[pkg-opensc-commit] [opensc] 43/295: PIV and PIV-Want-To-Be Issues

Eric Dorland eric at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 24 21:11:14 UTC 2017

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commit edf24d0e2ebcc50263cb4afcf7652080655e108f
Author: Doug Engert <deengert at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 4 14:44:29 2016 -0500

    PIV and PIV-Want-To-Be Issues
    Not all PIV cards follow the  NIST 800-73-3 standard. This commit is designed to address some
    of the issues.  OpenSC developers don't have access to all the different versions of devices
    or access to release notes for the devices to see when a bug was introduced and when it is fixed.
    To make OpenSC code changes easier,  the code is divided into four sections:
    (1) Identify the card/token as best possible by looking at the "Historical bytes" in the ATR.
    For the Yubico devices read their version number and log it via sc_debug.
    (2) Define the card_issues  CI_* defines in card-piv.c. There are 8 of them at the moment.
    See below.
    (3) based on the card->type and possibly Yubico version set the priv->card_issues flags that
    apply to  current card or device.
    (4) Implement in the code changes needed for each issue.
    Other issues can be added. As more info is obtained (3) can be updated using the version
    number as needed.
    The card issues are:
    CI_VERIFY_630X - VERIFY "tries left" returns 630X rather then 63CX
    CI_VERIFY_LC0_FAIL - VERIFY Lc=0 never returns 90 00 if PIN not needed. Will also test after
    first PIN verify if protected object can be used instead
    CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE - No object to test verification in place of VERIFY Lc=0
    CI_LEAKS_FILE_NOT_FOUND - GET DATA of empty object returns 6A 82 even if PIN not verified
    CI_OTHER_AID_LOSE_STATE - Other drivers match routines may reset our security state and lose AID
    CI_NFC_EXPOSE_TOO_MUCH - PIN, crypto and objects exposed over NFS in violation of 800-73-3
    CI_NO_RSA2048 - does not have RSA 2048
    CI_NO_EC384 - does not have EC 384
    The piv_card_match and piv_init interactions were cleaned up.
     Changes to be committed:
    	modified:   card-piv.c
    	modified:   cards.h
 src/libopensc/card-piv.c | 413 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/libopensc/cards.h    |   3 +
 2 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libopensc/card-piv.c b/src/libopensc/card-piv.c
index cdcc712..01ea999 100644
--- a/src/libopensc/card-piv.c
+++ b/src/libopensc/card-piv.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002  Juha Yrjölä <juha.yrjola at iki.fi>
  * Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Douglas E. Engert <deengert at anl.gov>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016  Douglas E. Engert <deengert at gmail.com>
  * Copyright (C) 2006, Identity Alliance, Thomas Harning <thomas.harning at identityalliance.com>
  * Copyright (C) 2007, EMC, Russell Larner <rlarner at rsa.com>
@@ -158,6 +159,15 @@ typedef struct piv_private_data {
 	int keysWithOffCardCerts;
 	char * offCardCertURL;
 	int pin_preference; /* set from Discovery object */
+	int logged_in;
+	int pin_cmd_verify;
+	int pin_cmd_noparse;
+	unsigned int pin_cmd_verify_sw1;
+	unsigned int pin_cmd_verify_sw2;
+	int tries_left; /* SC_PIN_CMD_GET_INFO tries_left from last */
+	unsigned int card_issues; /* card_issues flags for this card */
+	int object_test_verify; /* Can test this object to set verification state of card */
+	int neo_version; /* 3 byte version number of NEO or Ybuikey4  as integer */
 } piv_private_data_t;
 #define PIV_DATA(card) ((piv_private_data_t*)card->drv_data)
@@ -179,14 +189,30 @@ struct piv_aid {
  * 800-73-3 Part 1 now referes to "01 00" i.e. going back to 800-73-1.
  * The main differences between 73-1, and 73-3 are the addition of the
  * key History object and keys, as well as Discovery and Iris objects.
