[libreoffice] 01/02: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4

Rene Engelhard rene at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 19 11:58:15 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rene pushed a commit to branch debian-experimental-5.4
in repository libreoffice.

commit 3a8ec40c0f4fa543dfff1bf55c92c04c5a7a9598
Merge: 881d0f2 ca0eb64
Author: Rene Engelhard <rene at rene-engelhard.de>
Date:   Sun Nov 19 12:53:07 2017 +0100

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into debian-experimental-5.4

 changelog                             |  47 ++++++++++++++++
 control                               |  14 +++--
 control.in                            |   6 +-
 libreoffice-common.maintscript        |   6 +-
 libreoffice-sdbc-firebird.maintscript |   2 +-
 patches/java9.diff                    | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 patches/series                        |   1 +
 rules                                 |  60 +++++++++++++-------
 8 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --cc changelog
index 299a3a4,8c08132..3dc89d8
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@@ -1,9 -1,50 +1,56 @@@
 +libreoffice (1:5.4.4~rc1~git20171021-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream snapshot
 + -- Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>  Fri, 20 Oct 2017 13:40:01 +0000
+ libreoffice (1:5.4.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * debian/patches/java9-*: remove ...
+   * debian/patches/java9.diff: ... and merge into one patch again.
+   * debian/patches/java9.diff: backport also missing tests fix from master.
+     Also add -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 directly to JavaClassSet.mk
+   * debian/rules:
+     - remove setting JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 again
+     - disable junit tests on 32bit archs (i386/armhf) which fail ucb_complex
+       with a libcurl-related SIGSEGV. At least upstream those are not ran
+       (at least for armhf) anyway on those archs.
+  -- Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>  Mon, 13 Nov 2017 17:43:19 +0100
+ libreoffice (1:5.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release
+   * debian/patches/java9-jawt.diff: add from master; find jawt with Java9 and
+     also fix odk/settings/settings.mk for it
+   * debian/patches/java9-rhino.diff: add from master; fix rhino build with Java9
+   * debian/rules:
+     - be consequent and enable the junit tests on armhf/arm64 now that
+       those work.
+     - stop passing --disable-database-connectivity for no-Base archs
+       (closes: #874274)
+     - explicitly use and depend on openjdk 9 on i386 now that #876069 is fixed.
+     - set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 in build-indep (needed for
+       Java9 in reportbuilder) 
+   * debian/libreoffice-sdbc-firebird.maintscript: remove (redundant)
+     $DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE and update version (closes: #880426)
+   * debian/rules, debian/libreoffice-common.maintscript: fix path in/for
+     apparmor profiles (add missing /). mv_conffile the files to the new
+     name...
+   * debian/control.in: make -core conflict against openjdk-{6,7,8}-jre-headless
+     on i386- -java-common would make more sense, but it's Arch: all..
+  -- Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>  Tue, 07 Nov 2017 20:59:01 +0100
+ libreoffice (1:5.4.3~rc1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * upload to unstable
+  -- Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>  Tue, 24 Oct 2017 23:15:10 +0200
  libreoffice (1:5.4.3~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
    * New upstream release candidate

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git

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