[pocl] branch master updated (3f2e556 -> cd11b82)

Andreas Beckmann anbe at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 28 18:03:44 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

anbe pushed a change to branch master
in repository pocl.

      from  3f2e556   split override_dh_makeshlibs target for better error reporting
      adds  3b4c58d   Imported Upstream version 0.12
      adds  75505cc   Merge tag 'upstream/0.12'
      adds  aa9aa00   new upstream release 0.12
      adds  f8111e1   refresh patches
      adds  f6636c8   internal library soname bump: llvmopencl.so.6
      adds  bc38af6   drop B-D mesa-common-dev, no longer needed
      adds  ec7cde3   update symbols files for amd64 and i386
      adds  c38c15a   temporarily do not build pocl-doc
      adds  42958f4   finalize changelog for pocl (0.12-1), upload to experimental
      adds  d85be1a   Merge branch 'master' into experimental
      adds  0a5da3c   add B-D: sphinx-common for binary-arch builds with 'dh --with sphinxdoc'
      adds  447a57a   finalize changelog for pocl (0.12-2)
       new  9a648d5   Revert "temporarily do not build pocl-doc"
       new  931b4e6   update symbols files
       new  1d5d084   finalize changelog for pocl (0.11-5)
       new  53aca92   report if the testsuite was not run (but don't fail)
       new  beb3121   update symbols files
       new  25955a4   add support for GNU/Hurd
       new  534e41a   update symbols files
       new  f7223dc   Merge branch 'master' into experimental
       new  cd11b82   finalize changelog for pocl (0.12-3), upload to unstable

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CHANGES                                            |   39 +-
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  128 +-
 CREDITS                                            |    5 +
 Makefile.am                                        |   10 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |   79 +-
 README.mips                                        |   13 +-
 README.mipsel                                      |   14 +
 TODO                                               |   32 +-
 aclocal.m4                                         |   57 +-
 cmake/LLVM.cmake                                   |  135 +-
 cmake/bitcode_rules.cmake                          |   32 +-
 cmake/kernellib_hash.cmake                         |    7 +
 config.h.in                                        |   23 +-
 config.h.in.cmake                                  |   12 +-
 config/ar-lib                                      |    2 +-
 config/compile                                     |    2 +-
 config/config.guess                                |   11 +-
 config/config.sub                                  |   12 +-
 config/depcomp                                     |    2 +-
 config/install-sh                                  |  366 +-
 config/ltmain.sh                                   | 5508 +++++++-----
 config/missing                                     |    2 +-
 configure                                          | 3618 +++++---
 configure.ac                                       |  216 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |   27 +-
 debian/control                                     |    1 -
 debian/libpocl1.symbols                            |  144 +-
 debian/libpoclu1.symbols                           |    3 +-
 debian/patches/fix-image-args.patch                |    6 +-
 debian/patches/llvm-system-libs.patch              |   13 +-
 .../{freebsd-compat.patch => os-compat.patch}      |    4 +-
 debian/patches/series                              |    2 +-
 debian/patches/typos.patch                         |    8 +-
 debian/rules                                       |    2 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/conf.py                          |    4 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/development.rst                  |    4 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/env_variables.rst                |   39 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/faq.rst                          |   62 +
 doc/sphinx/source/hsa.rst                          |  106 +
 doc/sphinx/source/index.rst                        |    3 +
 doc/sphinx/source/kernel_compiler.rst              |   21 +
 doc/sphinx/source/releasing.rst                    |    1 +
 doc/sphinx/source/using.rst                        |    7 +-
 examples/AMD/AMDSDK.patch                          |   17 +-
 examples/AMD/Makefile.in                           |   26 +-
 examples/AMDSDK2.9/AMDSDK2_9.patch                 |   18 +-
 examples/AMDSDK2.9/Makefile.in                     |   26 +-
 examples/CloverLeaf/Makefile.in                    |   26 +-
 examples/EinsteinToolkit/Makefile.in               |   27 +-
 examples/Halide/Makefile.in                        |   26 +-
 examples/Makefile.am                               |    8 +-
 examples/Makefile.in                               |   34 +-
 examples/OpenCV/Makefile.am                        |  263 +
 examples/OpenCV/Makefile.in                        |  783 ++
 examples/OpenCV/README                             |   24 +
 examples/Parboil/Makefile.in                       |   26 +-