+ * These can be discovered by trying GET DATA
+/* all have same AID */
 static struct piv_aid piv_aids[] = {
+	{SC_CARD_TYPE_PIV_II_GENERIC, /* TODO not really card type but what PIV AID is supported */
 		 9, 9, (u8 *) "\xA0\x00\x00\x03\x08\x00\x00\x10\x00" },
 	{0,  9, 0, NULL }
+/* card_issues - bugs in PIV implementations requires special handling */
+#define CI_VERIFY_630X			    0x00000001U /* VERIFY tries left returns 630X rather then 63CX */
+#define CI_VERIFY_LC0_FAIL		    0x00000002U /* VERIFY Lc=0 never returns 90 00 if PIN not needed */
+							/* will also test after first PIN verify if protected object can be used instead */
+#define CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE	    0x00000008U /* No object to test verification inplace of VERIFY Lc=0 */
+#define CI_LEAKS_FILE_NOT_FOUND		    0x00000010U /* GET DATA of empty object returns 6A 82 even if PIN not verified */
+#define CI_OTHER_AID_LOSE_STATE		    0x00000100U /* Other drivers match routines may reset our security state and lose AID!!! */
+#define CI_NFC_EXPOSE_TOO_MUCH		    0x00000200U /* PIN, crypto and objects exposed over NFS in violation of 800-73-3 */
+#define CI_NO_RSA2048			    0x00010000U /* does not have RSA 2048 */
+#define CI_NO_EC384			    0x00020000U /* does not have EC 384 */
  * Flags in the piv_object:
  * PIV_OBJECT_NOT_PRESENT: the presents of the object is
@@ -449,6 +475,7 @@ static int piv_general_io(sc_card_t *card, int ins, int p1, int p2,
 	const u8 *body;
 	size_t bodylen;
 	int find_len = 0;
+	piv_private_data_t * priv = PIV_DATA(card);
@@ -523,7 +550,8 @@ static int piv_general_io(sc_card_t *card, int ins, int p1, int p2,
 	rbuflen = 0;  /* in case rseplen < 3  i.e. not parseable */
-	if ( recvbuflen && recvbuf && apdu.resplen > 3) {
+	/* we may only be using get data to test the security status of the card, so zero length is OK */
+	if ( recvbuflen && recvbuf && apdu.resplen > 3 && priv->pin_cmd_noparse != 1) {
 		*recvbuflen = 0;
 		/* we should have all the tag data, so we have to tell sc_asn1_find_tag
 		 * the buffer is bigger, so it will not produce "ASN1.tag too long!" */
@@ -913,14 +941,14 @@ static int piv_get_data(sc_card_t * card, int enumtag,
 				goto err;
 		    *buf_len = r;
-		} else if ( r == 0) {
+		} else if ( r == 0 ) {
 			goto err;
 		} else {
 			goto err;
-sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL,"get buffer for #%d len %d", enumtag, *buf_len);
+sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL,"buffer for #%d *buf=0x%p len=%d", enumtag, *buf, *buf_len);
 	if (*buf == NULL && *buf_len > 0) {
 		*buf = malloc(*buf_len);
 		if (*buf == NULL ) {
@@ -2842,34 +2870,95 @@ static int piv_finish(sc_card_t *card)
 static int piv_match_card(sc_card_t *card)
-	int i;
+	int i, k;
+	size_t j;
+	u8 *p, *pe;
 	sc_file_t aidfile;
+	int type  = -1;
+	piv_private_data_t *priv;
 	/* Since we send an APDU, the card's logout function may be called...
 	 * however it may be in dirty memory */
 	card->ops->logout = NULL;
-	/* Detect by selecting applet */
-	i = !(piv_find_aid(card, &aidfile));
-	return i; /* never match */
+	/* piv_match_card may be called with card->type, set by opensc.conf */
+	/* user provide card type must be one we know */
+	switch (card->type) {
+		case -1:
+			type = card->type;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return 0; /* can not handle the card */
+	}
+	if (type == -1) {
+		/*
+		 *try to identify card by ATR or historical data in ATR
+		 * currently all PIV card will respond to piv_find_aid
+		 * the same. But in future may need to know card type first,
+		 * so do it here.
