[libreoffice] branch master updated (fec76f0 -> f5eecbe)

Rene Engelhard rene at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 16 11:05:19 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rene pushed a change to branch master
in repository libreoffice.

      from  fec76f0   also remove mozilla-libreoffice Conflicts:
      adds  cf1a62a   git update; orcus is mandatory now
      adds  114c4ee   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  a710fe9   git update; m68k-alignment.diff is upstream
      adds  26076ad   we now use epoxy instead of glew
      adds  dbc392f   update patches to apply again
      adds  520dac8   git update; we now need hunspell 1.5; update expoxy/libEGL stuff
      adds  9a0879b   actually we don't need a bumped hunspell build-dep
      adds  6770ac7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  1217be8   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  6d5b279   git update; make-package-modules-not-suck.diff apply again
      adds  da8afc3   git update; update patches to apply again
      adds  b807a0e   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  cac1422   update/fix HELP_L10N_VIRTUAL_VERSION/OOVER/GIT_BRANCH (again)
      adds  91e99f2   git update; update patches and adapt for new own firebirdsdbc" auto-install "module"
      adds  88bdae9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  80d08c0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  4a6923e   git update; update patches/no-packagekit-per-default.diff
      adds  ef8a0f9   add Replaces: on -calc to old -common for calc/styles.xml move
      adds  97a1884   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  ab3d8f5   add conditional for new gpgme usage
      adds  23b1334   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  d97b0cd   W: libreoffice-nlpsolver: extra-license-file usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions/nlpsolver/registration/LICENSE
      adds  d4eb691   E: libreoffice-dev-doc: doc-base-file-references-missing-file lo-java-ref:8 /usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev/sdk/docs/java/ref/javadoc_log.txt
      adds  6be8cee   W: libreoffice-dev-doc: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/libreoffice-dev/sdk/readme/LICENSE.gz
      adds  53116a2   git update; update patches
      adds  a68b7f5   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  85afc5c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  2d11d31   --disable-pdfium
      adds  887bf8d   actually _do_ enable pdfium even though it's a internal lib. close #814598
      adds  f70288d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  62c1088   remove extra libreoffice-pdfimport, merge back to -common/-core
      adds  2c560e3   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  77c01c1   recommend -sdbc-firebird only where it's built (LE) to prepare for it being a dependency when firebird will be the default embedded engine
      adds  3dca3de   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  8b733f0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  358faa4   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  96cc0c3   update changelog after merge
      adds  e3681ed   typo
      adds  6bd33ce   git update (gpgme->gpgmecpp, update pdfium, update patches)
      adds  35e0cff   there's no option to disable liblangtag anymore
      adds  759ce03   Revert "actually _do_ enable pdfium even though it's a internal lib. close #814598"
      adds  558c938   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  c471830   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  d4f7169   git update; update patches
      adds  ed553dd   enable pdfium again. only internal lib still is lcms2
      adds  2e4b6e2   pdfium got updated...
      adds  7431434   temporarily use internal cppunit
      adds  dd62160   we also need libgpgme-dev itself (and libgpg-error-dev)
      adds  1b8e26f   actually add cppunit to include-binaries
      adds  1fa4537   we now also need libboost-locale-dev
      adds  f1f60a9   new pdfium...
      adds  27b9290   fix build with --disable-pdfium
      adds  ab728fe   5.4.0 alpha 1
      adds  13a35a2   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  798da55   fix --enable-mergelibs build (patch from master)...
      adds  1e1e237   mention cppunit in copyright
      adds  f83c246   apparently we need newer libmwaw (at least for some tests to work)
      adds  9f1d497   temporarily disable non-linking sc_subsequent_filters_test
      adds  647fc28   Revert "apparently we need newer libmwaw (at least for some tests to work)"
      adds  9d08fc8   fix patch
      adds  8c31b0d   add correct upstream fix for writerperfect impress test
      adds  bb26693   internal cppunit for stretch backports
      adds  af3a819   fix CPPUNIT_MINVER
      adds  b876efb   use pdfium only on archs where we have chromium
      adds  3de8b03   Merge branch 'debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  c24c812   clarify that sc_subsequent_filters_test *does* build with system-cppunit
      adds  a4a0976   generalize sc_subsequent_filters_test disabling
      adds  a553da4   release libreoffice 1:5.4.0~alpha1-1
      adds  ffc8a1d   let's use system-cppunit for now as long as we're on people.debian.org only
      adds  ac1784a   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  f60bc2b   missing pieces for system-cppunit...