 examples/PyOpenCL/README                           |   49 +
 examples/Rodinia/Makefile.am                       |    2 +
 examples/Rodinia/Makefile.in                       |   27 +-
 examples/Rodinia/Rodinia.patch                     |   16 +
 examples/VexCL/Makefile.in                         |   26 +-
 examples/ViennaCL/Makefile.in                      |   26 +-
 examples/example1-spir32/Makefile.in               |   27 +-
 examples/example1-spir32/example1.c                |   16 +-
 examples/example1-spir32/example1_exec.c           |    2 +-
 examples/example1-spir64/Makefile.in               |   27 +-
 examples/example1-spir64/example1.c                |   16 +-
 examples/example1-spir64/example1_exec.c           |    2 +-
 examples/example1/Makefile.in                      |   27 +-
 examples/example1/example1.c                       |   24 +-
 examples/example1/example1_exec.c                  |    2 +-
 examples/example2/Makefile.in                      |   27 +-
 examples/example2/example2.c                       |    4 +-
 examples/example2a/Makefile.in                     |   27 +-
 examples/example2a/example2a.c                     |    4 +-
 .../opencl-book-samples/HelloBinaryWorld.stdout    |    9 +
 examples/opencl-book-samples/HelloWorld.stdout     |    2 +
 examples/opencl-book-samples/ImageFilter2D.cl      |   34 +
 examples/opencl-book-samples/Makefile.am           |    4 +
 examples/opencl-book-samples/Makefile.in           |   29 +-
 .../OpenCLConvolutionChap3.stdout                  |    8 +
 .../SimpleBufferSubBuffer.stdout                   |    6 +
 examples/opencl-book-samples/VectorAdd.stdout      |    1 +
 examples/piglit/Makefile.am                        |    2 +
 examples/piglit/Makefile.in                        |   27 +-
 examples/piglit/README                             |    2 +-
 examples/piglit/produce_results.sh                 |    8 +
 examples/scalarwave/Makefile.in                    |   27 +-
 examples/scalarwave/scalarwave.c                   |    7 +-
 examples/standalone/Makefile.in                    |   26 +-
 examples/trig/Makefile.in                          |   27 +-
 examples/trig/trig.c                               |    8 +-
 examples/trig/trig_exec.c                          |    2 +-
 include/CL/CMakeLists.txt                          |    4 +-
 include/CL/Makefile.am                             |    3 +-
 include/CL/Makefile.in                             |   33 +-
 include/CL/cl.hpp.in                               |   12 +-
 include/CL/cl2.hpp                                 | 8926 ++++++++++++++++++++
 include/CL/cl_platform.h                           |   20 +-
 include/CMakeLists.txt                             |    2 +-
 include/Makefile.am                                |    6 +-
 include/Makefile.in                                |   34 +-
 include/OpenCL/Makefile.in                         |   28 +-
 include/_kernel.h                                  |   97 +-
 include/_kernel_c.h                                |   78 +-
 include/_kernel_constants.h                        |   88 +
 include/pocl.h                                     |   18 +-
 include/pocl_cache.h                               |  132 +
 include/pocl_features.h                            |    4 +-
 include/pocl_file_util.h                           |   85 +
 include/poclu.h                                    |    4 +
 include/vccompat.hpp                               |    2 +
 lib/CL/CMakeLists.txt                              |   10 +-
 lib/CL/Makefile.am                                 |   18 +-
 lib/CL/Makefile.in                                 |  134 +-
 lib/CL/clBuildProgram.c                            |  312 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateBuffer.c                            |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateCommandQueue.c                      |    9 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateContext.c                           |   33 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateContextFromType.c                   |    8 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateImage.c                             |    6 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateKernel.c                            |   55 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateKernelsInProgram.c                  |   90 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateProgramWithBinary.c                 |   69 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateProgramWithSource.c                 |   38 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateSubBuffer.c                         |    4 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateSubDevices.c                        |  156 +-
 lib/CL/clCreateUserEvent.c                         |   25 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueCopyBuffer.c                       |   17 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueCopyBufferRect.c                   |   23 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage.c                |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueFillImage.c                        |    1 -