+		 */
-static int piv_init(sc_card_t *card)
-	int r, i;
-	unsigned long flags;
-	unsigned long ext_flags;
-	piv_private_data_t *priv;
+		if (card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes != NULL) {
+			if (card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes_len == 8 &&
+					!(memcmp(card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes, "Yubikey4", 8))) {
+			} else
+			if (card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes_len >= 7 &&
+					!(memcmp(card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes, "Yubikey", 7))) {
+				type = SC_CARD_TYPE_PIV_II_NEO;
+			} else 
+			if (card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes[0] == 0x80u) { /* compact TLV */
+				p = card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes;
+				pe = p + card->reader->atr_info.hist_bytes_len;
+				p++; /* skip 0x80u byte */
+				while (p < pe && type == -1) {
+					j = *p & 0x0fu; /* length */
+					if ((*p++ & 0xf0u) == 0xf0u) { /*looking for 15 */
+						if ((p + j) <= pe) {
+							for (k = 0; piv_aids[k].len_long != 0; k++) {
+								if (j == piv_aids[k].len_long
+									&& !memcmp(p, piv_aids[k].value,j)) {
+									type = SC_CARD_TYPE_PIV_II_HIST;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					p += j;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (type == -1)
+	}
+	/* Detect by selecting applet */
+	i = piv_find_aid(card, &aidfile);
+	if (i < 0)
+		return 0; /* don't match. Does not have a PIV applet. */
 	priv = calloc(1, sizeof(piv_private_data_t));
 	if (!priv)
+	if (card->type == -1)
+		card->type = type;
+	card->drv_data = priv;
 	priv->aid_file = sc_file_new();
 	priv->selected_obj = -1;
 	priv->pin_preference = 0x80; /* 800-73-3 part 1, table 3 */
+	priv->logged_in = SC_PIN_STATE_UNKNOWN;
+	priv->tries_left = 10; /* will assume OK at start */
 	/* Some objects will only be present if Histroy object says so */
 	for (i=0; i < PIV_OBJ_LAST_ENUM -1; i++) {
@@ -2877,19 +2966,97 @@ static int piv_init(sc_card_t *card)
 			priv->obj_cache[i].flags |= PIV_OBJ_CACHE_NOT_PRESENT;
-	sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Max send = %d recv = %d\n",
-			card->max_send_size, card->max_recv_size);
-	card->drv_data = priv;
+	return 1; /* match */
+static int piv_init(sc_card_t *card)
+	int r;
+	piv_private_data_t * priv = PIV_DATA(card);
+	sc_apdu_t apdu;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	unsigned long ext_flags;
+	u8 neo_version_buf[3];
+	/* can not force the PIV driver to use non-PIV cards as tested in piv_card_match */
+	if (!priv || card->type == -1)
+	sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Max send = %d recv = %d card->type = %d\n",
+			card->max_send_size, card->max_recv_size, card->type);
 	card->cla = 0x00;
-	card->name = "PIV-II card";
+	if(card->name == NULL)
+		card->name = "PIV-II card";
-	r = piv_find_aid(card, priv->aid_file);
-	if (r < 0) {
-		 sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Failed to initialize %s\n", card->name);
+	/*
+	 * Set card_issues based on card type either set by piv_match_card or by opensc.conf 
+	 */
+	switch(card->type) {
+			sc_format_apdu(card, &apdu, SC_APDU_CASE_2_SHORT, 0xFD, 0x00, 0x00);
+			apdu.lc = 0;
+			apdu.data = NULL;
+			apdu.datalen = 0;
+			apdu.resp = neo_version_buf;
+			apdu.resplen = sizeof(neo_version_buf);
+			apdu.le = apdu.resplen;
+			r = sc_transmit_apdu(card, &apdu);
+			priv->neo_version = (neo_version_buf[0]<<16) | (neo_version_buf[1] <<8) | neo_version_buf[2];
+			sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "NEO card->type=%d, r=0x%08x version=0x%08x",
+					card->type, r, priv->neo_version);
+			break;
+	/* 
+	 * set card_issues flags based card->type and new versions
+	 * YubiKey NEO and Ybuikey 4 have PIV applets, with compliance issues 
+	 * with the the NIST 800-73-3 specs The OpenSC developers do not have 
+	 * access to the different versions the NEO and 4, so it is a best 
+	 * if using a protected object can be use to test verify state. 
