[pkg-opensc-commit] [opensc] branch upstream updated (bc600be -> 15e8f41)

Eric Dorland eric at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 28 03:35:52 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eric pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository opensc.

      from  bc600be   Imported Upstream version 0.16.0~rc1
       new  696e411   pkcs15-crypt: allow decipher for key with 'unwrap' usage
       new  4b51d70   tools: print OpenSC package version
       new  7f732d4   pkcs15: log parsed TokenInfo.serial
       new  00bdf44   config: remove plug_and_play parameter
       new  56f2319   pkcs11-tool: few named curves more
       new  07493c1   iasecc: select parent before fixing ACLs of a new file
       new  77898e6   gids: fix invalid get-gids-driver
       new  47eb211   p15: auxiliary data in prkey info data type
       new  9ac4120   pkcs15: 'aid' argument for emulator init
       new  9abf8ee   pkcs15 iasecc: parse-df handler to set MD guid
       new  5bbc86e   md: replace card specific with pkcs15 'aux-data' facilities
       new  5c0a37c   pkcs15init: use aux-data to set MD container GUID
       new  89a5b58   md: use GUID without frame
       new  6651598   win32: method to get config option from registers
       new  09cbcd8   md: use register to enable debug log
       new  972a93a   pkcs11-tool.1.xml: Add documentation for missing options in  pkcs11-tool
       new  a3e7ebe   Proposed fix for #723
       new  73b5d84   Fix for #720
       new  41f34fd   sc-hsm: Fix public key usage for keys extracted from CVC
       new  e95b515   reader: by default only short APDU supported
       new  163fc42   readers: coding style for log messages
       new  c63ba85   Detect premature end hexstring
       new  5be51ea   pkcs15init: authentIC: init card/pin not supported
       new  a4dfb7b   tools: fix help message
       new  00b8416   oberthur: allow read of info files without authentication
       new  6d4a4df   oberthur: set to '0' memory of temp path
       new  91a28c6   libopensc: few debug messages more
       new  fc76e4e   oberthur: fix max recv size when reading component
       new  e9786bf   oberthur: use short form of debug message calls
       new  ca2c1c5   libopensc: sc_hex_to_bin() accepts hex string with length 1
       new  e46bfea   Use two hex digits with sc_pkcs15_format_id
       new  a2e05e8   pkcs15-atrust-acos.c: Use two hex digits with sc_pkcs15_format_id
       new  3f0de6e   pkcs15-gemsafeGPK.c: Use two hex digits with sc_pkcs15_format_id
       new  03b4740   pkcs15-infocamere.c: Use two hex digits with sc_pkcs15_format_id
       new  b568bbc   pkcs15-pteid.c: Use two hex digits with sc_pkcs15_format_id
       new  343c0f8   pkcs15-starcert.c: Use two hex digits with sc_pkcs15_format_id
       new  816bbbf   Merge pull request #752 from viktorTarasov/fix/issue-751/hex-string-with-length-1
       new  ae47e06   Typos
       new  4ed6460   Ignore gids-tool binary and documentation
       new  bdc840a   Manual page for gids-tool
       new  74493ca   Add support for RSA with keylength 2048
       new  709f289   package: update NEWS
       new  db54dd8   package: update RC version
       new  15e8f41   Imported Upstream version 0.16.0~rc2

The 44 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                         |   2 +
 NEWS                               |  21 +-
 doc/tools/gids-tool.1.xml          | 117 +++++++
 doc/tools/pkcs11-tool.1.xml        | 157 ++++++++-
 doc/tools/pkcs15-crypt.1.xml       |   6 +
 doc/tools/pkcs15-init.1.xml        |   6 +
 doc/tools/pkcs15-tool.1.xml        |   6 +
 etc/opensc.conf.in                 |  12 +-
 src/libopensc/Makefile.am          |   7 +-
 src/libopensc/Makefile.mak         |   3 +-
 src/libopensc/apdu.c               |  16 +-
 src/libopensc/aux-data.c           | 204 +++++++++++
 src/libopensc/aux-data.h           |  85 +++++
 src/libopensc/card-epass2003.c     | 191 ++++++----
 src/libopensc/card-gids.c          |   2 +-
 src/libopensc/card-oberthur.c      | 538 ++++++++++++++--------------
 src/libopensc/card-sc-hsm.c        |   5 +
 src/libopensc/card-setcos.c        |   1 +
 src/libopensc/card.c               |  27 +-
 src/libopensc/ctx.c                | 146 ++++----
 src/libopensc/libopensc.exports    |   6 +
 src/libopensc/opensc.h             |  14 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-actalis.c     |   5 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-algo.c        |   2 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-atrust-acos.c |   5 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-dnie.c        |   1 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-esinit.c      |   3 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-esteid.c      |   3 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-gemsafeGPK.c  |  12 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-gemsafeV1.c   |   3 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-gids.c        |   2 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-iasecc.c      | 215 ++++++++++++
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-infocamere.c  |  13 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-itacns.c      |   7 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-oberthur.c    | 454 ++++++++++++------------
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-openpgp.c     |   4 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-piv.c         | 134 +++----
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-postecert.c   |   3 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-prkey.c       |   3 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-pteid.c       |   8 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-sc-hsm.c      |   3 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-starcert.c    |   9 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-syn.c         | 115 ++----
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-syn.h         |  63 ++++
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-tccardos.c    |   2 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-tcos.c        |   2 +
 src/libopensc/pkcs15-westcos.c     |   3 +-
 src/libopensc/pkcs15.c             |  95 +++--
 src/libopensc/pkcs15.h             |   7 +-
 src/libopensc/reader-ctapi.c       |  86 ++---
 src/libopensc/reader-openct.c      |   7 +
 src/libopensc/reader-pcsc.c        | 693 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/libopensc/sc.c                 |  14 +-
 src/minidriver/minidriver.c        | 241 +++++--------
 src/pkcs15init/oberthur.profile    |   6 +-
 src/pkcs15init/pkcs15-authentic.c  |  30 +-
 src/pkcs15init/pkcs15-iasecc.c     |  53 +--
 src/pkcs15init/pkcs15-lib.c        |  60 +++-
 src/pkcs15init/profile.c           |  27 +-
 src/tools/pkcs11-tool.c            |   3 +
 src/tools/pkcs15-crypt.c           |  17 +-
 src/tools/pkcs15-init.c            |  27 +-
 src/tools/pkcs15-tool.c            |  68 ++--
 version.m4                         |   2 +-
 win32/OpenSC.wxs.in                |   1 +
 65 files changed, 2575 insertions(+), 1508 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/tools/gids-tool.1.xml
 create mode 100644 src/libopensc/aux-data.c
 create mode 100644 src/libopensc/aux-data.h
 create mode 100644 src/libopensc/pkcs15-iasecc.c
 create mode 100644 src/libopensc/pkcs15-syn.h

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opensc/opensc.git

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