 lib/CL/clEnqueueMapBuffer.c                        |   26 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueMapImage.c                         |   54 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList.c               |    9 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.c                    |   74 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueNativeKernel.c                     |   36 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueReadBuffer.c                       |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueReadBufferRect.c                   |   17 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueReadImage.c                        |    6 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.c                   |   24 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueWriteBuffer.c                      |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueWriteBufferRect.c                  |    6 +-
 lib/CL/clEnqueueWriteImage.c                       |    2 -
 lib/CL/clFinish.c                                  |  140 +-
 lib/CL/clGetDeviceIDs.c                            |   23 +-
 lib/CL/clGetDeviceInfo.c                           |   15 +-
 lib/CL/clGetEventInfo.c                            |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo.c                  |    4 +-
 lib/CL/clGetPlatformIDs.c                          |   10 +-
 lib/CL/clGetPlatformInfo.c                         |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clGetProgramBuildInfo.c                     |   42 +-
 lib/CL/clGetProgramInfo.c                          |   47 +-
 lib/CL/clGetSupportedImageFormats.c                |   21 +-
 lib/CL/clReleaseCommandQueue.c                     |    2 +
 lib/CL/clReleaseContext.c                          |    2 +-
 lib/CL/clReleaseDevice.c                           |   11 +-
 lib/CL/clReleaseEvent.c                            |    6 +-
 lib/CL/clReleaseKernel.c                           |    3 +-
 lib/CL/clReleaseProgram.c                          |   29 +-
 lib/CL/clRetainDevice.c                            |    3 +
 lib/CL/clRetainEvent.c                             |    2 -
 lib/CL/clSetKernelArg.c                            |    5 +
 lib/CL/clSetUserEventStatus.c                      |   11 +-
 lib/CL/clWaitForEvents.c                           |   14 +-
 lib/CL/devices/CMakeLists.txt                      |    9 +-
 lib/CL/devices/Makefile.am                         |    5 +
 lib/CL/devices/Makefile.in                         |   38 +-
 lib/CL/devices/basic/Makefile.in                   |   27 +-
 lib/CL/devices/basic/basic.c                       |  185 +-
 lib/CL/devices/bufalloc.h                          |    8 +-
 lib/CL/devices/cellspu/Makefile.in                 |   27 +-
 lib/CL/devices/cellspu/cellspu.c                   |   20 +-
 lib/CL/devices/common.c                            |   73 +-
 lib/CL/devices/common.h                            |    2 +
 lib/CL/devices/cpuinfo.c                           |   73 +-
 lib/CL/devices/dev_image.h                         |    3 +-
 lib/CL/devices/devices.c                           |   39 +-
 lib/CL/devices/devices.h                           |    4 +
 lib/CL/devices/{cellspu => hsa}/CMakeLists.txt     |    8 +-
 lib/CL/devices/{basic => hsa}/Makefile.am          |   27 +-
 lib/CL/devices/{basic => hsa}/Makefile.in          |   94 +-
 lib/CL/devices/hsa/pocl-hsa.c                      |  990 +++
 .../{pthread/pocl-pthread.h => hsa/pocl-hsa.h}     |   18 +-
 lib/CL/devices/prototypes.inc                      |    5 +-
 lib/CL/devices/pthread/Makefile.in                 |   27 +-
 lib/CL/devices/pthread/pthread.c                   |  146 +-
 lib/CL/devices/tce/Makefile.am                     |    2 +
 lib/CL/devices/tce/Makefile.in                     |   37 +-
 lib/CL/devices/tce/tce_common.cc                   |   29 +-
 lib/CL/devices/tce/ttasim/Makefile.am              |    4 +
 lib/CL/devices/tce/ttasim/Makefile.in              |   34 +-
 lib/CL/devices/tce/ttasim/ttasim.cc                |   23 +-
 lib/CL/devices/topology/Makefile.in                |   27 +-
 lib/CL/devices/topology/pocl_topology.c            |   65 +-
 lib/CL/devices/topology/pocl_topology.h            |    8 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_cache.c                                |  580 ++
 lib/CL/pocl_cl.h                                   |  212 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_debug.c                                |   56 +
 lib/CL/pocl_debug.h                                |  146 +
 lib/CL/pocl_hash.c                                 |    2 +
 lib/CL/pocl_hash.h                                 |   16 +
 lib/CL/pocl_image_util.c                           |    8 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_image_util.h                           |    5 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_llvm.h                                 |   42 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_llvm_api.cc                            |  691 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_queue_util.c                           |  131 +
 .../tce/ttasim/ttasim.h => pocl_queue_util.h}      |   32 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_util.c                                 |  351 +-