+	 * TODO use NEO version numbers to set the flags. Allows for finer control
+	 * but needs input from Yubico or users. 
+	 */ 
+	switch(card->type) {
+			priv->card_issues = CI_NO_EC384
+				| CI_VERIFY_630X
+			break;
+			priv->card_issues = CI_VERIFY_LC0_FAIL
+			break;
+			priv->card_issues = 0;
+			break;
+			priv->card_issues = CI_VERIFY_LC0_FAIL
+			break;
+		default:
+		     priv->card_issues = 0; /* opensc.conf may have it wrong, continue anyway */
+		     sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Unknown PIV card->type %d\n", card->type);
+		     card->type = SC_CARD_TYPE_PIV_II_BASE;
+	}
+	sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "PIV card-type=%d card_issues=0x%08x", card->type, priv->card_issues);
 	priv->enumtag = piv_aids[r].enumtag;
-	card->type = piv_aids[r].enumtag;
 	/* PKCS#11 may try to generate session keys, and get confused
@@ -2906,8 +3073,10 @@ static int piv_init(sc_card_t *card)
 	_sc_card_add_ec_alg(card, 256, flags, ext_flags, NULL);
-	_sc_card_add_ec_alg(card, 384, flags, ext_flags, NULL);
+	if (!(priv->card_issues & CI_NO_EC384))
+		_sc_card_add_ec_alg(card, 384, flags, ext_flags, NULL);
+	/* TODO may turn off SC_CARD_CAP_ISO7816_PIN_INFO later */
 	card->caps |= SC_CARD_CAP_RNG | SC_CARD_CAP_ISO7816_PIN_INFO;
@@ -2929,31 +3098,122 @@ static int piv_check_sw(struct sc_card *card, unsigned int sw1, unsigned int sw2
 	struct sc_card_driver *iso_drv = sc_get_iso7816_driver();
-	const u8 *yubikey_neo_atr =
-		(const u8*)"\x3B\xFC\x13\x00\x00\x81\x31\xFE\x15\x59\x75\x62\x69\x6B\x65\x79\x4E\x45\x4F\x72\x33\xE1";
-	if (card->atr.len != 22 || memcmp(card->atr.value, yubikey_neo_atr, 22) != 0)
-		return iso_drv->ops->check_sw(card, sw1, sw2);
+	int r;
+	piv_private_data_t * priv = PIV_DATA(card);
-	/* Handle here the Yubikey NEO, which returns 0x0X rather than 0xCX to
-	 * indicate the number of remaining PIN retries.  Perhaps they misread the
-	 * spec and thought 0xCX meant "clear" or "don't care", not a literal 0xC! */
-	if (sw1 == 0x63U && (sw2 & ~0x0fU) == 0x00U && sw2 != 0) {
-		 sc_log(card->ctx, "Verification failed (remaining tries: %d)", (sw2 & 0x0f));
-	}
+	/* may be called before piv_init  has allocated priv */
+	if (priv) {
+		/* need to save sw1 and sw2 if trying to determine card_state from pin_cmd */
+		if (priv->pin_cmd_verify) {
+			priv->pin_cmd_verify_sw1 = sw1;
+			priv->pin_cmd_verify_sw2 = sw2;
+		}
+		if (priv->card_issues & CI_VERIFY_630X) {
-	return iso_drv->ops->check_sw(card, sw1, sw2);
+		/* Handle the Yubikey NEO or any other PIV card which returns in response to a verify 
+		 * 63 0X rather than 63 CX indicate the number of remaining PIN retries.
+		 * Perhaps they misread the spec and thought 0xCX meant "clear" or "don't care", not a literal 0xC!
