[Pkg-osm-commits] [SCM] leaflet annotated tag, v0.5, created. v0.5

Vladimir Agafonkin agafonkin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 01:34:42 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, v0.5 has been created
        at  e6f8e4b5f94dc453285d447ac80289573aa4567a (tag)
   tagging  eed2c8a12b073f95e41c2180b17e8db6e56a9bff (commit)
  replaces  v0.4.4
 tagged by  Vladimir Agafonkin
        on  Thu Jan 17 12:13:31 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.5

Aaron King (1):
      Fix issue 1226: IE10 "Invalid argument" error in version 0.5 defining retina

Adam Stull (1):
      Stop propagation of mouse event

Alexander Parshin (2):
      Allow HTML in Layer Names (issue #1009)
      fix indent symbols

Brian Herbert (2):
      Allow null GeoJSON geometries.
      Simplifying condition for null geojson geometries.

Bryan McBride (1):
      Typo and grammar fixes

Calvin Metcalf (2):
      GeoJSON GeometryCollection passes consisent params to pointToLayer
      fixed the whitespace and also removed the quotes in object keys

Dave Leaver (5):
      Merge pull request #1023 from danzel/polyedit
      Merge pull request #1046 from inpursuit/bug/2
      Merge pull request #1050 from jacobtoye/master
      Merge pull request #1076 from danzel/ie10
      Merge pull request #1278 from danzel/master

Dominik Moritz (1):
      Implemented isValid() function for Bounds and LatLngBounds. Fixes issue #966. Added specification.

Felixls (1):
      Update build/build.js

Fleur Kelpin (1):
      radius is part of CircleMarker style so should be changeable in using

John Firebaugh (4):
      Ensure that getBounds can be called during the first moveend event
      Test the right class
      Add a baselayerchange event
      Add Map#whenReady

Jon Stevens (2):
      null check setting of document.onselectstart
      fix for issue #892 , second time around.

Manuel Ohlendorf (2):
      fixes Issue 1204: border width is now added to viewpoint offset calculation
      fix indentation: use tabs instead of spaces

Marc Jansen (1):
      Add missing semicolon.

Marcel Sulek (2):
      IE10 double-tap fix - binding touchEvent methods instead of deleting them
      IE10 - fix of not simulating clicks even when drag was within TAP_TOLERANCE

Mattias Bengtsson (8):
      Add a debug page exposing the bugs that happen when switching layers with different zoom levels.
      Fix for https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/pull/623
      Added a bunch of tests and fixed some bugs those exposed.
      Wrap the last test in a map.whenReady to ensure the map has finished loading
      Stupid typo
      Add a missing semi colon and make one line < 80 chars
      Add test for ensuring maxZoom and minZoom on the map overrides any layer settings.
      Smaller inner border radius.

Mehmet Alkanlar (1):
      Fixed issue with Polyline.Edit remove hook.