 lib/CL/pocl_util.h                                 |   58 +-
 lib/CMakeLists.txt                                 |    1 -
 lib/Makefile.in                                    |   26 +-
 lib/kernel/CMakeLists.txt                          |   23 +
 lib/kernel/Makefile.am                             |   17 +-
 lib/kernel/Makefile.in                             |   39 +-
 lib/kernel/cellspu/Makefile                        |  153 +-
 lib/kernel/cellspu/Makefile.in                     |   53 +-
 lib/kernel/divide.cl                               |    1 -
 lib/kernel/exp.cl                                  |    1 -
 lib/kernel/exp10.cl                                |    1 -
 lib/kernel/exp2.cl                                 |    1 -
 lib/kernel/get_image_depth.cl                      |    5 -
 .../{get_image_width.cl => get_image_dim.cl}       |   36 +-
 lib/kernel/get_image_height.cl                     |    5 -
 lib/kernel/get_image_width.cl                      |    5 -
 lib/kernel/host/CMakeLists.txt                     |    7 +-
 lib/kernel/host/Makefile.in                        |   69 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/CMakeLists.txt                  |   68 +
 lib/kernel/{cellspu => hsail64}/Makefile.am        |   22 +-
 lib/kernel/{tce => hsail64}/Makefile.in            |   84 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/acos.cl                   |   25 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_cos.cl => hsail64/acosh.cl}     |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/asin.cl                   |   25 +-
 lib/kernel/{cospi.cl => hsail64/asinh.cl}          |   32 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/atan.cl                         |  103 +
 lib/kernel/hsail64/atan2.cl                        |  187 +
 lib/{CL/pocl_hash.h => kernel/hsail64/atanh.cl}    |   32 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/atomic_impl.ll                  |  276 +
 lib/kernel/hsail64/atomics.cl                      |  130 +
 lib/kernel/hsail64/barrier.c                       |   56 +
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/cbrt.cl}     |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/copysign.cl               |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/cos.cl                          |  119 +
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/cosh.cl}     |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/exp.cl                          |  102 +
 lib/kernel/{cos.cl => hsail64/exp10.cl}            |   19 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/exp2.cl                         |  150 +
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/expm1.cl}    |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/fabs.cl                   |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/floor.cl                  |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/fma.cl}      |   20 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/fract.cl                  |   57 +-
 .../hsail64/frexp.cl}                              |   29 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/frexp.inc                       |   63 +
 .../{get_num_groups.c => hsail64/get_global_id.c}  |   26 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_global_size.c         |   33 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_group_id.c            |   20 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_local_id.c            |   23 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_local_size.c          |   20 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_num_groups.c          |   23 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_work_dim.c            |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/hsail_templates.h               |  304 +
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/hypot.cl                  |   11 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/ilogb.cl                        |   75 +
 lib/kernel/hsail64/ldexp.cl                        |   83 +
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/log.cl                    |   19 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/log10.cl                  |   19 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/log1p.cl}    |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/log2.cl                         |   99 +
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/mad.cl}      |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/mad24.cl                  |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/mad_hi.cl                 |   13 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/mul24.cl                  |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/mul_hi.cl}   |   20 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/native_cos.cl             |   12 +-
 .../{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_exp.cl}      |   19 +-
 .../hsail64/native_exp10.cl}                       |   25 +-
 .../{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_exp2.cl}     |   19 +-
 .../hsail64/native_log.cl}                         |   24 +-
 .../hsail64/native_log10.cl}                       |   26 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/native_log2.cl            |   12 +-
