[Pkg-osg-devel] Bug#662455: openscenegraph: Please Build-Depends on libpng-dev, change from libpng12-dev

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 09:56:05 UTC 2012

2012/3/14 Alberto Luaces <aluaces at udc.es>:
>>> So I don't understand... cannot we just depen on libpng-dev (instead
>>> of libpng12-dev) and upload and that's it?
> Yes, that's all. Somehow I was thinking that libpng12-dev didn't provide
> libpng-dev.
> [...]
> Nothing at all. It was an artificial problem that I created myself.

Heh, no problem.  So would you like to do it, to gain DM-points?


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