OriginalSin (1):
      Update src/layer/tile/TileLayer.js

Pascal Borreli (1):
      Fixed typos

Steve (1):
      Semicolons in spec

Tom Hughes (1):
      Update the Layers control when layers are added or removed

Vladimir Agafonkin (205):
      check if path is already in front in bringToFront, same for bringToBack
      fix geojson example for IE
      optimize images with OptiPNG
      get rid of the legacy L.Transition, replace with a better and simpler L.PosAnimation
      optimize requestAnimFrame for IE6-8
      update changelog
      update build with panning anim improvements
      Merge pull request #893 from lookfirst/issue-892
      improved scroll wheel zoom to be more responsive
      fixed glitches with zooming on pan animation and panning on zoom animation
      update build
      fix default icon anchor
      fix touch zoom regression
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:CloudMade/Leaflet
      fix various master regressions
      Merge pull request #961 from danzel/canvas-fixes
      Merge pull request #963 from danzel/zindex
      Merge pull request #968 from danzel/tilelayer-fixes
      update build and changelog, do not prevent tile loading on pan animation
      Merge pull request #972 from domoritz/master
      update build and changelog
      Merge pull request #1007 from danzel/ie10
      Merge pull request #1011 from waldir/patch-2
      do not detect VML if SVG is supported, related to #870 comments
      Merge pull request #1033 from danzel/fix-events
      update build and changelog
      Merge pull request #1027 from jfirebaugh/loaded
      Merge pull request #1038 from jacobtoye/popupdecouple
      Merge pull request #1049 from danzel/fix-events
      Merge pull request #1051 from jacobtoye/MarkerDragMoveEventFix
      update build and changelog
      add initial contribution info
      update contributing guide
      more contributing guide updates
      final contrubution guide adjustments
      fix mdash in contrib guide
      Merge pull request #1058 from bmcbride/master
      Merge pull request #1060 from danzel/zoom-fixes
      Merge pull request #1062 from jfirebaugh/spec
      add built files to gitignore to avoid confusion, update build
      Merge pull request #1064 from jfirebaugh/baselayerchange
      Merge pull request #1063 from jfirebaugh/load
      Merge pull request #1067 from marcjansen/master
      Merge pull request #1055 from aparshin/layers-control-html
      fix Circle getBounds, closes #1068
      precision argument for LatLng toString
      update build
      Merge pull request #1071 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #1072 from jacobtoye/OldIEBoxZoomOpacity
      update changelog and build
      update changelog
      simplify vector animation, @danzel check it out lol
      clean up browser detection
      fix typo in browser detection
      update changelog with 0.4.5 info
      update website link to leafletjs.com
      Fix logo in readme
      Merge pull request #1098 from danzel/popup
      Merge pull request #1099 from danzel/rtl
      Merge pull request #1100 from danzel/rtl
      disregard line endings when comparing size
      update changelog
      update build
      Merge pull request #914 from jacobtoye/MarkerBringToFront
      refactor and cleanup marker bringToFront option
      update changelog and build
      fix TileLayer.Canvas drawTile zoom argument
      add CRS.Simple to the build
      Merge pull request #955 from danzel/longpress
      update license year
      add Path closePopup method, fix a couple of issues
      improve readme
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:CloudMade/Leaflet
      improve contributing guide and fix readme
      update website link, update build
      Merge pull request #1117 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #1120 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #1121 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #1122 from jacobtoye/LayerGroupEvents
      different whitespace fixes (smart tabs, lines no longer than 100)
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:CloudMade/Leaflet
      more whitespace fixes
      and some more whitespace fixes
      fix typos and regression in #1122
      add shortcuts for extend, bind, stamp and setOptions
      Merge pull request #1127 from danzel/master
      improve zoom animation curve
      rewrite and tweak inertia easing to make it smoother
      update buikd
      Merge pull request #1131 from danzel/master
      cut images in size by 64% with Yahoo Smush.it, update changelog
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:CloudMade/Leaflet
      reorganize CSS, improve dragging cursors
      CSS whitespace fixes
      fix bug in #1131, update build
      update version to 0.5
      Merge pull request #1134 from pborreli/typos
      new zoom control look, various style fixes and cleanup
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:CloudMade/Leaflet