 .../{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_recip.cl}    |   20 +-
 .../{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_rsqrt.cl}    |   19 +-
 .../{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_sin.cl}      |   19 +-
 .../{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_sqrt.cl}     |   19 +-
 lib/kernel/{powr.cl => hsail64/pow.cl}             |   56 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/remainder.cl              |   12 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/rint.cl                   |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/sin.cl                          |  123 +
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/sinh.cl                   |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/sqrt.cl                         |   53 +
 lib/kernel/hsail64/sqrt_default.ll                 |   19 +
 lib/kernel/hsail64/tan.cl                          |  141 +
 lib/kernel/{native_cos.cl => hsail64/tanh.cl}      |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/trunc.cl                  |   14 +-
 lib/kernel/hsail64/vml_constants.h                 |   38 +
 lib/kernel/log.cl                                  |    1 -
 lib/kernel/log10.cl                                |    1 -
 lib/kernel/native_cos.cl                           |    8 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_divide.cl}    |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_exp.cl}       |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_exp10.cl}     |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_exp2.cl}      |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_log.cl}       |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_log10.cl}     |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/native_log2.cl                          |    6 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_powr.cl}      |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_recip.cl}     |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_rsqrt.cl}     |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_sin.cl}       |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_sqrt.cl}      |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_tan.cl}       |   10 +-
 lib/kernel/powr.cl                                 |    1 -
 lib/kernel/recip.cl                                |    1 -
 lib/kernel/rsqrt.cl                                |    1 -
 lib/kernel/sin.cl                                  |    1 -
 lib/kernel/sources-vml.mk                          |   15 +-
 lib/kernel/sources.mk                              |   12 +
 lib/kernel/sqrt.cl                                 |    1 -
 lib/kernel/tan.cl                                  |    1 -
 lib/kernel/tce/Makefile                            |  153 +-
 lib/kernel/tce/Makefile.in                         |   53 +-
 lib/kernel/vecmathlib-pocl/frexp.cl                |  324 +-
 lib/kernel/vecmathlib-pocl/generate-files.py       |   24 +-
 lib/kernel/vecmathlib-pocl/kernel-vecmathlib.h     |  384 +
 lib/kernel/vecmathlib-pocl/length.cl               |   69 +-
 lib/kernel/vecmathlib-pocl/normalize.cl            |   36 +-
 lib/kernel/vecmathlib/{README => vecmathlib.rst}   |   16 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/AutomaticLocals.cc                  |   14 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/Barrier.h                           |    3 +
 lib/llvmopencl/BarrierTailReplication.cc           |   29 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/BarrierTailReplication.h            |    8 +
 lib/llvmopencl/BreakConstantGEPs.cpp               |   31 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/CMakeLists.txt                      |    2 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/CanonicalizeBarriers.cc             |   43 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/{Workgroup.h => CompilerWarnings.h} |   53 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/DebugHelpers.cc                     |   11 +
 lib/llvmopencl/DebugHelpers.h                      |    9 +
 lib/llvmopencl/Flatten.cc                          |    6 +
 lib/llvmopencl/GenerateHeader.cc                   |   57 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/ImplicitConditionalBarriers.cc      |    5 +
 lib/llvmopencl/ImplicitConditionalBarriers.h       |    1 -
 lib/llvmopencl/ImplicitLoopBarriers.h              |    1 -
 lib/llvmopencl/IsolateRegions.cc                   |   18 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/Kernel.cc                           |   25 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/LLVMFileUtils.cc                    |  335 +
 lib/llvmopencl/LLVMUtils.h                         |    4 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/LoopBarriers.cc                     |   18 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/LoopBarriers.h                      |    5 +
