[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] Question regarding apparent dependency on libibverbs

Mikael Djurfeldt mikael at djurfeldt.com
Tue Mar 31 18:43:32 UTC 2009

Very good.  Then I think we understand eachother.  Sorry for being
unclear myself.  I didn't remember until this moment that music
actually builds both a shared library version (to be included in the
libmusic1 package) *and* static libraries (to be included in
libmusic-dev).  I'm a maintainer which joined Debian very long time
ago and now, again, try to package a software.  So, it is very
valuable for me to learn that I should contact the security team
regarding the static part.

Thanks and best regards,
MIkael D.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Manuel Prinz <manuel at debian.org> wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 31.03.2009, 19:28 +0200 schrieb Mikael Djurfeldt:
>> Well, I'm not quite sure what you refer to with "build-dependency".
>> The music package has a build-dependency on libopenmpi-dev.  In my
>> opinion, libopenmpi-dev should have a "dependency" (i.e. not
>> build-dependency) on libibverbs-dev.  If you would add such a
>> dependency, then installing libopenmpi-dev would automatically drag
>> libibverbs-dev with it and the missing libibverbs.la file would be
>> installed.
> Oops, I meant to write "dependancy". Sorry for the confusion! I should
> not write mails in a hurry. :/
>> Regarding static and shared libraries, I don't think it matters much
>> to music which I use.  I certainly *can* use shared libraries.  But
>> note that music doesn't refer to libibverbs at all.  It is because
>> music uses libtool that libibverbs.la gets referred to.  I can't do
>> much about that by changes to music.
> If you link against the shared libraries, the problem vanishes.
> libopenmpi1 depends on libibverbs. The build problem with music results
> from a missing static library not being available due to a missing
> dependency. What I tried to say is that although I'm going to fix the
> dependency issue with libopenmpi-dev you should consider using linking
> against the shared libraries. Linking against the static libraries
> should be a "last resort" solution, if you can't build music using
> shared libraries for whatever reason.
>> Is it OK for you to add an ordinary dependency on libibverbs-dev?
> Yes, I will of course do that. Nevertheless, you should consider using
> the shared libraries.
> Best regards
> Manuel

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