December 2017 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Dec 1 07:32:34 UTC 2017
Ending: Sun Dec 31 18:08:03 UTC 2017
Messages: 303
- [graphite2] 01/01: more copyright fixes...
Rene Engelhard
- [graphite2] 01/01: oops, forgot to remove (temporarily added) Files-Excluded: again...
Rene Engelhard
- [graphite2] annotated tag debian/1.3.10-7 updated (5f7274f -> 19de293)
Rene Engelhard
- [graphite2] annotated tag debian/1.3.10-8 created (now 0a9501c)
Rene Engelhard
- [graphite2] branch master updated (367b444 -> ad3ee08)
Rene Engelhard
- [graphite2] branch master updated (492abd1 -> 367b444)
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libabw_0.1.2.orig.tar.xz
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.2'
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] 03/03: update changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] annotated tag debian/0.1.2-1 created (now b61d5fb)
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] annotated tag upstream/0.1.2 created (now aba0dc0)
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] branch master updated (8727a8b -> d09fe5a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] branch pristine-tar created (now eb93bb1)
Rene Engelhard
- [libabw] branch upstream updated (b074b85 -> c525988)
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libepubgen_0.1.0.orig.tar.bz2
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 01/01: upload to unstable
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 01/05: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.1.0'
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 02/05: libepubgen-0.0-0 -> libepubgen-0.1-1
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 03/05: add new libxml2-dev build-dependency
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 04/05: fix debian/copyright
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] 05/05: update changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] annotated tag debian/0.1.0-1 created (now b719e4e)
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] annotated tag upstream/0.1.0 created (now 4354322)
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] branch experimental created (now 218d8d6)
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] branch master updated (aee3f08 -> 7ddf20d)
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] branch pristine-tar updated (0aa7e4f -> 2d0867f)
Rene Engelhard
- [libepubgen] branch upstream updated (07e64d3 -> 1149c15)
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libmspub_0.1.3.orig.tar.xz
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.3'
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] 03/03: update changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] annotated tag debian/0.1.3-1 created (now 3f8fa69)
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] annotated tag upstream/0.1.3 created (now e8acb06)
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] branch master updated (3f93934 -> 0a687f9)
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] branch pristine-tar created (now 5beaaeb)
Rene Engelhard
- [libmspub] branch upstream updated (7bbe3de -> 97b6e18)
Rene Engelhard
- [liborcus] 02/03: debian/copyright: mention Markus Morhard (src/parser/win_stdint.h)
Rene Engelhard
- [liborcus] 03/03: update changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [liborcus] annotated tag debian/0.13.1-3 created (now 278b48d)
Rene Engelhard
- [liborcus] branch experimental updated (8d1a7af -> 6f74db5)
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libqxp_0.0.1.orig.tar.xz
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] 01/03: New upstream version 0.0.1
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.1'
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] 03/03: update changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] annotated tag debian/0.0.1-1 created (now 96328dc)
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] annotated tag upstream/0.0.1 created (now efbdd04)
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] branch master updated (18dd348 -> de9e4da)
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] branch pristine-tar updated (4657f56 -> a32ac76)
Rene Engelhard
- [libqxp] branch upstream updated (c5440bc -> 27b30e5)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] 01/02: pristine-tar data for libreoffice-dictionaries_5.4.3.orig.tar.xz
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] 02/02: pristine-tar data for libreoffice-dictionaries_6.0.0~rc1.orig.tar.xz
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] 02/02: Updated version 6.0.0~rc1 from 'upstream/6.0.0_rc1'
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] annotated tag upstream/6.0.0_rc1 created (now e0760a4)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] branch experimental updated (c73f00a -> 063ecab)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] branch pristine-tar updated (d4a654d -> a170212)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-dictionaries] branch upstream updated (9673226 -> baa3354)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libreoffice-online_6.0.0~rc1.orig.tar.gz
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] 01/01: remove accidentially committed parts...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] 01/03: fix-sigsegv-with-libssl1.1.diff is upstream
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] 02/02: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/6.0.0_rc1'
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] 02/03: update changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] 03/03: add missing pkg-config Build-Depends
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] annotated tag upstream/6.0.0_rc1 created (now 26a66db)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] branch experimental updated (6945e70 -> 1875438)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] branch master updated (0e9468a -> 81e6ec9)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] branch master updated (743ddf6 -> 0e9468a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] branch pristine-tar updated (4c0f8d0 -> 208df5b)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice-online] branch upstream updated (34d62ca -> 9a498f6)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: 16:07 < jphilipz> _rene_ forgot to mention that fonts-hosny-thabit is also needed for arabic :D
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: 5.4.4 rc2
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: 6.0.0 rc1
