[libclc] branch master updated (5e004a0 -> 3c6223f)

Andreas Boll aboll-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 6 08:16:27 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

aboll-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository libclc.

      from  5e004a0   fix typo
       new  4fd3a56   Fix another typo
      adds  f9b8aac   Update mailing list reference.
       new  4346c30   integer: Update integer limits to comply with spec
       new  a559ddd   Add image attribute getter builtins
       new  125bc99   r600: Add image reading builtins.
       new  9168d34   r600: Add image writing builtins.
       new  e0232de   Add image attribute defines.
       new  49df8a0   Add sampler defines.
       new  a93fb25   Implement tanh builtin
       new  6d78407   integer: remove explicit casts from _MIN definitions
       new  1b1b5a8   AMDGPU: Add alias for tonga
       new  b858eb3   AMDGPU: Add aliases for all VI targets
       new  eaab502   Add _CLC_V_V_VP_VECTORIZE macro
       new  dc330a3   Implement modf math builtin
       new  bd61e82   math: Add frexp ported from amd-builtins
       new  c59e018   math: Fix log2 vectorization on non-fp64 hw
       new  b72f405   configure: Introduce per device defines
       new  79830c2   configure: Remove cl_khr_fp64 for device that don't support doubles
       new  b518692   configure: Remove llvm 3.6 defines
       new  ba01128   Split sources for amdgcn and r600
       new  03d52f1   Update page to list supported targets
       new  ba9858c   amdgcn: Use new workitem intrinsics
       new  3f4daf0   Add .gitignore for build directories
       new  f08376f   math: Add ilogb ported from amd-builtins
       new  d2b49fa   math: Fix ilogb(double) return type
       new  d5dbee6   Update copyright year to 2016.
       new  20d977a   [AMDGPU] Implement get_local_size for amdgcn--amdhsa triple
       new  fea4078   prepare-builtins: Remove call to getGlobalContext()
       new  9fee821   math: Add fdim implementation
       new  78dd721   math: Add erf ported from amd-builtins
       new  8243e97   math: Use single precision fmax in sp path
       new  ca880ed   64 bit integers are legal in full profile without an extension
       new  ca7993b   nvptx: Drop feature defines.
       new  802a4a1   configure: Remove device specific defines
       new  ffb74a4   Replace llvm.AMDGPU.ldexp with llvm.amdgcn.ldexp
       new  d6e912e   R600: Use new barrier intrinsic
       new  a3d6cec   amdgpu: Use right builtn for rsq
       new  3d39fb5   ptx: Fix builtin names after clang r274770
       new  ff45572   AMDGPU: Use clang intrinsics for workitem builtins
       new  e3cd5bd   AMDGPU: Implement get_global_offset builtin
       new  838e0fa   geometric/floatn.inc: Add vec8 and vec16 types
       new  99539f4   Implement cosh builtin
       new  785bfd3   Implement cbrt builtin
       new  693817b   Make min follow the OCL 1.0 specs
       new  1b4b553   Implement vstore_half{,n}
       new  a28ef48   amdgcn: Correct return types to be size_t
       new  f5b81cf   amdgcn: Fix get_local_size IR return type
       new  3aa4eea   amdgpu: Fix default case value for get_local_size
       new  0f2ddaf   amdgcn: Fix return type for get_global_size
       new  b674069   amdgcn: Also correct get_local_size type for HSA
       new  1b2f5e0   Strip opencl.ocl.version metadata
       new  6c3f6de   amdgcn: Fix return type of get_num_groups
       new  88b82a6   configure.py: Add polaris10 and polaris11
       new  ca1a8c6   Merge branch 'upstream'
       new  7715333   Update the changelog
       new  63627aa   Build with clang 3.9.
       new  8fdbbfe   Drop devices.patch, upstream.
       new  0e16d56   Use https for Vcs-Git field.
       new  3c6223f   Close bug #836960