+		 */
+			if (priv->pin_cmd_verify && sw1 == 0x63U) {
+				priv->pin_cmd_verify_sw2 |= 0xC0U; /* make it easier to test in other code */
+				if ((sw2 & ~0x0fU) == 0x00U) {
+					sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Verification failed (remaining tries: %d)", (sw2 & 0x0f));
+					/* this is what the iso_check_sw returns for 63 C0 */
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	r = iso_drv->ops->check_sw(card, sw1, sw2);
+	return r;
+static int piv_check_protected_objects(sc_card_t *card)
+	int r = 0;
+	int i;
+	piv_private_data_t * priv = PIV_DATA(card);
+	u8 buf[8]; /* tag of 53 with 82 xx xx  will fit in 4 */
+	u8 * rbuf;
+	size_t buf_len;
+	static int protected_objects[] = {PIV_OBJ_PI, PIV_OBJ_CHF, PIV_OBJ_IRIS_IMAGE};
+	/*
+	 * routine only called from piv_pin_cmd after verify lc=0 did not return 90 00
+	 * We will test for a protected object using GET DATA. 
+	 *
+	 * Based on observations, of cards using the GET DATA APDU,
+	 * SC_ERROR_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED  means the PIN not verified,
+	 * SC_SUCCESS means PIN has been verified even if it has length 0
+	 * SC_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (which is the bug) does not tell us anything
+	 * about the state of the PIN and we will try the next object.  
+	 * 
+	 * If we can't determine the security state from this process,
+	 * set card_issues CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE
+	 * The curcomvention is to add a dummy Printed Info object in the card. 
+	 * so we will have an object to test. 
+	 * 
+	 * We save the object's number to use in the future.
+	 * 
+	 */
+	if (priv->object_test_verify == 0) {
+		for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(protected_objects)/sizeof(int)); i++) {
+			buf_len = sizeof(buf);
+			priv->pin_cmd_noparse = 1; /* tell piv_general_io dont need to parse at all. */
+			rbuf = buf;
+			r = piv_get_data(card, protected_objects[i], &rbuf, &buf_len);
+			priv->pin_cmd_noparse = 0;
+			/* TODO may need to check sw1 and sw2 to see what really happened */
+				/* we can use this object next time if needed */
+				priv->object_test_verify = protected_objects[i];
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (priv->object_test_verify == 0) {
+			/*
+			 * none of the objects returned acceptable sw1, sw2 
+			 */
+			sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "No protected objects found, setting CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE");
+			priv->card_issues |= CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE;
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* use the one object we found earlier. Test is security status has changed */
+		buf_len = sizeof(buf);
+		priv->pin_cmd_noparse = 1; /* tell piv_general_io dont need to parse at all. */
+		rbuf = buf;
+		r = piv_get_data(card, priv->object_test_verify, &rbuf, &buf_len);
+		priv->pin_cmd_noparse = 0;
+	}
+	else if (r > 0)
+		r = SC_SUCCESS;
+	sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "object_test_verify=%d, card_issues = 0x%08x", priv->object_test_verify, priv->card_issues);
 static int piv_pin_cmd(sc_card_t *card, struct sc_pin_cmd_data *data,
                        int *tries_left)
+	int r = 0;
+	piv_private_data_t * priv = PIV_DATA(card);
 	/* Extra validation of (new) PIN during a PIN change request, to
 	 * ensure it's not outside the FIPS 201 (numeric only) and
 	 * FIPS 140-2 (6 character minimum) requirements.