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: actually 3+, not just 3
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: actually install the OpenSymbol fontconfig snippet into a /etc/fonts.d/30_opensymbol.conf
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: actually mention sysui/desktop/apparmor/* copyright/license
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: add gnupg B-D for the tests (libgpgmepp only recommends it now)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: add GPL-3+ blurb
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: add missed mkdir -p and restore /etc/fonts.d symlink
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: apparmor-fixes.diff is upstream now, too
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: bump gtk3 build-dep to >= 3.18.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: cleanup: remove PACKAGE_TTF_OPENSYMBOL conditional, we *do* need to package it everytime anyways and it's maintained in here
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: close #870387
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: close #883254
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: close #883989
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: close #883989
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: close #884149
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: disable gbuildtojson and its tests
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix email...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix even more conflicts, sigh,.
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix i386 default-jdk build-dep
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix kfreebsd-* build
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix merge
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix merge...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix mkdir...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: fix version
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: follow fontconfigs recommendation to install into /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/ and only symlinking in /etc/fonts.d
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: git update; make disable-some-sc-tests-with-internal-cppunit.diff apply again (and fix changelog)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: git update; Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: git update; update/remove apparmor patch(es)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: gnupg -> gpg
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: improve changelog
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: mention icon_themes/elementary*/* copyright/license
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge branch 'master' into debian-stretch-backports
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: merge PACKAGE_TTF_OPENSYMBOL parts in install-indep
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: more /etc/fonts.d/ -> /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail changes...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: more fontconfig install fixes, sigh
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: oops, 40->30
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: readd accidentially removed empty line...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: regen control...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: remove fonts-noto-unhinted from Recommends: again per upstream suggestion
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: remove upstremed apparmor-updates.diff
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: rename 30_opensymbol.conf to 30-opensymbol.conf for consistency
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: rename FONT_SUGGESTS to FONT_RECOMMENDS since that is what it actually is nowadays
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Revert "apparently in 6.0 fc_local.conf is _not_ installed per upstream. yay for consistency."
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Revert "build-conflict against fonts-liberation <!nocheck>"
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Revert "debian/ run aa-status"
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Revert "stop disabling testTdf102466 - works now with fonts-liberation2..."
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: revert xpdfimport-path.diff for now; breaks pdf import tests...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: sigh. fix 30_opensymbol.conf symlink path...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: sigh. spaces->tab
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: spacxes -> tab...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: testWatermark still fails, add to disable-tests-somehow-needing-more-fonts.diff
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: update ar FONT_SUGGESTS: s/fonts-arabeyes/fonts-kacst, fonts-hosny-amiri, fonts-sil-scheherazade/
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: update branch
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: Update source-location of fc_local.conf
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: update Vcs-Git:
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: use new --disable-c++17 since some external dependencies (like mysql-connector-c++) are not yet ready for it
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/01: we need libepubgen 0.1.0 now
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: 5.4.4 rc1
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: actually mention aa-status in in the changelog...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: add lost changelog entry
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: add test-extension tests to testinstall a extension based on smoketests TextExtension.oxt
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: also mv ->
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: rebuild for stretch-backports; include needed internal stuff
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: release libreoffice 1:5.4.4-1
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: release libreoffice 1:6.0.0~beta1-2
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: remove fonts-open-sans from Recommends, upstream doesn't ship it anymore
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: remove openjdk conflicts nd make them Depends in JAVA_RUNTIME_DEPENDS. linux is now also fixed...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: Revert "disable gbuildtojson and its tests". Fixed.