      update build
      subtle control style changes
      fiddling with styles more
      more css fiddling
      improve scale control styles
      convenience method for debugging
      update changelog
      add Point equals method
      fix shift-click on the map
      add Marker contextmenu event
      update changelog and build
      fixed non-rounded panBy, closes #1085
      fix slight scrolling zoom bug, closes #1039
      make zoom buttons disabled when reaching min/max, closes #917
      update build
      stop mousewheel propagation in layers control, related to #845
      Merge pull request #1148 from waldir/patch-3
      Merge pull request #1151 from danzel/touch-and-mouse
      fix dashArray in IE, closes #1091
      bg transparent for popup close button in CSS, closes #897
      Merge pull request #1158 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #1166 from OriginalSin/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1167 from yohanboniface/layers_control
      Merge pull request #1171 from dreamfall/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1169 from tomhughes/layers
      Merge pull request #1159 from moonlite/master
      Merge pull request #1188 from danzel/zoom-fixes
      Merge pull request #1189 from danzel/canvas-fixes
      Merge pull request #1193 from lookfirst/issue-892-2
      Fix rectangle having duplicate last point, close #1185
      revert clearing map div contents, fix positioning, close #278 again
      Merge pull request #1205 from mohlendo/master
      update build
      revert debug border
      fix chaining in marker methods, close #1176
      fix text selection regression, #1193, #892
      disable worldCopyJump by default, minor cleanup
      remove LatLng coords wrapping/clamping, add explicit LatLng wrap method
      fix infinite recursion in latLngBounds factory, close #933
      fix GeoJSON resetStyle not fully resetting, close #1112
      add Bounds getSize method
      tweak simple projection, add debug file
      simplify zoom animation calculations a bit
      Merge pull request #1212 from moonlite/1178-zoomlevels-take2
      update LatLng specs after removing default clamping/wrapping
      implement hooks for Class constructors (AOP-style), close #1123
      fix WMS tile wrapping regression, close #970
      update changelog
      update build
      fix changelog typo
      fix regression in GeoJSON resetStyle, close #1112
      make Transformation class more lightweight
      add ability to call init hooks manually in the constructor
      add missing semicolon
      add Path add event
      move editing stuff out of Polyline.js into Polyline.Edit.js
      update build scripts to work with UglifyJS2
      jshint fixes and cleanup for uglifyjs2
      update build with UglifyJS2
      refactor build scripts, cleanup
      update build
      Merge pull request #1222 from jacobtoye/aopfix
      Merge pull request #1221 from snkashis/keypress_bounds
      cleanup keyboard maxbounds
      use lightweight classes for LatLngBounds and Bounds
      more comments and cleanup
      update build
      made up my mind about comment format, add some more comments
      better dependencies formatting
      Merge pull request #1229 from yohanboniface/Path_openPopup_fix
      Merge pull request #1233 from mehmeta/leafletmaster
      Merge pull request #1237 from Felixls/patch-1
      Merge pull request #1231 from snkashis/fix_wms_params
      Merge pull request #1243 from snkashis/fix_canvas_ref
      Merge pull request #1244 from danzel/fix-events
      Merge pull request #1240 from brianherbert/allow-null-geojson
      Merge pull request #1245 from danzel/ie
      Merge pull request #1251 from Guiswa/dev/guiswa/issue1226
      fix iOS vectir zoom anim regression, close #1259
      update build
      update license year
      update link to the new repo location
      Merge pull request #1265 from krekoten/contributing-fix
      double quotes to single
      attempt to fix Android 4.1 zoom freeze, #1182
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Leaflet/Leaflet
      fix TileLayer.brintToFront/Back on IE6-8, close #1168
      Merge pull request #1216 from moonlite/better-zoomcontrol-borders-take2
      Merge pull request #1013 from fdlk/set-radius-in-style
      udpate copyright to be more precise
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Leaflet/Leaflet
      Merge pull request #1273 from snkashis/fix_circle_clicks
      Update README.md
      Oops, revert accidental commit
      Merge pull request #1174 from danzel/master
      Merge pull request #1097 from calvinmetcalf/GeometryCollection
      Merge pull request #1279 from oslek/isArray
      update build
      update changelog
      update changelog
      fix changelog
      update changelog more
      minor cleanup
      update zoom control styles, extract general toolbar classes, fix #1209
      fix whitespace, update build
      fix FF minus key, close #869, update changelog and build

