[pkg-otr-team] Propose merger as pkg-privacy-tools

Ximin Luo infinity0 at pwned.gg
Sat Oct 4 11:47:45 UTC 2014


I think it would be good to merge both groups into one. We already share pretty much the same members, and there is a lot of overlap in terms of topic, too.

pkg-anonymity-tools currently maintains some Tor Pluggable Transports which is not strictly anonymity, which was a concern I had when the group was formed. pkg-otr-team is very restricted in scope, which was a concern I had when that group was formed.

Both concerns would be resolved if the terms were merged. Running a team carries some overhead, and this would overall be reduced. Also, having a more general topic is better so we don't need to worry about selecting the right category for future packages. It also makes it easier for newbie or potential maintainers to see similar packages that they might take responsibility for, and having a larger team helps with publicity too.

In the future, we could also bring monkeysphere and/or gnupg into this as well.



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