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: Revert "use new --disable-c++17 since some external dependencies (like mysql-connector-c++) are not yet ready for it"
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/02: revert hiding the internal file/print dialogs in the UI for now
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/03: bump libwps (test) build-dependency
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/03: make soffice.bin and senddoc profiles work with merged /usr and mention sysui/desktop/apparmor/* in copyright
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/03: remove obsolete plain altlinuxhyph support
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/04: * debian/README.Debian: document how to debug and customize the included AppArmor profiles
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/04: bump gtk3 build-dep to >= 3.14.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/04: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-6.0' into debian-experimental-6.1
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 01/06: recommend/build-depend on fonts-liberation2 instead of fonts-liberation
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: 6.0.0 beta2
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: add missed mkdir -p and restore /etc/fonts.d symlink
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: apparently in 6.0 fc_local.conf is _not_ installed per upstream. yay for consistency.
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: hardcode xpdfimport paths for apparmor
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: help backports
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-6.0' into debian-experimental-6.1
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: Merge tag 'libreoffice_6.0.0_beta1-2' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: regen control
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: remove obsolete changelog entry
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: remove obsolete fastjar build-dep
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: Revert "make disable-some-sc-tests-with-internal-cppunit.diff apply again"
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: revert Java9 hacks
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/02: upsttream installs fc_local.conf now even with --without-fonts...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/03: apparmor-updates.diff: allow /usr/bin/gpgconf
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/03: git update; remove upstreamed fix-includes-in-aarch64-bridge.patch again
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/03: stop passing --disable-report-builder to build-archs configure (and the same for the script framework stuff for consistency). s/REPORTDESIGN/REPORTBUILDER/
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/04: close #883800
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/04: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-6.0' into debian-experimental-6.1
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/04: update debian-hardened-buildflags-CPPFLAGS.diff to apply
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 02/06: recommend both liberation fonts in the metapackage
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/03: allow file_mmap in xpdfimport profile; finally makes it work
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/03: give in and install upstream-generated fontconfig stuff
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/03: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-6.0
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/04: change BRAND_BASE_DIR in fundamentalrc so that we don't get /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/../program/xpdfimport calls. we know the path.
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/04: regen control...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/04: use new --disable-c++17 since some external dependencies (like mysql-connector-c++) are not yet ready for it"
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 03/06: build-conflict against fonts-liberation <!nocheck>
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 04/04: * debian/ add gnupg to Suggests
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 04/04: ENABLE_CXX17=y; will be disabled anyways due to libcmis not yet updated, though
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 04/04: make disable-some-sc-tests-with-internal-cppunit.diff apply again
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 04/06: regen control for fonts-liberation b-d and the changes ar FONT_RECOMMENDS
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 05/06: stop disabling testTdf102466 - works now with fonts-liberation2...