Waldir (3):
      Fix #916
      Use [semantic linebreaks](http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2012/one-sentence-per-line/)
      use semantic linebreaks also in CONTRIBUTING.md

Yohan Boniface (2):
      Return created HTML element in Control.Layers._addItem
      Eventlistener is Path._openPopup not Path.openPopup

danzel (72):
      Optimize _requestUpdate in Path.Canvas. Don't repeatedly request and cancel animation frames (previous code wasn't actually canceling the requests anyway!).
      Correct zIndex behaviour (Previously if you had 2 layers, neither of which had a zindex we'd set the zIndex to 0 on bringToBack and not remember it. On zoom it would revert). Add a test page for tile layer zIndex. Refs #959
      Add a test case for removing a tile layer while dragging. Just start dragging the map and it breaks.
      Fix for removing a TileLayer while dragging the map. Would be nicer if we could disable a limitExecByInterval, but this works.
      Fix up issues reported by mourner https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/pull/961/files#r1508267
      IE needs translate(0,0) hack to animate right too. Fixes #870. (Fix found by oliverheilig, thanks!)
      Add another point to the polyline edit example so that it can reproduce #1022
      Fix deleting 2 end nodes from a poly line. Fixes #1022
      Allow SVG Path click propogation. Fixes #834
      Allow click events on Path.SVG elements to fall through if they are not handled.
      Allow click events on Marker elements to fall through if they are not handled.
      More tidyups for #1046
      Fix tile zoom animation in latest chrome canary and remove the translate(0,0) hack for other browsers as this fixes it too :-) Fixes #1056
      Fix boxzoom for ie7, was trying to set negative width which is a JS error
      Add msTouch detection
      Make touch events work for IE10 using a wrapper approach (similar to DomEvent.DoubleTap). DoubleTap touch on IE10 doesn't currently work but everything else does. Refs #871
      Make DomEvent.DoubleTap support MSPointer* events. Had to track touch count manually and clone the object so we can change the type.
      JSHint happiness
      Add listeners for MSPointerCancel, hopefully fixes remaining touch issues. Also fixes removeDoubleTapListener for all platforms
      Attempt a fix at the screen edge bug
      Remove duplicate comment
      Ensure we still fire the dragend event. Move click simulation until after the drag has finished (clicking during a drag seems weird).
      Fix up my stupidness with add/removeEventListener. Fixes the zoom drag off screen bug without needing the work around
      Remove debug logs
      Fix up double tap listener with ie10. We listen for up events on the document so that we get all of them, otherwise we will miss some and mess up our touch coun tracking.
      The internal MSPointerUp/Cancel listener should be set on the document and never let go otherwise we can miss MSPointerUp events.
      Fix up DoubleTap in ie10 emulation mode bailing as touches isn't set (which it of course isn't!)
      jshint happiness
      update changelog and build
      If a popup is removed from the map during viewreset we still try to remove it from the map, check we are still on the map first. Fixes #1094
      Update L.DomUtil.getViewportOffset to support dir="rtl"
      Cache remembering if the document is Left to right. Do it at the document level rather than the element level as it isn't likely to change.
      Only apply scrollWidth/clientWidth for webkit. Other browsers handle it differently.
      Text alignment
      Add ie7 browser detection :(
      Make getStyle work for ie < 9. Make IE<=7 support RTL too.
      Make jshint happy
      Add LongPress support to mobile. Fires a contextmenu event after a single press without movement of 1 second
      Need to clone the x/y of the touch as the actual object gets updated. This fixes contextMenu occurring while touch panning the map.
      Rewrite longpress->contextmenu to live inside Draggable instead as it needs deep interaction with it. When an emulated contextmenu is fired on touch we stop dragging and stop a click event from occurring. New map option to disable it if required: touchContextMenuEmulation
      Stop touchStart propagation in Draggable. Without this dragging marker will fire a contextmenu event on touch as the map gets a touch start/end event but none of the moves.
      Cancel contextMenu emulation timeout if >1 touches happen (Put them down for a touch zoom and didn't move them for example)
      Rename contextMenuEmulation -> longPress
      Use L.Util.bind instead of var self.
      Rename timeout to match other vars
      Disable longPress contextmenu emulation on msTouch, it natively fires its own contextmenu event after a longpress is released.
      Add zoom to leaflet-popup-content-wrapper to fix popup style in IE7. Fixes #1114
      Dragging a marker should not make a map click event.
      mousemove events need to propagate through path layers otherwise you cannot drag the map through them. Refs #1046
      Force a reflow when stopping a PanAnimation to start a ZoomAnimation so that the svg animation works correctly. Fixes #1125
      Move reflow into PosAnimation.stop so users don't have to implement it themselves.
      Sort of working Draggable support for touch+mouse devices.
      Get doubleclick on touch&mouse devices working. We need to add a touch doubletap emulator and a normal doubleclick listener
      Always enable scrollWheelZoom (fixes scroll wheel zoom on mouse+touch devices)
      Only wire move/end listeners for the thing we want to listen to.
      Fix up 2 places where L.Draggable.START hadn't been updated for it being an array (thanks mourner)
      Code tidyups from mourners feedback.
      Add setZIndex to LayerGroup to allow LayerGroups to work better with the layers control. Fixes #1096
      Use invoke to make this code smaller.
      jshint happy
      Re-order zoom end so we completely stop the zoom before getting people to redraw. Otherwise firefox will animate the canvas redrawing which is totally weird. Fixes #1187
      Always set canvas alpha. Fixes #1186
      Add svg source for icon and replace icon with one from the SVG. (Redrawn from original, pretty close but not perfect)
      Add iconRetinaUrl and shadowRetinaUrl to set urls for retina icons. Add a retina version of the default icon and use it.
      Another pass at redrawing the icon. This one looks really close to the original
      Move marker svg to src/images/marker.svg
      Another pass at the icon. Moved the mid point of the circle down half a pixel to improve the roundness. Tweaked the size of the white circle to better match the old one.
      compress images better (smushit)
      Change marker click tracking. Only care if the map has been dragged if we are not draggable.
      Re-add L.Browser.ie as it is used in debug\vector\geojson.html(113). Fixes #1242
      Another pass on marker-icon, better grid fitting.
      Fix jshint unhappiness (Thanks @Guiswa)

