[pkg-opensc-commit] [engine-pkcs11] 141/152: Exercise different methods for setting the PIN
Eric Dorland
eric at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Oct 19 03:11:26 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
eric pushed a commit to branch master
in repository engine-pkcs11.
commit d85cb2f3d1c2dca27d68b6322c84a5156e530ff2
Author: Richard Levitte <richard at levitte.org>
Date: Tue Sep 29 12:12:17 2015 +0200
Exercise different methods for setting the PIN
tests/evp-sign.c is enhanced with a couple of UI_METHODs to exercise
having the PIN set through callback data to a UI_METHOD called by
get_pin, or set through ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string. In the latter case,
there is still a UI_METHOD used, but that one will fail on use,
because that will mean get_pin was called and didn't pick up the
existing pin.
tests/softhsm gets some additional runs of evp-sign to make sure it
works in both pin setting modes.
tests/evp-sign.c | 123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
tests/softhsm | 24 ++++++++---
2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/evp-sign.c b/tests/evp-sign.c
index a892967..83043d0 100755
--- a/tests/evp-sign.c
+++ b/tests/evp-sign.c
@@ -40,6 +40,86 @@
#include <openssl/engine.h>
#include <openssl/conf.h>
+/* UI method that's only used to fail if get_pin inside engine_pkcs11
+ has failed to pick up in a PIN sent in with ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string */
+static UI_METHOD *ui_detect_failed_ctrl = NULL;
+static int ui_open_fail(UI *ui)
+ fprintf(stderr, "It seems like get_pin fell through even though the pin should already be set!\n");
+ return 0;
+/* method that's to be used for prompting with a default (which is an
+ alternative to sending in a PIN sent in with ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string) */
+static UI_METHOD *ui_console_with_default = NULL;
+static int ui_read(UI *ui, UI_STRING *uis)
+ if (UI_get_input_flags(uis) & UI_INPUT_FLAG_DEFAULT_PWD
+ && UI_get0_user_data(ui)) {
+ switch (UI_get_string_type(uis)) {
+ case UIT_PROMPT:
+ case UIT_VERIFY:
+ {
+ /* If there is a default PIN, use it
+ instead of reading from the console */
+ const char *password =
+ ((const char *)UI_get0_user_data(ui));
+ if (password && password[0] != '\0') {
+ UI_set_result(ui, uis, password);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return UI_method_get_reader(UI_OpenSSL())(ui, uis);
+static int ui_write(UI *ui, UI_STRING *uis)
+ if (UI_get_input_flags(uis) & UI_INPUT_FLAG_DEFAULT_PWD
+ && UI_get0_user_data(ui)) {
+ switch (UI_get_string_type(uis)) {
+ case UIT_PROMPT:
+ case UIT_VERIFY:
+ {
+ /* If there is a default PIN, just
+ return without outputing any prompt */
+ const char *password =
+ ((const char *)UI_get0_user_data(ui));
+ if (password && password[0] != '\0')
+ return 1;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return UI_method_get_writer(UI_OpenSSL())(ui, uis);
+static void setup_ui()
+ UI_METHOD *default_method = UI_OpenSSL();
+ ui_detect_failed_ctrl = UI_create_method("Fail if used");
+ UI_method_set_opener(ui_detect_failed_ctrl, ui_open_fail);
+ /* No other functions need setting, as the UI will never use them */
+ ui_console_with_default = UI_create_method("Reader with possible default");
+ UI_method_set_opener(ui_console_with_default,
+ UI_method_get_opener(default_method));
+ UI_method_set_reader(ui_console_with_default, ui_read);
+ UI_method_set_writer(ui_console_with_default, ui_write);
+ UI_method_set_flusher(ui_console_with_default,
+ UI_method_get_flusher(default_method));
+ UI_method_set_closer(ui_console_with_default,
+ UI_method_get_closer(default_method));
static void display_openssl_errors(int l)
const char *file;
@@ -73,16 +153,31 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *module_path, *efile;
BIO *in, *b;
+ enum { NONE, BY_DEFAULT, BY_CTRL } pin_method = NONE;
+ UI_METHOD *ui_method = NULL;
+ void *ui_extra = NULL;
