[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] Processed: unblocking openmpi, blocking gromacs directly

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Tue Dec 11 21:51:20 UTC 2007

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> # unblock u-a bugs from openmpi
> unblock 452047 by 220044 388313 392440
Bug#220044: update-alternatives does not restore (lost) link for slave files in target location
Bug#388313: update-alternatives inconsistent with removing slaves during default switches
Bug#392440: update-alternatives could put an end to dangling symlinks
Bug#452047: libopenmpi-dev: /usr/lib/libmpi.so conflicts with other packages' alternatives
Was blocked by: 220044 388313 392440
Blocking bugs of 452047 removed: 220044, 392440, 388313, 392440, 220044

> # unblock openmpi bug from gromacs
> unblock 451991 by 452047
Bug#452047: libopenmpi-dev: /usr/lib/libmpi.so conflicts with other packages' alternatives
Bug#451991: gromacs-openmpi: Binaries missing
Was blocked by: 452047
Bug#451993: gromacs-openmpi: build fails silently if libopenmpi-dev installed before lam4-dev/libmpich1.0-dev
Blocking bugs of 451991 removed: 452047

> unblock 451993 by 452047
Bug#452047: libopenmpi-dev: /usr/lib/libmpi.so conflicts with other packages' alternatives
Bug#451993: gromacs-openmpi: build fails silently if libopenmpi-dev installed before lam4-dev/libmpich1.0-dev
Was not blocked by any bugs.
Bug#451991: gromacs-openmpi: Binaries missing
Blocking bugs of 451993 removed: 452047

> # block gromacs with u-a bugs
> block 451991 by 220044 388313 392440
Bug#220044: update-alternatives does not restore (lost) link for slave files in target location
Bug#388313: update-alternatives inconsistent with removing slaves during default switches
Bug#392440: update-alternatives could put an end to dangling symlinks
Bug#451991: gromacs-openmpi: Binaries missing
Was not blocked by any bugs.
Bug#451993: gromacs-openmpi: build fails silently if libopenmpi-dev installed before lam4-dev/libmpich1.0-dev
Blocking bugs of 451991 added: 220044, 392440, 388313, 392440, 220044

> block 451993 by 220044 388313 392440
Bug#220044: update-alternatives does not restore (lost) link for slave files in target location
Bug#388313: update-alternatives inconsistent with removing slaves during default switches
Bug#392440: update-alternatives could put an end to dangling symlinks
Bug#451993: gromacs-openmpi: build fails silently if libopenmpi-dev installed before lam4-dev/libmpich1.0-dev
Was blocked by: 220044 388313 392440
Bug#451991: gromacs-openmpi: Binaries missing
Blocking bugs of 451993 added: 220044, 392440, 388313, 392440, 220044

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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