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] 06/06: remove fonts-open-sans from Recommends, upstream doesn't ship it anymore
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_5.4.1-2 created (now be53253)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_5.4.3-4_bpo9+1 created (now 9cd9571)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_5.4.3-4_bpo9+2 created (now f48edaa)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_5.4.3-4 created (now fb77431)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_5.4.4-1 created (now cf8edc7)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_6.0.0_beta1-2 created (now a420d39)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_6.0.0_beta2-1 created (now a5426db)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] annotated tag libreoffice_6.0.0_rc1-1 created (now 70c564d)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (1ec97dc -> f3582f5)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (1fe5146 -> 5e76839)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (22a48c9 -> 9a3de73)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (2684a71 -> f48d271)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (3064a61 -> e0d43e4)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (31e8201 -> a81309a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (3214841 -> bf08564)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (4f7eeed -> d534190)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (59f1c46 -> 1ec97dc)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (5d036c6 -> dc00921)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (5e76839 -> 76ba994)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (623c57c -> 5d036c6)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (65552d1 -> 19c0be8)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (76ba994 -> 31e8201)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (7dc053a -> 821759a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (821759a -> 1fe5146)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (93e61b0 -> d6e75f8)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (9a3de73 -> 3064a61)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (a81309a -> d2348ad)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (bf08564 -> cbdb993)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (c20f06c -> c9dc745)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (c9dc745 -> 93e61b0)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (cbdb993 -> e13667a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (d2348ad -> 4f7eeed)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (d534190 -> 2684a71)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (d5653c4 -> 623c57c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (d577486 -> d5653c4)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (d6e75f8 -> 22a48c9)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (dc00921 -> 7dc053a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (dc79525 -> 3214841)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (dc84035 -> dc79525)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (e0d43e4 -> 59f1c46)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (e13667a -> c20f06c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (f3582f5 -> 65552d1)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-5.4 updated (f48d271 -> dc84035)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (04e489f -> 748a752)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (14fcc0d -> 4802788)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (18ddb7e -> e0d035f)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (226320a -> 3326253)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (22b19ad -> 9c8b8df)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (3326253 -> 3bbf574)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (3831d98 -> c6f4f99)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (3bbf574 -> dab24bf)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (3f7186d -> 22b19ad)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (4802788 -> 18ddb7e)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (4cb1579 -> 3831d98)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (4f76a52 -> f7f46aa)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (539d158 -> c8fc72d)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (55dd12e -> 7237403)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (5931172 -> 4f76a52)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (6232566 -> 14fcc0d)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (7237403 -> 7bfa27f)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (748a752 -> f49759f)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (7bfa27f -> f8c67cb)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (7cbaa92 -> 04e489f)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (8ab7ab9 -> edcbf1c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (9913588 -> 8ab7ab9)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (9c8b8df -> 7cbaa92)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (9f8207e -> 6232566)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (af4cc3c -> 539d158)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (bbd1720 -> 226320a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (beed815 -> f9a446b)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (c6f4f99 -> 743c8e4)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (c8fc72d -> 3f7186d)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (cb21ed5 -> bbd1720)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (cbdff9d -> 9913588)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (dab24bf -> e4ed829)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (e0d035f -> cbdff9d)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (e4ed829 -> 5931172)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (edcbf1c -> 55dd12e)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (f49759f -> 9f8207e)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (f7f46aa -> 4cb1579)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (f8c67cb -> beed815)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (f90fc62 -> af4cc3c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.0 updated (f9a446b -> cb21ed5)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.1 updated (6bf6a94 -> eb6b07c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.1 updated (6ecbe98 -> 46e254c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.1 updated (bc15fe1 -> ddbee00)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.1 updated (ddbee00 -> 6bf6a94)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.1 updated (eb6b07c -> 6ecbe98)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-experimental-6.1 updated (ee38f67 -> bc15fe1)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-stretch-backports created (now 3cd03c0)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-stretch-backports updated (3cd03c0 -> 603b941)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-stretch-backports updated (603b941 -> 6b7c722)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-stretch-backports updated (6b7c722 -> e536b7a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch debian-stretch-backports updated (e536b7a -> bc3e2ab)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (0614879 -> 1cba223)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (1cba223 -> a67529b)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (260ccea -> e13667a)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (380f5db -> 7a89be5)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (4ac1a18 -> 260ccea)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (7a89be5 -> f9e801f)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (7dee92c -> 82df501)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (82df501 -> 380f5db)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (a67529b -> c891290)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (e13667a -> 7dee92c)
Rene Engelhard
- [libreoffice] branch master updated (f9e801f -> 0614879)
Rene Engelhard
Last message date:
Sun Dec 31 18:08:03 UTC 2017
Archived on: Sun Dec 31 18:08:05 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).