 lib/llvmopencl/Makefile.am                         |    6 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/Makefile.in                         |   39 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/PHIsToAllocas.cc                    |   17 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/ParallelRegion.cc                   |   44 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/ParallelRegion.h                    |    4 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/TargetAddressSpaces.cc              |  110 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/VariableUniformityAnalysis.cc       |   20 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkItemAliasAnalysis.cc            |   43 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/Workgroup.cc                        |   87 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemHandler.cc                  |   50 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemHandler.h                   |   11 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemHandlerChooser.cc           |    4 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemLoops.cc                    |   62 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemLoops.h                     |    6 +
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemReplication.cc              |   61 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/WorkitemReplication.h               |   13 +-
 lib/llvmopencl/linker.cpp                          |   12 +-
 lib/poclu/CMakeLists.txt                           |    3 +-
 lib/poclu/Makefile.in                              |   27 +-
 lib/poclu/bswap.c                                  |    2 +-
 lib/poclu/misc.c                                   |   18 +
 m4/libtool.m4                                      | 2546 +++---
 m4/ltoptions.m4                                    |  127 +-
 m4/ltsugar.m4                                      |    7 +-
 m4/ltversion.m4                                    |   12 +-
 m4/lt~obsolete.m4                                  |    7 +-
 scripts/CMakeLists.txt                             |    6 +-
 scripts/Makefile.in                                |   26 +-
 scripts/pocl-standalone.in                         |    3 +-
 scripts/pocl-standalone.in.cmake                   |    2 +-
 tests/Makefile.am                                  |    9 +-
 tests/Makefile.in                                  |   35 +-
 tests/atlocal.in                                   |    3 +
 tests/cell/Makefile.in                             |   26 +-
 tests/cell/hello/Makefile.am                       |    2 +-
 tests/cell/hello/Makefile.in                       |   29 +-
 tests/cell/hello/host.cpp                          |    8 +-
 tests/kernel/CMakeLists.txt                        |   18 +-
 tests/kernel/Makefile.am                           |    2 +-
 tests/kernel/Makefile.in                           |   29 +-
 tests/kernel/image_query_funcs.c                   |   51 +-
 tests/kernel/sampler_address_clamp.c               |   10 +-
 tests/kernel/test_frexp_modf.cl                    |   10 +
 tests/kernel/test_image_query_funcs.cl             |   33 +-
 tests/kernel/test_length_distance.cl               |   68 +
 tests/kernel/test_local_struct_array.cl            |   17 +
 tests/kernel/test_shuffle.cc                       |    4 +-
 tests/package.m4                                   |    4 +-
 tests/regression/CMakeLists.txt                    |    2 +-
 tests/regression/Makefile.am                       |    8 +-
 tests/regression/Makefile.in                       |   53 +-
 tests/regression/test_barrier_before_return.cpp    |   21 +-
 .../regression/test_barrier_between_for_loops.cpp  |   22 +-
 tests/regression/test_constant_array.cpp           |    8 +-
 tests/regression/test_early_return.cpp             |   23 +-
 .../test_for_with_var_iteration_count.cpp          |   23 +-
 .../test_fors_with_var_iteration_counts.cpp        |   10 +-
 tests/regression/test_id_dependent_computation.cpp |   25 +-
 tests/regression/test_infinite_loop.cpp            |    8 +-
 tests/regression/test_issue_231.cpp                |   94 +
 tests/regression/test_locals.cpp                   |   10 +-
 tests/regression/test_loop_phi_replication.cpp     |   23 +-
 .../test_multi_level_loops_with_barriers.cpp       |   23 +-
 tests/regression/test_null_arg.cpp                 |   23 +-
 tests/regression/test_setargs.cpp                  |    8 +-
 .../regression/test_simple_for_with_a_barrier.cpp  |   10 +-
 tests/regression/test_structs_as_args.cpp          |    8 +-
 tests/regression/test_undominated_variable.cpp     |   23 +-
 tests/regression/test_vectors_as_args.cpp          |    8 +-
 tests/runtime/CMakeLists.txt                       |   22 +-
 tests/runtime/Makefile.am                          |    4 +
 tests/runtime/Makefile.in                          |  102 +-
 tests/runtime/test_clBuildProgram.c                |  103 +-
 tests/runtime/test_clCreateKernel.c                |    3 +-
 tests/runtime/test_clCreateKernelsInProgram.c      |   20 +-
 tests/runtime/test_clCreateProgramWithBinary.c     |   14 +-
 tests/runtime/test_clCreateSubDevices.c            |  381 +
 tests/runtime/test_clEnqueueNativeKernel.c         |    6 +-
 tests/runtime/test_clGetEventInfo.c                |   89 +-
 tests/runtime/test_event_cycle.c                   |  147 +
 tests/runtime/test_event_free.c                    |  216 +