if (argc < 5) {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [PIN] [CONF] [private key URL] [module]\n", argv[0]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [PIN setting method] [PIN] [CONF] [private key URL] [module]\n", argv[0]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "PIN setting method can be 'default' or 'ctrl'\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(argv[1], "default") == 0)
+ pin_method = BY_DEFAULT;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1], "ctrl") == 0)
+ pin_method = BY_CTRL;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "First argument MUST be 'default' or 'ctrl'\n");
+ key_pass = argv[2];
+ private_key_name = argv[4];
+ module_path = argv[5];
+ efile = argv[3];
- key_pass = argv[1];
- private_key_name = argv[3];
- module_path = argv[4];
- efile = argv[2];
+ setup_ui();
ret = CONF_modules_load_file(efile, "engines", 0);
if (ret <= 0) {
@@ -113,12 +208,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (key_pass && !ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "PIN", key_pass, 0)) {
- display_openssl_errors(__LINE__);
- exit(1);
+ switch (pin_method) {
+ case BY_DEFAULT:
+ ui_method = ui_console_with_default;
+ ui_extra = key_pass;
+ break;
+ case BY_CTRL:
+ ui_method = ui_detect_failed_ctrl;
+ ui_extra = NULL;
+ if (key_pass && !ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "PIN", key_pass, 0)) {
+ display_openssl_errors(__LINE__);
+ exit(1);
+ }
- private_key = ENGINE_load_private_key(e, private_key_name, NULL, NULL);
+ private_key = ENGINE_load_private_key(e, private_key_name,
+ ui_method, ui_extra);
if (!private_key) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot load: %s\n", private_key_name);
diff --git a/tests/softhsm b/tests/softhsm
index 23ac424..ba6c260 100755
--- a/tests/softhsm
+++ b/tests/softhsm
@@ -27,25 +27,37 @@ sed -e "s|@MODULE_PATH@|${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}|g" -e "s|@ENGINE_PATH@|../src/.libs/
export OPENSSL_ENGINES="../src/.libs/"
-./evp-sign false engines.cnf "pkcs11:token=libp11-test;id=%00%01%02%03;object=server-key;type=private;pin-value=1234" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
+./evp-sign ctrl false engines.cnf "pkcs11:token=libp11-test;id=%00%01%02%03;object=server-key;type=private;pin-value=1234" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
if test $? != 0;then
- echo "Basic PKCS #11 test failed"
+ echo "Basic PKCS #11 test, using ctrl failed"
exit 1;
-./evp-sign 1234 engines.cnf "pkcs11:token=libp11-test;id=%00%01%02%03;object=server-key;type=private" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
+./evp-sign default false engines.cnf "pkcs11:token=libp11-test;id=%00%01%02%03;object=server-key;type=private;pin-value=1234" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
if test $? != 0;then
- echo "Basic PKCS #11 test without pin-value failed"
+ echo "Basic PKCS #11 test, using default failed"
exit 1;
-./evp-sign 1234 engines.cnf "label_server-key" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
+./evp-sign ctrl 1234 engines.cnf "pkcs11:token=libp11-test;id=%00%01%02%03;object=server-key;type=private" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
+if test $? != 0;then
+ echo "Basic PKCS #11 test without pin-value, using ctrl failed"
+ exit 1;
+./evp-sign default 1234 engines.cnf "pkcs11:token=libp11-test;id=%00%01%02%03;object=server-key;type=private" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
+if test $? != 0;then
+ echo "Basic PKCS #11 test without pin-value, using default failed"
+ exit 1;
+./evp-sign ctrl 1234 engines.cnf "label_server-key" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
if test $? != 0;then
echo "Basic PKCS #11 test with legacy name #1 failed"
exit 1;
-./evp-sign 1234 engines.cnf "id_00010203" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
+./evp-sign default 1234 engines.cnf "id_00010203" ${ADDITIONAL_PARAM}
if test $? != 0;then
echo "Basic PKCS #11 test with legacy name #2 failed"
exit 1;
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