      adds  52b4206   typo
      adds  4df0234   back to master;: remove obsolete patches
      adds  a72ec4d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  3450e22   bump help depends on -common, for images_helpimg.zip
      adds  a248c16   adapt for (upcoming) usage of dh_missing
      adds  89f201c   we probably also need a Breaks: here (partial updates of -common)
      adds  648520d   5.4.0 beta1
      adds  34f6a4f   bump libxml2-dev B-D to >= 2.8 as that's what xmlsec needs nowadays
      adds  6aeff2c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  2e53e93   Merge branch 'debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  51bb627   Build-Depend on fonts-dejavu
      adds  1e5f2f8   Merge branch 'debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  2ba32d3   typos
      adds  e01bbba   add patch to check for dejavu
      adds  a9bad66   add nocheck stuff to officeotron/odfvalidator
      adds  37ee8f2   regen control...
      adds  37dc205   remove obsolete create_package_directory gid_Module_Root_Files
      adds  32d620c   install new /usr/share/appdata/org.libreoffice.kde.metainfo.xml into -kde
      adds  1f59852   work around usr/lib/libreoffice/sdk/lib not being installed anymore itself...
      adds  736632d   fix up libreoffice-xsltfilter.desktop symlink...
      adds  93024ca   make cppunit build-dep optional and add <!nocheck> to the build-dep; run build-nocheck with --without-junit --without-cppunit
      adds  8523ef5   sigh. actually add non-part parts of make cppunit build-dep optional and add <!nocheck> to the build-dep; run build-nocheck with --without-junit --without-cppunit
      adds  5a22c88   Merge branch 'debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  dc3b887   Merge branch 'debian-experimental-5.3' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  6a2d3d4   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  0fbc6d9   fix changelog
      adds  ffcf291   actually this is UNRELEASED as of yet and we probably want 5.3.3-2 before/at the same time so this is based on that one...
      adds  76898db   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  039dc19   fix -b in Vcs-Git:
      adds  9e1da77   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  e3d36f4   hrmpf.
      adds  43265c0   start with beta2; remove upstream check-for-dejavu.diff
      adds  6bc0b4d   override "libreoffice-core: embedded-library usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libpdfiumlo.so: lcms2
      adds  207e5d2   Breaks: breaks-without-version libreoffice-help-5.3 -> libreoffice-help (<< 5.4)
      adds  bcb5d7b   override libreoffice-common: breaks-without-version libreoffice-help-5.2
      adds  a557557   regen control (removal of Breaks: libreoffice-help-5.3 changes the sorting...)
      adds  150f9c6   stop symlinking .desktop; move them instead
      adds  d42bbca   remove obsolete substvars, make them unconditional
      adds  1f5341d   enable running make uicheck
      adds  d375ead   optionally add --enable-chart-tests (unused, as flaky/broken per configure.ac)
      adds  5e5d8aa   at least demo_ui uitest needs non-ascii so set LANG to C.UTF-8 for it
      adds  9d5af02   use SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="svp" also for the uitests (which set it anyway themselves.)
      adds  815e239   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  45b8482   remove --dbgsym migration, stretch has -dbgsym
      adds  972d44a   backport gb_SUPPRESS_TESTS from master; use it to build the checks before running them
      adds  c8e544a   package sifr_dark into sifr
      adds  ff655fc   linewrap
      adds  89d360a   cppunit-optional.diff also disable testtools
      adds  ca70876   make check apparently includes the pyuno pytests now
      adds  a7a902f   Revert "make check apparently includes the pyuno pytests now"
      adds  211c9f4   actually replace ${opencl-sug} in control.in...
      adds  431becb   fix theme build
      adds  e9e846b   5.4 beta2
      adds  43e2cb4   move --with-theme="$(DEFAULT_IMAGE)" setting from global CONFIGURE_FLAGS to the respective targets
      adds  e8d21c6   cppunit 1.14 is in experimental now; use system-cppunit
      adds  6ccd552   release libreoffice 1:5.4.0~beta2-1
      adds  854b6db   backport also suppression of bridgetest
      adds  bd38363   also export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 for uitest as the buildd/sbuild sets LC_ALL=POSIX already
      adds  00ee229   fix icon installation in install-indep; we need to iterate over $(IMAGES)...
      adds  fcaee27   debian/patches/disable-db-tests.diff: update
      adds  72bb242   add also-suppress-odk-build-examples.diff; as name says
      adds  5e4ad23   release libreoffice 1:5.4.0~beta2-2
      adds  261f616   debian/patches/also-suppress-odk-build-examples.diff: sigh. fix.
