[pkg-opensc-commit] [libp11] annotated tag debian/0.4.3-1 created (now 3f48d01)

Eric Dorland eric at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Dec 7 17:51:37 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eric pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.4.3-1
in repository libp11.

        at  3f48d01   (tag)
   tagging  27a996d198973a593cdc8eb552faea405945a066 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.4.3
 tagged by  Eric Dorland
        on  Wed Dec 7 12:50:50 2016 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
debian release 0.4.3-1


Eric Dorland (87):
      copy to trunk
      add initial debian files
      fix install paths
      revert stupid changelog
      libp11 0.2.1 and copyright fix
      libp11-dev needs to depend on pkg-config
      fix soname screwup
      libp11 0.2.2
      fix watch file and shlibs
      [svn-buildpackage] Tagging libp11 (0.2.2-2)
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      * New upstream release.
      * debian/control: Use ${source:Version} instead of ${Source-Version}.
      debian/control: Use ${binary:Version} instead of ${Source-Version}.
      * debian/control: Set Priority to extra for the -dbg package, as the
      * debian/control: Add Homepage and Vcs-* headers.
      * debian/libp11-0.symbols: Add Build-Depends-Package header.
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      New upstream release.
      debian/libp11-0.symbols: Add changes for 0.2.4.
      debian/control: Add ${misc:Depends} to packages, Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1.
      debian/control: Change libp11-0-dbg's Section to debug.
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      New upstream release.
      Convert to dh.
      debian/libp11-1.install,  debian/libp11-1.shlibs, debian/libp11-1.symbols,
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      New upstream release.
      debian/rules: Fix dh_strip invocation to use proper debug package. (Closes: #594504)
      * debian/control:
      debian/libp11-dev.docs: Fix bad documentation paths. (Closes: #585402)
      debian/compat, debian/control: Upgrade to debhelper level 8.
      debian/source/format: Convert to 3.0 (quilt) source format.
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      debian/libp11-dev.install: Remove unneeded .la file. (Closes: #622516)
      debian/libp11-1.install, debian/libp11-2.install, debian/libp11-1.shlibs, debian/libp11-2.shlibs, debian/libp11-1.symbols, debian/libp11-2.symbols, debian/control, debian/rules: Bump soname to 2.
      debian/compat, debian/control: Use debhelper compat level v9.
      debian/control, debian/libp11-2.install, debian/libp11-dev.install: Convert the package to Multi-Arch.
      debian/control: Upgrade Standards-Version to
      debian/control: Change build dependency on debhelper to >= 9.
      debian/control: Upgrade Standards-Version to 3.9.4.
      debian/control, debian/rules: Use autotools-dev.
      debian/copyright: New DEP-5 copyright file.
      Update FSF address
      debian/control, debian/rules: Use dh-autoreconf. Thanks Breno Leitao. (Closes: #750494)
      debian/watch: Update for new GitHub home.
      debian/control: Standards-Version to 3.9.5.
      debian/control: Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes).
      debian/control: Canonicalize the Vcs-* headers.
      debian/control: Update Homepage field for new GitHub home.
      debian/control: Run wrap-and-sort.
      debian/gbp.conf: Use pristine-tar.
      debian/control: Set the maintainer to pkg-opensc-maint and mark myself as an uploade.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.0'
      New upstream release
      Use upstream-vcs-tag
      Docs have been dropped
      Add upstream signing key
      Add ECDSA symbols
      Bump shlibs version
      Drop libp11-2-dbg and use the auto generated -dbgsym package
      Bump Standards-Version to
      Ship only the example *.c and README
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.1'
      New upstream release
      Switch signature extension
      Update Vcs-* fields to use https
      Add new symbols
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.0'
      New upstream release
      Add new symbols introduced in 0.4.0
      Remove unnecessary shlibs file
      Upgrade Standards-Version to 3.9.8
      Tighten globs to only catch libp11
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.1'
      New upstream release
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.2'
      New upstream release
      Move libengine-pkcs11-openssl package here
      Use enginesexecdir instead of enginesdir, to work around install-exec-hook issues
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.3'
      New upstream release
      Drop upstreamed enginesexecdir patch
      Switch back to libssl 1.0 for the moment
      Switch to debhelper 10
      Add LIBP11_2 symbol versions


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  e66fafd   starting 0.4.3_git
       new  7573c6e   Use UI to get the CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE PIN
       new  b9b7941   Do not set default RSA and EC methods
       new  d27cede   Merge pull request #108 from dwmw2/nodefault
       new  f00b79a   Handle CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH in pkcs11_authenticate()
       new  86114d8   Fixed an EVP_PKEY refcount leak
       new  f160e2f   Gracefully handle alien RSA keys
       new  4e6087f   UI user_data passed to pkcs11_authenticate()
       new  1029978   Partially revert "Do not set default RSA and EC methods"
       new  5394c2c   Removed CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE check
       new  be22da7   Removed implicit PKCS11_set_ui_method()
       new  f49af1f   Fixed PIN buffer sizes
       new  0f75b4c   Allow PIN values of at least 4 characters
       new  b313f00   Add files via upload
       new  a628b3a   Patches for MSYS2, CYGWIN, MINGW/MSYS
       new  af9133f   Use versioned symbols in libp11
       new  2fbbbee   Merge pull request #129 from nmav/tmp-soname
       new  f9feb93   OpenSSL 1.1.0 build fixes
       new  111b79a   Merge branch 'nased0-MSYS2' of git://github.com/nased0/libp11 into nased0-nased0-MSYS2
       new  c7b7c27   Merge branch 'nased0-nased0-MSYS2'
       new  e87e90d   eng_front.c: removed openssl/dso.h include
       new  20c7b58   configure.ac: removed no-op commands
       new  f93d3fb   Merge pull request #132 from nmav/tmp-configure-fix
       new  faa1d85   save pincode
       new  e1fec2f   Tie the soname with openssl soname
       new  effb018   Merge pull request #131 from nmav/tmp-openssl-soname
       new  408ff3e   Merge pull request #130 from nmav/tmp-more-openssl-fixes
       new  32daa59   Attempted workaround for an engine code deadlock
       new  689bd3c   Another workaround for an engine code deadlock
       new  427dfa8   Merge pull request #133 from AndreiKorikov/master
       new  dbab2aa   build: fix symlink installation
       new  7e29f9c   Merge pull request #134 from alonbl/build
       new  337a0c9   Merge pull request #1 from OpenSC/master
       new  5f0ccea   [build] Corrected src/Makefile.am for MinGW/Msys
       new  0f4671a   Merge pull request #2 from nased0/nased0-patch-1
       new  2594ff8   Merge pull request #137 from nased0/master
       new  22ec41a   Unified pointer declaration formatting
       new  b9174f6   Fixed OpenSSL 1.1.x crash on public RSA methods
       new  add0f4b   Gracefully handle alien ECDSA keys
       new  b9d6319   Revert "Do not set default RSA and EC methods"
       new  66ab467   Corrected memory leak in pkcs11_CTX_free(PKCS11_CTX * ctx)
       new  e059a4a   Merge pull request #140 from nased0/nased0
       new  53c6312   Updated NEWS
       new  02f6fbb   released 0.4.3
       new  069f2e0   New upstream version 0.4.3
       new  218a41d   Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.3'
       new  d970edf   New upstream release
       new  a92e05c   Drop upstreamed enginesexecdir patch
       new  beb3520   Switch back to libssl 1.0 for the moment
       new  0879a43   Switch to debhelper 10
       new  27a996d   Add LIBP11_2 symbol versions

The 51 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opensc/libp11.git

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