 	struct sc_card_driver *iso_drv = sc_get_iso7816_driver();
+	sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL,"piv_pin_cmd tries_left=%d, logged_in=%d", priv->tries_left, priv->logged_in);
 	if (data->cmd == SC_PIN_CMD_CHANGE) {
 		int i = 0;
 		if (data->pin2.len < 6) {
@@ -2965,7 +3225,81 @@ static int piv_pin_cmd(sc_card_t *card, struct sc_pin_cmd_data *data,
-	return iso_drv->ops->pin_cmd(card, data, tries_left);
+	priv->pin_cmd_verify_sw1 = 0x00U;
+	if (data->cmd == SC_PIN_CMD_GET_INFO) { /* fill in what we think it should be */
+		data->pin1.logged_in = priv->logged_in;
+		data->pin1.tries_left = priv->tries_left;
+		if (tries_left)
+			*tries_left = priv->tries_left;
+	}
+	priv->pin_cmd_verify = 1; /* tell piv_check_sw its a verify to save sw1, sw2 */
+	r = iso_drv->ops->pin_cmd(card, data, tries_left);
+	priv->pin_cmd_verify = 0;
+	/* if access to applet is know to be reset by other driver  we select_aid and try again */
+	if ( priv->card_issues & CI_OTHER_AID_LOSE_STATE && priv->pin_cmd_verify_sw1 == 0x6DU) {
+		sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "AID may be lost doing piv_find_aid and retry pin_cmd");
+		r = piv_find_aid(card, priv->aid_file); /* return not tested */
+		priv->pin_cmd_verify = 1; /* tell piv_check_sw its a verify to save sw1, sw2 */
+		r = iso_drv->ops->pin_cmd(card, data, tries_left);
+		priv->pin_cmd_verify = 0;
+	}
+	/* If verify worked, we are loged_in */
+	if (data->cmd == SC_PIN_CMD_VERIFY) {
+	    if (r >= 0)
+		priv->logged_in = SC_PIN_STATE_LOGGED_IN;
+	    else 
+		priv->logged_in = SC_PIN_STATE_LOGGED_OUT;
+	}
+	/* Some cards never return 90 00  for SC_PIN_CMD_GET_INFO even if the card state is verified */
+	/* PR 797 has changed the return codes from pin_cmd, and added a data->pin1.logged_in flag */
+	if (data->cmd == SC_PIN_CMD_GET_INFO) {
+		if (priv->card_issues & CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE) {
+			sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE set, assume logged_in=%d", priv->logged_in);
+			data->pin1.logged_in =  priv->logged_in; /* use what ever we saw last */
+		} else if (priv->card_issues & CI_VERIFY_LC0_FAIL
+			&& priv->pin_cmd_verify_sw1 == 0x63U ) { /* can not use modified return codes from iso->drv->pin_cmd */
+				/* try another method, looking at a protected object this may require adding one of these to NEO */
+			    r = piv_check_protected_objects(card);
+			if (r == SC_SUCCESS)
+				data->pin1.logged_in = SC_PIN_STATE_LOGGED_IN;
+			else if (r ==  SC_ERROR_PIN_CODE_INCORRECT) {
+				if (priv->card_issues & CI_CANT_USE_GETDATA_FOR_STATE) { /* we still can not determine login state */
+					data->pin1.logged_in = priv->logged_in; /* may have be set from SC_PIN_CMD_VERIFY */
+					/* TODO a reset may have logged us out. need to detect resets */
+				} else {
+					data->pin1.logged_in = SC_PIN_STATE_LOGGED_OUT;
+				}
+				r = SC_SUCCESS;
+			}
+		}
+		priv->logged_in = data->pin1.logged_in;
+		priv->tries_left = data->pin1.tries_left;
+	}
+	sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL,"piv_pin_cmd tries_left=%d, logged_in=%d",priv->tries_left, priv->logged_in);
+static int piv_logout(sc_card_t *card)
+	int r = 0;
+	/* piv_private_data_t * priv = PIV_DATA(card); */
+	/* TODO 800-73-3 does not define a logout, 800-73-4 does */
@@ -2980,6 +3314,7 @@ static struct sc_card_driver * sc_get_driver(void)
 	piv_ops.select_file =  piv_select_file; /* must use get/put, could emulate? */
 	piv_ops.get_challenge = piv_get_challenge;
+	piv_ops.logout = piv_logout;
 	piv_ops.read_binary = piv_read_binary;
 	piv_ops.write_binary = piv_write_binary;
 	piv_ops.set_security_env = piv_set_security_env;
diff --git a/src/libopensc/cards.h b/src/libopensc/cards.h
index 94ec1d4..5c8fb40 100644
--- a/src/libopensc/cards.h
+++ b/src/libopensc/cards.h
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ enum {
 	/* PIV-II type cards */
 	/* MuscleApplet */

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