[libclc] 53/58: Merge branch 'upstream'

Andreas Boll aboll-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 6 08:16:34 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

aboll-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libclc.

commit ca1a8c6d94003d88aa14d3efdc753f6dacd91425
Merge: 4fd3a56 88b82a6
Author: Andreas Boll <andreas.boll.dev at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Sep 7 15:29:15 2016 +0200

    Merge branch 'upstream'

 .gitignore                                         |  14 +
 LICENSE.TXT                                        |   2 +-
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES                        |   0
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES                          |   1 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll       |  38 +
 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES                               |   0
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES                                 |   9 +
 {r600 => amdgcn}/lib/math/ldexp.cl                 |   4 +-
 .../lib/synchronization/barrier_impl.ll            |  17 +-
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl           |  11 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll             |  21 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl                |  11 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl                |  11 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll              |  21 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll              |  21 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl                |   9 +
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/OVERRIDES                     |   0
 amdgpu/lib/SOURCES                                 |  18 +
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/atomic/atomic.cl              |   0
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_attributes_impl.ll      |  87 +++
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_channel_data_type.cl    |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_channel_order.cl        |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_depth.cl                |   8 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_height.cl               |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/get_image_width.cl                |  13 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_image_impl.ll                |  46 ++
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imagef.cl                    |  14 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imagei.cl                    |  23 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/read_imageui.cl                   |  23 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_image_impl.ll               |  52 ++
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imagef.cl                   |   9 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imagei.cl                   |   9 +
 amdgpu/lib/image/write_imageui.cl                  |   9 +
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/math/nextafter.cl             |   0
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/math/sqrt.cl                  |   7 +-
 {r600 => amdgpu}/lib/synchronization/barrier.cl    |   0
 configure.py                                       |  31 +-
 generic/include/clc/clc.h                          |  14 +
 generic/include/clc/float/definitions.h            |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/floatn.inc           |  16 +
 generic/include/clc/image/image.h                  |  36 +
 generic/include/clc/image/image_defines.h          |  49 ++
 generic/include/clc/integer/definitions.h          |  12 +-
 .../{lib/math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/cbrt.h}  |  19 +-
 .../math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/cbrt.inc}     |  18 +-
 .../{lib/math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/cosh.h}  |  19 +-
 .../math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/cosh.inc}     |  18 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/erf.h                     |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fdim.h                    |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/fdim.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/frexp.h                   |   2 +
 generic/include/clc/math/frexp.inc                 |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/math/gentype.inc               |  24 +
 generic/include/clc/math/ilogb.h                   |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/math/ilogb.inc                 |   1 +
 .../{lib/math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/modf.h}  |  19 +-
 .../math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/modf.inc}     |  20 +-
 .../{lib/math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/tanh.h}  |  19 +-
 .../math/log2.cl => include/clc/math/tanh.inc}     |  18 +-
 generic/include/clc/shared/vstore.h                |  45 +-
 generic/include/clc/workitem/get_global_offset.h   |   1 +
 generic/lib/SOURCES                                |   9 +
 generic/lib/clcmacro.h                             |  22 +
 generic/lib/gen_convert.py                         |  17 +-
 generic/lib/image/get_image_dim.cl                 |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/cbrt.cl                           | 151 ++++
 generic/lib/math/cosh.cl                           | 192 +++++
 generic/lib/math/erf.cl                            | 402 +++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/fdim.cl                           |  10 +
 generic/lib/math/fdim.inc                          |  71 ++
 generic/lib/math/frexp.cl                          |  10 +
 generic/lib/math/frexp.inc                         | 110 +++
 generic/lib/math/{log2.cl => ilogb.cl}             |  34 +-
 generic/lib/math/log2.cl                           |   2 +
 generic/lib/math/{log2.cl => modf.cl}              |  15 +-
 generic/lib/math/{log2.cl => modf.inc}             |  26 +-
 generic/lib/math/tables.cl                         | 790 +++++++++++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/tables.h                          |   8 +
 generic/lib/math/tanh.cl                           | 146 ++++
 generic/lib/shared/min.inc                         |   4 +-
 generic/lib/shared/vstore.cl                       |  32 +
 generic/lib/shared/vstore_half.inc                 |  10 +
 generic/lib/workitem/get_global_id.cl              |   2 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/SOURCES                           |   1 +
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/synchronization/barrier.cl        |   2 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_global_id.cl         |   5 +
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl          |   6 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl          |   6 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_local_size.cl        |   6 +-
 ptx-nvidiacl/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.cl        |   6 +-
 r600/lib/OVERRIDES                                 |   2 -
 r600/lib/SOURCES                                   |  18 +-
 r600/lib/synchronization/barrier_impl.ll           |  17 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl             |  11 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll               |   2 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_group_id.cl                  |  11 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_group_id.ll                  |  18 -
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_id.cl                  |  11 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_id.ll                  |  18 -
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll                |   8 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll                |   2 +-
 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl                  |   9 +
 r600/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.ll                  |   8 -
 utils/prepare-builtins.cpp                         |   9 +-
 www/index.html                                     |   6 +-
 105 files changed, 2900 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opencl/libclc.git

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