dreamfall (1):
      fix error in initializing map on hidden iframe in Firefox

jacobtoye (16):
      Make icons appear on top of others on mouse over.
      Set the icons z-index to show in front after zoom.
      Remove unnecessary comment.
      Fixing jshint error
      Refactor closing and moving a marker's popup.
      Unbind the remove and move event handlers when we unbind the popup.
      Make sure popup is closed when Path is removed from map.
      Adding unbindPopup method to L.Path.
      Making movePopup private.
      Fix up event handler method typo after movePopup rename.
      Bring _onDrag method in line with normal Leaflet coding conventions.
      Add latlng to 'move' event triggered on marker when marker is dragged.
      Fix box zoom opacity in < IE8.
      Added 'layeradd' and 'layerremove' events to LayerGroup.
      Change method for calling an objects initHooks to crawl up parents.
      Fixing addInitHooks specs to test inherited hooks and child class' hooks.

mourner (11):
      adjust panning inertia more
      improve PosAnimation code a bit
      minor code cleanup, more destructive point operations
      improve zoom control (shift-clicking)
      update changelog
      improve popup shadow
      fix code style issues #1159, update build
      build script fixes and cleanup
      fix a bug with FeatureGroup bindPopup not accepting options
      add Popup zoomAnimation option, fix #999
      update changelog

oslek (1):
      Robust array type check for cross-frame support

snkashis (7):
      Check bounds when navigating with keyboard. #989
      handle existing query strings for WMS urls , #973
      cleanup to match convention
      whitespace for hash
      handling no existingUrl scenario
      pass the clicked obj, not the map.
      Remove click handler with onRemove

Мар'ян Крекотень (Marjan Krekoten') (1):
      Add missing "be" to CONTRIBUTING.md


JavaScript library for displaying map data in web browsers

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