[Pkg-osg-devel] Embedded zlib
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 12:13:41 UTC 2011
On Friday 28 January 2011 17:48:14 Alberto Luaces wrote:
> Hi,
> every day Debian packaging tools amuse me a little bit more. This time,
> lintian caught an embedded zlib library into the zip plugin. Indeed, the
> unzip.{h,cpp} files contain the code. I have disabled this plugin at the
> moment.
> The not so easy part is how to get rid of those files. unzip.{h,cpp} not
> only hold zlib, but some additional code for accesing files into a zip
> archive, which was the main reason they were added to the plugin. The
> plugin just calls three functions of the embedded library --- OpenZip,
> UnzipItem and CloseZip ---. The problem is to find some available code
> that does the same but depends on the external zlib.
> So far I have found some code, "minizip", in the contrib directory of
> zlib source. It owns a pair of files unzip.{h,c} whose content is
> different from the ones currently in OSG, but they seem to offer the
> same functionality --- they have unzOpen, unzClose... ---. I think we
> could send a solution implemented in terms of those files to upstream.
> But I wanted to know first your opinion in case you have worked with
> zlib some more than me, that is almost no time.
Nope, I haven't any experience with zlib :(
It would be a nice solution if they implemented it upstream, yep -- the more
patches that we add to the package, the worse.
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com>
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