 tests/runtime/test_kernel_cache_includes.c         |   80 +
 tests/runtime/test_kernel_cache_includes.cl        |    7 +
 .../runtime/test_kernel_cache_includes_expout.txt  |    4 +
 .../{test_clBuildProgram.c => test_link_error.c}   |   45 +-
 tests/runtime/test_read-copy-write-buffer.c        |  121 +
 tests/tce/Makefile.in                              |   26 +-
 tests/tce/fp16/Makefile.am                         |    2 +-
 tests/tce/fp16/Makefile.in                         |   29 +-
 tests/tce/fp16/host.cpp                            |    8 +-
 tests/tce/tcemc/Makefile.am                        |    2 +-
 tests/tce/tcemc/Makefile.in                        |   29 +-
 tests/tce/tcemc/host.cpp                           |    8 +-
 tests/tce/ttasim/Makefile.am                       |    2 +-
 tests/tce/ttasim/Makefile.in                       |   29 +-
 tests/tce/ttasim/host.cpp                          |    8 +-
 tests/testsuite                                    | 8575 ++++++++++++-------
 tests/testsuite-amd.at                             |    8 -
 tests/testsuite-amdsdk2_9.at                       |   47 +-
 tests/testsuite-opencv.at                          |  327 +
 tests/testsuite-piglit.at                          |   14 +-
 tests/testsuite-regression.at                      |   23 +
 tests/testsuite-runtime.at                         |   35 +
 tests/testsuite-tce.at                             |    2 +-
 tests/testsuite-viennacl.at                        |    2 -
 tests/testsuite.at                                 |   30 +-
 tests/workgroup/Makefile.in                        |   27 +-
 tests/workgroup/run_kernel.c                       |    2 +-
 tools/patches/clang-3.7-hsail-branch.patch         | 2139 +++++
 tools/patches/khronos-icd-loader.patch             |   86 +
 tools/patches/llvm-3.7-hsail-branch.patch          |   32 +
 tools/scripts/devel-envs.sh                        |   25 +
 .../Makefile.am => tools/scripts/run_hsa_tests     |   19 +-
 462 files changed, 39209 insertions(+), 11772 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 README.mipsel
 create mode 100644 cmake/kernellib_hash.cmake
 rename debian/patches/{freebsd-compat.patch => os-compat.patch} (75%)
 create mode 100644 doc/sphinx/source/hsa.rst
 create mode 100644 examples/OpenCV/Makefile.am
 create mode 100644 examples/OpenCV/Makefile.in
 create mode 100644 examples/OpenCV/README
 create mode 100644 examples/PyOpenCL/README
 create mode 100644 examples/Rodinia/Rodinia.patch
 create mode 100644 examples/opencl-book-samples/HelloBinaryWorld.stdout
 create mode 100644 examples/opencl-book-samples/HelloWorld.stdout
 create mode 100644 examples/opencl-book-samples/ImageFilter2D.cl
 create mode 100644 examples/opencl-book-samples/OpenCLConvolutionChap3.stdout
 create mode 100644 examples/opencl-book-samples/SimpleBufferSubBuffer.stdout
 create mode 100644 examples/opencl-book-samples/VectorAdd.stdout
 create mode 100755 examples/piglit/produce_results.sh
 create mode 100644 include/CL/cl2.hpp
 create mode 100644 include/_kernel_constants.h
 create mode 100644 include/pocl_cache.h
 create mode 100644 include/pocl_file_util.h
 copy lib/CL/devices/{cellspu => hsa}/CMakeLists.txt (86%)
 copy lib/CL/devices/{basic => hsa}/Makefile.am (65%)
 copy lib/CL/devices/{basic => hsa}/Makefile.in (87%)
 create mode 100644 lib/CL/devices/hsa/pocl-hsa.c
 copy lib/CL/devices/{pthread/pocl-pthread.h => hsa/pocl-hsa.h} (85%)
 create mode 100644 lib/CL/pocl_cache.c
 create mode 100644 lib/CL/pocl_debug.c
 create mode 100644 lib/CL/pocl_debug.h
 create mode 100644 lib/CL/pocl_queue_util.c
 copy lib/CL/{devices/tce/ttasim/ttasim.h => pocl_queue_util.h} (63%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_image_width.cl => get_image_dim.cl} (70%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/CMakeLists.txt
 copy lib/kernel/{cellspu => hsail64}/Makefile.am (75%)
 copy lib/kernel/{tce => hsail64}/Makefile.in (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/acos.cl (68%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_cos.cl => hsail64/acosh.cl} (84%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/asin.cl (70%)
 copy lib/kernel/{cospi.cl => hsail64/asinh.cl} (58%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/atan.cl
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/atan2.cl
 copy lib/{CL/pocl_hash.h => kernel/hsail64/atanh.cl} (57%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/atomic_impl.ll
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/atomics.cl
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/barrier.c
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/cbrt.cl} (85%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/copysign.cl (84%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/cos.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/cosh.cl} (84%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/exp.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{cos.cl => hsail64/exp10.cl} (77%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/exp2.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/expm1.cl} (85%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/fabs.cl (84%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/floor.cl (84%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/fma.cl} (84%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/fract.cl (53%)