The 58 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                         |  14 +
 LICENSE.TXT                                        |   2 +-
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES                        |   0
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES                          |   1 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll       |  38 +
 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES                               |   0
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES                                 |   9 +
 {r600 => amdgcn}/lib/math/ldexp.cl                 |   4 +-
 .../lib/synchronization/barrier_impl.ll            |  17 +-
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl           |  11 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll             |  21 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl                |  11 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl                |  11 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll              |  21 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll              |  21 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl                |   9 +
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/OVERRIDES                     |   0
 amdgpu/lib/SOURCES                                 |  18 +
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/atomic/atomic.cl              |   0
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_attributes_impl.ll      |  87 +++
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_channel_data_type.cl    |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_channel_order.cl        |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_depth.cl                |   8 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_height.cl               |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_width.cl                |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_image_impl.ll                |  46 ++
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imagef.cl                    |  14 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imagei.cl                    |  23 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imageui.cl                   |  23 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_image_impl.ll               |  52 ++
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imagef.cl                   |   9 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imagei.cl                   |   9 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imageui.cl                  |   9 +
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/math/nextafter.cl             |   0
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/math/sqrt.cl                  |   7 +-
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/synchronization/barrier.cl    |   0
 configure.py                                       |  31 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |  11 +-
 debian/control                                     |  12 +-
 debian/patches/devices.patch                       |  14 -
 debian/patches/series                              |   1 -
 debian/rules                                       |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/clc.h                          |  14 +
 generic/include/clc/float/definitions.h            |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/floatn.inc           |  16 +
 generic/include/clc/image/image.h                  |  36 +
 generic/include/clc/image/image_defines.h          |  49 ++
 generic/include/clc/integer/definitions.h          |  12 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.h => cbrt.h}        |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.inc => cbrt.inc}    |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.h => cosh.h}        |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.inc => cosh.inc}    |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{erfc.h => erf.h}         |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/fdim.h                    |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fdim.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/frexp.h                   |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/frexp.inc                 |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/math/gentype.inc               |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/{cos.h => ilogb.h}        |   4 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/ilogb.inc                 |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/{atan.h => modf.h}        |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{fract.inc => modf.inc}   |   6 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{atan.h => tanh.h}        |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/{atan.inc => tanh.inc}    |   2 +-
 generic/include/clc/shared/vstore.h                |  45 +-
 generic/include/clc/workitem/get_global_offset.h   |   1 +
 generic/lib/SOURCES                                |   9 +
 generic/lib/clcmacro.h                             |  22 +
 generic/lib/gen_convert.py                         |  17 +-
 generic/lib/image/get_image_dim.cl                 |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/cbrt.cl                           | 151 ++++
 generic/lib/math/cosh.cl                           | 192 +++++
 generic/lib/math/{erfc.cl => erf.cl}               | 185 +++--
 generic/lib/math/{asin.cl => fdim.cl}              |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/fdim.inc                          |  71 ++
 generic/lib/math/{asin.cl => frexp.cl}             |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/frexp.inc                         | 110 +++
 generic/lib/math/{log2.cl => ilogb.cl}             |  34 +-
 generic/lib/math/log2.cl                           |   2 +
 generic/lib/math/{fract.cl => modf.cl}             |   4 +-
 generic/lib/{subnormal_config.cl => math/modf.inc} |  22 +-
 generic/lib/math/tables.cl                         | 790 +++++++++++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/tables.h                          |   8 +
 generic/lib/math/tanh.cl                           | 146 ++++
 generic/lib/shared/min.inc                         |   4 +-
 generic/lib/shared/vstore.cl                       |  32 +
 generic/lib/shared/vstore_half.inc                 |  10 +
 generic/lib/workitem/get_global_id.cl              |   2 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/SOURCES                           |   1 +
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/synchronization/barrier.cl        |   2 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_global_id.cl         |   5 +
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl          |   6 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl          |   6 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_local_size.cl        |   6 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.cl        |   6 +-
 r600/lib/OVERRIDES                                 |   2 -
 r600/lib/SOURCES                                   |  18 +-
 r600/lib/synchronization/barrier_impl.ll           |  17 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl             |  11 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll               |   2 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl                  |  11 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_group_id.ll                  |  18 -
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl                  |  11 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_id.ll                  |  18 -
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll                |   8 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll                |   2 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl                  |   9 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.ll                  |   8 -
 utils/prepare-builtins.cpp                         |   9 +-
 www/index.html                                     |   6 +-
 110 files changed, 2562 insertions(+), 301 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES
 create mode 100644 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES
 create mode 100644 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES
 rename {r600 => amdgcn}/lib/math/ldexp.cl (94%)
 copy {r600 => amdgcn}/lib/synchronization/barrier_impl.ll (54%)
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl
 copy {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/OVERRIDES (100%)
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/SOURCES
 rename {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/atomic/atomic.cl (100%)
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_attributes_impl.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_channel_data_type.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_channel_order.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_depth.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_height.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_width.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/read_image_impl.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imagef.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imagei.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imageui.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/write_image_impl.ll
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imagef.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imagei.cl
 create mode 100644 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imageui.cl
 rename {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/math/nextafter.cl (100%)
 rename {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/math/sqrt.cl (91%)
 rename {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/synchronization/barrier.cl (100%)
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/devices.patch
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/image/image.h
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/image/image_defines.h
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.h => cbrt.h} (96%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.inc => cbrt.inc} (94%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.h => cosh.h} (96%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{exp2.inc => cosh.inc} (94%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{erfc.h => erf.h} (82%)
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/math/fdim.h
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/math/fdim.inc
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/math/frexp.h
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/math/frexp.inc
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{cos.h => ilogb.h} (54%)
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/math/ilogb.inc
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{atan.h => modf.h} (96%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{fract.inc => modf.inc} (82%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{atan.h => tanh.h} (96%)
 copy generic/include/clc/math/{atan.inc => tanh.inc} (94%)
 create mode 100644 generic/include/clc/workitem/get_global_offset.h
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/image/get_image_dim.cl
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/math/cbrt.cl
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/math/cosh.cl
 copy generic/lib/math/{erfc.cl => erf.cl} (76%)
 copy generic/lib/math/{asin.cl => fdim.cl} (72%)
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/math/fdim.inc
 copy generic/lib/math/{asin.cl => frexp.cl} (71%)
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/math/frexp.inc
 copy generic/lib/math/{log2.cl => ilogb.cl} (57%)
 copy generic/lib/math/{fract.cl => modf.cl} (96%)
 copy generic/lib/{subnormal_config.cl => math/modf.inc} (71%)
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/math/tanh.cl
 create mode 100644 generic/lib/shared/vstore_half.inc
 create mode 100644 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_global_id.cl
 create mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl
 create mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl
 delete mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_group_id.ll
 create mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl
 delete mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_id.ll
 create mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl
 delete mode 100644 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.ll

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opencl/libclc.git

More information about the Pkg-opencl-commits mailing list