[Pkg-osm-commits] hello my friend help me

Lssah Alim lssahalim at yahoo.com.ph
Tue Oct 25 20:38:29 UTC 2011


alssahs at yahoo.com

God bless you
I am Mr. Al-Issah Salim from Misrata, Libya. I lost my father who was a serving military chief under Col Muammar Gaddafi collapsed regime.
I am presently on exile in UAE and need urgent assistance to present foreign beneficiary to enable me take possession of my family Gold.
All I want is a reliable partner that can come in as my business partner and receive the seven (7) trunk boxes containing Cash, Gold so that we share 50/50. I have all the proofing documents and will be sending it to you upon receipt of your full consent.
May God bless us all as I wait your prompt response confirming your readiness to help me achieve this business for real and good of us all.

Yours truly,
Al-Issah Salim
E-mail;alssahs at yahoo.com
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