 copy lib/{CL/pocl_mem_management.h => kernel/hsail64/frexp.cl} (70%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/frexp.inc
 copy lib/kernel/{get_num_groups.c => hsail64/get_global_id.c} (74%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_global_size.c (65%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_group_id.c (80%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_local_id.c (79%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_local_size.c (80%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_num_groups.c (78%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/get_work_dim.c (87%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/hsail_templates.h
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/hypot.cl (92%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/ilogb.cl
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/ldexp.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/log.cl (77%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/log10.cl (75%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/log1p.cl} (85%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/log2.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => hsail64/mad.cl} (84%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/mad24.cl (81%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/mad_hi.cl (84%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/mul24.cl (82%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/mul_hi.cl} (82%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/native_cos.cl (86%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_exp.cl} (82%)
 copy lib/{CL/pocl_mem_management.h => kernel/hsail64/native_exp10.cl} (73%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_exp2.cl} (82%)
 copy lib/{CL/pocl_mem_management.h => kernel/hsail64/native_log.cl} (74%)
 copy lib/{CL/pocl_mem_management.h => kernel/hsail64/native_log10.cl} (72%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/native_log2.cl (86%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_recip.cl} (82%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_rsqrt.cl} (83%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_sin.cl} (83%)
 copy lib/kernel/{get_work_dim.c => hsail64/native_sqrt.cl} (83%)
 copy lib/kernel/{powr.cl => hsail64/pow.cl} (51%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/remainder.cl (87%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/rint.cl (84%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/sin.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/sinh.cl (84%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/sqrt.cl
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/sqrt_default.ll
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/tan.cl
 copy lib/kernel/{native_cos.cl => hsail64/tanh.cl} (85%)
 copy lib/kernel/{ => hsail64}/trunc.cl (84%)
 create mode 100644 lib/kernel/hsail64/vml_constants.h
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_divide.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_exp.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_exp10.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_exp2.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_log.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_log10.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_powr.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_recip.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_rsqrt.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_sin.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_sqrt.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/{native_log2.cl => native_tan.cl} (92%)
 copy lib/kernel/vecmathlib/{README => vecmathlib.rst} (88%)
 copy lib/llvmopencl/{Workgroup.h => CompilerWarnings.h} (56%)
 create mode 100644 lib/llvmopencl/LLVMFileUtils.cc
 create mode 100644 tests/kernel/test_frexp_modf.cl
 create mode 100644 tests/kernel/test_length_distance.cl
 create mode 100644 tests/kernel/test_local_struct_array.cl
 create mode 100644 tests/regression/test_issue_231.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_clCreateSubDevices.c
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_event_cycle.c
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_event_free.c
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_kernel_cache_includes.c
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_kernel_cache_includes.cl
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_kernel_cache_includes_expout.txt
 copy tests/runtime/{test_clBuildProgram.c => test_link_error.c} (63%)
 create mode 100644 tests/runtime/test_read-copy-write-buffer.c
 create mode 100644 tests/testsuite-opencv.at
 create mode 100644 tools/patches/clang-3.7-hsail-branch.patch
 create mode 100644 tools/patches/khronos-icd-loader.patch
 create mode 100644 tools/patches/llvm-3.7-hsail-branch.patch
 create mode 100755 tools/scripts/devel-envs.sh
 copy tests/cell/Makefile.am => tools/scripts/run_hsa_tests (82%)
 mode change 100644 => 100755

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/pocl.git

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