      adds  6f9e3ea   remove also-suppress-odk-build-examples.diff...
      adds  72330e8   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  a13b9b4   debian/patches/gb_SUPPRESS_TESTS.diff: add more tests to suppress
      adds  bfb1539   backport patch from gerrit to fix i386 tests
      adds  9591c73   release libreoffice 1:5.4.0~beta2-4
      adds  8e30d13   "steal" the locale-gen stuff from gcc
      adds  3b3d8a2   readd the explicit LANG/LC_ALL exports as it otherwise doesn't work for some reason...
      adds  1ca6233   change locale path to debian/locales; move rm -rf to clean-debdir
      adds  ebbd9bd   debian/control.in: make -core depend on ure (>= 5.4.0~beta2~) (closes: #864690)
      adds  1f1d7ff   the (ever non-working) ENABLE_TELEPATHY stuff is gone upstream
      adds  5ad4d3d   we need the LOCPATH export before LANG/LC_ALL
      adds  649c507   Merge branch 'master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  4cf1b4b   git update; remove obsolete odk-settings-JAVA_PROC_TYPE.diff
      adds  bae1686   git update; gerrit_38597.diff is upstream
      adds  8cde67f   two more minor tests to suppress
      adds  59eddd6   add initial (not yet working for writer_demo) version of autopgktest running uitest
      adds  97b1bf8   actually check CHECK_PARALLELISM
      adds  a28cd53   generate configuration in uitest after all; otherwise it somehow always wants to re-autogen itself....
      adds  52dee13   some minor field updates in copyright (thanks lintian)
      adds  dda92b7   remove full MPL text; | -> or in copyright
      adds  e54a2e0   disable flaky writer_tests/tdf79236.py
      adds  6d06622   add comment
      adds  9643b0f   update changelog...
      adds  35c7cd1   5.4.0 rc1
      adds  7c58030   there's system-xmlsec now
      adds  4d6a52e   make patches/system-xmlsec.diff apply on 5.4
      adds  821e255   move /usr/share/gir-1.0/LOKDocView-0.1.gir to libreofficekit-dev and make libreofficekit-dev depend on gir1.2-lokdocview-0.1
      adds  77d2548   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  efff30e   add -Nlibreofficekit-dev to dh_installdocs -a now that it's arch-dep...
      adds  58a44bf   enable system-xmlsec
      adds  0a999df   debian/copyright, debian/source/include-binaries: remove xmlsec
      adds  dceb975   run make check in odk for build-indep (since it's not included in main make check
      adds  ee16f40   fix dh_missing call
      adds  ed09a9f   changelog...
      adds  d484e14   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  29428ff   merge sdk-examples fix into 5.4.0~rc1-1
      adds  2a3f33e   fix installaton of (e.g.) copyright to new binary-dep libreofficekit-dev
      adds  c988e23   fix bin/distro-install-sdk; cat and sed are in /bin
      adds  76c8256   fix (set -e) and improve sdk-examples test (build everything)
      adds  0a0e8c2   typo
      adds  cd57acd   fix the typo really without adding a new one...
      adds  0127ab6   add zip for safety
      adds  5bc3b4c   try to fix m68k build again
      adds  a63a7f0   sigh. forgot changelog and series again...
      adds  1553038   oops, we need to change control.in
      adds  2ca42e3   be consequent on checks disabling/ignoring failures
      adds  a8780f2   update sdk-cat-sed-bin.diff to upstreamed version using dirname
      adds  2bfee48   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  fa4e73e   fix uicheck without needing 'build', actually set OOO_TEST_SOFFICE
      adds  d61a51c   oops
      adds  560a12b   split uno/pyuno tests and fix names; add python3 Depends: for safety
      adds  03c9ca8   remove sdk-cat-sed-bin.diff - upstream
      adds  52e2989   actually no need for this CPPUNIT hackery...
      adds  c0333d6   755
      adds  c0c22f8   fix changelog
      adds  79d2ed9   use upstreams odk/build-examples check directly
      adds  9d3f9ec   linewrap
      adds  5124ff0   resort debian/test/control by importance
      adds  5f3ec47   mention uicheck improvement
      adds  be5ed20   unapply the patch after the test/on error so the next test can patch again...
      adds  7cb5b70   name the release :)
      adds  5528175   missing -R...
