[clinfo] 05/36: Add support for new platform property
Andreas Beckmann
anbe at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Feb 17 18:32:36 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
anbe pushed a commit to branch master
in repository clinfo.
commit 0cbea12fe4bbde8e8aef2098497214b98bb4d31a
Author: Giuseppe Bilotta <giuseppe.bilotta at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Nov 17 21:45:18 2015 +0100
Add support for new platform property
This brings the platform info behavior closer to the device info
behavior, since the new property is not a string and it requires a
Note that the actual display of the new property is untested (since I
don't have a 2.1 platform yet).
src/clinfo.c | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/clinfo.c b/src/clinfo.c
index 6005344..81f8c75 100644
--- a/src/clinfo.c
+++ b/src/clinfo.c
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ struct platform_data {
cl_bool has_amd_offline; /* has cl_amd_offline_devices extension */
+struct platform_info_checks {
+ int has_khr_icd;
+ int plat_version;
cl_uint num_platforms;
cl_platform_id *platform;
@@ -251,6 +256,30 @@ static const char vbar_str[] = " | ";
int had_error = 0;
const char *cur_sfx = empty_str;
+/* parse a CL_DEVICE_VERSION or CL_PLATFORM_VERSION info to determine the OpenCL version.
+ * Returns an unsigned integer in the from major*10 + minor
+ */
+getOpenCLVersion(const char *version)
+ cl_uint ret = 10;
+ long parse = 0;
+ const char *from = version;
+ char *next = NULL;
+ parse = strtol(from, &next, 10);
+ if (next != from) {
+ ret = parse*10;
+ // skip the dot TODO should we actually check for the dot?
+ from = ++next;
+ parse = strtol(from, &next, 10);
+ if (next != from)
+ ret += parse;
+ }
+ return ret;
/* print strbuf, prefixed by pname, skipping leading whitespace if skip is nonzero,
* affixing cur_sfx */
static inline
@@ -263,7 +292,7 @@ void show_strbuf(const char *pname, int skip)
-platform_info_str(cl_platform_id pid, cl_platform_info param, const char* pname)
+platform_info_str(cl_platform_id pid, cl_platform_info param, const char* pname, const struct platform_info_checks * chk UNUSED)
error = clGetPlatformInfo(pid, param, 0, NULL, &nusz);
if (nusz > bufsz) {
@@ -283,14 +312,32 @@ platform_info_str(cl_platform_id pid, cl_platform_info param, const char* pname)
return had_error;
-struct platform_info_checks {
- int has_khr_icd;
+platform_info_ulong(cl_platform_id pid, cl_platform_info param, const char* pname, const struct platform_info_checks * chk UNUSED)
+ cl_ulong val = 0;
+ error = clGetPlatformInfo(pid, param, sizeof(val), &val, NULL);
+ had_error = REPORT_ERROR2("get %s");
+ /* when only listing, do not print anything we're just gathering
+ * information
+ */
+ if (!list_only) {
+ if (had_error)
+ show_strbuf(pname, 0);
+ else
+ printf("%s" I1_STR "%" PRIu64 "%s\n", line_pfx, pname, val, cur_sfx);
+ }
+ return had_error;
struct platform_info_traits {
cl_platform_info param; // CL_PLATFORM_*
const char *sname; // "CL_PLATFORM_*"
const char *pname; // "Platform *"
+ const char *sfx; // suffix for the output in non-raw mode
+ /* pointer to function that shows the parameter */
+ int (*show_func)(cl_platform_id pid, cl_platform_info param, const char *pname, const struct platform_info_checks *);
/* pointer to function that checks if the parameter should be checked */
int (*check_func)(const struct platform_info_checks *);
@@ -300,15 +347,21 @@ int khr_icd_p(const struct platform_info_checks *chk)
return chk->has_khr_icd;
-#define PINFO_COND(symbol, name, funcptr) { symbol, #symbol, "Platform " name, &funcptr }
-#define PINFO(symbol, name) { symbol, #symbol, "Platform " name, NULL }
+int plat_is_21(const struct platform_info_checks *chk)
+ return !(chk->plat_version < 21);
+#define PINFO_COND(symbol, name, sfx, typ, funcptr) { symbol, #symbol, "Platform " name, sfx, &platform_info_##typ, &funcptr }
+#define PINFO(symbol, name, sfx, typ) { symbol, #symbol, "Platform " name, sfx, &platform_info_##typ, NULL }
struct platform_info_traits pinfo_traits[] = {
- PINFO_COND(CL_PLATFORM_ICD_SUFFIX_KHR, "Extensions function suffix", khr_icd_p)
+ PINFO_COND(CL_PLATFORM_HOST_TIMER_RESOLUTION, "Host timer resolution", "ns", ulong, plat_is_21),
+ PINFO_COND(CL_PLATFORM_ICD_SUFFIX_KHR, "Extensions function suffix", NULL, str, khr_icd_p)
/* Print platform info and prepare arrays for device info */
@@ -318,20 +371,24 @@ printPlatformInfo(cl_uint p)
cl_platform_id pid = platform[p];
size_t len = 0;
- struct platform_info_checks pinfo_checks = { 0 };
+ struct platform_info_checks pinfo_checks = { 0, 10 };
current_function = __func__;
for (current_line = 0; current_line < ARRAY_SIZE(pinfo_traits); ++current_line) {
const struct platform_info_traits *traits = pinfo_traits + current_line;
+ const char *pname = (output_mode == CLINFO_HUMAN ?
+ traits->pname : traits->sname);
current_param = traits->sname;
if (traits->check_func && !traits->check_func(&pinfo_checks))
- had_error = platform_info_str(pid, traits->param,
- output_mode == CLINFO_HUMAN ?
- traits->pname : traits->sname);
+ cur_sfx = (output_mode == CLINFO_HUMAN && traits->sfx) ? traits->sfx : empty_str;
+ had_error = traits->show_func(pid, traits->param,
+ pname, &pinfo_checks);
if (had_error)
@@ -348,6 +405,10 @@ printPlatformInfo(cl_uint p)
memcpy(pdata[p].pname, strbuf, len);
pdata[p].pname[len] = '\0';
+ /* compute numeric value for OpenCL version */
+ pinfo_checks.plat_version = getOpenCLVersion(strbuf + 7);
+ break;
pinfo_checks.has_khr_icd = !!strstr(strbuf, "cl_khr_icd");
pdata[p].has_amd_offline = !!strstr(strbuf, "cl_amd_offline_devices");
@@ -454,29 +515,6 @@ out:
return ret;
-/* parse a CL_DEVICE_VERSION info to determine the OpenCL version.
- * Returns an unsigned integer in the from major*10 + minor
- */
-getOpenCLVersion(const char *version)
- cl_uint ret = 10;
- long parse = 0;
- const char *from = version;
- char *next = NULL;
- parse = strtol(from, &next, 10);
- if (next != from) {
- ret = parse*10;
- // skip the dot TODO should we actually check for the dot?
- from = ++next;
- parse = strtol(from, &next, 10);
- if (next != from)
- ret += parse;
- }
- return ret;
* Device properties/extensions used in traits checks, and relevant functions
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