[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] Bug#405929: Open bug reports on OpenMPI for 'no atomic primitives' on s390, hppa and m68k

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Jul 31 20:15:27 UTC 2007

tags 376833 + upstream
tags 405929 + upstream
tags 389306 + upstream
severity 376833 wishlist
severity 405929 wishlist


These three bugs are basically the same bug: lack of upstream support for
"atomic primitives" for OpenMPI at the upstream level.  

We (as in the recently-created OpenMPI maintainer group for Debian) spoke to
upstream, and the result is that is it unlikely that these three arches will
be supported any time soon by the upstream team. IIRC some faint is there for
hppa, and help from Debian's hppa team would be appreciated.

So (at least for the forseeable future) we are left with an unbuildable
package on these arches.  I would suggest that the port maintainers for s390,
m68k and hppa actually blacklist openmpi which may be the easiest solution. 
Else we may specify an 'active list of arches' in debian/control.

Comments welcome,  Dirk

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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