[Pkg-osg-devel] Proprietary geo plugin

Alberto Luaces aluaces at udc.es
Tue May 28 20:33:58 UTC 2013

"Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo" writes:


> Yes, that's it.  It would be better if they remove it in future releases.

They are discussing it in the mailing list, that is how I noticed it.
Maybe I will have to remember it to them if it is not done in a few

> BTW, 3.0.1 was ages ago, any news about new releases?

The developer 3.1.7 version was just released yesterday, but 3.1.8 is
also supposed to be released soon.  I think it could be good to package
3.1.7, since I'm having problems with the dfsg version.



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