[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] Bug#502232: [Pkg-openmpi-commits] r141 - in /openmpi/trunk/debian: libopenmpi-dev.install rules

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sun Oct 19 23:41:29 UTC 2008

On 20 October 2008 at 00:47, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
| > |  usr/lib/openmpi/lib/*.so
| > | -usr/lib/openmpi/lib/*.a
| > | -usr/lib/openmpi/lib/*.la
| > 
| > Don't we want the .a file?
| We do have them.
| It is done in the debian/rules
| The procedure is now:
| # do the configure twice (with and without the option)
| # launch the build for each configure (vpath)
| # for the "normal build",  "make install" will install in the same
| directory as before (debian/openmpi)
| # for the "static build", "make install" will install in the
| debian/libopenmpi-dev/ directory 
| # debian/rules removes everything but the static libs
| # all the other stuff for libopenmpi-dev is installed by
| libopenmpi-dev.install
| Works for me. If you agree, I upload it.

Sounds good to me, especially if you manage to test it and its -dev package
against something.

Thanks for working on this!


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