[libclc] 77/79: Merge branch 'upstream'

Andreas Boll aboll-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 19 16:51:03 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

aboll-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libclc.

commit 62c199f8488be1b2901d22e24715daf1eeda3673
Merge: 7da9e3f 0023627
Author: Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 13 13:38:25 2018 +0200

    Merge branch 'upstream'

 .travis.yml                                        |  22 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES                        |   5 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES_3.9                    |   4 +-
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES_4.0                    |   2 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/OVERRIDES_5.0                    |   2 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES                          |   4 +-
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES_4.0                      |   2 +
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES_5.0                      |   2 +
 .../{get_global_size.ll => get_global_size.50.ll}  |   0
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_global_size.cl      |  16 +
 .../{get_local_size.ll => get_local_size.50.ll}    |   0
 amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/workitem/get_local_size.cl       |  22 +
 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES_3.9                           |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/{OVERRIDES_3.9 => OVERRIDES_4.0}        |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/{OVERRIDES_3.9 => OVERRIDES_5.0}        |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/{OVERRIDES_3.9 => OVERRIDES_6.0}        |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES                                 |   4 +-
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_3.9                             |   2 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_4.0                             |   5 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_5.0                             |   4 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_6.0                             |   4 +
 .../{minmax_helpers.ll => minmax_helpers.39.ll}    |   0
 .../minmax_helpers.ll                              |   2 +-
 amdgcn/lib/integer/popcount.cl                     |   6 +
 amdgcn/lib/integer/popcount.inc                    |  17 +
 amdgcn/lib/math/fmax.cl                            |  31 +
 amdgcn/lib/math/fmin.cl                            |  31 +
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_offset.cl           |  11 +-
 .../{get_global_size.ll => get_global_size.40.ll}  |   0
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll             |   2 +-
 .../{get_local_size.ll => get_local_size.40.ll}    |   0
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll              |   2 +-
 .../{get_num_groups.ll => get_num_groups.40.ll}    |   0
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll              |   2 +-
 amdgcn/lib/workitem/get_work_dim.cl                |  11 +-
 amdgpu/lib/SOURCES                                 |  10 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_exp.cl                        |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_exp10.cl                      |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_exp2.cl                       |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_log.cl                        |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_log10.cl                      |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_log2.cl                       |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_native_unary.inc              |  11 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_recip.cl                      |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_rsqrt.cl                      |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/half_sqrt.cl                       |   6 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/native_exp.cl                      |   5 +
 amdgpu/lib/math/native_exp.inc                     |   3 +
 configure.py                                       |   4 +-
 generic/include/clc/async/gentype.inc              |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/clc.h                          |  18 +
 generic/include/clc/float/definitions.h            |   8 +
 generic/include/clc/geometric/floatn.inc           |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/integer/gentype.inc            |  96 +++
 generic/include/clc/integer/popcount.h             |  11 +-
 generic/include/clc/integer/unary.inc              |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/binary_decl_tt.inc        |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/binary_intrin.inc         |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_cos.h                |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_divide.h             |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_exp.h                |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_exp10.h              |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_exp2.h               |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_log.h                |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_log10.h              |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_log2.h               |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_powr.h               |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_recip.h              |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_rsqrt.h              |   2 -
 generic/include/clc/math/half_sin.h                |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/half_sqrt.h               |   2 -
 generic/include/clc/math/half_tan.h                |   9 +
 generic/include/clc/math/maxmag.h                  |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/math/minmag.h                  |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/math/nan.h                     |   8 +
 generic/include/clc/math/nan.inc                   |  16 +
 generic/include/clc/math/native_cos.h              |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_divide.h           |   8 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_exp.h              |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_exp10.h            |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_exp2.h             |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_powr.h             |   8 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_recip.h            |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_rsqrt.h            |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_sin.h              |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_sqrt.h             |  10 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/native_tan.h              |  17 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/pow.h                     |  11 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/pown.h                    |  27 +-
 generic/include/clc/math/pown.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/powr.h                    |   5 +
 generic/include/clc/math/rootn.h                   |   3 +
 generic/include/clc/math/rootn.inc                 |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/tanpi.h                   |   7 +
 generic/include/clc/math/ternary_intrin.inc        |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/math/unary_intrin.inc          |   1 +
 generic/include/clc/relational/select.h            |  12 +-
 generic/include/clc/relational/select.inc          |  25 +
 generic/include/clc/shared/vstore.h                |  73 ++-
 generic/include/integer/popcount.h                 |   3 +
 generic/include/{clc => }/integer/unary_intrin.inc |   0
 generic/include/math/clc_pow.h                     |   5 +
 generic/include/math/clc_pown.h                    |   3 +
 generic/include/math/clc_pown.inc                  |   1 +
 generic/include/math/clc_powr.h                    |   5 +
 generic/include/math/clc_rootn.h                   |   3 +
 generic/include/math/clc_rootn.inc                 |   1 +
 generic/include/math/clc_tan.h                     |   5 +
 generic/include/math/clc_tanpi.h                   |   5 +
 generic/include/utils.h                            |  10 +
 generic/lib/SOURCES                                |  38 ++
 generic/lib/async/async_work_group_copy.cl         |   5 -
