[pkg-opensc-commit] [libp11] branch upstream updated (c2b0166 -> 5cae8ab)

Eric Dorland eric at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Sep 19 02:11:08 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eric pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository libp11.

      from  c2b0166   Imported Upstream version 0.4.0
       new  0ff2861   Starting 0.4.1_git
       new  ce84d0d   Update README.md
       new  6d524ef   Update README.md
       new  491c6b1   Fixed build with opaque RSA and RSA_METHOD
       new  874154b   Workaround for incorrect CKA_EC_POINT format
       new  80c5a94   Added EC public key sanity checks
       new  1dbfda7   Truncate the EC signed message digest if needed
       new  1eed1d7   Update INSTALL.md
       new  78d2d90   Merge pull request #86 from deed02392/patch-1
       new  d8f2a15   Handle deprecated ERR_remove_thread_state()
       new  f8b3576   make.rules.mak added to the distribution tarball
       new  6276c0a   Make evp-sign verbose
       new  4d8b3cf   Fixed several certificate selection bugs
       new  a3ca187   Workaround for an OpenSC object ID bug
       new  0475eac   Updated object ID for EC tests
       new  78490d7   Makefile.am: added missing blackslash
       new  40d2a37   Makefile.am: replaced all-local with check-local
       new  21a2d03   Merge pull request #87 from nmav/fix-install
       new  32d739b   Fix #89: pkcs11_load_key should only login if needed
       new  6acc1b4   Merge pull request #90 from matthauck/only-login-if-needed
       new  37e0dfb   Revert "Do not set private to C_Initialize unless actually have one"
       new  68f76c7   Makefile.am: Add library dependency for check-local target
       new  1868c69   Merge pull request #95 from derekstraka/fix-parallel-make
       new  dd42a0d   Include libp11 objects in pkcs11 engine library
       new  fc6fc84   Merge pull request #97 from matthauck/pkcs11-standalone
       new  bbcfd7b   Destroy cert cache on login/logout too
       new  8079238   Merge pull request #100 from dwmw2/master
       new  34860f0   Use enginesdir from libcrypto.pc if it provides it
       new  2c06521   Merge pull request #102 from dwmw2/master
       new  0dbfe51   released 0.4.1
       new  5cae8ab   New upstream version 0.4.1

The 31 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 INSTALL.md                 |  14 +++-
 Makefile.am                |   2 +-
 NEWS                       |  16 ++++
 README.md                  | 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 configure.ac               |  33 +++++----
 examples/decrypt.c         |   7 +-
 src/Makefile.am            |   6 +-
 src/Makefile.mak           |   4 +-
 src/eng_back.c             | 112 ++++++++++++++++------------
 src/eng_parse.c            |  17 +++--
 src/libp11.rc              |   8 +-
 src/p11_ec.c               |  38 +++++++---
 src/p11_key.c              |  21 ++++--
 src/p11_load.c             |  16 ++--
 src/p11_rsa.c              | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 src/p11_slot.c             |   2 +
 src/pkcs11.rc              |   8 +-
 tests/ec-common.sh         |   6 +-
 tests/evp-sign.c           |   5 ++
 tests/rsa-common.sh        |   6 +-
 tests/rsa-evp-sign.softhsm |   6 +-
 21 files changed, 454 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-opensc/libp11.git

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