared/vstore_impl.ll                  |  40 -
 generic/lib/subnormal_config.cl                    |  37 +
 generic/lib/subnormal_disable.ll                   |   1 +
 generic/lib/subnormal_helper_func.ll               |   8 +
 generic/lib/subnormal_use_default.ll               |   1 +
 r600/lib/SOURCES                                   |   4 +-
 r600/lib/atomic/atomic.cl                          |  54 +-
 r600/lib/math/ldexp.cl                             |  47 ++
 r600/lib/math/nextafter.cl                         |   1 +
 r600/lib/math/sqrt.cl                              |  59 ++
 r600/lib/shared/vload.cl                           |  84 --
 r600/lib/shared/vstore.cl                          | 104 ---
 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.ll                  |   8 +
 utils/prepare-builtins.cpp                         |  45 +-
 318 files changed, 10460 insertions(+), 647 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opencl/libclc.git

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