      adds  5e67b83   actually add odk-build-examples-standalone.diff
      adds  b5f6a1d   minor changelog improvements
      adds  6265a59   remove duplicated make
      adds  67ae81c   merge (py)uno-import Tests:; remove libreoffice-dev-common
      adds  a210f8f   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  f2a705b   Revert "name the release :)"
      adds  18302f4   system-xmlsec.diff is upstream
      adds  867dbd2   fix-m68k-build-again.diff is upstream
      adds  4f8ca98   oops
      adds  2d7bf55   5.4.0 rc2
      adds  9a9cf05   fix build
      adds  828d37b   debian/patches/mediawiki-oor-replace.diff: back to ="fuse" for Paths.xcu (closes: #867209)
      adds  707712a   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  5298bef   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  76051f1   disable the tests on bigendian archs: hang (failures non-fatal anyway.)
      adds  ed872d8   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  4056679   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  8ec51d3   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  be51d78   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4
      adds  a1046e9   strip librhino-java from java:Depends, we use the internal one still..
       new  1c79284   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-experimental-5.4'
       new  01c635d   update Vcs-Git:
       new  f5eecbe   regen control...

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 changelog                                          |  146 +-
 control                                            |  170 +-
 control.help.in                                    |    1 +
 control.in                                         |   30 +-
 control.lokit.in                                   |    7 +-
 control.transitionals.in                           |   13 +
 copyright                                          |  400 +---
 libreoffice-common.lintian-overrides               |    2 +
 libreoffice-core.lintian-overrides                 |    1 +
 patches/build-against-shared-lpsolve.diff          |    2 +-
 patches/change-from-glew-to-epoxy.diff             | 2333 --------------------
 patches/cppunit-optional.diff                      |  200 ++
 patches/disable-db-tests.diff                      |   54 +-
 patches/disable-flaky-tests.diff                   |   27 +
 ...sequent_filters_test-with-internal-cppunit.diff |   34 +
 patches/disable-unused-test-programs.diff          |   53 +
 patches/gb_SUPPRESS_TESTS.diff                     |  308 +++
 patches/gtk3-opengl-slideshow.diff                 |  558 -----
 patches/icu-59-uchar.diff                          |  146 --
 patches/install-fixes.diff                         |    3 +-
 patches/javadoc-optional.diff                      |   50 +-
 patches/m68k-alignment.diff                        |  112 -
 patches/m68k-use-mlong-jump-table-offsets.diff     |   74 -
 patches/make-package-modules-not-suck.diff         |   38 +-
 patches/mysqlcppconn-libmysqlclient-SONAME.diff    |    6 +-
 patches/no-openssl.diff                            |   32 +-
 patches/no-packagekit-per-default.diff             |   18 +-
 patches/odk-settings-JAVA_PROC_TYPE.diff           |   52 -
 patches/sdk-cat-sed-bin.diff                       |   15 -
 patches/series                                     |   11 +-
 patches/split-evoab.diff                           |   23 +-
 rules                                              |  293 ++-
 scripts/gid2pkgdirs.sh                             |    6 +-
 scripts/locale-gen                                 |   32 +
 source/include-binaries                            |    2 +-
 tests/control                                      |    8 +-
 tests/junit-subsequentcheck                        |   16 +-
 tests/odk-build-examples                           |   38 +
 tests/patches/odk-build-examples-standalone.diff   |   50 +
 tests/patches/uicheck-standalone.diff              |   69 +
 tests/sdk-examples                                 |   83 -
 tests/uicheck                                      |   60 +
 42 files changed, 1433 insertions(+), 4143 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 control.transitionals.in
 create mode 100644 libreoffice-common.lintian-overrides
 create mode 100644 libreoffice-core.lintian-overrides
 delete mode 100644 patches/change-from-glew-to-epoxy.diff
 create mode 100644 patches/cppunit-optional.diff
 create mode 100644 patches/disable-sc_subsequent_filters_test-with-internal-cppunit.diff
 create mode 100644 patches/disable-unused-test-programs.diff
 create mode 100644 patches/gb_SUPPRESS_TESTS.diff
 delete mode 100644 patches/gtk3-opengl-slideshow.diff
 delete mode 100644 patches/icu-59-uchar.diff
 delete mode 100644 patches/m68k-alignment.diff
 delete mode 100644 patches/m68k-use-mlong-jump-table-offsets.diff
 delete mode 100644 patches/odk-settings-JAVA_PROC_TYPE.diff
 delete mode 100644 patches/sdk-cat-sed-bin.diff
 create mode 100755 scripts/locale-gen
 create mode 100755 tests/odk-build-examples
 create mode 100644 tests/patches/odk-build-examples-standalone.diff
 create mode 100644 tests/patches/uicheck-standalone.diff
 delete mode 100755 tests/sdk-examples
 create mode 100755 tests/uicheck

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git

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