 generic/lib/async/async_work_group_strided_copy.cl |   5 -
 generic/lib/async/prefetch.cl                      |   5 -
 generic/lib/clc_unary.inc                          |   3 +
 generic/lib/common/mix.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/geometric/distance.cl                  |   4 -
 generic/lib/integer/popcount.cl                    |   8 +
 generic/lib/math/acos.cl                           |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/asin.cl                           |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/clc_pow.cl                        | 408 +++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/clc_pown.cl                       | 380 ++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/clc_powr.cl                       | 391 ++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/clc_rootn.cl                      | 379 ++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/clc_sqrt.cl                       |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/clc_sw_binary.inc                 |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/clc_sw_unary.inc                  |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/clc_tan.cl                        |  71 +++
 generic/lib/math/clc_tanpi.cl                      | 146 +++++
 generic/lib/math/exp10.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/exp10.inc                         |   4 +-
 generic/lib/math/fdim.cl                           |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/fract.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/frexp.cl                          |  15 +-
 generic/lib/math/frexp.inc                         | 118 ++--
 generic/lib/math/half_binary.inc                   |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/half_cos.cl                       |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_divide.cl                    |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/half_exp.cl                       |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_exp10.cl                     |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_exp2.cl                      |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_log.cl                       |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_log10.cl                     |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_log2.cl                      |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_powr.cl                      |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_recip.cl                     |  10 +
 generic/lib/math/half_rsqrt.cl                     |  26 +-
 generic/lib/math/half_rsqrt.inc                    |  25 -
 generic/lib/math/half_sin.cl                       |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_sqrt.cl                      |  26 +-
 generic/lib/math/half_sqrt.inc                     |  25 -
 generic/lib/math/half_tan.cl                       |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/half_unary.inc                    |   9 +
 generic/lib/math/hypot.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/lgamma_r.cl                       | 487 +++++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/lgamma_r.inc                      | 480 +--------------
 generic/lib/math/log10.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/mad.cl                            |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/math.h                            |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/maxmag.cl                         |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/maxmag.inc                        |  22 +
 generic/lib/math/minmag.cl                         |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/minmag.inc                        |  22 +
 generic/lib/math/modf.cl                           |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/nan.cl                            |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/nan.inc                           |  20 +
 generic/lib/math/native_cos.cl                     |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/native_divide.cl                  |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_divide.inc                 |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/native_exp.cl                     |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/native_exp10.cl                   |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_exp10.inc                  |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/native_exp2.cl                    |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/native_log.cl                     |   7 +-
 generic/lib/math/native_log.inc                    |  25 -
 generic/lib/math/native_log10.cl                   |   7 +-
 generic/lib/math/native_log10.inc                  |   3 -
 generic/lib/math/native_log2.cl                    |   8 +-
 generic/lib/math/native_log2.inc                   |  25 -
 generic/lib/math/native_powr.cl                    |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_powr.inc                   |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_recip.cl                   |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_recip.inc                  |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/native_rsqrt.cl                   |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_rsqrt.inc                  |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/native_sin.cl                     |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/native_sqrt.cl                    |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/native_tan.cl                     |   5 +
 generic/lib/math/native_tan.inc                    |   3 +
 .../{clc_sqrt.cl => native_unary_intrinsic.inc}    |  25 +-
 generic/lib/math/pow.cl                            |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/pown.cl                           |  10 +-
 generic/lib/math/pown.inc                          |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/powr.cl                           |   7 +
 generic/lib/math/rootn.cl                          |   6 +
 generic/lib/math/rootn.inc                         |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/sincos.cl                         |   4 -
 generic/lib/math/sincosD_piby4.h                   |  55 ++
 generic/lib/math/sincos_helpers.cl                 |  17 +
 generic/lib/math/sincos_helpers.h                  |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/tables.cl                         | 657 +++++++++++++++++++++
 generic/lib/math/tables.h                          |   3 +
 generic/lib/math/tan.cl                            |   7 +-
 generic/lib/math/tan.inc                           |  17 -
 generic/lib/math/tanpi.cl                          |   7 +
 generic/lib/relational/select.cl                   |   7 +
 generic/lib/relational/select.inc                  |  47 ++
 generic/lib/shared/clamp.cl                        |   4 -
 generic/lib/shared/max.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/shared/min.cl                          |   4 -
 generic/lib/shared/vstore.cl                       | 189 +++++-
 {amdgcn => r600}/lib/OVERRIDES_3.9                 |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES_3.9 => r600/lib/OVERRIDES_4.0 |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES_3.9 => r600/lib/OVERRIDES_5.0 |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/OVERRIDES_3.9 => r600/lib/OVERRIDES_6.0 |   1 +
 r600/lib/SOURCES_3.9                               |   4 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_3.9 => r600/lib/SOURCES_4.0     |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_3.9 => r600/lib/SOURCES_5.0     |   1 +
 amdgcn/lib/SOURCES_3.9 => r600/lib/SOURCES_6.0     |   1 +
 .../{barrier_impl.ll => barrier_impl.39.ll}        |   0
 r600/lib/synchronization/barrier_impl.ll           |   2 +-
 .../{get_global_size.ll => get_global_size.39.ll}  |   0
 r600/lib/workitem/get_global_size.ll               |   2 +-
 .../{get_local_size.ll => get_local_size.39.ll}    |   0
 r600/lib/workitem/get_local_size.ll                |   2 +-
 .../{get_num_groups.ll => get_num_groups.39.ll}    |   0
 r600/lib/workitem/get_num_groups.ll                |   2 +-
 utils/prepare-builtins.cpp                         |   4 +
 228 files changed, 4488 insertions(+), 987 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opencl/libclc.git

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